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". \"$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/webpreview.sh\"\nhtml_header \"Mediawiki Cheat Sheet\"\nMarkdown.pl < the html tag\n\n## Phrase Emphasis ##\n\n\t''italics''\n\t'''bold'''\n\n## Links ##\n\nExternal:\n\n\tAn [http://url.com/ example].\n\nWiki-links:\n\n\tAn [[example]] wikilink, possibly even\n\tfrom another namespace: [[talk:example]].\n\tRenaming [[hyperlink|links]] is easy.\n\nCategories: add the page to a category as follows:\n\n [[category:example]]\n\n## Images ##\n\nNot floated:\n\n\t[[Image:example.png]]\n\nThumbnail, with a caption, floated left, 200 pixels wide:\n\n [[Image:example.png|left|200px|Floating!]]\n\nLink to the image, but don't show it on the page:\n\n [[:Image:example.png|example.png]]\n\n## Headers ##\n\n\n\t== Header 2 ==\n\n\t=== Header 3 ===\n\n\t====== Header 6 ======\n\n\n## Lists ##\n\nOrdered:\n\n\t# Foo\n\t# Bar\n\nUnordered:\n\n\t* A list item.
With a line break.\n\t* Bar\n\nDefinition:\n\n ; a term\n : some defining\n : and more defining\n ; and another term : definition\n\nThey can be nested:\n\n\t* Abacus\n ** answer\n\t* Bubbles\n\t*# bunk\n *# bupkis\n *#; BELITTLER : one who belittles\n\t*# burper\n\t* Cunning\n\nDefinitions, without the word they are defining, are used\nto indent talk pages:\n\n Delete this article! [[user:spam]]\n : No, it's great! [[user:eggs]]\n\n## Signatures ##\n\nComments should be signed:\n\n ~~~ is my signature\n ~~~~ is my signature with datestamp\n ~~~~~ is just the datestamp\n\n## Use HTML for other formatting ##\n\nFor a monospaced font:\n\n use the tt tag.\n\nTo center text:\n\n
put me in the middle\n\nFor a blockquote:\n\n To be or not to be…
\n\n\n## Prevent wiki formatting ##\n\n Use the '''tag'' to write\n '''about'' mediawiki code\n itself, or suppress rendering for\n some other reason.\n\n## Templates ##\n\nOne page can be transcluded in another page\nby using a template:\n\n {{templates}} go in curly braces\n\n## Horizontal Rules ##\n\nFour or more dashes:\n\n\t----\n\nMARKDOWN\nhtml_footer",
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