require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") asd = begin require 'active_support/duration' true rescue LoadError => e skip_warn "date_arithmetic extension (partial): can't load active_support/duration (#{e.class}: #{e})" false end Sequel.extension :date_arithmetic describe "date_arithmetic extension" do dbf = lambda do |db_type| db = Sequel.connect("mock://#{db_type}") db.extension :date_arithmetic db end before do @h0 = {:days=>0} @h1 = {:days=>1, :years=>nil, :hours=>0} @h2 = {:years=>1, :months=>1, :days=>1, :hours=>1, :minutes=>1, :seconds=>1} end it "should have Sequel.date_add with an interval hash return an appropriate Sequel::SQL::DateAdd expression" do da = Sequel.date_add(:a, :days=>1) da.must_be_kind_of(Sequel::SQL::DateAdd) da.expr.must_equal :a da.interval.must_equal(:days=>1) Sequel.date_add(:a, :years=>1, :months=>2, :days=>3, :hours=>1, :minutes=>1, :seconds=>1).interval.must_equal(:years=>1, :months=>2, :days=>3, :hours=>1, :minutes=>1, :seconds=>1) end it "should have Sequel.date_sub with an interval hash return an appropriate Sequel::SQL::DateAdd expression" do da = Sequel.date_sub(:a, :days=>1) da.must_be_kind_of(Sequel::SQL::DateAdd) da.expr.must_equal :a da.interval.must_equal(:days=>-1) Sequel.date_sub(:a, :years=>1, :months=>2, :days=>3, :hours=>1, :minutes=>1, :seconds=>1).interval.must_equal(:years=>-1, :months=>-2, :days=>-3, :hours=>-1, :minutes=>-1, :seconds=>-1) end it "should have Sequel.date_* with an interval hash handle nil values" do Sequel.date_sub(:a, :days=>1, :hours=>nil).interval.must_equal(:days=>-1) end it "should raise an error if given string values in an interval hash" do lambda{Sequel.date_add(:a, :days=>'1')}.must_raise(Sequel::InvalidValue) end if asd it "should have Sequel.date_add with an ActiveSupport::Duration return an appropriate Sequel::SQL::DateAdd expression" do da = Sequel.date_add(:a,, [[:days, 1]])) da.must_be_kind_of(Sequel::SQL::DateAdd) da.expr.must_equal :a da.interval.must_equal(:days=>1) Sequel.date_add(:a,, [[:years, 1], [:months, 1], [:days, 1], [:minutes, 61], [:seconds, 1]])).interval.must_equal(:years=>1, :months=>1, :days=>1, :minutes=>61, :seconds=>1) end it "should have Sequel.date_sub with an ActiveSupport::Duration return an appropriate Sequel::SQL::DateAdd expression" do da = Sequel.date_sub(:a,, [[:days, 1]])) da.must_be_kind_of(Sequel::SQL::DateAdd) da.expr.must_equal :a da.interval.must_equal(:days=>-1) Sequel.date_sub(:a,, [[:years, 1], [:months, 1], [:days, 1], [:minutes, 61], [:seconds, 1]])).interval.must_equal(:years=>-1, :months=>-1, :days=>-1, :minutes=>-61, :seconds=>-1) end end it "should correctly literalize on Postgres" do db = db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h0)).must_equal "CAST(a AS timestamp)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h1)).must_equal "(CAST(a AS timestamp) + CAST('1 days ' AS interval))" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h2)).must_equal "(CAST(a AS timestamp) + CAST('1 years 1 months 1 days 1 hours 1 minutes 1 seconds ' AS interval))" end it "should correctly literalize on SQLite" do db = db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h0)).must_equal "datetime(a)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h1)).must_equal "datetime(a, '1 days')" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h2)).must_equal "datetime(a, '1 years', '1 months', '1 days', '1 hours', '1 minutes', '1 seconds')" end it "should correctly literalize on MySQL" do db = db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h0)).must_equal "CAST(a AS DATETIME)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h1)).must_equal "DATE_ADD(a, INTERVAL 1 DAY)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h2)).must_equal "DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(a, INTERVAL 1 YEAR), INTERVAL 1 MONTH), INTERVAL 1 DAY), INTERVAL 1 HOUR), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE), INTERVAL 1 SECOND)" end it "should correctly literalize on HSQLDB" do db = Sequel.mock def