Feature: Grid panel In order to value As a role I want feature Scenario: UserGrid should render properly Given a user exists with first_name: "Carlos", last_name: "Castaneda" And a user exists with first_name: "Taisha", last_name: "Abelar" When I go to the UserGrid test page Then I should see "Carlos" And I should see "Castaneda" And I should see "Taisha" And I should see "Abelar" @javascript Scenario: Adding a record via "Add in form" Given I am on the UserGrid test page When I press "Add in form" Then I should see "Add User" When I fill in "First name:" with "Herman" And I fill in "Last name:" with "Hesse" And I press "OK" Then I should see "Herman" And I should see "Hesse" @javascript Scenario: Updating a record via "Edit in form" Given a user exists with first_name: "Carlos", last_name: "Castaneda" When I go to the UserGrid test page And I select first row in the grid And I press "Edit in form" And I fill in "First name:" with "Maxim" And I fill in "Last name:" with "Osminogov" And I press "OK" Then I should see "Maxim" And I should see "Osminogov" And a user should not exist with first_name: "Carlos" @javascript Scenario: Deleting a record Given a user exists with first_name: "Anton", last_name: "Chekhov" And a user exists with first_name: "Maxim", last_name: "Osminogov" When I go to the UserGrid test page And I select all rows in the grid And I press "Delete" And I press "Yes" Then I should see "Deleted 2 record(s)" Then a user should not exist with first_name: "Anton" And a user should not exist with first_name: "Maxim" @javascript Scenario: Multi-editing records Given a user exists with first_name: "Carlos", last_name: "Castaneda" And a user exists with first_name: "Herman", last_name: "Hesse" When I go to the UserGrid test page And I select all rows in the grid And I press "Edit in form" And I fill in "First name:" with "Maxim" And I press "OK" Then a user should exist with first_name: "Maxim", last_name: "Castaneda" And a user should exist with first_name: "Maxim", last_name: "Hesse" But a user should not exist with first_name: "Carlos"