module TemporaryValues def self.included(mod) mod.extend ClassMethods end # # Use +value+ for the value of the constant +mod::name+ for the # duration of the block. # def with_temporary_constant_value(mod, name, value) save_and_set_constant(mod, name, value) yield ensure restore_constant(mod, name) end # # Use +value+ for the value of the +name+ attribute of the given # +object+ for the duration of the block. # def with_temporary_attribute_value(object, name, value) save_and_set_attribute(object, name, value) yield ensure restore_attribute(object, name) end module ClassMethods # # Use +value+ for the value of the constant +mod::name+ for the # duration of each example in this example group. # # If the value should be recalculated for each example, pass a # block instead of a value argument. # def use_temporary_constant_value(mod, name, value=nil, &block) before do value = block ? instance_eval(&block) : value save_and_set_constant(mod, name, value) end after do restore_constant(mod, name) end end # # Use +value+ for the value of the +name+ attribute of the given # +object+ for the duration of each example in this example group. # # If the value should be recalculated for each example, pass a # block instead of a value argument. # def use_temporary_attribute_value(object, name, value=nil, &block) before do value = block ? instance_eval(&block) : value save_and_set_attribute(object, name, value) end after do restore_attribute(object, name) end end end private # --------------------------------------------------------- UNDEFINED = def original_attribute_values @original_attribute_values ||={|h,k| h[k] ={|h2,k2| h2[k2] = {}}} end def save_and_set_attribute(object, name, value) original_attribute_values[object.__id__][name] = object.send(name) object.send("#{name}=", value) end def restore_attribute(object, name) value = original_attribute_values[object.__id__].delete(name) object.send("#{name}=", value) end def original_constant_values @original_constant_values ||={|h,k| h[k] ={|h2,k2| h2[k2] = {}}} end def save_and_set_constant(mod, name, value) if mod.const_defined?(name) original_constant_values[][name] = mod.send(:remove_const, name) else original_constant_values[][name] = UNDEFINED end mod.const_set(name, value) end def restore_constant(mod, name) mod.send(:remove_const, name) original_value = original_constant_values[].delete(name) unless original_value.equal?(UNDEFINED) mod.const_set(name, original_value) end end end