are we going to be able to hang out for more than 5 minutes?! hahaha, i'll see you tomorrow at the car show. i start at 6am :(
hey pretty, please accompany me talking. feels so bored here :(
do not want to be up at this time in the mmorning. still, a theatre to get ready :( will take forever i bet. noy much sleep
does the vacuum cleaner in teletubbies have a name? if it does, what is it? can't seem to remember though :(
says what a lazy afternoon, di ko pa din masabi sa parents ko yung gusto kong mangyari. :(
sadly agreeing... :( long weekend's only in the calendar, n/a in a real life...
last friday i was at xs in vegas at this time, and this one i'm at home working on school work. :(
my twitter account has been hacked... :-( any ideas for the perfect #firewall? i'm going to try a new one...
please never go :( //many other opppss broooooooo
:( gonna miss mike, gotta head to bed soon but wow, asot 450. gene my loving brother, i know you are listening in heaven......
i just got back from the nyc 2600 meeting. it was a blast. glad people loved the yippie cafe. bad news: my leg is getting worse. :(
bobbi makes me sad :(
ghastly weather! how to ride to the gym. :(
& i continue to ask myself...y do i bother?! :(
i'm having truly sucky time of it lately. ever since i quit smoking again :-( maybe i need to take vitamins or something?
idk u just r haha i would but mummy probs won't b bothered :(
you should... i miss you :(
im sooo sorry like my laptop like litterally died :(
awh if u only lived over herw!!!! :( <-- ill bee bacck soon adriiii :/
whyyy did i wake up? now i'm not going to be able to go back to sleep! :-( <- i'm up wit u
nooooo :-(
just spent like five minutes trying to park the car. it was shit and i hate it and i hate today an i miss my friends and bleh :(
was in twittar jail last night, no fun :( <33
somebody talk to me :( i'm bored
iv got the cold now :( x
you wanna meet me later my dear? after you go to jinyu's party! i'm outside now, idk how to go~ say he see first :( :( :(
going to be late for tuition alr, and just realise i never take sarah's present out. im so forgetful! :(
lg makan say, bentar yaa.. :( kok esianya ga diangkat...???!!!!!! where are siyyyy....?????
msh obgin bitte sm ari tgl 18 biar hancur itu ugd deh,tim hore msk tgl 18 aja yuk.. :( (cont)
ah gue sayang lo, sayang gue balik dong :(
i can't dm it to u cuz u don't follow me :(
oh ... i was actually planning to wear my juicy couture trackie today :( it's pink, low rise with excellent bum crack action
as usual.. summer plans postponed. expected turn of events.. only 1 day to come up with a solutìon. :(
its just me now :( you have to help me! hahaha xxx
u on the west coast? but yea it was super hot today... wanted to go swimming, but i didn't have anyone to go w/ me :(
i'm seasick :(
still no tweet for me! :( goodnight, anyway, cutie! lol <3
i actually feel horrid this morning!! :(
hihii mksh syg :) yes ini baru cewe baik hati ihh ksian dy na :( (cont)
i think im meant to be alone too :-(
feeling sick on the stomach ugh i cant be nooooooooooooooo : (
i'm so tired and sore :(
it just takes time kak ;) udah bilang :( if you love someone just be brave to say (8)
had veg dry hor fun with ice lemon tea then later ate (yes) chendol.. sneezing now! it's raining here and am stuck with work to do :(
thought cha was going to ya bed pikney // i can't sleeep !!!!! :(
ive decided to let him fly :(
how come yas? :(
i'm following 319 people already but i only got 212 followers :( .
spring break is over. this is now just the weekend :-(
crap. my eyes are swollen. hope that it'll recover by tmr :(
man im sad cuz i havent seen him! : (
saya pusink ..
put easter egg chocolate in my porridge. first spoonful was nice but now i'm gonna vomm :( niiiiice.
