module MidasClient class Management < Request include EndPoints # This method LIST all POS in MIDAS. # This is a is synchronous operation, using method GET # # Params: # None # # # Response: # { # "result": { # "success": true, # "code": "000", # "message": "Sucesso" # }, # "pointsOfSale": [ # { # "code": "pdv01", # "description": "PDV de Teste 1 (Cielo)" # }, # { # "code": "pdv02", # # "description": "PDV de Teste 2 (Stone)" # }] # } # def self.list_pos() # define o método de envio da requisição method = :get # monta a URL de chamada da requisição endpoint = EndPoints.get_env[:url] + EndPoints::MANAGEMENTS[:context] + EndPoints::MANAGEMENTS[:list_pos] # monta authorization base64 no header headers={content_type: :json, accept: :json, authorization: EndPoints.get_env[:management_auth]} # faz a chamada a plataforma de pagamento (MIDAS) external_request(method, endpoint, {}, headers) end # This method creates an POS in midas. # This is a is synchronous operation, using method POST # # Params: # code: string - Represents the name of the POS # description: string - Description about the POS # # # Response: # result: { # success: true/false # code: "XXX" # message: "Some message to you" # }, # accessToken: "3Lpv2ecaeBa4Kffuf0CbWfF1j6I5eg==" # def self.create_pos(code, description) # define o método de envio da requisição method = :post # monta a URL de chamada da requisição endpoint = EndPoints.get_env[:url] + EndPoints::MANAGEMENTS[:context] + EndPoints::MANAGEMENTS[:create_pos] # monta os parâmetros da requisição na url params = { code: code, description: description} # monta authorization base64 no header headers={content_type: :json, accept: :json, authorization: EndPoints.get_env[:management_auth]} # faz a chamada a plataforma de pagamento (MIDAS) response = external_request(method, endpoint, params, headers) return response[:result], response[:acessToken] end end end