section.clearfix div.col.col-sm-8 h3 Defined Toggles (#{@toggles.count}) div.table-responsive table.toggles.table.table-striped.table-hover.table-condensed thead tr th Name th Type th Acceptable Values th.text-center Actions tbody - @toggles.each_with_index do |toggle, index| tr td = td = toggle.type td = toggle.acceptable_values td.text-center = link_to "Edit", toggles_path(:toggle_name => ' | = link_to "Delete", toggle_path(, :method => :delete, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :data => {:confirm => "Are you sure?"} div.col-sm-4 h3 Create/Edit Toggle = render 'form' - unless Rails.env.production? h3 Load From YAML p.text-muted small Load toggles from config/config_manager_toggles.yml div.text-center = link_to "Load", load_default_toggles_path, :method => :post, :class => 'btn-block btn btn-warning' h3 Dump To YAML p.text-muted small Dump toggles to config/config_manager_toggles.yml div.text-center = link_to "Dump", dump_toggles_path, :method => :post, :class => 'btn-block btn btn-warning'