require 'rails_helper' describe Releaf::ActionController do let(:new_resource){ } let(:resource){ create(:author) } let(:subject){ } module DummyControllerModule; end; class DummyController < Releaf::ActionController include DummyControllerModule def resource_class Author end end class Dummy::ChildDummyController < DummyController; end; class Dummy::GrandChildDummyController < Dummy::ChildDummyController; end; class FooFormBuilder; end describe "#action_views" do it "returns action > view translation hash" do hash = { new: :edit, update: :edit, create: :edit, } expect(subject.action_views).to eq(hash) end end describe "#action_view" do context "when given view does not exists within action views hash" do it "returns given action" do expect(subject.action_view("a")).to eq("a") end end context "when given view does not exists within action views hash" do it "returns given action" do expect(subject.action_view(:update)).to eq(:edit) end end it "lookup given action as symbol to within action views hash" do expect(subject.action_view("new")).to eq(:edit) end end describe "#active_view" do it "returns generic view name for current action" do allow(subject).to receive(:action_name).and_return("a") allow(subject).to receive(:action_view).with("a").and_return("b") expect(subject.active_view).to eq("b") end end describe "#page_title" do before do allow(Rails.application.class).to receive(:module_parent_name).and_return("DummyApp") end context "when controller definition exists" do it "returns localized controller name from definitioned followed by application name" do definition ="xx") allow(definition).to receive(:localized_name).and_return("Books") allow(subject).to receive(:definition).and_return(definition) expect(subject.page_title).to eq("Books - DummyApp") end end context "when controller definition does not exist" do it "returns only application name" do allow(subject).to receive(:definition).and_return(nil) expect(subject.page_title).to eq("DummyApp") end end end describe "#builder_class" do it "returns controller class scoped builder for given builder type" do allow(subject).to receive(:builder_scopes).and_return(["a", "b"]) allow(Releaf::Builders).to receive(:builder_class).with(["a", "b"], :form).and_return("x") expect(subject.builder_class(:form)).to eq("x") end end describe "#short_name" do it "returns undercored class name with Controller suffix removed" do allow(subject).to receive(:class).and_return(Admin::BooksController) expect(subject.short_name).to eq("admin/books") end end describe "#definition" do it "returns controller definition for controller short name" do allow(Releaf::ControllerDefinition).to receive(:for).with("xxx").and_return("yyy") allow(subject).to receive(:short_name).and_return("xxx") expect(subject.definition).to eq("yyy") end end describe "#builder_scopes" do context "when controller is a direct child of Releaf::ActionController" do it "returns an array with own and application builder scopes" do allow(subject).to receive(:application_scope).and_return("xxx") expect(subject.builder_scopes).to eq(["Dummy", "xxx"]) end end it "excludes nil values from returned array" do allow(subject).to receive(:application_scope).and_return(nil) expect(subject.builder_scopes).to eq(["Dummy"]) end context "when controller is a deeper descendant of Releaf::ActionController" do let(:subject) { } it "includes ancestor scopes up to but not including Releaf::ActionController" do allow(subject).to receive(:application_scope).and_return("xxx") expect(subject.class).to receive(:ancestor_controllers).and_call_original expect(subject.builder_scopes).to eq(["Dummy::GrandChildDummy", "Dummy::ChildDummy", "Dummy", "xxx"]) end end end describe ".own_builder_scope" do it "returns controller class name without 'Controller'" do expect(DummyController.own_builder_scope).to eq "Dummy" end end describe ".ancestor_controllers" do it "return all ancestor controllers up to but not including Releaf::ActionController" do expect(DummyController.ancestor_controllers).to eq [] expect(Dummy::GrandChildDummyController.ancestor_controllers).to eq([Dummy::ChildDummyController, DummyController]) end end describe ".ancestor_builder_scopes" do it "return builder scopes for all ancestor controllers" do allow(Dummy::ChildDummyController).to receive(:own_builder_scope).and_call_original allow(DummyController).to receive(:own_builder_scope).and_call_original expect(Dummy::GrandChildDummyController.ancestor_builder_scopes).to eq(['Dummy::ChildDummy', 'Dummy']) end end describe "#application_scope" do it "returns node builder scope within releaf mount location scope" do allow(Releaf::Builders).to receive(:constant_defined_at_scope?).and_call_original allow(Releaf.application.config).to receive(:mount_location).and_return("admin") allow(Releaf::Builders).to receive(:constant_defined_at_scope?) .with("Admin", Object).and_return(true) expect(subject.application_scope).to eq("Admin") allow(Releaf::Builders).to receive(:constant_defined_at_scope?) .with("Admin", Object).and_return(false) expect(subject.application_scope).to eq(nil) allow(Releaf.application.config).to receive(:mount_location).and_return("") expect(subject.application_scope).to eq(nil) end end end # use Admin::BooksController / Admin::AuthorsController as it inherit Releaf::ActionController and # have no extra methods or overrides describe Admin::AuthorsController do before do sign_in FactoryBot.create(:user) end describe "#index_path" do context "when action is other than :index" do context "when params have valid `index_path` value" do it "returns params 'index_path'" do get :new, params: {index_path: "xxxxxxxx"} allow(subject).to receive(:valid_index_path?).with("xxxxxxxx").and_return(true) expect(subject.index_path).to eq("xxxxxxxx") end end context "when params have invalid `index_path` value" do it "returns index action path" do get :new, params: {index_path: "xxxxxxxx"} allow(subject).to receive(:valid_index_path?).with("xxxxxxxx").and_return(false) expect(subject.index_path).to eq("/admin/authors") end end end context "when action is :index" do it "returns #current_path value" do get :index allow(subject).to receive(:current_path).and_return("random_string") expect(subject.index_path).to eq("random_string") end end end describe "#valid_index_path?" do context "when given value is string that starts with `/`" do it "returns true" do expect(subject.valid_index_path?