#-- # (c) Copyright 2007-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # See the file LICENSES.txt included with the distribution for # software license details. #++ require 'rake' require 'rake/tasklib' module Warbler class << self attr_writer :project_application def project_application @project_application || Rake.application end attr_accessor :framework_detection end self.framework_detection = true # Warbler Rake task. Allows defining multiple configurations inside the same # Rakefile by using different task names. class Task < Rake::TaskLib COPY_PROC = proc {|t| cp t.prerequisites.last, t.name } # Task name attr_accessor :name # Warbler::Config attr_accessor :config # Whether to print a line when a file or directory task is declared; helps # to see what is getting included attr_accessor :verbose def initialize(name = :war, config = nil, tasks = :define_tasks) @name = name @config = config if @config.nil? && File.exists?(Config::FILE) @config = eval(File.open(Config::FILE) {|f| f.read}) end @config ||= Config.new unless @config.kind_of? Config warn "War::Config not provided by override in initializer or #{Config::FILE}; using defaults" @config = Config.new end yield self if block_given? send tasks end private def define_tasks define_main_task define_clean_task define_public_task define_gems_task define_webxml_task define_app_task define_jar_task define_exploded_task define_debug_task end def define_main_task desc "Create #{@config.war_name}.war" task @name => ["#{@name}:app", "#{@name}:public", "#{@name}:webxml", "#{@name}:jar"] end def define_clean_task with_namespace_and_config do |name, config| desc "Clean up the .war file and the staging area" task "clean" do rm_rf config.staging_dir rm_f "#{config.war_name}.war" end task "clear" => "#{name}:clean" end end def define_public_task public_target_files = define_public_file_tasks with_namespace_and_config do desc "Copy all public HTML files to the root of the .war" task "public" => public_target_files task "debug:public" do puts "", "public files:" puts *public_target_files end end end def define_gems_task directory "#{config.staging_dir}/#{apply_pathmaps("sources-0.0.1.gem", :gems).pathmap("%d")}" targets = define_copy_gems_task with_namespace_and_config do desc "Unpack all gems into WEB-INF/gems" task "gems" => targets task "debug:gems" do puts "", "gems files:" puts *targets end end end def define_webxml_task with_namespace_and_config do |name, config| desc "Generate a web.xml file for the webapp" task "webxml" do mkdir_p "#{config.staging_dir}/WEB-INF" if File.exist?("config/web.xml") cp "config/web.xml", "#{config.staging_dir}/WEB-INF" else erb = if File.exist?("config/web.xml.erb") "config/web.xml.erb" else "#{WARBLER_HOME}/web.xml.erb" end require 'erb' erb = ERB.new(File.open(erb) {|f| f.read }) File.open("#{config.staging_dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml", "w") do |f| f << erb.result(erb_binding(config.webxml)) end end end end end def define_java_libs_task target_files = @config.java_libs.map do |lib| define_file_task(lib, "#{@config.staging_dir}/#{apply_pathmaps(lib, :java_libs)}") end with_namespace_and_config do |name, config| desc "Copy all java libraries into the .war" task "java_libs" => target_files task "debug:java_libs" do puts "", "java_libs files:" puts *target_files end end target_files end def define_java_classes_task target_files = @config.java_classes.map do |f| define_file_task(f, "#{@config.staging_dir}/#{apply_pathmaps(f, :java_classes)}") end with_namespace_and_config do |name, config| desc "Copy java classes into the .war" task "java_classes" => target_files task "debug:java_classes" do puts "", "java_classes files:" puts *target_files end end target_files end def define_app_task webinf_target_files = define_webinf_file_tasks with_namespace_and_config do |name, config| desc "Copy all application files into the .war" task "app" => ["#{name}:gems", *webinf_target_files] task "debug:app" do puts "", "app files:" puts *webinf_target_files end end end def define_jar_task with_namespace_and_config do |name, config| desc "Run the jar command to create the .war" task "jar" do war_path = "#{config.war_name}.war" war_path = File.join(config.autodeploy_dir, war_path) if config.autodeploy_dir flags, manifest = config.manifest_file ? ["cfm", config.manifest_file] : ["cf", ""] sh "jar #{flags} #{war_path} #{manifest} -C #{config.staging_dir} ." end end end def define_exploded_task with_namespace_and_config do |name,config| libs = define_java_libs_task desc "Create an exploded war in the app's public directory" task "exploded" => ["webxml", "java_classes", "gems", *libs] do cp "#{@config.staging_dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml", "." cp File.join(WARBLER_HOME, "sun-web.xml"), "." unless File.exists?