module RBS module Unnamed # # ENV is a hash-like accessor for environment variables. # # ### Interaction with the Operating System # # The ENV object interacts with the operating system's environment variables: # # * When you get the value for a name in ENV, the value is retrieved from # among the current environment variables. # * When you create or set a name-value pair in ENV, the name and value are # immediately set in the environment variables. # * When you delete a name-value pair in ENV, it is immediately deleted from # the environment variables. # # # ### Names and Values # # Generally, a name or value is a String. # # #### Valid Names and Values # # Each name or value must be one of the following: # # * A String. # * An object that responds to #to_str by returning a String, in which case # that String will be used as the name or value. # # # #### Invalid Names and Values # # A new name: # # * May not be the empty string: # ENV[''] = '0' # # Raises Errno::EINVAL (Invalid argument - ruby_setenv()) # # * May not contain character `"="`: # ENV['='] = '0' # # Raises Errno::EINVAL (Invalid argument - ruby_setenv(=)) # # # A new name or value: # # * May not be a non-String that does not respond to #to_str: # # ENV['foo'] = # # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String) # ENV[] = '0' # # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String) # # * May not contain the NUL character `"\0"`: # # ENV['foo'] = "\0" # # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable value: contains null byte) # ENV["\0"] == '0' # # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: contains null byte) # # * May not have an ASCII-incompatible encoding such as UTF-16LE or # ISO-2022-JP: # # ENV['foo'] = '0'.force_encoding(Encoding::ISO_2022_JP) # # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: ASCII incompatible encoding: ISO-2022-JP) # ENV["foo".force_encoding(Encoding::ISO_2022_JP)] = '0' # # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: ASCII incompatible encoding: ISO-2022-JP) # # # ### About Ordering # # ENV enumerates its name/value pairs in the order found in the operating # system's environment variables. Therefore the ordering of ENV content is # OS-dependent, and may be indeterminate. # # This will be seen in: # * A Hash returned by an ENV method. # * An Enumerator returned by an ENV method. # * An Array returned by ENV.keys, ENV.values, or ENV.to_a. # * The String returned by ENV.inspect. # * The Array returned by ENV.shift. # * The name returned by ENV.key. # # # ### About the Examples # Some methods in ENV return ENV itself. Typically, there are many environment # variables. It's not useful to display a large ENV in the examples here, so # most example snippets begin by resetting the contents of ENV: # * ENV.replace replaces ENV with a new collection of entries. # * ENV.clear empties ENV. # # # ## What's Here # # First, what's elsewhere. Class ENV: # # * Inherits from [class Object](rdoc-ref:Object@What-27s+Here). # * Extends [module Enumerable](rdoc-ref:Enumerable@What-27s+Here), # # # Here, class ENV provides methods that are useful for: # # * [Querying](rdoc-ref:ENV@Methods+for+Querying) # * [Assigning](rdoc-ref:ENV@Methods+for+Assigning) # * [Deleting](rdoc-ref:ENV@Methods+for+Deleting) # * [Iterating](rdoc-ref:ENV@Methods+for+Iterating) # * [Converting](rdoc-ref:ENV@Methods+for+Converting) # * [And more ....](rdoc-ref:ENV@More+Methods) # # # ### Methods for Querying # # * ::[]: Returns the value for the given environment variable name if it # exists: # * ::empty?: Returns whether ENV is empty. # * ::has_value?, ::value?: Returns whether the given value is in ENV. # * ::include?, ::has_key?, ::key?, ::member?: Returns whether the given name # is in ENV. # * ::key: Returns the name of the first entry with the given value. # * ::size, ::length: Returns the number of entries. # * ::value?: Returns whether any entry has the given value. # # # ### Methods for Assigning # # * ::[]=, ::store: Creates, updates, or deletes the named environment # variable. # * ::clear: Removes every environment variable; returns ENV: # * ::update, ::merge!: Adds to ENV each key/value pair in the given hash. # * ::replace: Replaces the entire content of the ENV with the name/value # pairs in the given hash. # # # ### Methods for Deleting # # * ::delete: Deletes the named environment variable name if it exists. # * ::delete_if: Deletes entries selected by the block. # * ::keep_if: Deletes entries not selected by the block. # * ::reject!: Similar to #delete_if, but returns `nil` if no change was made. # * ::select!, ::filter!: Deletes entries selected by the block. # * ::shift: Removes and returns the first entry. # # # ### Methods for Iterating # # * ::each, ::each_pair: Calls the block with each name/value pair. # * ::each_key: Calls the block with each name. # * ::each_value: Calls the block with each value. # # # ### Methods for Converting # # * ::assoc: Returns a 2-element array containing the name and value of the # named environment variable if it exists: # * ::clone: Returns ENV (and issues a warning). # * ::except: Returns a hash of all name/value pairs except those given. # * ::fetch: Returns the value for the given name. # * ::inspect: Returns the contents of ENV as a string. # * ::invert: Returns a hash whose keys are the ENV values, and whose values # are the corresponding ENV names. # * ::keys: Returns an array of all names. # * ::rassoc: Returns the name and value of the first found entry that has the # given value. # * ::reject: Returns a hash of those entries not rejected by the block. # * ::select, ::filter: Returns a hash of name/value pairs selected by the # block. # * ::slice: Returns a hash of the given names and their corresponding values. # * ::to_a: Returns the entries as an array of 2-element Arrays. # * ::to_h: Returns a hash of entries selected by the block. # * ::to_hash: Returns a hash of all entries. # * ::to_s: Returns the string `'ENV'`. # * ::values: Returns all values as an array. # * ::values_at: Returns an array of the values for the given name. # # # ### More Methods # # * ::dup: Raises an exception. # * ::freeze: Raises an exception. # * ::rehash: Returns `nil`, without modifying ENV. # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV} class ENVClass include Enumerable[[ String, String ]] # # Returns the value for the environment variable `name` if it exists: # ENV['foo'] = '0' # ENV['foo'] # => "0" # # Returns `nil` if the named variable does not exist. # # Raises an exception if `name` is invalid. See [Invalid Names and # Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Invalid+Names+and+Values). # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.[]} def []: (String name) -> String? # # If `name` is the name of an environment variable, returns its value: # ENV['foo'] = '0' # ENV.fetch('foo') # => '0' # # Otherwise if a block is given (but not a default value), yields `name` to the # block and returns the block's return value: # ENV.fetch('foo') { |name| :need_not_return_a_string } # => :need_not_return_a_string # # Otherwise if a default value is given (but not a block), returns the default # value: # ENV.delete('foo') # ENV.fetch('foo', :default_need_not_be_a_string) # => :default_need_not_be_a_string # # If the environment variable does not exist and both default and block are # given, issues a warning ("warning: block supersedes default value argument"), # yields `name` to the block, and returns the block's return value: # ENV.fetch('foo', :default) { |name| :block_return } # => :block_return # # Raises KeyError if `name` is valid, but not found, and neither default value # nor block is given: # ENV.fetch('foo') # Raises KeyError (key not found: "foo") # # Raises an exception if `name` is invalid. See [Invalid Names and # Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Invalid+Names+and+Values). # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.fetch} def fetch: (String name) -> String | [X] (String name, X default) -> (String | X) | [X] (String name) { (String) -> X } -> (String | X) # # is an alias for ENV.[]=. # # Creates, updates, or deletes the named environment variable, returning the # value. Both `name` and `value` may be instances of String. See [Valid Names # and Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Valid+Names+and+Values). # # * If the named environment variable does not exist: # * If `value` is `nil`, does nothing. # ENV.clear # ENV['foo'] = nil # => nil # ENV.include?('foo') # => false #'bar', nil) # => nil # ENV.include?('bar') # => false # # * If `value` is not `nil`, creates the environment variable with `name` # and `value`: # # Create 'foo' using ENV.[]=. # ENV['foo'] = '0' # => '0' # ENV['foo'] # => '0' # # Create 'bar' using #'bar', '1') # => '1' # ENV['bar'] # => '1' # # # * If the named environment variable exists: # * If `value` is not `nil`, updates the environment variable with value # `value`: # # Update 'foo' using ENV.[]=. # ENV['foo'] = '2' # => '2' # ENV['foo'] # => '2' # # Update 'bar' using #'bar', '3') # => '3' # ENV['bar'] # => '3' # # * If `value` is `nil`, deletes the environment variable: # # Delete 'foo' using ENV.[]=. # ENV['foo'] = nil # => nil # ENV.include?('foo') # => false # # Delete 'bar' using #'bar', nil) # => nil # ENV.include?('bar') # => false # # # # Raises an exception if `name` or `value` is invalid. See [Invalid Names and # Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Invalid+Names+and+Values). # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.[]=} def []=: (String name, String? value) -> String? # # is an alias for ENV.[]=. # # Creates, updates, or deletes the named environment variable, returning the # value. Both `name` and `value` may be instances of String. See [Valid Names # and Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Valid+Names+and+Values). # # * If the named environment variable does not exist: # * If `value` is `nil`, does nothing. # ENV.clear # ENV['foo'] = nil # => nil # ENV.include?('foo') # => false #'bar', nil) # => nil # ENV.include?('bar') # => false # # * If `value` is not `nil`, creates the environment variable with `name` # and `value`: # # Create 'foo' using ENV.[]=. # ENV['foo'] = '0' # => '0' # ENV['foo'] # => '0' # # Create 'bar' using #'bar', '1') # => '1' # ENV['bar'] # => '1' # # # * If the named environment variable exists: # * If `value` is not `nil`, updates the environment variable with value # `value`: # # Update 'foo' using ENV.[]=. # ENV['foo'] = '2' # => '2' # ENV['foo'] # => '2' # # Update 'bar' using #'bar', '3') # => '3' # ENV['bar'] # => '3' # # * If `value` is `nil`, deletes the environment variable: # # Delete 'foo' using ENV.[]=. # ENV['foo'] = nil # => nil # ENV.include?('foo') # => false # # Delete 'bar' using #'bar', nil) # => nil # ENV.include?