# encoding: utf-8 require "spec_helper" require "desi/index_manager" require "json" describe Desi::IndexManager do subject { described_class.new(http_client_factory: http_client_factory) } let(:http_client_factory) { double(new: http_client) } let(:http_client) { double('http_client') } def stub_request(method, path, payload) http_client.stub(method).with(path).and_return( double("response", body: JSON.unparse(payload)) ) end def stub_indices(*names) stub_request(:get, '/_status', {"indices" => Hash[Array(names).zip]}) stub_request(:get, '/_cluster/state', {"metadata" => {"indices" => Hash[Array(names).zip]}}) end before do stub_indices('foo', 'bar') end describe "#list" do context "with no specified pattern" do it "returns the names of all indices" do subject.list.map(&:name).should == %w[bar foo] end end context "with a pattern" do it "returns the matching indices" do subject.list('oo').map(&:name).should == %w[foo] end end context "when verbose is on" do let(:outputter) { double("outputter") } subject do described_class.new( http_client_factory: http_client_factory, outputter: outputter, verbose: true) end it "also outputs on STDOUT" do outputter.should_receive(:puts).at_least(:once) subject.list('oo') end end end describe "#delete!" do context "when the mandatory pattern is not specified" do it "raises an ArgumentError" do expect { subject.delete! }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end it "deletes all matching indices" do http_client.should_receive(:delete).with("/foo") http_client.should_not_receive(:delete).with("bar") subject.delete!('f.*') end context "when verbose is on" do let(:outputter) { double("outputter") } subject do described_class.new( http_client_factory: http_client_factory, outputter: outputter, verbose: true) end it "also outputs on STDOUT" do http_client.stub(:delete) outputter.should_receive(:puts).at_least(:once) subject.delete!('f.*') end end end describe "#empty!" do context "when the mandatory pattern is not specified" do it "raises an ArgumentError" do expect { subject.empty! }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end it "deletes all matching indices" do http_client.should_receive(:delete).with("/foo/_query?q=*") http_client.should_not_receive(:delete).with("bar") subject.empty!('f.*') end context "when verbose is on" do let(:outputter) { double("outputter") } subject do described_class.new( http_client_factory: http_client_factory, outputter: outputter, verbose: true) end it "also outputs on STDOUT" do http_client.stub(:delete) outputter.should_receive(:puts).at_least(:once) subject.empty!('f.*') end end end context "when given another host" do let(:factory_for_remote_host) { double("http_client_factory") } it "sends the other host's url to initialize the client" do factory_for_remote_host.should_receive(:new).with("http://foobar.com:9400") described_class.new(host: "http://foobar.com:9400", http_client_factory: factory_for_remote_host) end end end