# encoding: utf-8 class Nanoc::ItemRepTest < Nanoc::TestCase def test_created_modified_compiled # TODO: implement end def test_compiled_content_with_only_last_available # Create rep item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'blah blah blah', {}, '/', binary: false, mtime: Time.now - 500 ) rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, nil) rep.instance_eval { @content = { last: 'last content' } } rep.expects(:compiled?).returns(true) # Check assert_equal 'last content', rep.compiled_content end def test_compiled_content_with_pre_and_last_available # Create rep item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'blah blah blah', {}, '/', binary: false, mtime: Time.now - 500 ) rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, nil) rep.instance_eval { @content = { pre: 'pre content', last: 'last content' } } rep.expects(:compiled?).returns(true) # Check assert_equal 'pre content', rep.compiled_content end def test_compiled_content_with_custom_snapshot # Create rep item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'blah blah blah', {}, '/', binary: false, mtime: Time.now - 500 ) rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, nil) rep.instance_eval { @content = { pre: 'pre content', last: 'last content' } } rep.expects(:compiled?).returns(true) # Check assert_equal 'last content', rep.compiled_content(snapshot: :last) end def test_compiled_content_with_invalid_snapshot # Create rep item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'blah blah blah', {}, '/', binary: false, mtime: Time.now - 500 ) rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, nil) rep.instance_eval { @content = { pre: 'pre content', last: 'last content' } } # Check assert_raises Nanoc::Errors::NoSuchSnapshot do rep.compiled_content(snapshot: :klsjflkasdfl) end end def test_compiled_content_with_uncompiled_content # Create rep item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'blah blah', {}, '/', binary: false ) rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, nil) rep.expects(:compiled?).returns(false) # Check assert_raises(Nanoc::Errors::UnmetDependency) do rep.compiled_content end end def test_compiled_content_with_moving_pre_snapshot # Create rep item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'blah blah', {}, '/', binary: false ) rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, nil) rep.expects(:compiled?).returns(false) rep.instance_eval { @content = { pre: 'pre!', last: 'last!' } } # Check assert_raises(Nanoc::Errors::UnmetDependency) do rep.compiled_content(snapshot: :pre) end end def test_compiled_content_with_non_moving_pre_snapshot # Create rep item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'blah blah', {}, '/', binary: false ) rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, nil) rep.expects(:compiled?).returns(false) rep.snapshots = [[:pre, true]] rep.instance_eval { @content = { pre: 'pre!', post: 'post!', last: 'last!' } } # Check assert_equal 'pre!', rep.compiled_content(snapshot: :pre) end def test_compiled_content_with_final_pre_snapshot_in_layout # Mock layout layout = Nanoc::Layout.new( %(BEFORE <%= @item_rep.compiled_content(snapshot: :pre) %> AFTER), {}, '/somelayout/') # Create item and item rep item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'blah blah', {}, '/', binary: false ) rep = create_rep_for(item, :foo) rep.assigns = { item_rep: rep } # Run and check rep.layout(layout, :erb, {}) assert_equal('BEFORE blah blah AFTER', rep.instance_eval { @content[:last] }) end def test_filter # Mock site site = MiniTest::Mock.new site.expect(:items, []) site.expect(:config, []) site.expect(:layouts, []) # Mock item item = Nanoc::Item.new( %(<%= '<%= "blah" %' + '>' %>), {}, '/', binary: false ) # Create item rep item_rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, :foo) item_rep.instance_eval do @content[:raw] = item.raw_content @content[:last] = @content[:raw] end # Filter once