("/admin/something?a=1&b=2")).to be true end end context "when given value is string that starts with other char than `/`" do it "returns false" do expect(subject.valid_index_path?("http:///admin/something?a=1&b=2")).to be false end end context "when given value is not string" do it "returns false" do expect(subject.valid_index_path?(123)).to be false end end context "when given value is blank" do it "returns false" do expect(subject.valid_index_path?(nil)).to be false end end end describe "#current_path" do it "returns current url without `ajax` param" do get :index, params: {ajax: 1, search: "something", page: 1} expect(subject.current_path).to eq("/admin/authors?page=1&search=something") end context "when no query parameters exists" do it "returns only request path" do get :index expect(subject.current_path).to eq("/admin/authors") end end it "caches current url value" do get :index expect(subject).to receive(:request).twice.and_call_original subject.current_path subject.current_path subject.current_path subject.current_path end end describe "#ajax?" do it "returns @_ajax instance variable value" do subject.instance_variable_set("@_ajax", "ll") expect(subject.ajax?).to eq("ll") end context "when @_ajax instance variable has not been set" do it "returns false" do expect(subject.ajax?).to be false end end end describe "#manage_ajax" do context "when `ajax` params does not exists within params" do it "assigns `false` to @_ajax instance variable" do expect{ get :index }.to change{ subject.instance_variable_get("@_ajax") }.from(nil).to(false) end end context "when `ajax` params exists within params" do it "assigns `true` to @_ajax instance variable" do expect{ get :index, params: {ajax: 1} }.to change{ subject.instance_variable_get("@_ajax") }.from(nil).to(true) end it "removes ajax from `params`" do expect{ get :index, params: {ajax: 1} }.to_not change{ subject.params[:ajax] }.from(nil) end it "removes ajax from `request.query_parameters`" do expect{ get :index, params: {ajax: 1} }.to_not change{ subject.request.query_parameters[:ajax] }.from(nil) end end end describe "GET show" do let(:author){ create(:author) } context "when show feature is available" do it "assigns all resources to @collection" do allow(subject).to receive(:feature_available?).with(:show).and_return(true) get :show, params: {id: author} expect(assigns(:resource)).to eq(author) end end context "when show feature is not available" do it "does assign resource" do allow(subject).to receive(:feature_available?).and_call_original allow(subject).to receive(:feature_available?).with(:show).and_return(false) get :show, params: {id: author} expect(assigns(:resource)).to be nil end end end describe "GET index" do before do 21.times do |i| FactoryBot.create(:author) end end context "when resources_per_page is nil" do it "assigns all resources to @collection" do get :index, params: {show_all: 1} expect(assigns(:collection).is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation)).to be true expect(assigns(:collection).size).to eq(21) end end context "when resources_per_page is not nil" do it "assigns maximum 20 resources to @collection" do get :index expect(assigns(:collection).is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation)).to be true expect(assigns(:collection).size).to eq(20) end end end describe "DELETE #destroy" do before do @author = FactoryBot.create(:author) FactoryBot.create(:book, title: "The book", author: @author) FactoryBot.create(:book, title: "Almost the book", author: @author) end it "creates flash error with message" do delete :destroy, params: {id: @author} expect(flash["error"]).to eq({"id" => "resource_status", "message" => "Cant destroy, because relations exists"}) end end end describe Admin::BooksController do before do sign_in FactoryBot.create(:user) @breadcrumbs_base = [ {name: I18n.t('admin/books'), url: admin_books_path} ] end describe "GET #index" do before do FactoryBot.create(:book, title: "great one") FactoryBot.create(:book, title: "bad one") FactoryBot.create(:book, title: "average third") end context "when empty search string given" do it "shows all records" do get :index, params: {search: ""} expect(assigns(:collection).count).to eq(3) end end context "when search string with multiple words given" do it "searches by given string" do get :index, params: {search: "one grea"} expect(assigns(:collection).count).to eq(1) end end context "when search string given" do it "searches by given string" do get :index, params: {search: "great"} expect(assigns(:collection).count).to eq(1) end end context "when no search given" do it "shows all records" do get :index expect(assigns(:collection).count).to eq(3) end end end describe "GET #new" do it "assigns the requested record to @resource" do get :new expect(assigns(:resource).new_record?).to be true end it "assigns special breadcrumb part for new record" do get :new breadcrumbs = @breadcrumbs_base + [{name: "New record", url: new_admin_book_path}] expect(assigns(:breadcrumbs)).to eq(breadcrumbs) end end describe "GET #edit" do before do @resource = create(:book) end it "assigns the requested record to @resource" do get :edit, params: {id: @resource} expect(assigns(:resource)).to eq(@resource) end it "assigns breadcrumb for resource" do allow(Releaf::ResourceBase).to receive(:title).with(@resource).and_return("xxx") get :edit, params: {id: @resource} breadcrumbs = @breadcrumbs_base + [{name: "xxx", url: edit_admin_book_path(}] expect(assigns(:breadcrumbs)).to eq(breadcrumbs) end end end