# A {Tie} is a link between two {Actor Actors}, # and therefore, two {SocialStream::Models::Subject Subjects}. # # It is made up with a {Contact} and a {Relation}. The {Contact} defines the sender # or {Actor} that declares the link, and the receiver or {Actor} that is pointed by # the declaration. The {Relation} defines the type of link (friend, colleague, # {Relation::Reject}, etc) # = Authorization # When an {Actor} establishes a {Tie} with other, she is granting a set of # {Permission Permissions} to them (posting to her wall, reading her posts, etc..) # The set of {Permission Permissions} granted are associated with the {Relation} of # the {Tie}. # # = Scopes # There are several scopes defined: # # sent_by(actor):: ties whose sender is actor # received_by(actor):: ties whose receiver is actor # sent_or_received_by(actor):: the union of the former # related_by(relation):: ties with this relation. Accepts relation, relation_name, # integer, array # class Tie < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :contact, :counter_cache => true has_one :sender, :through => :contact has_one :receiver, :through => :contact belongs_to :relation has_many :permissions, :through => :relation scope :allowing, lambda { |action, object| joins(:relation). merge(Relation.allowing(action, object)) } scope :recent, order("ties.created_at DESC") scope :sent_by, lambda { |a| joins(:contact).merge(Contact.sent_by(a)) } scope :received_by, lambda { |a| joins(:contact).merge(Contact.received_by(a)) } scope :sent_or_received_by, lambda { |a| joins(:contact).merge(Contact.sent_or_received_by(a)) } scope :related_by, lambda { |r| if r.present? where(:relation_id => Relation.normalize_id(r)) end } scope :positive, lambda { joins(:relation). merge(Relation.positive) } scope :with_permissions, lambda { |action, object| joins(:relation => :permissions). where('permissions.action' => action). where('permissions.object' => object) } validates_presence_of :contact_id, :relation_id validate :relation_belongs_to_sender after_create :create_activity after_create :set_follow_action after_destroy :unset_follow_action def relation_name relation.try(:name) end def sender_subject sender.subject end def receiver_subject receiver.subject end # The {Tie} is positive if its {Relation} is def positive? relation.positive? end # Does this {Tie} have positive {Tie ties} in the other way? def positive_replied? contact.positive_replied? end # This {Tie} is {#positive? positive} and {#positive_replied? positive replied} def bidirectional? positive? && positive_replied? end # after_create callback # # Create the {Actor}'s follower_count def set_follow_action return if contact.reflexive? || !relation.permissions.include?(Permission.follow.first) action = sender.action_to!(receiver) return if action.follow? action.update_attribute(:follow, true) end # after_remove callback # # Decrement the {Actor}'s follower_count # # This method needs to be public to be call from {Contact}'s after_remove callback def unset_follow_action return if contact.reflexive? || !relation.permissions.include?(Permission.follow.first) # Because we allow several ties from the same sender to the same receiver, # we check the receiver does not still have a follower tie from this sender return if Tie.sent_by(sender). received_by(receiver). with_permissions('follow', nil). present? action = sender.action_to!(receiver) action.update_attribute(:follow, false) end private # before_create callback # # Create contact activity if this is the first tie def create_activity return if contact.reload.ties_count != 1 || relation.is_a?(Relation::Reject) Activity.create! :author => contact.sender, :user_author => contact.user_author, :owner => contact.receiver, :relation_ids => contact.receiver.activity_relation_ids, :activity_verb => ActivityVerb[contact.verb] end def relation_belongs_to_sender errors.add(:relation, "must belong to sender") unless relation.is_a?(Relation::Single) || contact.sender_id == relation.actor_id end end ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks(:tie, Tie)