('bar') # => false # # # # Raises an exception if `name` or `value` is invalid. See [Invalid Names and # Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Invalid+Names+and+Values). # %a{} alias store []= # # Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array: # h = {} # ENV.each_pair { |name, value| h[name] = value } # => ENV # h # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"} # # Returns an Enumerator if no block given: # h = {} # e = ENV.each_pair # => #"1", "foo"=>"0"}:each_pair> # e.each { |name, value| h[name] = value } # => ENV # h # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"} # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.each} def each: () -> ::Enumerator[[ String, String ], self] | () { ([ String, String ]) -> void } -> self # # Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array: # h = {} # ENV.each_pair { |name, value| h[name] = value } # => ENV # h # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"} # # Returns an Enumerator if no block given: # h = {} # e = ENV.each_pair # => #"1", "foo"=>"0"}:each_pair> # e.each { |name, value| h[name] = value } # => ENV # h # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"} # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.each_pair} def each_pair: () -> ::Enumerator[[ String, String ], self] | () { ([ String, String ]) -> void } -> self # # Yields each environment variable name: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # => ENV # names = [] # ENV.each_key { |name| names.push(name) } # => ENV # names # => ["bar", "foo"] # # Returns an Enumerator if no block given: # e = ENV.each_key # => #"1", "foo"=>"0"}:each_key> # names = [] # e.each { |name| names.push(name) } # => ENV # names # => ["bar", "foo"] # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.each_key} def each_key: () -> ::Enumerator[[ String ], self] | () { (String name) -> void } -> self # # Yields each environment variable value: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # => ENV # values = [] # ENV.each_value { |value| values.push(value) } # => ENV # values # => ["1", "0"] # # Returns an Enumerator if no block given: # e = ENV.each_value # => #"1", "foo"=>"0"}:each_value> # values = [] # e.each { |value| values.push(value) } # => ENV # values # => ["1", "0"] # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.each_value} def each_value: () -> ::Enumerator[[ String ], self] | () { (String value) -> void } -> self # # Deletes the environment variable with `name` if it exists and returns its # value: # ENV['foo'] = '0' # ENV.delete('foo') # => '0' # # If a block is not given and the named environment variable does not exist, # returns `nil`. # # If a block given and the environment variable does not exist, yields `name` to # the block and returns the value of the block: # ENV.delete('foo') { |name| name * 2 } # => "foofoo" # # If a block given and the environment variable exists, deletes the environment # variable and returns its value (ignoring the block): # ENV['foo'] = '0' # ENV.delete('foo') { |name| raise 'ignored' } # => "0" # # Raises an exception if `name` is invalid. See [Invalid Names and # Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Invalid+Names+and+Values). # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.delete} def delete: (String name) -> String? | (String name) { (String) -> String } -> String # # Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array, # deleting each environment variable for which the block returns a truthy value, # and returning ENV (regardless of whether any deletions): # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # ENV.delete_if { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # ENV # => {"foo"=>"0"} # ENV.delete_if { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # # Returns an Enumerator if no block given: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # e = ENV.delete_if # => #"1", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}:delete_if!> # e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # ENV # => {"foo"=>"0"} # e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.delete_if} def delete_if: () -> ::Enumerator[[ String, String ], self] | () { (String name, String value) -> boolish } -> self # # Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array, # deleting each environment variable for which the block returns `false` or # `nil`, and returning ENV: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # ENV.keep_if { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # # Returns an Enumerator if no block given: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # e = ENV.keep_if # => #"1", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}:keep_if> # e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.keep_if} def keep_if: () -> ::Enumerator[[ String, String ], self] | () { (String name, String value) -> boolish } -> self # # Returns a Hash of the given ENV names and their corresponding values: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2', 'bat' => '3') # ENV.slice('foo', 'baz') # => {"foo"=>"0", "baz"=>"2"} # ENV.slice('baz', 'foo') # => {"baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"} # # Raises an exception if any of the `names` is invalid (see [Invalid Names and # Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Invalid+Names+and+Values)): # ENV.slice('foo', 'bar', :bat) # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Symbol into String) # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.slice} def slice: (*String names) -> ::Hash[String, String] # # Returns a hash except the given keys from ENV and their values. # # ENV #=> {"LANG"=>"en_US.UTF-8", "TERM"=>"xterm-256color", "HOME"=>"/Users/rhc"} # ENV.except("TERM","HOME") #=> {"LANG"=>"en_US.UTF-8"} # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.except} def except: (*String names) -> ::Hash[String, String] # # Removes every environment variable; returns ENV: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.size # => 2 # ENV.clear # => ENV # ENV.size # => 