require(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper')) class IntegrationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup Factory.define :user do |f| f.first_name 'Jimi' f.last_name 'Hendrix' f.admin false {|a| "#{a.first_name}.#{a.last_name}".downcase } end Factory.define :post do |f| 'Test Post' {|a| a.association(:user) } end Factory.define :admin, :class => User do |f| f.first_name 'Ben' f.last_name 'Stein' f.admin true { } end Factory.sequence :email do |n| "somebody#{n}" end end def teardown Factory.send(:class_variable_get, "@@factories").clear end context "a generated attributes hash" do setup do @attrs = Factory.attributes_for(:user, :first_name => 'Bill') end should "assign all attributes" do assert_equal [:admin, :email, :first_name, :last_name], @attrs.keys.sort {|a, b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s } end should "correctly assign lazy, dependent attributes" do assert_equal "", @attrs[:email] end should "override attrbutes" do assert_equal 'Bill', @attrs[:first_name] end should "not assign associations" do assert_nil Factory.attributes_for(:post)[:author] end end context "a built instance" do setup do @instance = end should "not be saved" do assert @instance.new_record? end should "assign associations" do assert_kind_of User, end should "not save associations" do assert end end context "a created instance" do setup do @instance = Factory.create(:post) end should "be saved" do assert !@instance.new_record? end should "assign associations" do assert_kind_of User, end should "save associations" do assert ! end end context "an instance generated by a factory with a custom class name" do setup do @instance = Factory.create(:admin) end should "use the correct class name" do assert_kind_of User, @instance end should "use the correct factory definition" do assert @instance.admin? end end context "an attribute generated by a sequence" do setup do @email = Factory.attributes_for(:admin)[:email] end should "match the correct format" do assert_match /^somebody\d+@example\.com$/, @email end context "after the attribute has already been generated once" do setup do @another_email = Factory.attributes_for(:admin)[:email] end should "match the correct format" do assert_match /^somebody\d+@example\.com$/, @email end should "not be the same as the first generated value" do assert_not_equal @email, @another_email end end end end