Feature: berks install Background: * the Berkshelf API server's cache is empty * the Chef Server is empty * the cookbook store is empty Scenario: installing the version that best satisfies our demand Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'berkshelf' """ And the Chef Server has cookbooks: | berkshelf | 1.0.0 | | berkshelf | 2.0.0 | And the Berkshelf API server's cache is up to date When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Installing berkshelf (2.0.0) """ And the cookbook store should have the cookbooks: | berkshelf | 2.0.0 | Scenario: installing an explicit version demand Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'berkshelf', '1.0.0' """ And the Chef Server has cookbooks: | berkshelf | 1.0.0 | | berkshelf | 2.0.0 | And the Berkshelf API server's cache is up to date When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Installing berkshelf (1.0.0) """ And the cookbook store should have the cookbooks: | berkshelf | 1.0.0 | Scenario: installing demands from all groups Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ group :one do cookbook 'ruby' end group :two do cookbook 'elixir' end """ And the Chef Server has cookbooks: | ruby | 1.0.0 | | elixir | 1.0.0 | And the Berkshelf API server's cache is up to date When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain "Installing elixir (1.0.0)" And the output should contain "Installing ruby (1.0.0)" And the cookbook store should have the cookbooks: | ruby | 1.0.0 | | elixir | 1.0.0 | Scenario: installing a demand that has already been installed Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture', github: 'RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture', branch: 'deps' """ And the cookbook store contains a cookbook "berkshelf" "1.0.0" with dependencies: | hostsfile | = 1.0.1 | And the cookbook store has the cookbooks: | hostsfile | 1.0.1 | And the Berkshelf API server's cache is up to date When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Using hostsfile (1.0.1) """ Scenario: installing a single groups of demands with the --only flag Given the cookbook store has the cookbooks: | takeme | 1.0.0 | | notme | 1.0.0 | And I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'takeme', group: :take_me cookbook 'notme', group: :not_me """ When I successfully run `berks install --only take_me` Then the output should contain "Using takeme (1.0.0)" Then the output should not contain "Using notme (1.0.0)" Scenario: installing multiple groups of demands with the --only flag Given the cookbook store has the cookbooks: | takeme | 1.0.0 | | notme | 1.0.0 | And I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'takeme', group: :take_me cookbook 'notme', group: :not_me """ When I successfully run `berks install --only take_me not_me` Then the output should contain "Using takeme (1.0.0)" Then the output should contain "Using notme (1.0.0)" Scenario: skipping a single group to install with the --except flag Given the cookbook store has the cookbooks: | takeme | 1.0.0 | | notme | 1.0.0 | And I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'takeme', group: :take_me cookbook 'notme', group: :not_me """ When I successfully run `berks install --except not_me` Then the output should contain "Using takeme (1.0.0)" Then the output should not contain "Using notme (1.0.0)" Scenario: skipping multiple groups to install with the --except flag Given the cookbook store has the cookbooks: | takeme | 1.0.0 | | notme | 1.0.0 | And I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'takeme', group: :take_me cookbook 'notme', group: :not_me """ When I successfully run `berks install --except take_me not_me` Then the output should not contain "Using takeme (1.0.0)" Then the output should not contain "Using notme (1.0.0)" Scenario: installing a demand from a path location Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'example_cookbook', path: '../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0' """ And the Berkshelf API server's cache is up to date When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Using example_cookbook (0.5.0) from source at ../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0 """ Scenario: installing a demand from a path location with a conflicting constraint Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'example_cookbook', '~> 1.0.0', path: '../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0' """ When I run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ The cookbook downloaded for example_cookbook (~> 1.0.0) did not satisfy the constraint. """ Scenario: installing a demand from a path location that also exists in other locations with conflicting dependencies Given the Chef Server has cookbooks: | example_cookbook | 0.5.0 | missing_cookbook >= 1.0.0 | And I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'example_cookbook', path: '../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0' """ And the Berkshelf API server's cache is up to date When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Using example_cookbook (0.5.0) from source at ../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0 """ Scenario: installing a demand from a path location locks the graph to that version Given the Chef Server has cookbooks: | other_cookbook | 1.0.0 | example_cookbook ~> 1.0.0 | And I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'example_cookbook', path: '../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0' cookbook 'other_cookbook' """ And the Berkshelf API server's cache is up to date When I run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Unable to find a solution for demands: example_cookbook (0.5.0), other_cookbook (>= 0.0.0) """ Scenario: installing a Berksfile from a remote directory that contains a path location Given I have a Berksfile at "subdirectory" pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'example_cookbook', path: '../../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0' """ When I successfully run `berks install -b subdirectory/Berksfile` Then the output should contain: """ Using example_cookbook (0.5.0) from source at ../../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0 """ Scenario: installing a demand from a Git location Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook "berkshelf-cookbook-fixture", git: "git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git" """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the cookbook store should have the git cookbooks: | berkshelf-cookbook-fixture | 1.0.0 | a97b9447cbd41a5fe58eee2026e48ccb503bd3bc | And the output should contain: """ Fetching 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture' from git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at master) Fetching cookbook index from Using berkshelf-cookbook-fixture (1.0.0) from git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at master) """ Scenario: installing a demand from a Git location that has already been installed Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook "berkshelf-cookbook-fixture", git: "git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git" """ And the cookbook store has the git cookbooks: | berkshelf-cookbook-fixture | 1.0.0 | a97b9447cbd41a5fe58eee2026e48ccb503bd3bc | When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Using berkshelf-cookbook-fixture (1.0.0) from git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at master) """ Scenario: installing a Berksfile that contains a Git location with a rel Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture', github: 'RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture', branch: 'rel', rel: 'cookbooks/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture' """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the cookbook store should have the git cookbooks: | berkshelf-cookbook-fixture | 1.0.0 | 93f5768b7d14df45e10d16c8bf6fe98ba3ff809a | And the output should contain: """ Fetching 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture' from https://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at rel/cookbooks/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture) Fetching cookbook index from Using berkshelf-cookbook-fixture (1.0.0) from https://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at rel/cookbooks/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture) """ Scenario: installing a Berksfile that contains a Git location Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture', git: 'git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git', tag: 'v0.2.0' """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the cookbook store should have the git cookbooks: | berkshelf-cookbook-fixture | 0.2.0 | 70a527e17d91f01f031204562460ad1c17f972ee | And the git cookbook "berkshelf-cookbook-fixture-70a527e17d91f01f031204562460ad1c17f972ee" should not have the following directories: | .git | Scenario: installing a Berksfile that contains a Git location with a tag Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook "berkshelf-cookbook-fixture", git: "git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git", tag: "v0.2.0" """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the cookbook store should have the git cookbooks: | berkshelf-cookbook-fixture | 0.2.0 | 70a527e17d91f01f031204562460ad1c17f972ee | And the output should contain: """ Fetching 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture' from git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at v0.2.0) Fetching cookbook index from Using berkshelf-cookbook-fixture (0.2.0) from git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at v0.2.0) """ Scenario: installing a Berksfile that contains a Git location with a ref Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook "berkshelf-cookbook-fixture", git: "git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git", ref: "70a527e17d91f01f031204562460ad1c17f972ee" """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the cookbook store should have the git cookbooks: | berkshelf-cookbook-fixture | 0.2.0 | 70a527e17d91f01f031204562460ad1c17f972ee | And the output should contain: """ Fetching 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture' from git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at 70a527e) Fetching cookbook index from Using berkshelf-cookbook-fixture (0.2.0) from git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at 70a527e) """ Scenario: installing a Berksfile that contains a Git location with an abbreviated ref Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook "berkshelf-cookbook-fixture", git: "git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git", ref: "70a527e" """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the cookbook store should have the git cookbooks: | berkshelf-cookbook-fixture | 0.2.0 | 70a527e17d91f01f031204562460ad1c17f972ee | And the output should contain: """ Fetching 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture' from git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at 70a527e) Fetching cookbook index from Using berkshelf-cookbook-fixture (0.2.0) from git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at 70a527e) """ Scenario: installing a Berksfile that contains a GitHub location Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook "berkshelf-cookbook-fixture", github: "RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture", tag: "v0.2.0" """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the cookbook store should have the git cookbooks: | berkshelf-cookbook-fixture | 0.2.0 | 70a527e17d91f01f031204562460ad1c17f972ee | And the output should contain: """ Fetching 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture' from https://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at v0.2.0) Fetching cookbook index from Using berkshelf-cookbook-fixture (0.2.0) from https://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at v0.2.0) """ Scenario: installing a Berksfile that contains a GitHub location Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook "berkshelf-cookbook-fixture", github: "RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture", tag: "v0.2.0" """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the cookbook store should have the git cookbooks: | berkshelf-cookbook-fixture | 0.2.0 | 70a527e17d91f01f031204562460ad1c17f972ee | And the output should contain: """ Fetching 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture' from https://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at v0.2.0) Fetching cookbook index from Using berkshelf-cookbook-fixture (0.2.0) from https://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at v0.2.0) """ Scenario: running install when current project is a cookbook and the 'metadata' is specified Given a cookbook named "sparkle_motion" And I cd to "sparkle_motion" And I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ metadata """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Using sparkle_motion (0.0.0) """ Scenario: running install when current project is a cookbook and the 'metadata' is specified with a path Given a cookbook named "fake" And I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ metadata path: './fake' """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Using fake (0.0.0) """ Scenario: running install when a Berksfile.lock is present Given the Chef Server has cookbooks: | bacon | 0.1.0 | | bacon | 0.2.0 | | bacon | 1.0.0 | And the Berkshelf API server's cache is up to date And I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'bacon', '~> 0.1' """ And I write to "Berksfile.lock" with: """ DEPENDENCIES bacon (~> 0.1) GRAPH bacon (0.2.0) """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Installing bacon (0.2.0) """ Scenario: running install with no Berksfile or Berksfile.lock When I run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ No Berksfile or Berksfile.lock found at ' """ And the exit status should be "BerksfileNotFound" Scenario: running install when the Cookbook is not found on the remote site Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'doesntexist' cookbook 'other-failure' """ And I run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Unable to find a solution for demands: doesntexist (>= 0.0.0), other-failure (>= 0.0.0) """ And the exit status should be "NoSolutionError" Scenario: running install when the Cookbook from Berksfile.lock is not found in the sources Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'foo' """ And I write to "Berksfile.lock" with: """ DEPENDENCIES foo GRAPH foo (0.1.0) """ When I run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Cookbook 'foo' (0.1.0) not found in any of the sources! This can happen if the remote cookbook has been deleted or if the sources inside the Berksfile have changed. Please run `berks update foo` to resolve to a valid version. """ Scenario: running install when the version from Berksfile.lock is not found in the sources Given the Chef Server has cookbooks: | foo | 0.3.0 | | foo | 0.2.0 | And the Berkshelf API server's cache is up to date And I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'foo' """ And I write to "Berksfile.lock" with: """ DEPENDENCIES foo GRAPH foo (0.1.0) """ When I run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Cookbook 'foo' (0.1.0) not found in any of the sources! This can happen if the remote cookbook has been deleted or if the sources inside the Berksfile have changed. Please run `berks update foo` to resolve to a valid version. """ Scenario: installing when there are sources with duplicate names defined in the same group Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture' cookbook 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture' """ When I run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Your Berksfile contains multiple entries named 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture'. Please remove duplicate dependencies, or put them in different groups. """ And the exit status should be "DuplicateDependencyDefined" Scenario: when a Git demand points to a branch that does not satisfy the version constraint Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook "berkshelf-cookbook-fixture", "1.0.0", git: "git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git", tag: "v0.2.0" """ When I run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Fetching 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture' from git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at v0.2.0) The cookbook downloaded for berkshelf-cookbook-fixture (= 1.0.0) did not satisfy the constraint. """ And the exit status should be "CookbookValidationFailure" Scenario: when a Git demand is defined and a cookbook of the same name and version is already in the cookbook store Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook "berkshelf-cookbook-fixture", git: "git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git", tag: "v1.0.0" """ And the cookbook store has the cookbooks: | berkshelf-cookbook-fixture | 1.0.0 | When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Fetching 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture' from git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at v1.0.0) Fetching cookbook index from Using berkshelf-cookbook-fixture (1.0.0) from git://github.com/RiotGames/berkshelf-cookbook-fixture.git (at v1.0.0) """ Scenario: with a git error during download Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'berkshelf-cookbook-fixture', '1.0.0' cookbook "doesntexist", git: "git://github.com/asdjhfkljashflkjashfakljsf" """ When I run `berks install` Then the exit status should be "GitError" Scenario: transitive dependencies in metadata Given the cookbook store contains a cookbook "fake" "1.0.0" with dependencies: | bacon | >= 0.0.0 | And I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ metadata """ And I write to "metadata.rb" with: """ name "myface" depends 'fake', '1.0.0' depends 'bacon', '0.2.0' """ And the Chef Server has cookbooks: | bacon | 0.1.0 | | bacon | 0.2.0 | | bacon | 1.0.0 | And the Berkshelf API server's cache is up to date When I successfully run `berks install` Then the cookbook store should have the cookbooks: | bacon | 0.2.0 | Then the output should contain: """ Installing bacon (0.2.0) """ Scenario: transitive dependencies in metadata when cookbooks are downloaded Given the cookbook store contains a cookbook "fake" "1.0.0" with dependencies: | bacon | >= 0.0.0 | And the cookbook store has the cookbooks: | bacon | 1.0.0 | | bacon | 0.3.0 | | bacon | 0.2.0 | And I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ metadata """ And I write to "metadata.rb" with: """ name "myface" depends 'fake', '1.0.0' depends 'bacon', '0.2.0' """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Using bacon (0.2.0) """ Scenario: when asking for the :ruby solver engine without precedence, no error is raised Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'example_cookbook', path: '../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0' solver :ruby """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Resolving cookbook dependencies... """ Scenario: when asking for the :gecode solver engine without precedence, no error is raised Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'example_cookbook', path: '../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0' solver :gecode """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Resolving cookbook dependencies... """ Scenario: when asking for an unknown solver engine without precedence, no error is raised Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'example_cookbook', path: '../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0' solver :unknown """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Resolving cookbook dependencies... """ Scenario: when preferring the :gecode solver engine, no error is raised Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'example_cookbook', path: '../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0' solver :gecode, :preferred """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Resolving cookbook dependencies... """ Scenario: when preferring an unknown solver engine, no error is raised Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'example_cookbook', path: '../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0' solver :unknown, :preferred """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Resolving cookbook dependencies... """ Scenario: when requiring an unknown solver engine, an error is raised Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'example_cookbook', path: '../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0' solver :unknown, :required """ When I run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Engine `unknown` is not supported. """ And the exit status should be "ArgumentError" Scenario: when requiring the :ruby solver engine, no error is raised Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'example_cookbook', path: '../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0' solver :ruby, :required """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Resolving cookbook dependencies... """ Scenario: when requiring the :gecode solver engine, no error is raised Given I have a Berksfile pointing at the local Berkshelf API with: """ cookbook 'example_cookbook', path: '../../spec/fixtures/cookbooks/example_cookbook-0.5.0' solver :gecode, :required """ When I successfully run `berks install` Then the output should contain: """ Resolving cookbook dependencies... """