.\" generated with Ronn/v0.5 .\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/ . .TH "SHOE" "1" "April 2010" "Matthew Todd" "RubyGems Manual" . .SH "NAME" \fBshoe\fR \-\- generate a RubyGems project . .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBshoe\fR [\-\fBadehtv\fR] [\fIpath\fR] . .SH "DESCRIPTION" The \fBshoe\fR command generates a new RubyGems project. Big deal, right? As compared with other tools, \fBshoe\fR gently guides you toward hygenic packaging standards and provides you with a sweet library of on\-demand \fBrake(1)\fR tasks built around your (authoritative) gemspec. . .SH "OPTIONS" \fBshoe\fR's default mode of operation is to generate a basic library, its \fBRakefile\fR, and some \fBTest::Unit\fR tests in the current directory. (You may pass a different \fIpath\fR on the command line, if you like.) . .P To generate additional files, use the following options: . .TP \fB\-a\fR, \fB\-\-[no\-]application\fR Generate a command\-line application. Create a simple executable script in the \fBbin\fR directory and an \fBApplication\fR class that uses \fBoptparse\fR. . .TP \fB\-d\fR, \fB\-\-[no\-]data\fR Generate a data directory. Create a \fBdata\fR directory (perfect for HTML templates and other static assets) and a \fBdatadir\fR method in your top\-level module to access it. . .TP \fB\-e\fR, \fB\-\-[no\-]extension\fR Generate a C extension. Create an \fBext\fR directory with an \fBextconf.rb\fR and a bare\-bones \fBextension.c\fR defining a module named \fBExtension\fR. . .TP \fB\-t\fR, \fB\-\-[no\-]test\-unit\fR Generate Test::Unit tests. Create a \fBtest\fR directory with a \fBhelper.rb\fR and a single passing test. . .P \fBshoe\fR also responds to the following standard options: . .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR Print a help message and exit. . .TP \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR[=all] Print \fBshoe\fR's version number and exit. If \fB=all\fR is given, also print version numbers of \fBshoe\fR's dependencies. (This is standard \fBoptparse\fR behavior that deserves more attention!) . .SH "AUTHOR" Matthew Todd, \fI@matthewtodd\fR on GitHub and Twitter. Do drop me a line if you use \fBshoe\fR \-\- I'd love to hear from you! . .SH "SEE ALSO" \fIhttp://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/hoe/\fR, \fIhttp://github.com/technicalpickles/jeweler\fR, \fIhttp://github.com/sr/mg\fR, \fIhttp://defunkt.github.com/rip/\fR, \fIhttp://gembundler.com/\fR, \fIhttp://github.com/rtomayko/rpg\fR, \fIhttp://chneukirchen.github.com/rps/\fR