'use strict' _.templateSettings.interpolate = /{{([\s\S]+?)}}/g; angular.module('Engine2', ['ngRoute', 'ngSanitize', 'ngAnimate', 'ngCookies', 'mgcrea.ngStrap', 'ngFileUpload', 'ui.tree', 'LocalStorageModule']) # 'draggabilly' .factory 'E2Snippets', -> icon = (name) -> "" aicon = (name) -> "" icon: icon aicon: aicon boolean_true_value: icon('check') boolean_false_value: icon('unchecked') .config ($httpProvider, $routeProvider, $compileProvider, localStorageServiceProvider, $logProvider) -> loaderOn = -> angular.element(document.querySelectorAll('.loader')).eq(-1).css("visibility", 'visible') $httpProvider.interceptors.push 'e2HttpInterceptor' $httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest.push (data, headersGetter) -> loaderOn() data # $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' # $httpProvider.defaults.cache = false; $httpProvider.defaults.headers.get ||= {} # if !$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get $httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['If-Modified-Since'] = '0' # localStorageServiceProvider.setStorageType('sessionStorage') localStorageServiceProvider.setPrefix('E2') $compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled(false) $logProvider.debugEnabled(true) $httpProvider.useApplyAsync(true) # $locationProvider.html5Mode(true); .factory 'e2HttpInterceptor', ($q, $injector, E2Snippets) -> loaderOff = -> angular.element(document.querySelectorAll('.loader')).eq(-1).css("visibility", 'hidden') response: (response) -> loaderOff() response responseError: (response) -> loaderOff() if response.status != 401 response = (status: response.status, statusText: "Connection refused", data: (message: "Connection refused")) if response.status in [-1, 0] if response.constructor == SyntaxError message = response.message cause = response.stack else message = response.data.message cause = if _.isString(response.data) then response.data else response.data.cause || response.data.message $injector.get('$e2Modal').error("#{E2Snippets.icon('bell')} #{response.status}: #{message}", cause) $q.reject(response) .factory 'E2', ($templateCache, $http, E2Snippets, $e2Modal, $q, $injector, e2HttpInterceptor, $route, $dateFormatter) -> compact: (o) -> _.each o, (v, k) => if (v == null || (_.isString(v) && !v)) || (!_.isDate(v) && _.isObject(v) && @compact(v) && _.isEmpty(v)) delete o[k] clean: (o) -> _.each o, (v, k) => if _.isArray(v) v.length = 0 # o[k] = [] else if _.isObject(v) && !_.isDate(v) @clean(v) else # delete o[k] o[k] = null merge: (o1, o2) -> for p of o2 try # if o1 and no try ? if _.isObject(o2[p]) && !_.isArray(o2[p]) o1[p] = @merge(o1[p] ? {}, o2[p]) else o1[p] = o2[p] catch o1[p] = o2[p] o1 transpose: (a) -> _.keys(a[0]).map((c) -> a.map (r) -> r[c]) join_keys: (keys) -> keys.join('|') split_keys: (key) -> key.split('|') id_for: (rec, meta) -> @join_keys(meta.primary_fields.map((e) -> rec[e])) from_id: (id, meta) -> _.zipObject(meta.primary_fields, id) # _.zip(meta.primary_fields, id).reduce(((rec, [k, v]) -> rec[k] = v; rec), {}) icon: E2Snippets.icon aicon: E2Snippets.aicon fetch_template: (template) -> $q.when($templateCache.get(template) || $http.get(template)).then (res) -> if angular.isObject(res) $templateCache.put(template, res.data) res.data else res fetch_panel: (panel, modal) -> $q.when(panel.template_string || @fetch_template(panel.template)).then (template) => if panel.panel_template prefix = if modal then 'modals' else 'panels' @fetch_template("#{prefix}/#{panel.panel_template}").then (panel_template) -> panel_template.replace("modal-content-to-replace", template) else template each_menu: (menu, fun) -> _.each menu, (m) => if m.menu @each_menu(m.menu.entries, fun) else if !m.divider fun(m) process_menu: (action, menu_name) -> processor = @menu_processors[menu_name] @each_menu action.meta.menus[menu_name].entries, (m) -> menu_fun_name = "#{menu_name}_#{m.name}" menu_fun_invoke = "action['#{menu_fun_name}'](#{processor.arg_name})" click = m.click m.click = menu_fun_invoke action[menu_fun_name] ?