0 # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.clear} def clear: () -> self # # Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array. # Returns a Hash whose items are determined by the block. When the block returns # a truthy value, the name/value pair is added to the return Hash; otherwise the # pair is ignored: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # ENV.reject { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => {"foo"=>"0"} # # Returns an Enumerator if no block given: # e = ENV.reject # e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => {"foo"=>"0"} # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.reject} def reject: () -> ::Enumerator[[ String, String ], self] | () { (String name, String value) -> boolish } -> self # # Similar to ENV.delete_if, but returns `nil` if no changes were made. # # Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array, # deleting each environment variable for which the block returns a truthy value, # and returning ENV (if any deletions) or `nil` (if not): # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # ENV.reject! { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # ENV # => {"foo"=>"0"} # ENV.reject! { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => nil # # Returns an Enumerator if no block given: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # e = ENV.reject! # => #"1", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}:reject!> # e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # ENV # => {"foo"=>"0"} # e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => nil # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.reject!} def reject!: () -> ::Enumerator[[ String, String ], self?] | () { (String name, String value) -> boolish } -> self? # # ENV.filter is an alias for # # Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array, # returning a Hash of the names and values for which the block returns a truthy # value: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # ENV.filter { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # # Returns an Enumerator if no block given: # e = # => #"1", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}:select> # e.each { |name, value | name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # e = ENV.filter # => #"1", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}:filter> # e.each { |name, value | name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # %a{} def select: () -> ::Enumerator[[ String, String ], ::Hash[String, String]] | () { (String name, String value) -> boolish } -> ::Hash[String, String] # # ENV.filter is an alias for # # Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array, # returning a Hash of the names and values for which the block returns a truthy # value: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # ENV.filter { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # # Returns an Enumerator if no block given: # e = # => #"1", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}:select> # e.each { |name, value | name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # e = ENV.filter # => #"1", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"}:filter> # e.each { |name, value | name.start_with?('b') } # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.filter} alias filter select # # ENV.filter! is an alias for!. # # Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array, # deleting each entry for which the block returns `false` or `nil`, and # returning ENV if any deletions made, or `nil` otherwise: # # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') #! { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} #! { |name, value| true } # => nil # # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # ENV.filter! { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # ENV.filter! { |name, value| true } # => nil # # Returns an Enumerator if no block given: # # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # e =! # => #"1", "baz"=>"2"}:select!> # e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # e.each { |name, value| true } # => nil # # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # e = ENV.filter! # => #"1", "baz"=>"2"}:filter!> # e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # e.each { |name, value| true } # => nil # %a{!} def select!: () -> ::Enumerator[[ String, String ], self?] | () { (String name, String value) -> boolish } -> self? # # ENV.filter! is an alias for!. # # Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array, # deleting each entry for which the block returns `false` or `nil`, and # returning ENV if any deletions made, or `nil` otherwise: # # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') #! { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} #! { |name, value| true } # => nil # # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # ENV.filter! { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # ENV.filter! { |name, value| true } # => nil # # Returns an Enumerator if no block given: # # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # e =! # => #"1", "baz"=>"2"}:select!> # e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # e.each { |name, value| true } # => nil # # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # e = ENV.filter! # => #"1", "baz"=>"2"}:filter!> # e.each { |name, value| name.start_with?('b') } # => ENV # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "baz"=>"2"} # e.each { |name, value| true } # => nil # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.filter!