yea yur still loved even tho yu left me :(
well in limbo the mo we "booked" a hotel on line last night but they still haven't confirmed so don't know if we're going :(
i don't think i can make it for tonite's twtup. the body is aching b/c of tiredness. sorry guys! :(
so tired... the fact that i have to take a practice sat tomorrow is kinda a downer :(
i want another chow2 :( i want another dog, possibly a lab. i think it would be fun watching two (cont)
omg! yhur lucky;; i havent meh hym ohncee :( hopefully ihll qo to his concert uhp ihn new york for my birtthday
lol omg i bumped into alwi in the train. get to catch up with him hehe which reminds me im missing my poly friends :(
fuck sake, half hour till next train :(
~ i know you #adultcon fans will definitely be missing you next weekend! :(
extraño a sta mujer : ( #jonasbrothers
wow, you lucky, you watched it! :) i still have no chance to get a cd or to download it in a high quality :(
im so hungry i could gnaw the leg off a scabby donkey right now :(
mom says you become way to angry way too soon for a 22 year old. my day goes bad when i listen to things like this. :(
me either im bored :(
i need to be held. i woke up from a bad dream and i was all alone~ :(
not when you're on it 24/7 it gets sickening :(
unfollowers :(
i left my earpiece on mummys car :(
good morning. am so tired. i wanna continue sleeping but my back hurts way to much :-(
so i'm pretty sure she's not gonna want to make plans to see me this entire will take these odds! :-( she has no idea </3 :-(
i'm working too. :(
noooo! what a sad, sad day :(
thanks mum!! awake now :( shud do something i!? wot am i watching o_o
that's cold. i can't even talk to you anymore. :(
brb.. so lowbatt :(
when you smile, i feel so good :). when your sad, i feel so bad :(
tp sayang mantan dy :(
bestie's family. my lot are in europe. :(
:( am i going to become big and strong now?!
my mam is going to catch me in 10 much to do today :(
*raises hand* i am : ( still working
dear husband. where are you??? :(
and you i work for sainsburys on nights so i will be working :( x have a chocolate egg on me lol xx
well really u cld have tried a little bit harder i'm beginning to doubt your powers now its pouring down and on my day out : (
when i first start going out my mama would never be fully asleep when i came home.. now she be knocked! she doesn't care about me : (
early for oz, obviously :( it doesnt come out properly till thursday here :(
we played and just won.. i know not of the answer dude.. :(
plz plz plz plz! follow me i apply u :(
missin my bestie on a friday nite she always here entertainin me .... :(
am awake just. hair frizzier than normal & the bags under my eyes are so big as tho they've been shopping & bought everything :(
gota get ready 4 work in amin :(
well i shall be bestowing my rubber magnificence on london later but may not have concluded my affairs in time to attend :(
back pain :(
sad that i didn't get to meet tonight. that new years resolution will never be fulfilled :(
woww! why the hell am i awake rightnow :( x
bosen banget dirumah :(
my ebook doesn't like the colored pictures in the pdf book :-( it's like the old black/white tv screens.
bkk air tix supa cheap now!! but i gotta feeling ive got no one to acc me :( has reservist cuz red shirts zz
yes! i love the smell haha but most places don't have the limited edition anymore :(
it's just so sad.. coz i thought we're real friends... :(
aaah sh knapa sih, uda sampe authenticating malah internal server error :-(
rt! oh my gosh. too many unfollowers. mr. i really need your dms :-(
wanted to ask if can meet ya’ll. was going home from sentosa just now :(
alhamdulillah, begah -_- lo belom mkn lun ? just tell her straight to the point that you're starving . :(
so tired , need someone to cuddle with ... aaawwc. :-(
still awake!!!! really wish i had $$$ for a blue monster to drink otw to work! :(
i can't. . . i'm sad now :(
don't dieee. then i got nobody to get movies frommm :(
#ihateitwhen i season up meat and my hand smells like seasoning all day no matter how much i scrub it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
promote gue dong yg baik huhu 11 followers lagi nih :(
.. :(
i neeeed toooo.................. hm. can't remember. :(
good morning ?? i hope so those stupid nightmares wont leave me :(
oh! i feel sick in my heart! and my mood is down! :(
:( i wish i could here from him.. its been weeks
something's wrong with twitter :(
alright twitter fam i gotta go, easter mass :(
just used my last bit of organic whole earth peanut butter and the last nettle teabag. breakfast tomorrow isn't looking so good :-(
i'm going to miss my adorable nieces and nephew oooodles! i hate them being so far away. boo :( #sookielahlahauntykendy
my teeth feel odd i went thru years of dental work for them just to go squint again. sigh i think they mite have to remove my front tooth :(
:( so what to do now?is their some kstew site that can do that?
watching herpot: half blood prince. dumbledore mati :( walaupun gw gangerti critanya gw nangis nh
can't sleep :( i think awake but forget him -.-
haven't signed up yet! :(
want to mess this up. :(
saya pingin jalan, saya ingin bersenang", saya ingin pergiiii :(
its gettin' close to day..sigghhh,forgive me lord..'cause i'm a man of sinner and ur cross is prove for my soul salvation.. :( luv' ya
working on my second dui. didn't feel like working tonight but my patrolman are jobbin it. hopefully this is it for the night : ( #tired
its really sweet :) except im not :(
lmao shh :(
wow no one is entertaining me :( i'm bored :/
i wish i had a nice smile :(
last day at work 4 a week, but guess what ........ more rain :(
:( because of you