module Statsample module Regression # Class for calculation of linear regressions with form # y = a+bx # To create a SimpleRegression object: # * SimpleRegression.new_from_dataset(ds,x,y) # * SimpleRegression.new_from_vectors(vx,vy) # * SimpleRegression.new_from_gsl(gsl) # class Simple include Summarizable attr_accessor :a,:b,:cov00, :cov01, :covx1, :chisq, :status attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :digits def initialize(init_method, *argv) self.send(init_method, *argv) end private_class_method :new # Obtain y value given x value # x=a+bx def y(val_x) @a+@b*val_x end # Obtain x value given y value # x=(y-a)/b def x(val_y) (val_y-@a) / @b.to_f end # Sum of square error def sse (0...@vx.size).inject(0) {|acum,i| acum+((@vy[i]-y(@vx[i]))**2) } end def standard_error Math::sqrt(sse / (@vx.size-2).to_f) end # Sum of square regression def ssr vy_mean=@vy.mean (0...@vx.size).inject(0) {|a,i| a+((y(@vx[i])-vy_mean)**2) } end # Sum of square total def sst @vy.sum_of_squared_deviation end # Value of r def r @b * (@vx.sds / @vy.sds) end # Value of r^2 def r2 r**2 end class << self # Create a regression object giving an array with following parameters: # a,b,cov00, cov01, covx1, chisq, status # Useful to obtain x and y values with a and b values. def new_from_gsl(ar) new(:init_gsl, *ar) end # Create a simple regression using two vectors def new_from_vectors(vx,vy, new(:init_vectors,vx,vy, opts) end # Create a simple regression using a dataset and two vector names. def new_from_dataset(ds,x,y, new(:init_vectors,ds[x],ds[y], opts) end end def init_vectors(vx,vy, @vx,@vy=Statsample.only_valid_clone(vx,vy) x_m=@vx.mean y_m=@vy.mean num=den=0 (0...@vx.size).each {|i| num+=(@vx[i]-x_m)*(@vy[i]-y_m) den+=(@vx[i]-x_m)**2 } @b=num.to_f/den @a=y_m - @b*x_m opts_default={ :digits=>3, :name=>_("Regression of %s over %s") % [,] } @opts=opts_default.merge opts @opts.each{|k,v| self.send("#{k}=",v) if self.respond_to? k } end def init_gsl(a,b,cov00, cov01, covx1, chisq, status) @a=a @b=b @cov00=cov00 @cov01=cov01 @covx1=covx1 @chisq=chisq @status=status end def report_building(gen) f="%0.#{digits}f" gen.section(:name=>name) do |s| s.table(:header=>[_("Variable"), _("Value")]) do |t| t.row [_("r"), f % r] t.row [_("r^2"), f % r2] t.row [_("a"), f % a] t.row [_("b"), f % b] t.row [_("s.e"), f % standard_error] end end end private :init_vectors, :init_gsl end end end