item_rep.assigns = {} item_rep.filter(:erb) assert_equal(%(<%= "blah" %>), item_rep.instance_eval { @content[:last] }) # Filter twice item_rep.assigns = {} item_rep.filter(:erb) assert_equal(%(blah), item_rep.instance_eval { @content[:last] }) end def test_layout # Mock layout layout = Nanoc::Layout.new(%(<%= "blah" %>), {}, '/somelayout/') # Mock item item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'blah blah', {}, '/', binary: false ) # Create item rep item_rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, :foo) item_rep.instance_eval do @content[:raw] = item.raw_content @content[:last] = @content[:raw] end # Layout item_rep.assigns = {} item_rep.layout(layout, :erb, {}) assert_equal(%(blah), item_rep.instance_eval { @content[:last] }) end def test_snapshot # Mock site site = MiniTest::Mock.new site.expect(:items, []) site.expect(:config, []) site.expect(:layouts, []) # Mock item item = Nanoc::Item.new( %(<%= '<%= "blah" %' + '>' %>), {}, '/foobar/', binary: false ) # Create item rep item_rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, :foo) item_rep.instance_eval do @content[:raw] = item.raw_content @content[:last] = @content[:raw] end # Filter while taking snapshots item_rep.assigns = {} item_rep.snapshot(:foo) item_rep.filter(:erb) item_rep.snapshot(:bar) item_rep.filter(:erb) item_rep.snapshot(:qux) # Check snapshots assert_equal(%(<%= '<%= "blah" %' + '>' %>), item_rep.instance_eval { @content[:foo] }) assert_equal(%(<%= "blah" %>), item_rep.instance_eval { @content[:bar] }) assert_equal(%(blah), item_rep.instance_eval { @content[:qux] }) end def test_snapshot_should_be_written # Mock item item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'blah blah', {}, '/', binary: false ) # Create rep item_rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, :foo) item_rep.instance_eval { @content[:last] = 'Lorem ipsum, etc.' } item_rep.raw_paths = { moo: 'foo-moo.txt' } # Test non-final refute File.file?(item_rep.raw_path(snapshot: :moo)) item_rep.snapshot(:moo, final: false) refute File.file?(item_rep.raw_path(snapshot: :moo)) # Test final 1 item_rep.snapshot(:moo, final: true) assert File.file?(item_rep.raw_path(snapshot: :moo)) assert_equal 'Lorem ipsum, etc.', File.read(item_rep.raw_path(snapshot: :moo)) FileUtils.rm_f(item_rep.raw_path(snapshot: :moo)) # Test final 2 item_rep.snapshot(:moo) assert File.file?(item_rep.raw_path(snapshot: :moo)) assert_equal 'Lorem ipsum, etc.', File.read(item_rep.raw_path(snapshot: :moo)) end def test_write_should_not_touch_identical_textual_files # Mock item item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'blah blah', {}, '/', binary: false ) # Create rep item_rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, :foo) def item_rep.generate_diff; end item_rep.instance_eval { @content[:last] = 'Lorem ipsum, etc.' } item_rep.raw_path = 'foo/bar/baz/quux.txt' # Write once item_rep.write a_long_time_ago = Time.now - 1_000_000 File.utime(a_long_time_ago, a_long_time_ago, item_rep.raw_path) # Write again assert_equal a_long_time_ago.to_s, File.mtime(item_rep.raw_path).to_s item_rep.write assert_equal a_long_time_ago.to_s, File.mtime(item_rep.raw_path).to_s end def test_write # Mock item item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'blah blah', {}, '/', binary: false ) # Create rep item_rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, :foo) item_rep.instance_eval { @content[:last] = 'Lorem ipsum, etc.' } item_rep.raw_path = 'foo/bar/baz/quux.txt' # Write item_rep.write # Check assert(File.file?