= (args...) -> processor.arg_fun(action, args...) if click action.scope().$eval(click) else action.invoke_action(m.name, processor.arg_ret(action)) if action.find_action_info(m.name, false)? show = if m.show then " && " + m.show else "" m.show = "action.find_action_info('#{m.name}').access" + show menu_processors: menu: arg_name: '' arg_fun: (action) -> undefined arg_ret: (action) -> undefined panel_menu: arg_name: '' arg_fun: (action) -> undefined arg_ret: (action) -> undefined item_menu: arg_name: '$index' arg_ret: (action) -> id: action.current_id arg_fun: (action, index) -> action.current_id = $injector.get('E2').id_for(action.entries[index], action.meta) renderers: boolean: (value, render) => switch value when render.true_value then E2Snippets.boolean_true_value when render.false_value then E2Snippets.boolean_false_value else "?" list_select: (value, render) -> render.list_hash ||= render.list.reduce(((h, [a, b]) -> h[a] = b; h), {}) render.list_hash[value] ? value datetime: (value, render) -> value.split('\.')[0] # $dateFormatter.formatDate(value, "yyyy-MM-dd", $dateFormatter.getDefaultLocale()) integer: (value, render) -> # ? value.toString() decimal_date: (value, render) -> value = value.toString() if value.length == 8 && match = value.match(/^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/) then match.slice(1, 4).join('-') else value # if value.length == 8 then $dateFormatter.formatDate(value, "yyyy-MM-dd", $dateFormatter.getDefaultLocale()) else value decimal_time: (value, render) -> value = value.toString() if match = value.match(/^(\d{1,2}?)(\d{2})(\d{2})$/) then match.slice(1, 4).join(':') else value string: (value, render) -> value.toString() render_field: (entry, name, meta) -> value = entry[name] if value? && info = meta.info f_info = info[name] if f_info? && type = f_info.type @renderers[type](value, f_info.render) else (value + "").replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">") else value parsers: integer: (value, info) -> parseInt(value) parse_entry: (value, info) -> parser = @parsers[info.type] if parser then parser(value, info) else value .provider '$e2Modal', -> $get: ($rootScope, $modal, $timeout, $window, $injector) -> class MManager @Z_INDEX: 1050 @index: 0 constructor: () -> backdrop_z_index: (num, index) -> angular.element(document.querySelectorAll('.modal-backdrop')).eq(num).css('z-index', index) modal_num: (num) -> angular.element(document.querySelectorAll('.modal')).eq(num) backdrop: -> 'static' show_before: -> @z_index = MManager.Z_INDEX + MManager.index * 2 @modal.css('z-index', @z_index + 1) hide_before: -> @z_index = MManager.Z_INDEX + ((MManager.index - 1) * 2) show: -> hide: -> angular.element($window.document.body).addClass('modal-open modal-with-am-fade') if MManager.index > 0 class DefaultMManager extends MManager show_before: -> super() @backdrop.css('z-index', @z_index) # @backdrop_z_index(-MManager.index - 1, z_index) class FirstMManager extends MManager constructor: () -> super() @threshold = 2 backdrop: -> if MManager.index > @threshold then false else super() show_before: -> super() if MManager.index > @threshold @modal_num((MManager.index - 1) - @threshold).css('display', 'none') @backdrop_z_index(0, @z_index) else @backdrop.css('z-index', @z_index) # @backdrop_z_index(-MManager.index - 1, z_index) hide_before: -> super() if MManager.index > @threshold @backdrop_z_index(0, @z_index) @modal_num((MManager.index - 1) - @threshold).css('display', 'block') class SingleBackdropMManager extends MManager backdrop: -> if MManager.index > 0 then false else super() show_before: -> super() @backdrop_z_index(0, @z_index) hide_before: -> super() @backdrop_z_index(0, @z_index) is_modal: -> MManager.index > 0 show: (action) -> scope = if action.scope then action.scope().$new(true) else $rootScope.$new() scope.action = action manager = new SingleBackdropMManager() scope.$on 'modal.show.before', (e, m) -> e.stopPropagation() manager.modal = m.$element manager.backdrop = m.$backdrop throw "Modal has element" if scope.action.element?() scope.action.element = -> m.$element scope.action.panel_show?() manager.show_before() MManager.index++ scope.$on 'modal.show', (e, m) -> e.stopPropagation() manager.show() scope.action.panel_shown?() scope.$on 'modal.hide.before', (e) -> e.stopPropagation() MManager.index-- manager.hide_before() scope.action.panel_hide?() scope.$on 'modal.hide', (e) -> e.stopPropagation() manager.hide() scope.action.panel_hidden?() scope.$destroy() $injector.get('E2').fetch_panel(scope.action.meta.panel, true).then (template) -> # template = "" modal = $modal(scope: scope, template: template, backdrop: manager.backdrop(), animation: 'am-fade', show: false) scope.action.modal_hide = -> modal.$scope.$hide() modal.$promise.then -> modal.show() modal error: (title, msg, html) -> body = if html then msg else "
" clazz = if html then "modal-huge" else "modal-large" @show meta: panel: (panel_template: "close_m", template_string: body, title: title, class: clazz) # message: msg, confirm: (title, msg, action) -> body = "
" clazz = "modal-large" @show confirm: action, meta: panel: (panel_template: "confirm_m", template_string: body, title: title, class: clazz) # message: msg, .directive 'e2Modal', ($e2Modal) -> restrict: 'E' # replace: true # transclude: true scope: true compile: (celem, cattr) -> obody = celem[0].children[0] celem.empty() if obody (scope, elem, attrs) -> scope.$on attrs.name, (ev, args) -> return if ev.defaultPrevented ev.preventDefault() panel = panel_template: attrs.panelTemplate, title: attrs.title, class: attrs.clazz if obody then panel.template_string = obody.outerHTML else panel.template = attrs.template action = meta: (panel: panel), scope: -> scope _.assign(action, args) modal = $e2Modal.show(action) hide_off = scope.$on "#{attrs.name}_close", -> hide_off() modal.then (m) -> m.$scope.$hide() .directive 'e2Field', ($timeout, $filter) -> require: 'ngModel' restrict: 'A' scope: false link: (scope, elem, attrs, controller) -> scope.$on "$destroy", -> elem.off() name = attrs.e2Field || scope.f meta = scope.action.meta info = meta.info[name] scope.$on "focus_field", (event, n, mode) -> if n == name elem[0].focus() if info.onfocus elem.on 'focus', -> # scope.$apply(-> scope.$eval(info.onfocus)) $timeout -> scope.$apply(info.onfocus) if elem[0].type in ['text', 'password'] elem.on 'keypress', (ev) -> scope.$apply -> # scope.action.panel_menu_save() if ev.keyCode == 13 # && elem[0].type != 'textarea' scope.$emit "return_pressed" if ev.keyCode == 13 # && elem[0].type != 'textarea' ev.stopPropagation() if info.filter filter = $filter(info.filter) controller.