db.database_type; :hsqldb end db.extension :date_arithmetic db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h0)).must_equal "CAST(CAST(a AS timestamp) AS timestamp)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h1)).must_equal "DATE_ADD(CAST(a AS timestamp), INTERVAL 1 DAY)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h2)).must_equal "DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(CAST(a AS timestamp), INTERVAL 1 YEAR), INTERVAL 1 MONTH), INTERVAL 1 DAY), INTERVAL 1 HOUR), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE), INTERVAL 1 SECOND)" end it "should correctly literalize on MSSQL" do db = db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h0)).must_equal "CAST(a AS datetime)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h1)).must_equal "DATEADD(day, 1, a)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h2)).must_equal "DATEADD(second, 1, DATEADD(minute, 1, DATEADD(hour, 1, DATEADD(day, 1, DATEADD(month, 1, DATEADD(year, 1, a))))))" end it "should correctly literalize on H2" do db = Sequel.mock def db.database_type; :h2 end db.extension :date_arithmetic db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h0)).must_equal "CAST(a AS timestamp)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h1)).must_equal "DATEADD('day', 1, a)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h2)).must_equal "DATEADD('second', 1, DATEADD('minute', 1, DATEADD('hour', 1, DATEADD('day', 1, DATEADD('month', 1, DATEADD('year', 1, a))))))" end it "should correctly literalize on access" do db = db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h0)).must_equal "CDate(a)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h1)).must_equal "DATEADD('d', 1, a)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h2)).must_equal "DATEADD('s', 1, DATEADD('n', 1, DATEADD('h', 1, DATEADD('d', 1, DATEADD('m', 1, DATEADD('yyyy', 1, a))))))" end it "should correctly literalize on Derby" do db = Sequel.mock def db.database_type; :derby end db.extension :date_arithmetic db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h0)).must_equal "CAST(a AS timestamp)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h1)).must_equal "{fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_DAY, 1, timestamp(a))}" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h2)).must_equal "{fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_SECOND, 1, timestamp({fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_MINUTE, 1, timestamp({fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_HOUR, 1, timestamp({fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_DAY, 1, timestamp({fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_MONTH, 1, timestamp({fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_YEAR, 1, timestamp(a))}))}))}))}))}))}" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(Date.civil(2012, 11, 12), @h1)).must_equal "{fn timestampadd(SQL_TSI_DAY, 1, timestamp((CAST('2012-11-12' AS varchar(255)) || ' 00:00:00')))}" end it "should correctly literalize on Oracle" do db = db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h0)).must_equal "CAST(a AS timestamp)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h1)).must_equal "(a + INTERVAL '1' DAY)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h2)).must_equal "(a + INTERVAL '1' YEAR + INTERVAL '1' MONTH + INTERVAL '1' DAY + INTERVAL '1' HOUR + INTERVAL '1' MINUTE + INTERVAL '1' SECOND)" end it "should correctly literalize on DB2" do db = db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h0)).must_equal "CAST(a AS timestamp)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h1)).must_equal "(CAST(a AS timestamp) + 1 days)" db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h2)).must_equal "(CAST(a AS timestamp) + 1 years + 1 months + 1 days + 1 hours + 1 minutes + 1 seconds)" end it "should raise error if literalizing on an unsupported database" do db = Sequel.mock db.extension :date_arithmetic lambda{db.literal(Sequel.date_add(:a, @h0))}.must_raise(Sequel::Error) end end