module Vulgata module ApplicationHelper def context_path_for object # use the provided context path helper to link to appropriate context if object.vulgata_context_path && object.vulgata_context_path_param main_app.send(object.vulgata_context_path, object.send(object.vulgata_context_path_param)) else # if not provided, fallback to current object's path main_app.url_for(object) rescue nil end end def status_tabs path, klass = nil, items_count = nil status_counts = items_count || all_count = status_counts.except(Vulgata::TranslationState.statuses[:source], nil).values.sum content_tag :ul, class: "nav nav-tabs" do # 'All' tab concat(content_tag(:li, class: status_tab_class(:all)) do link_to(self.send(path, current_query_params.except(:status))) do concat("All (#{all_count})") end end) # all other tabs Vulgata::TranslationState.statuses.except(:source, :rejected).each do |status, status_value| opts = current_query_params opts[:status] = status.to_s concat(content_tag(:li, class: status_tab_class(status)) do link_to(self.send(path, opts)) do concat(status.to_s.humanize) concat(" (#{status_counts[status_value] || 0})") end end) end end end def sorting_dropdown path opts = current_query_params updated_class, updated_sort_param = case params[:sort] when 'updated_at_desc' then ['active sorted-desc', 'updated_at_asc'] when 'updated_at_asc' then ['active sorted-asc', 'updated_at_desc'] else [nil, 'updated_at_desc'] end priority_class, priority_sort_param = case params[:sort] when 'priority_desc' then ['active sorted-desc', 'priority_asc'] when 'priority_asc' then ['active sorted-asc', 'priority_desc'] else [nil, 'priority_desc'] end content_tag(:ul, class: 'nav navbar-nav navbar-right') do concat(content_tag(:li, class: (params[:sort].blank? ? 'active' : nil)) do content_tag(:p, class:'navbar-text') do "Sort by:" end end) concat(content_tag(:li, class: priority_class) do link_to("Priority", self.send(path, opts.merge({sort: priority_sort_param}))) end) concat(content_tag(:li, class: updated_class) do link_to("Date", self.send(path, opts.merge({sort: updated_sort_param}))) end) end end def current_query_params opts = {} opts[:resource] = params[:resource] if params[:resource].present? opts[:status] = params[:status] if params[:status].present? opts[:q] = params[:q] if params[:q].present? opts[:sort] = params[:sort] if params[:sort].present? opts end def status_tab_class status if params[:status] == status || ((params[:status].blank? || params[:status] == 'all') && status == :all) 'active' else '' end end def translation_status_label status label_class = nil case status when :source label_class = 'label label-default' when :pending label_class = 'label label-primary' when :in_progress label_class = 'label label-warning' when :done label_class = 'label label-info' when :proofreading label_class = 'label label-warning' when :rejected label_class = 'label label-danger' when :approved label_class = 'label label-success' else label_class = 'label label-danger' end content_tag(:span, status.to_s.humanize, class: label_class) end def language_flag_and_label locale content_tag :span do concat flag_icon(Vulgata.configuration.locale_flags[locale.to_sym], class: "flag-icon-vlg") if Vulgata.configuration.locale_flags[locale.to_sym] concat Vulgata::LanguageTools.language_name(locale) end end def language_flag_or_label locale flag_code = Vulgata.configuration.locale_flags[locale.to_sym] flag_code.present? ? flag_icon(flag_code, class: "flag-icon-vlg") : locale end def translator_name translation_state translation_state.user.present? ? : nil end def bootstrap_class_for flash_type { success: "alert-success", error: "alert-danger", alert: "alert-warning", notice: "alert-info" }[flash_type.to_sym] || flash_type.to_s end def flash_messages(opts = {}) flash.each do |msg_type, message| concat(content_tag(:div, message, class: "alert #{bootstrap_class_for(msg_type)} fade in") do concat content_tag(:button, 'x', class: "close", data: { dismiss: 'alert' }) concat message end) end nil end end end