require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/spec_helper" describe DataMapper::EmbeddedValue do before(:all) do @bob = Person.first(:name => 'Bob') end it 'should proxy getting values for you' do @bob.address.street.should == '123 Happy Ln.' end it 'should return a sub-class of the containing class' do @bob.address.class.should be(Person::Address) end it 'should allow definition of instance methods' do @bob.address.city_state_zip_code.should == 'Dallas, TX 75000' end it 'should not require prefix' do class PointyHeadedBoss include DataMapper::Persistence set_table_name 'people' property :name, :string embed :address do # don't provide a prefix option to embed # so the column names of these properties gets nothing auto-prepended property :address_street, :string property :address_city, :string end end @sam = PointyHeadedBoss.first(:name => 'Sam') @sam.address.address_street.should == '1337 Duck Way' end it 'should add convenience methods to the non-embedded base' do class Employee include DataMapper::Persistence set_table_name 'people' property :name, :string embed :address, :prefix => true do property :street, :string property :city, :string end end @sam = Employee.first(:name => 'Sam') @sam.address_street.should == '1337 Duck Way' end it 'should support lazy loading of embedded properties' do class Human include DataMapper::Persistence set_table_name 'people' property :name, :string embed :address, :lazy => true, :prefix => true do property :street, :string property :city, :string end end @sam = Human.first(:name => 'Sam') @sam.address.street.should == '1337 Duck Way' end it 'should default to public method visibility for all' do class SoftwareEngineer include DataMapper::Persistence set_table_name 'people' property :name, :string embed :address, :prefix => true do property :city, :string end end @sam = SoftwareEngineer.first(:name => 'Sam') public_properties = { |m| ["city", "city="].include?(m) } public_properties.length.should == 2 end it 'should respect protected property options for all' do class SanitationEngineer include DataMapper::Persistence set_table_name 'people' property :name, :string embed :address, :reader => :protected, :prefix => true do property :city, :string property :street, :string end end @sam = SanitationEngineer.first(:name => 'Sam') protected_properties = { |m| ["city", "street"].include?(m) } protected_properties.length.should == 2 end it 'should respect private property options for all' do class ElectricalEngineer include DataMapper::Persistence set_table_name 'people' property :name, :string, :reader => :private embed :address, :writer => :private, :prefix => true do property :city, :string property :street, :string end end @sam = ElectricalEngineer.first(:name => 'Sam') private_properties = { |m| ["city=", "street="].include?(m) } private_properties.length.should == 2 end it 'should set both reader and writer visibiliy for all when accessor option is passed' do class TrainEngineer include DataMapper::Persistence set_table_name 'people' property :name, :string, :reader => :private embed :address, :accessor => :private, :prefix => true do property :city, :string end end @sam = TrainEngineer.first(:name => 'Sam') private_properties = { |m| ["city", "city="].include?(m) } private_properties.length.should == 2 end it 'should allow individual properties to override method visibility options passed on the block' do class ChemicalEngineer include DataMapper::Persistence set_table_name 'people' property :name, :string embed :address, :accessor => :private, :prefix => true do property :city, :string property :street, :string, :accessor => :public end end @sam = ChemicalEngineer.first(:name => 'Sam') public_properties = { |m| ["street", "street="].include?(m) } public_properties.length.should == 2 end end