$parsers.push (value) -> filtered = filter(value) controller.$setViewValue(filtered) controller.$render() filtered scope.action.record[name] = filter(scope.action.record[name]) .directive 'e2SearchField', ($timeout, $filter) -> require: 'ngModel' restrict: 'A' scope: false link: (scope, elem, attrs, controller) -> name = attrs.e2Field || scope.f meta = scope.action.meta info = meta.info[name] if info.filter filter = $filter(info.filter) controller.$parsers.push (value) -> filtered = filter(value) controller.$setViewValue(filtered) controller.$render() filtered scope.action.query.search[name] = filter(scope.action.query.search[name]) .directive 'e2Include', ($parse, $compile, $http, $templateCache) -> restrict: 'E' # replace: true # terminal: true scope: false link: (scope, elem, attrs) -> name = $parse(attrs.template)(scope) $http.get(name, cache: $templateCache).success (body) -> # elem.html($compile(body)(scope)) # elem.replaceWith($compile(body)(scope)) elem.empty() elem.after($compile(body)(scope)) .directive 'e2TableBody', ($parse, $compile) -> scope: false restrict: 'A' link: (scope, elem, attrs) -> scope.$on 'render_table', (a, ev) -> # ev.stopPropagation() meta = scope.action.meta selection = scope.action.selection out = '' _.each scope.action.entries, (e, i) -> out += if selection then "" else "" out += "" out += "
" if meta.config.show_item_menu # data='action.entries[#{i}]'> out += "" # out += "
" _.each meta.fields, (f) -> out += "#{scope.action.list_cell(e, f) ? ''}" out += "" elem.empty() elem.append($compile(out)(scope)) unless out.length == 0 # leak ? .directive 'e2DropDown', ($parse, $dropdown, $timeout, E2Snippets) -> event_num = 0 dropdown_sub_tmpl = _.template("") dropdown_tmpl = _.template("
  • {{icon}}{{aicon}} {{loc}}
  • ") render = (menu, level) -> out = menu.map (m) -> switch when m.divider "
  • " when m.menu dropdown_sub_tmpl icon: m.menu.icon && E2Snippets.icon(m.menu.icon) || '' aicon: m.menu.aicon && E2Snippets.aicon(m.menu.aicon) || '' loc: m.menu.loc sub: render(m.menu.entries) else dropdown_tmpl show: m.show && "ng-show=\"#{m.show}\"" || '' hide: m.hide && "ng-hide=\"#{m.hide}\"" || '' disabled: m.disabled && "ng-class=\"#{m.disabled} && 'disabled'\"" || '' enabled: m.enabled && "ng-class=\"#{m.enabled} || 'disabled'\"" || '' # active: m.active && "ng-class='#{m.active}' || \"active\"'" || '' href: m.href || '' click: m.click && "ng-click=\"#{m.disabled && m.disabled + " ||" || ''} #{m.enabled && m.enabled + " &&" || ''} #{m.click}\"" icon: m.icon && E2Snippets.icon(m.icon) || '' aicon: m.aicon && E2Snippets.aicon(m.aicon) || '' loc: m.loc "" scope: false link: (scope, elem, attrs) -> scope.$on "$destroy", -> elem.off() hook = (event) -> event_num++ elem.addClass "active" elem.off "mousedown" # event.preventDefault() # event.stopPropagation() dropdown = $dropdown(elem, (scope: scope, template: render($parse(attrs.e2DropDown)(scope), 0), animation: 'am-flip-x', prefixEvent: "#{event_num}.tooltip")) # , delay: 1 dropdown.$promise.then -> event_hide = scope.$on "#{event_num}.tooltip.hide", (e) -> e.stopPropagation() event_hide() dropdown.destroy() elem.on "mousedown", hook event_before = scope.$on "#{event_num}.tooltip.hide.before", (e) -> e.stopPropagation() event_before() elem.removeClass "active" elem.on "mousedown", hook .directive 'e2ButtonSet', ($parse, $compile, E2Snippets) -> button_set_tmpl = _.template("
    {{icon}}{{aicon}} {{loc}}
    ") button_set_arr_tmpl = _.template("