} alias filter! select! # # Removes the first environment variable from ENV and returns a 2-element Array # containing its name and value: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.to_hash # => {'bar' => '1', 'foo' => '0'} # ENV.shift # => ['bar', '1'] # ENV.to_hash # => {'foo' => '0'} # # Exactly which environment variable is "first" is OS-dependent. See [About # Ordering](rdoc-ref:ENV@About+Ordering). # # Returns `nil` if the environment is empty. # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.shift} def shift: () -> [ String, String ]? # # Returns a Hash whose keys are the ENV values, and whose values are the # corresponding ENV names: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.invert # => {"1"=>"bar", "0"=>"foo"} # # For a duplicate ENV value, overwrites the hash entry: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '0') # ENV.invert # => {"0"=>"foo"} # # Note that the order of the ENV processing is OS-dependent, which means that # the order of overwriting is also OS-dependent. See [About # Ordering](rdoc-ref:ENV@About+Ordering). # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.invert} def invert: () -> ::Hash[String, String] # # Replaces the entire content of the environment variables with the name/value # pairs in the given `hash`; returns ENV. # # Replaces the content of ENV with the given pairs: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # => ENV # ENV.to_hash # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"} # # Raises an exception if a name or value is invalid (see [Invalid Names and # Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Invalid+Names+and+Values)): # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', :bar => '1') # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Symbol into String) # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => 1) # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Integer into String) # ENV.to_hash # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"} # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.replace} def replace: (Hash[String, String]) -> self # # ENV.update is an alias for ENV.merge!. # # Adds to ENV each key/value pair in the given `hash`; returns ENV: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.merge!('baz' => '2', 'bat' => '3') # => {"bar"=>"1", "bat"=>"3", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"} # # Deletes the ENV entry for a hash value that is `nil`: # ENV.merge!('baz' => nil, 'bat' => nil) # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"} # # For an already-existing name, if no block given, overwrites the ENV value: # ENV.merge!('foo' => '4') # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"4"} # # For an already-existing name, if block given, yields the name, its ENV value, # and its hash value; the block's return value becomes the new name: # ENV.merge!('foo' => '5') { |name, env_val, hash_val | env_val + hash_val } # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"45"} # # Raises an exception if a name or value is invalid (see [Invalid Names and # Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Invalid+Names+and+Values)); # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.merge!('foo' => '6', :bar => '7', 'baz' => '9') # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Symbol into String) # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"6"} # ENV.merge!('foo' => '7', 'bar' => 8, 'baz' => '9') # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Integer into String) # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"7"} # # Raises an exception if the block returns an invalid name: (see [Invalid Names # and Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Invalid+Names+and+Values)): # ENV.merge!('bat' => '8', 'foo' => '9') { |name, env_val, hash_val | 10 } # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Integer into String) # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "bat"=>"8", "foo"=>"7"} # # Note that for the exceptions above, hash pairs preceding an invalid name or # value are processed normally; those following are ignored. # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.update} def update: (Hash[String, String?]) -> self | (Hash[String, String?]) { (String name, String env_val, String? hash_val) -> String } -> self # # ENV.update is an alias for ENV.merge!. # # Adds to ENV each key/value pair in the given `hash`; returns ENV: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.merge!('baz' => '2', 'bat' => '3') # => {"bar"=>"1", "bat"=>"3", "baz"=>"2", "foo"=>"0"} # # Deletes the ENV entry for a hash value that is `nil`: # ENV.merge!('baz' => nil, 'bat' => nil) # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"} # # For an already-existing name, if no block given, overwrites the ENV value: # ENV.merge!('foo' => '4') # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"4"} # # For an already-existing name, if block given, yields the name, its ENV value, # and its hash value; the block's return value becomes the new name: # ENV.merge!('foo' => '5') { |name, env_val, hash_val | env_val + hash_val } # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"45"} # # Raises an exception if a name or value is invalid (see [Invalid Names and # Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Invalid+Names+and+Values)); # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.merge!('foo' => '6', :bar => '7', 'baz' => '9') # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Symbol into String) # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"6"} # ENV.merge!