('foo/bar/baz/quux.txt')) assert_equal('Lorem ipsum, etc.', File.read('foo/bar/baz/quux.txt')) end def test_filter_text_to_binary # Mock item item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'blah blah', {}, '/', binary: false ) # Create rep rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, :foo) def rep.assigns {} end # Create fake filter def rep.filter_named(_name) @filter ||= Class.new(::Nanoc::Filter) do type text: :binary def run(content, _params = {}) File.open(output_filename, 'w') { |io| io.write(content) } end end end # Run rep.filter(:foo) # Check assert rep.binary? end def test_filter_with_textual_rep_and_binary_filter # Mock item item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'blah blah', {}, '/', binary: false ) # Create rep rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, :foo) def rep.assigns {} end # Create fake filter def rep.filter_named(_name) @filter ||= Class.new(::Nanoc::Filter) do type :binary def run(content, _params = {}) File.open(output_filename, 'w') { |io| io.write(content) } end end end # Run assert_raises ::Nanoc::Errors::CannotUseBinaryFilter do rep.filter(:foo) end end def test_using_textual_filters_on_binary_reps_raises item = create_binary_item site = mock_and_stub(items: [item], layouts: [], config: [] ) item.stubs(:site).returns(site) rep = create_rep_for(item, :foo) create_textual_filter assert rep.binary? assert_raises(Nanoc::Errors::CannotUseTextualFilter) { rep.filter(:text_filter) } end def test_writing_binary_reps_uses_content_in_last_filename require 'tempfile' in_filename = 'nanoc-in' out_filename = 'nanoc-out' file_content = 'Some content for this test' File.open(in_filename, 'w') { |io| io.write(file_content) } item = create_binary_item rep = create_rep_for(item, :foo) rep.temporary_filenames[:last] = in_filename rep.raw_paths[:last] = out_filename rep.write assert(File.exist?(out_filename)) assert_equal(file_content, File.read(out_filename)) end def test_converted_binary_rep_can_be_layed_out # Mock layout layout = Nanoc::Layout.new(%(<%= "blah" %> <%= yield %>), {}, '/somelayout/') # Create item and item rep item = create_binary_item rep = create_rep_for(item, :foo) rep.assigns = { content: 'meh' } # Create filter Class.new(::Nanoc::Filter) do type binary: :text identifier :binary_to_text def run(content, _params = {}) content + ' textified' end end # Run and check rep.filter(:binary_to_text) rep.layout(layout, :erb, {}) assert_equal('blah meh', rep.instance_eval { @content[:last] }) end def test_converted_binary_rep_can_be_filtered_with_textual_filters item = create_binary_item site = mock_and_stub(items: [item], layouts: [], config: [] ) item.stubs(:site).returns(site) rep = create_rep_for(item, :foo) rep.assigns = {} create_textual_filter assert rep.binary? def rep.filter_named(_name) Class.new(::Nanoc::Filter) do type binary: :text def run(_content, _params = {}) 'Some textual content' end end end rep.filter(:binary_to_text) assert !rep.binary? def rep.filter_named(_name) Class.new(::Nanoc::Filter) do type :text def run(_content, _params = {}) 'Some textual content' end end end rep.filter(:text_filter) assert !rep.binary? end def test_converted_binary_rep_cannot_be_filtered_with_binary_filters item = create_binary_item site = mock_and_stub( items: [item], layouts: [], config: [] ) item.stubs(:site).returns(site) rep = create_rep_for(item, :foo) rep.assigns = {} create_binary_filter assert rep.binary? def rep.filter_named(_name) @filter ||= Class.new(::Nanoc::Filter) do type binary: :text def run(_content, _params = {}) 'Some textual content' end end end rep.filter(:binary_to_text) refute rep.binary? assert_raises(Nanoc::Errors::CannotUseBinaryFilter) { rep.filter(:binary_filter) } end def test_new_content_should_be_frozen filter_class = Class.new(::Nanoc::Filter) do def run(content, _params = {}) content.gsub!('foo', 'moo') content end end item = Nanoc::Item.new('foo bar', {}, '/foo/') rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, :default) rep.instance_eval { @filter_class = filter_class } def rep.filter_named(_name) @filter_class end assert_raises_frozen_error do rep.filter(:whatever) end end def test_filter_should_freeze_content filter_class = Class.new(::Nanoc::Filter) do def run(content, _params = {}) content.gsub!