require=(function(e,t,n,r){function i(r){if(!n[r]){if(!t[r]){if(e)return e(r);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+r+"'")}var s=n[r]={exports:{}};t[r][0](function(e){var n=t[r][1][e];return i(n?n:e)},s,s.exports)}return n[r].exports}for(var s=0;s> 1, nBits = -7, i = isBE ? 0 : (nBytes - 1), d = isBE ? 1 : -1, s = buffer[offset + i]; i += d; e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1); s >>= (-nBits); nBits += eLen; for (; nBits > 0; e = e * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8); m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1); e >>= (-nBits); nBits += mLen; for (; nBits > 0; m = m * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8); if (e === 0) { e = 1 - eBias; } else if (e === eMax) { return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity); } else { m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen); e = e - eBias; } return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen); }; exports.writeIEEE754 = function(buffer, value, offset, isBE, mLen, nBytes) { var e, m, c, eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1, eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1, eBias = eMax >> 1, rt = (mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0), i = isBE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0, d = isBE ? -1 : 1, s = value < 0 || (value === 0 && 1 / value < 0) ? 1 : 0; value = Math.abs(value); if (isNaN(value) || value === Infinity) { m = isNaN(value) ? 1 : 0; e = eMax; } else { e = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2); if (value * (c = Math.pow(2, -e)) < 1) { e--; c *= 2; } if (e + eBias >= 1) { value += rt / c; } else { value += rt * Math.pow(2, 1 - eBias); } if (value * c >= 2) { e++; c /= 2; } if (e + eBias >= eMax) { m = 0; e = eMax; } else if (e + eBias >= 1) { m = (value * c - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen); e = e + eBias; } else { m = value * Math.pow(2, eBias - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen); e = 0; } } for (; mLen >= 8; buffer[offset + i] = m & 0xff, i += d, m /= 256, mLen -= 8); e = (e << mLen) | m; eLen += mLen; for (; eLen > 0; buffer[offset + i] = e & 0xff, i += d, e /= 256, eLen -= 8); buffer[offset + i - d] |= s * 128; }; },{}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ (function(){// UTILITY var util = require('util'); var Buffer = require("buffer").Buffer; var pSlice = Array.prototype.slice; function objectKeys(object) { if (Object.keys) return Object.keys(object); var result = []; for (var name in object) { if (, name)) { result.push(name); } } return result; } // 1. The assert module provides functions that throw // AssertionError's when particular conditions are not met. The // assert module must conform to the following interface. var assert = module.exports = ok; // 2. The AssertionError is defined in assert. // new assert.AssertionError({ message: message, // actual: actual, // expected: expected }) assert.AssertionError = function AssertionError(options) { = 'AssertionError'; this.message = options.message; this.actual = options.actual; this.expected = options.expected; this.operator = options.operator; var stackStartFunction = options.stackStartFunction || fail; if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this, stackStartFunction); } }; util.inherits(assert.AssertionError, Error); function replacer(key, value) { if (value === undefined) { return '' + value; } if (typeof value === 'number' && (isNaN(value) || !isFinite(value))) { return value.toString(); } if (typeof value === 'function' || value instanceof RegExp) { return value.toString(); } return value; } function truncate(s, n) { if (typeof s == 'string') { return s.length < n ? s : s.slice(0, n); } else { return s; } } assert.AssertionError.prototype.toString = function() { if (this.message) { return [ + ':', this.message].join(' '); } else { return [ + ':', truncate(JSON.stringify(this.actual, replacer), 128), this.operator, truncate(JSON.stringify(this.expected, replacer), 128) ].join(' '); } }; // assert.AssertionError instanceof Error assert.AssertionError.__proto__ = Error.prototype; // At present only the three keys mentioned above are used and // understood by the spec. Implementations or sub modules can pass // other keys to the AssertionError's constructor - they will be // ignored. // 3. All of the following functions must throw an AssertionError // when a corresponding condition is not met, with a message that // may be undefined if not provided. All assertion methods provide // both the actual and expected values to the assertion error for // display purposes. function fail(actual, expected, message, operator, stackStartFunction) { throw new assert.AssertionError({ message: message, actual: actual, expected: expected, operator: operator, stackStartFunction: stackStartFunction }); } // EXTENSION! allows for well behaved errors defined elsewhere. = fail; // 4. Pure assertion tests whether a value is truthy, as determined // by !!guard. // assert.ok(guard, message_opt); // This statement is equivalent to assert.equal(true, guard, // message_opt);. To test strictly for the value true, use // assert.strictEqual(true, guard, message_opt);. function ok(value, message) { if (!!!value) fail(value, true, message, '==', assert.ok); } assert.ok = ok; // 5. The equality assertion tests shallow, coercive equality with // ==. // assert.equal(actual, expected, message_opt); assert.equal = function equal(actual, expected, message) { if (actual != expected) fail(actual, expected, message, '==', assert.equal); }; // 6. The non-equality assertion tests for whether two objects are not equal // with != assert.notEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); assert.notEqual = function notEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (actual == expected) { fail(actual, expected, message, '!