('foo' => '7', 'bar' => 8, 'baz' => '9') # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Integer into String) # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"7"} # # Raises an exception if the block returns an invalid name: (see [Invalid Names # and Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Invalid+Names+and+Values)): # ENV.merge!('bat' => '8', 'foo' => '9') { |name, env_val, hash_val | 10 } # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Integer into String) # ENV # => {"bar"=>"1", "bat"=>"8", "foo"=>"7"} # # Note that for the exceptions above, hash pairs preceding an invalid name or # value are processed normally; those following are ignored. # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.merge!} alias merge! update # # (Provided for compatibility with Hash.) # # Does not modify ENV; returns `nil`. # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.rehash} def rehash: () -> nil # # Returns the contents of ENV as an Array of 2-element Arrays, each of which is # a name/value pair: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.to_a # => [["bar", "1"], ["foo", "0"]] # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.to_a} def to_a: () -> ::Array[[ String, String ]] # # Returns String 'ENV': # ENV.to_s # => "ENV" # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.to_s} def to_s: () -> "ENV" # # Returns the name of the first environment variable with `value`, if it exists: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '0') # ENV.key('0') # => "foo" # # The order in which environment variables are examined is OS-dependent. See # [About Ordering](rdoc-ref:ENV@About+Ordering). # # Returns `nil` if there is no such value. # # Raises an exception if `value` is invalid: # ENV.key( # raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String) # # See [Invalid Names and Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Invalid+Names+and+Values). # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.key} def key: (String value) -> String? # # Returns the count of environment variables: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.length # => 2 # ENV.size # => 2 # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.size} def size: () -> Integer # # Returns the count of environment variables: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.length # => 2 # ENV.size # => 2 # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.length} alias length size # # Returns `true` when there are no environment variables, `false` otherwise: # ENV.clear # ENV.empty? # => true # ENV['foo'] = '0' # ENV.empty? # => false # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.empty?} def empty?: () -> bool # # Returns all variable names in an Array: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.keys # => ['bar', 'foo'] # # The order of the names is OS-dependent. See [About # Ordering](rdoc-ref:ENV@About+Ordering). # # Returns the empty Array if ENV is empty. # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.keys} def keys: () -> ::Array[String] # # Returns all environment variable values in an Array: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.values # => ['1', '0'] # # The order of the values is OS-dependent. See [About # Ordering](rdoc-ref:ENV@About+Ordering). # # Returns the empty Array if ENV is empty. # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.values} def values: () -> ::Array[String] # # Returns an Array containing the environment variable values associated with # the given names: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2') # ENV.values_at('foo', 'baz') # => ["0", "2"] # # Returns `nil` in the Array for each name that is not an ENV name: # ENV.values_at('foo', 'bat', 'bar', 'bam') # => ["0", nil, "1", nil] # # Returns an empty Array if no names given. # # Raises an exception if any name is invalid. See [Invalid Names and # Values](rdoc-ref:ENV@Invalid+Names+and+Values). # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.values_at} def values_at: (*String names) -> ::Array[String?] # # ENV.has_key?, ENV.member?, and ENV.key? are aliases for ENV.include?. # # Returns `true` if there is an environment variable with the given `name`: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.include?('foo') # => true # # Returns `false` if `name` is a valid String and there is no such environment # variable: # ENV.include?('baz') # => false # # Returns `false` if `name` is the empty String or is a String containing # character `'='`: # ENV.include?('') # => false # ENV.include?('=') # => false # # Raises an exception if `name` is a String containing the NUL character `"\0"`: # ENV.include?("\0") # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: contains null byte) # # Raises an exception if `name` has an encoding that is not ASCII-compatible: # ENV.include?("\xa1\xa1".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_16LE)) # # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: ASCII incompatible encoding: UTF-16LE) # # Raises an exception if `name` is not a String: # ENV.include?( # TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String) # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.include?} def include?: (String name) -> bool # # ENV.has_key?, ENV.member?, and ENV.key? are aliases for ENV.include?. # # Returns `true` if there is an environment variable with the given `name`: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.include?('foo') # => true # # Returns `false` if `name` is a valid String and there is no such environment # variable: # ENV.include?('baz') # => false # # Returns `false` if `name` is the empty String or is a String containing # character `'='`: # ENV.include?('') # => false # ENV.include?