('foo', 'moo') content end end item = Nanoc::Item.new('foo bar', {}, '/foo/') rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, :default) rep.instance_eval { @filter_class = filter_class } def rep.filter_named(_name) @filter_class end assert_raises_frozen_error do rep.filter(:erb) rep.filter(:whatever) end end def test_raw_path_should_generate_dependency items = [ Nanoc3::Item.new('foo', {}, '/foo/'), Nanoc3::Item.new('bar', {}, '/bar/') ] item_reps = [ Nanoc3::ItemRep.new(items[0], :default), Nanoc3::ItemRep.new(items[1], :default) ] dt = Nanoc3::DependencyTracker.new(items) dt.start Nanoc3::NotificationCenter.post(:visit_started, items[0]) item_reps[1].raw_path Nanoc3::NotificationCenter.post(:visit_ended, items[0]) dt.stop assert_equal [items[1]], dt.objects_causing_outdatedness_of(items[0]) end def test_path_should_generate_dependency items = [ Nanoc3::Item.new('foo', {}, '/foo/'), Nanoc3::Item.new('bar', {}, '/bar/') ] item_reps = [ Nanoc3::ItemRep.new(items[0], :default), Nanoc3::ItemRep.new(items[1], :default) ] dt = Nanoc3::DependencyTracker.new(items) dt.start Nanoc3::NotificationCenter.post(:visit_started, items[0]) item_reps[1].path Nanoc3::NotificationCenter.post(:visit_ended, items[0]) dt.stop assert_equal [items[1]], dt.objects_causing_outdatedness_of(items[0]) end def test_access_compiled_content_of_binary_item item = Nanoc::Item.new('content/somefile.dat', {}, '/somefile/', binary: true) item_rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, :foo) assert_raises(Nanoc::Errors::CannotGetCompiledContentOfBinaryItem) do item_rep.compiled_content end end def test_write_should_calculate_is_modified_correctly_for_binary_items_new # Mock item FileUtils.mkdir_p('content') File.open('content/meow.dat', 'w') { |io| io.write('asdf') } item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'content/meow.dat', {}, '/', binary: true ) # Create rep item_rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, :foo) FileUtils.mkdir_p('tmp') File.open('tmp/woof.dat', 'w') { |io| io.write('fdsa') } item_rep.instance_eval { @temporary_filenames[:last] = 'tmp/woof.dat' } item_rep.raw_path = 'output/woof.dat' # Write notified = false Nanoc::NotificationCenter.on(:rep_written, self) do |_rep, _raw_path, is_created, is_modified| notified = true assert is_created assert is_modified end item_rep.write assert notified Nanoc::NotificationCenter.remove(:rep_written, self) end def test_write_should_calculate_is_modified_correctly_for_binary_items_existing # Mock item FileUtils.mkdir_p('content') File.open('content/meow.dat', 'w') { |io| io.write('asdf') } item = Nanoc::Item.new( 'content/meow.dat', {}, '/', binary: true ) # Create rep item_rep = Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, :foo) FileUtils.mkdir_p('tmp') File.open('tmp/woof.dat', 'w') { |io| io.write('fdsa') } FileUtils.mkdir_p('output') File.open('output/woof.dat', 'w') { |io| io.write('fdsa but different') } item_rep.instance_eval { @temporary_filenames[:last] = 'tmp/woof.dat' } item_rep.raw_path = 'output/woof.dat' # Write notified = false Nanoc::NotificationCenter.on(:rep_written, self) do |_rep, _raw_path, is_created, is_modified| notified = true refute is_created assert is_modified end item_rep.write assert notified Nanoc::NotificationCenter.remove(:rep_written, self) end private def create_binary_item Nanoc::Item.new( '/a/file/name.dat', {}, '/', binary: true ) end def mock_and_stub(params) m = mock params.each do |method, return_value| m.stubs(method.to_sym).returns(return_value) end m end def create_rep_for(item, name) Nanoc::ItemRep.new(item, name) end def create_textual_filter f = create_filter(:text) f.class_eval do def run(_content, _params = {}) '' end end f end def create_binary_filter f = create_filter(:binary) f.class_eval do def run(content, _params = {}) File.open(output_filename, 'w') { |io| io.write(content) } end end f end def create_filter(type) filter_klass = Class.new(Nanoc::Filter) filter_klass.type(type) Nanoc::Filter.register filter_klass, "#{type}_filter".to_sym filter_klass end end