require 'set' module Onoma # An item of a nomenclature is the core data. class Item attr_reader :nomenclature, :left, :right, :depth, :aliases, :parent_name attr_accessor :name, :attributes alias properties attributes # New item def initialize(nomenclature, name, options = {}) @nomenclature = nomenclature @name = name.to_s @left, @right = @nomenclature.new_boundaries @depth = 0 @parent = nil @parent_name = nil parent = options.delete(:parent) if parent.is_a?(Symbol) || parent.is_a?(String) @parent_name = parent.to_s else self.parent = parent end @attributes = {}.with_indifferent_access @children = options.each do |k, v| set(k, v) end end def root? !parent end def parent=(item) old_parent_name = @parent_name old_parent = @parent if item.nil? @parent = nil @parent_name = nil else if item.is_a?(Symbol) || item.is_a?(String) item = nomenclature.find!(item.to_s) end if item.nomenclature != nomenclature raise 'Item must come from same nomenclature' end if item.parents.any? { |p| self == p } || self == item raise 'Circular dependency. Item can be parent of itself.' end @parent = item @parent_name = end if old_parent_name != @parent_name old_parent.delete_child(self) if old_parent @parent.add_child(self) if @parent @nomenclature.rebuild_tree! end end def add_child(item) @children << item end def delete_child(item) @children.delete(item) end # Changes parent without rebuilding def parent_name=(name) @parent = nil @parent_name = name.to_s end def parent? parent.present? end def parent return @parent if @parent @parent = find_parent @parent.add_child(self) if @parent @parent end alias fetch_parent parent def find_parent @nomenclature.find(@parent_name) end def degree_of_kinship_with(other) other_item = item_for_comparison(other) a = self_and_parents.reverse b = other_item.self_and_parents.reverse return nil if a.first != b.first common_lineage = 0 a.size.times do |index| break if a[index].nil? || b[index].nil? || a[index] != b[index] common_lineage += 1 end a.size + b.size - 2 * common_lineage end def original_nomenclature_name return unless root? nil end # Returns children recursively by default def children(options = {}) if options[:index].is_a?(FalseClass) if options[:recursively].is_a?(FalseClass) @children.to_a else children(index: false, recursive: false).each_with_object([]) do |item, list| list << item list += item.children(index: false, recursive: true) list end end else if options[:recursively].is_a?(FalseClass) do |item| @left < item.left && item.right < @right && item.depth == @depth + 1 end else # @children ||= do |item| @left < item.left && item.right < @right end end end end def root parent? ? parent.root : self end # Returns direct parents from the closest to the farthest def parents @parents ||= (parent.nil? ? [] : [parent] + parent.parents) end def self_and_children(options = {}) [self] + children(options) end def self_and_parents [self] + parents end def rise(&block) result = yield(self) return result if result parent ? parent.rise(&block) : nil end # Computes left/right value for nested set # Returns right index def rebuild_tree! @nomenclature.forest_right = rebuild_tree(@nomenclature.forest_right + 1) end # Computes left/right value for nested set # Returns right index def rebuild_tree(left = 0, depth = 0) @depth = depth @left = left @right = @left + 1 children(index: false, recursively: false).each do |child| @right = child.rebuild_tree(@right, @depth + 1) + 1 end @right end # Returns true if the given item name match the current item or its children def include?(other) self >= other end # Return human name of item def human_name(options = {}) scope = options.delete(:scope) no_attribute_translation = "nomenclatures.#{Onoma.escape_key(}.items.#{Onoma.escape_key(name)}" if scope scope_attribute = scope other_attributes = attributes.except(scope_attribute) scope_translation = "nomenclatures.#{Onoma.escape_key(}.items.#{Onoma.escape_key(scope_attribute)}.#{Onoma.escape_key(name)}" other_translations = { |attr_name, _value| "nomenclatures.#{Onoma.escape_key(}.items.#{Onoma.escape_key(attr_name)}.#{Onoma.escape_key(name)}" } root = scope_translation defaults = [no_attribute_translation, *other_translations] else scoped_by_attributes = { |attr_name, _value| "nomenclatures.#{Onoma.escape_key(}.items.#{Onoma.escape_key(attr_name)}.#{Onoma.escape_key(name)}" } root = "nomenclatures.#{Onoma.escape_key(}.items.#{Onoma.escape_key(name)}" defaults = scoped_by_attributes end I18n.t(root, options.merge(default: [*, "items.#{Onoma.escape_key(name)}".to_sym, "enumerize.#{Onoma.escape_key(}.#{Onoma.escape_key(name)}".to_sym, "labels.#{Onoma.escape_key(name)}".to_sym, name.humanize])) end alias humanize human_name alias localize human_name alias l localize def human_notion_name(notion_name, options = {}) I18n.t("nomenclatures.#{}.notions.#{notion_name}.#{name}", options.merge(default: ["labels.#{name}".to_sym])) end def ==(other) other = item_for_comparison(other) nomenclature == other.nomenclature && name == end def <=>(other) other = item_for_comparison(other) <=> && name <=> end def <(other) other = item_for_comparison(other) (other.left < @left && @right < other.right) end def >(other) other = item_for_comparison(other) (@left < other.left && other.right < @right) end def <=(other) other = item_for_comparison(other) (other.left <= @left && @right <= other.right) end def >=(other) other = item_for_comparison(other) (@left <= other.left && other.right <= @right) end def inspect "#{}-#{@name}(#{@left}-#{@right})" end def tree(depth = 0) text = "#{left.to_s.rjust(4)}-#{right.to_s.ljust(4)} #{' ' * depth}#{@name}:\n" text << children(index: false, recursively: false).collect do |c| c.tree(depth + 1) end.join("\n") text end def to_xml_attrs attrs = {} attrs[:name] = name attrs[:parent] = @parent_name if parent? properties.each do |pname, pvalue| if p =[pname.to_s] if p.type == :decimal pvalue = pvalue.to_s.to_f elsif p.list? pvalue = pvalue.join(', ') end end attrs[pname] = pvalue.to_s end attrs end # Returns property value def property(name) return @name.to_sym if name == :name property =[name] value = @attributes[name] if property if value.nil? && property.fallbacks property.fallbacks.each do |fallback| value ||= @attributes[fallback] break if value end end value ||= cast_property(name, property.default) if property.default end value end def selection(name) property =[name] if property.list? return property(name).collect do |i| ["nomenclatures.#{}.item_lists.#{}.#{name}.#{i}".t, i] end elsif property.nomenclature? target_nomenclature = Onoma.find(property(name).to_sym) unless target_nomenclature raise "Cannot find nomenclature: for #{property(name).inspect}" end return target_nomenclature.list.collect do |i| [i.human_name,] end else raise StandardError, 'Cannot call selection for a non-list property' end end # Checks if item has property with given name def has_property?(name) ![name].nil? end # Returns property descriptor def method_missing(method_name, *args) return property(method_name) if has_property?(method_name) super end def set(name, value) raise "Invalid property: #{name.inspect}" if %i[name parent].include?(name.to_sym) # # TODO: check format # if property =[name] # value ||= [] if property.list? # end if value.nil? @attributes.delete(name) else @attributes[name] = value end end private def cast_property(name, value) @nomenclature.cast_property(name, value) end def item_for_comparison(other) item = nomenclature[other.is_a?(Item) ? : other] unless item raise StandardError, "Invalid operand to compare: #{other.inspect} not in #{}" end item end end end