    ") scope: true # because $index link: (scope, elem, attrs) -> menu = $parse(attrs.e2ButtonSet)(scope) unless _.isEmpty(menu.entries) group_class = menu.properties.group_class || '' brk = menu.properties.break out = "" for m, i in menu.entries if i >= brk break else if m.menu out += button_set_arr_tmpl dropdown: "#{attrs.e2ButtonSet}.entries[#{i}].menu.entries" icon: m.menu.icon && "#{E2Snippets.icon(m.menu.icon)} " || '' aicon: m.menu.aicon && "#{E2Snippets.aicon(m.menu.aicon)} " || '' else if m.divider else out += button_set_tmpl clazz: m.class && "ng-class=\"#{m.class}\"" || '' click: m.click && "ng-click=\"#{m.click}\"" || '' show: m.show && "ng-show=\"#{m.show}\"" || '' hide: m.hide && "ng-hide=\"#{m.hide}\"" || '' disabled: m.disabled && "ng-class=\"#{m.disabled} && 'disabled'\"" || '' enabled: m.enabled && "ng-class=\"#{m.enabled} || 'disabled'\"" || '' icon: m.icon && E2Snippets.icon(m.icon) || '' aicon: m.aicon && E2Snippets.aicon(m.aicon) || '' loc: !(m.button_loc == false) && m.loc || '' title: (m.button_loc == false) && "title=\"#{m.loc}\"" || '' out += button_set_arr_tmpl dropdown: "#{attrs.e2ButtonSet}.entries.slice(#{brk})", icon: '', aicon: '' if menu.entries.length > brk out = "
    " out = $compile(angular.element(out))(scope) if attrs.index && !scope.$index? scope.$index = attrs.index | 0 # scope.data = attrs.data elem.after(out) # elem.append(out) # elem.replaceWith(out) .directive 'e2InputCols', ($parse) -> clazz_cache = {} get_class = (len) -> if clazz = clazz_cache[len] then clazz else tab = switch # lg md sm sx when len <= 2 then [2,2,4,6] when len <= 8 then [4,4,4,6] when len <= 20 then [6,7,7,7] when len <= 50 then [10,12,12,12] else [12,12,12,12] # ? clazz_cache[len] = _.zip(["lg", "md", "sm", "xs"], tab).map(([k, v]) -> "col-#{k}-#{v}").join(" ") scope: false link: (scope, elem, attrs, controller) -> elem.addClass get_class($parse(attrs.e2InputCols)(scope) | 0) .directive 'e2Datepicker', ($parse, $dateFormatter) -> format = (value, fmt) -> # inline ? date = $dateFormatter.formatDate(value, fmt, $dateFormatter.getDefaultLocale()) date = if date == undefined then "invalid" else date parse = (value, info) -> return unless value? value = value.toString() switch info.type when "decimal_time" if match = value.match(/^(\d{1,2}?)(\d{2}?)(\d{2}?)$/) [h, m, s] = match.slice(1, 4) # .join(':') date = new Date(); date.setHours(h); date.setMinutes(m); date.setSeconds(s) date else value when "decimal_date" match = value.match(/^(\d{4}|\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/) if match then match.slice(1, 4).join('-') else value else value scope: true require: 'ngModel' link: (scope, element, attr, controller) -> action = scope.action mode = attr.e2Datepicker field = scope.other_date ? scope.other_time ? scope.f info = action.meta.info[field] if action.query scope.value[mode] = parse(action.query.search[scope.f][mode], info) scope.$on "search_reset", -> scope.value[mode] = null else value = parse(action.record[field], info) if mode then scope.value[mode] = value else scope.value = value scope.$watch attr.ngModel, (model, o) -> if model != o date = format(model, attr.e2ModelFormat) if action.query action.query.search[scope.f][mode] = date scope.action.search_live(scope.f) if date? else action.record[field] = date .directive 'e2Integer', -> require: 'ngModel' link: (scope, elem, attr, controller) -> controller.$parsers.unshift (v) -> vs = v.toString() if vs.match(/^\-?\d+$/) then parseInt(vs) else (if scope.action.query? then null else vs)