class FormatParser::CR2Parser include FormatParser::IOUtils TIFF_HEADER = [0x49, 0x49, 0x2a, 0x00] CR2_HEADER = [0x43, 0x52, 0x02, 0x00] PREVIEW_ORIENTATION_TAG = 0x0112 PREVIEW_RESOLUTION_TAG = 0x011a PREVIEW_IMAGE_OFFSET_TAG = 0x0111 PREVIEW_IMAGE_BYTE_COUNT_TAG = 0x0117 EXIF_OFFSET_TAG = 0x8769 MAKERNOTE_OFFSET_TAG = 0x927c AFINFO_TAG = 0x0012 AFINFO2_TAG = 0x0026 CAMERA_MODEL_TAG = 0x0110 SHOOT_DATE_TAG = 0x0132 EXPOSURE_TAG = 0x829a APERTURE_TAG = 0x829d def call(io) io = tiff_header = safe_read(io, 8) # Check whether it's a CR2 file tiff_bytes = tiff_header[0..3].bytes magic_bytes = safe_read(io, 4).unpack('C4') return if !magic_bytes.eql?(CR2_HEADER) || !tiff_bytes.eql?(TIFF_HEADER) # Offset to IFD #0 where the preview image data is located # For more information about CR2 format, # see # and if0_offset = parse_sequence_to_int tiff_header[4..7] parse_ifd_0(io, if0_offset) set_orientation(io, if0_offset) exif_offset = parse_ifd(io, if0_offset, EXIF_OFFSET_TAG) set_photo_info(io, exif_offset[0]) makernote_offset = parse_ifd(io, exif_offset[0], MAKERNOTE_OFFSET_TAG) # Old Canon models have CanonAFInfo tags # Newer models have CanonAFInfo2 tags instead # See af_info = parse_ifd(io, makernote_offset[0], AFINFO2_TAG) unless af_info.nil? parse_dimensions(io, af_info[0], af_info[1], 8, 10) else af_info = parse_ifd(io, makernote_offset[0], AFINFO_TAG) parse_dimensions(io, af_info[0], af_info[1], 4, 6) end format: :cr2, width_px: @width, height_px: @height, orientation: @orientation, image_orientation: @image_orientation, intrinsics: intrinsics ) end private def parse_ifd(io, offset, searched_tag) entries_count = parse_sequence_to_int safe_read(io, 2) entries_count.times do ifd = ifd_entry safe_read(io, 12) return [ifd[:value], ifd[:length], ifd[:type]].map { |b| parse_sequence_to_int b } if ifd[:tag] == [searched_tag].pack('v') end nil end def ifd_entry(binary) { tag: binary[0..1], type: binary[2..3], length: binary[4..7], value: binary[8..11] } end def parse_sequence_to_int(sequence) sequence.reverse.unpack('H*').join.hex end def parse_dimensions(io, offset, length, w_offset, h_offset) items = safe_read(io, length) @width = parse_sequence_to_int items[w_offset..w_offset + 1] @height = parse_sequence_to_int items[h_offset..h_offset + 1] end def parse_ifd_0(io, offset) resolution_offset = parse_ifd(io, offset, PREVIEW_RESOLUTION_TAG) resolution_data = read_data(io, resolution_offset[0], resolution_offset[1] * 8, resolution_offset[2]) @resolution = resolution_data[0] / resolution_data[1] @preview_offset = parse_ifd(io, offset, PREVIEW_IMAGE_OFFSET_TAG).first @preview_byte_count = parse_ifd(io, offset, PREVIEW_IMAGE_BYTE_COUNT_TAG).first model_offset = parse_ifd(io, offset, CAMERA_MODEL_TAG) @model = read_data(io, model_offset[0], model_offset[1], model_offset[2]) shoot_date_offset = parse_ifd(io, offset, SHOOT_DATE_TAG) @shoot_date = read_data(io, shoot_date_offset[0], shoot_date_offset[1], shoot_date_offset[2]) end def set_orientation(io, offset) orient = parse_ifd(io, offset, PREVIEW_ORIENTATION_TAG).first # Some old models do not have orientation info in TIFF headers return if orient > 8 # EXIF orientation is an one based index # @orientation = FormatParser::EXIFParser::ORIENTATIONS[orient - 1] @image_orientation = orient end def set_photo_info(io, offset) # Type for exposure, aperture and resolution is unsigned rational # Unsigned rational = 2x unsigned long (4 bytes) exposure_offset = parse_ifd(io, offset, EXPOSURE_TAG) exposure_data = read_data(io, exposure_offset[0], exposure_offset[1] * 8, exposure_offset[2]) @exposure = "#{exposure_data[0]}/#{exposure_data[1]}" aperture_offset = parse_ifd(io, offset, APERTURE_TAG) aperture_data = read_data(io, aperture_offset[0], aperture_offset[1] * 8, aperture_offset[2]) @aperture = "f#{aperture_data[0] / aperture_data[1].to_f}" end def read_data(io, offset, length, type) data = case type when 5 n = parse_sequence_to_int data[0..3] d = parse_sequence_to_int data[4..7] [n, d] else data end end def intrinsics { camera_model: @model, shoot_date: @shoot_date, exposure: @exposure, aperture: @aperture, resolution: @resolution, preview_offset: @preview_offset, preview_length: @preview_byte_count } end FormatParser.register_parser self, natures: :image, formats: :cr2 end