('=') # => false # # Raises an exception if `name` is a String containing the NUL character `"\0"`: # ENV.include?("\0") # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: contains null byte) # # Raises an exception if `name` has an encoding that is not ASCII-compatible: # ENV.include?("\xa1\xa1".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_16LE)) # # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: ASCII incompatible encoding: UTF-16LE) # # Raises an exception if `name` is not a String: # ENV.include?( # TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String) # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.member?} alias member? include? # # ENV.has_key?, ENV.member?, and ENV.key? are aliases for ENV.include?. # # Returns `true` if there is an environment variable with the given `name`: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.include?('foo') # => true # # Returns `false` if `name` is a valid String and there is no such environment # variable: # ENV.include?('baz') # => false # # Returns `false` if `name` is the empty String or is a String containing # character `'='`: # ENV.include?('') # => false # ENV.include?('=') # => false # # Raises an exception if `name` is a String containing the NUL character `"\0"`: # ENV.include?("\0") # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: contains null byte) # # Raises an exception if `name` has an encoding that is not ASCII-compatible: # ENV.include?("\xa1\xa1".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_16LE)) # # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: ASCII incompatible encoding: UTF-16LE) # # Raises an exception if `name` is not a String: # ENV.include?( # TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String) # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.has_key?} alias has_key? include? # # Returns `true` if `value` is the value for some environment variable name, # `false` otherwise: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.value?('0') # => true # ENV.has_value?('0') # => true # ENV.value?('2') # => false # ENV.has_value?('2') # => false # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.has_value?} def has_value?: (String value) -> bool # # Returns `true` if `value` is the value for some environment variable name, # `false` otherwise: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.value?('0') # => true # ENV.has_value?('0') # => true # ENV.value?('2') # => false # ENV.has_value?('2') # => false # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.value?} alias value? has_value? # # ENV.has_key?, ENV.member?, and ENV.key? are aliases for ENV.include?. # # Returns `true` if there is an environment variable with the given `name`: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.include?('foo') # => true # # Returns `false` if `name` is a valid String and there is no such environment # variable: # ENV.include?('baz') # => false # # Returns `false` if `name` is the empty String or is a String containing # character `'='`: # ENV.include?('') # => false # ENV.include?('=') # => false # # Raises an exception if `name` is a String containing the NUL character `"\0"`: # ENV.include?("\0") # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: contains null byte) # # Raises an exception if `name` has an encoding that is not ASCII-compatible: # ENV.include?("\xa1\xa1".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_16LE)) # # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: ASCII incompatible encoding: UTF-16LE) # # Raises an exception if `name` is not a String: # ENV.include?( # TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String) # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.key?} alias key? include? # # Returns a Hash containing all name/value pairs from ENV: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.to_hash # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"} # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.to_hash} def to_hash: () -> ::Hash[String, String] # # Returns a 2-element Array containing the name and value of the environment # variable for `name` if it exists: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1') # ENV.assoc('foo') # => ['foo', '0'] # # Returns `nil` if `name` is a valid String and there is no such environment # variable. # # Returns `nil` if `name` is the empty String or is a String containing # character `'='`. # # Raises an exception if `name` is a String containing the NUL character `"\0"`: # ENV.assoc("\0") # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: contains null byte) # # Raises an exception if `name` has an encoding that is not ASCII-compatible: # ENV.assoc("\xa1\xa1".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_16LE)) # # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: ASCII incompatible encoding: UTF-16LE) # # Raises an exception if `name` is not a String: # ENV.assoc( # TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String) # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.assoc} def assoc: (String name) -> [ String, String ]? # # Returns a 2-element Array containing the name and value of the **first** # **found** environment variable that has value `value`, if one exists: # ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '0') # ENV.rassoc('0') # => ["bar", "0"] # # The order in which environment variables are examined is OS-dependent. See # [About Ordering](rdoc-ref:ENV@About+Ordering). # # Returns `nil` if there is no such environment variable. # %a{annotate:rdoc:copy:ENV.rassoc} def rassoc: (String value) -> [ String, String ]? end end end