("sun-web.xml") ln_sf "#{@config.staging_dir}/WEB-INF/gems", "." if File.directory?("#{@config.staging_dir}/WEB-INF/classes") ln_sf "#{@config.staging_dir}/WEB-INF/classes", "." end mkdir_p "lib" libs.each {|l| ln_sf l, "lib/#{File.basename(l)}"} ln_sf "..", "public/WEB-INF" end task "clean:exploded" do (libs.map {|l| "lib/#{File.basename(l)}" } + ["gems", "public/WEB-INF", "classes"]).each do |l| rm_f l if File.exist?(l) && File.symlink?(l) end rm_f "*web.xml" end end end def define_debug_task with_namespace_and_config do |name, config| task "debug" do require 'yaml' puts YAML::dump(config) end all_debug_tasks = %w(: app java_libs java_classes gems public includes excludes).map do |n| n.sub(/^:?/, "#{name}:debug:").sub(/:$/, '') end task "debug:all" => all_debug_tasks end end def define_public_file_tasks @config.public_html.map do |f| define_file_task(f, "#{@config.staging_dir}/#{apply_pathmaps(f, :public_html)}") end end def define_webinf_file_tasks target_files = @config.dirs.select do |d| exists = File.directory?(d) warn "warning: application directory `#{d}' does not exist or is not a directory; skipping" unless exists exists end.map do |d| define_file_task(d, "#{@config.staging_dir}/#{apply_pathmaps(d, :application)}") end files = FileList[*(@config.dirs.map{|d| "#{d}/**/*"})] files.include *(@config.includes.to_a) files.exclude *(@config.excludes.to_a) target_files += files.map do |f| define_file_task(f, "#{@config.staging_dir}/#{apply_pathmaps(f, :application)}") end target_files += define_java_libs_task target_files += define_java_classes_task task "#@name:debug:includes" do puts "", "included files:" puts *files.include end task "#@name:debug:excludes" do puts "", "excluded files:" puts *files.exclude end target_files end def define_file_task(source, target) if File.directory?(source) directory target puts %{directory "#{target}"} if verbose else directory File.dirname(target) file(target => [File.dirname(target), source], ©_PROC) puts %{file "#{target}" => "#{source}"} if verbose end target end def with_namespace_and_config name, config = @name, @config namespace name do yield name, config end end def define_copy_gems_task targets = [] @config.gems.each do |gem, version| define_single_gem_tasks(gem, targets, version) end targets end def define_single_gem_tasks(gem_pattern, targets, version = nil) gem = case gem_pattern when Gem::Dependency gem_pattern else Gem::Dependency.new(gem_pattern, Gem::Requirement.create(version)) end # skip development dependencies return if gem.respond_to?(:type) and gem.type != :runtime matched = Gem.source_index.search(gem) fail "gem '#{gem}' not installed" if matched.empty? spec = matched.last gem_name = "#{spec.name}-#{spec.version}" unless spec.platform.nil? || spec.platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY [spec.platform, spec.original_platform].each do |p| name = "#{gem_name}-#{p}" if File.exist?(File.join(Gem.dir, 'cache', "#{name}.gem")) gem_name = name break end end end gem_unpack_task_name = "gem:#{gem_name}" return if Rake::Task.task_defined?(gem_unpack_task_name) targets << define_file_task(spec.loaded_from, "#{@config.staging_dir}/#{apply_pathmaps(spec.loaded_from, :gemspecs)}") task targets.last do Rake::Task[gem_unpack_task_name].invoke end src = File.join(Gem.dir, 'cache', "#{gem_name}.gem") dest = "#{config.staging_dir}/#{apply_pathmaps(src, :gems)}" task gem_unpack_task_name => [dest.pathmap("%d")] do |t| require 'rubygems/installer' Gem::Installer.new(src, :unpack => true).unpack(dest) end if @config.gem_dependencies spec.dependencies.each do |dep| define_single_gem_tasks(dep, targets) end end end def erb_binding(webxml) binding end def apply_pathmaps(file, pathmaps) pathmaps = @config.pathmaps.send(pathmaps) pathmaps.each do |p| file = file.pathmap(p) end if pathmaps file end end end