=', assert.notEqual); } }; // 7. The equivalence assertion tests a deep equality relation. // assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); assert.deepEqual = function deepEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (!_deepEqual(actual, expected)) { fail(actual, expected, message, 'deepEqual', assert.deepEqual); } }; function _deepEqual(actual, expected) { // 7.1. All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===. if (actual === expected) { return true; } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(actual) && Buffer.isBuffer(expected)) { if (actual.length != expected.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { if (actual[i] !== expected[i]) return false; } return true; // 7.2. If the expected value is a Date object, the actual value is // equivalent if it is also a Date object that refers to the same time. } else if (actual instanceof Date && expected instanceof Date) { return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime(); // 7.3. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object', // equivalence is determined by ==. } else if (typeof actual != 'object' && typeof expected != 'object') { return actual == expected; // 7.4. For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is // determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified // with, the same set of keys // (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every // corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this // accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays. } else { return objEquiv(actual, expected); } } function isUndefinedOrNull(value) { return value === null || value === undefined; } function isArguments(object) { return == '[object Arguments]'; } function objEquiv(a, b) { if (isUndefinedOrNull(a) || isUndefinedOrNull(b)) return false; // an identical 'prototype' property. if (a.prototype !== b.prototype) return false; //~~~I've managed to break Object.keys through screwy arguments passing. // Converting to array solves the problem. if (isArguments(a)) { if (!isArguments(b)) { return false; } a =; b =; return _deepEqual(a, b); } try { var ka = objectKeys(a), kb = objectKeys(b), key, i; } catch (e) {//happens when one is a string literal and the other isn't return false; } // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates // hasOwnProperty) if (ka.length != kb.length) return false; //the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order), ka.sort(); kb.sort(); //~~~cheap key test for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (ka[i] != kb[i]) return false; } //equivalent values for every corresponding key, and //~~~possibly expensive deep test for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { key = ka[i]; if (!_deepEqual(a[key], b[key])) return false; } return true; } // 8. The non-equivalence assertion tests for any deep inequality. // assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); assert.notDeepEqual = function notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (_deepEqual(actual, expected)) { fail(actual, expected, message, 'notDeepEqual', assert.notDeepEqual); } }; // 9. The strict equality assertion tests strict equality, as determined by ===. // assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); assert.strictEqual = function strictEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (actual !== expected) { fail(actual, expected, message, '===', assert.strictEqual); } }; // 10. The strict non-equality assertion tests for strict inequality, as // determined by !==. assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); assert.notStrictEqual = function notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (actual === expected) { fail(actual, expected, message, '!==', assert.notStrictEqual); } }; function expectedException(actual, expected) { if (!actual || !expected) { return false; } if (expected instanceof RegExp) { return expected.test(actual); } else if (actual instanceof expected) { return true; } else if ({}, actual) === true) { return true; } return false; } function _throws(shouldThrow, block, expected, message) { var actual; if (typeof expected === 'string') { message = expected; expected = null; } try { block(); } catch (e) { actual = e; } message = (expected && ? ' (' + + ').' : '.') + (message ? ' ' + message : '.'); if (shouldThrow && !actual) { fail('Missing expected exception' + message); } if (!shouldThrow && expectedException(actual, expected)) { fail('Got unwanted exception' + message); } if ((shouldThrow && actual && expected && !expectedException(actual, expected)) || (!shouldThrow && actual)) { throw actual; } } // 11. Expected to throw an error: // assert.throws(block, Error_opt, message_opt); assert.throws = function(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) { _throws.apply(this, [true].concat(; }; // EXTENSION! This is annoying to write outside this module. assert.doesNotThrow = function(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) { _throws.apply(this, [false].concat(; }; assert.ifError = function(err) { if (err) {throw err;}}; })() },{"util":3,"buffer":4}],"buffer-browserify":[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require('q9TxCC'); },{}],"q9TxCC":[function(require,module,exports){ (function(){function SlowBuffer (size) { this.length = size; }; var assert = require('assert'); exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50; function toHex(n) { if (n < 16) return '0' + n.toString(16); return n.toString(16); } function utf8ToBytes(str) { var byteArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) if (str.charCodeAt(i) <= 0x7F) byteArray.push(str.charCodeAt(i)); else { var h = encodeURIComponent(str.charAt(i)).substr(1).split('%'); for (var j = 0; j < h.length; j++) byteArray.push(parseInt(h[j], 16)); } return byteArray; } function asciiToBytes(str) { var byteArray = [] for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) // Node's code seems to be doing this and not & 0x7F.. byteArray.push( str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF ); return byteArray; } function base64ToBytes(str) { return require("base64-js").toByteArray(str); } SlowBuffer.byteLength = function (str, encoding) { switch (encoding || "utf8") { case 'hex': return str.length / 2; case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return utf8ToBytes(str).length; case 'ascii': case 'binary': return str.length; case 'base64': return base64ToBytes(str).length; default: throw new Error('Unknown encoding'); } }; function blitBuffer(src, dst, offset, length) { var pos, i = 0; while (i < length) { if ((i+offset >= dst.length) || (i >= src.length)) break; dst[i + offset] = src[i]; i++; } return i; } SlowBuffer.prototype.utf8Write = function (string, offset, length) { var bytes, pos; return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(string), this, offset, length); }; SlowBuffer.prototype.asciiWrite = function (string, offset, length) { var bytes, pos; return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(string), this, offset, length); }; SlowBuffer.prototype.binaryWrite = SlowBuffer.prototype.asciiWrite; SlowBuffer.prototype.base64Write = function (string, offset, length) { var bytes, pos; return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(string), this, offset, length); }; SlowBuffer.prototype.base64Slice = function (start, end) { var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments) return require("base64-js").fromByteArray(bytes); } function decodeUtf8Char(str) { try { return decodeURIComponent(str); } catch (err) { return String.fromCharCode(0xFFFD); // UTF 8 invalid char } } SlowBuffer.prototype.utf8Slice = function () { var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments); var res = ""; var tmp = ""; var i = 0; while (i < bytes.length) { if (bytes[i] <= 0x7F) { res += decodeUtf8Char(tmp) + String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); tmp = ""; } else tmp += "%" + bytes[i].toString(16); i++; } return res + decodeUtf8Char(tmp); } SlowBuffer.prototype.asciiSlice = function () { var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments); var ret = ""; for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) ret += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); return ret; } SlowBuffer.prototype.binarySlice = SlowBuffer.prototype.asciiSlice; SlowBuffer.prototype.inspect = function() { var out = [], len = this.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { out[i] = toHex(this[i]); if (i == exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES) { out[i + 1] = '...'; break; } } return ''; }; SlowBuffer.prototype.hexSlice = function(start, end) { var len = this.length; if (!start || start < 0) start = 0; if (!end || end < 0 || end > len) end = len; var out = ''; for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { out += toHex(this[i]); } return out; }; SlowBuffer.prototype.toString = function(encoding, start, end) { encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase(); start = +start || 0; if (typeof end == 'undefined') end = this.length; // Fastpath empty strings if (+end == start) { return ''; } switch (encoding) { case 'hex': return this.hexSlice(start, end); case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return this.utf8Slice(start, end); case 'ascii': return this.asciiSlice(start, end); case 'binary': return this.binarySlice(start, end); case 'base64': return this.base64Slice(start, end); case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': return this.ucs2Slice(start, end); default: throw new Error('Unknown encoding'); } }; SlowBuffer.prototype.hexWrite = function(string, offset, length) { offset = +offset || 0; var remaining = this.length - offset; if (!length) { length = remaining; } else { length = +length; if (length > remaining) { length = remaining; } } // must be an even number of digits var strLen = string.length; if (strLen % 2) { throw new Error('Invalid hex string'); } if (length > strLen / 2) { length = strLen / 2; } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var byte = parseInt(string.substr(i * 2, 2), 16); if (isNaN(byte)) throw new Error('Invalid hex string'); this[offset + i] = byte; } SlowBuffer._charsWritten = i * 2; return i; }; SlowBuffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) { // Support both (string, offset, length, encoding) // and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length) if (isFinite(offset)) { if (!isFinite(length)) { encoding = length; length = undefined; } } else { // legacy var swap = encoding; encoding = offset; offset = length; length = swap; } offset = +offset || 0; var remaining = this.length - offset; if (!length) { length = remaining; } else { length = +length; if (length > remaining) { length = remaining; } } encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase(); switch (encoding) { case 'hex': return this.hexWrite(string, offset, length); case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return this.utf8Write(string, offset, length); case 'ascii': return this.asciiWrite(string, offset, length); case 'binary': return this.binaryWrite(string, offset, length); case 'base64': return this.base64Write(string, offset, length); case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': return this.ucs2Write(string, offset, length); default: throw new Error('Unknown encoding'); } }; // slice(start, end) SlowBuffer.prototype.slice = function(start, end) { if (end === undefined) end = this.length; if (end > this.length) { throw new Error('oob'); } if (start > end) { throw new Error('oob'); } return new Buffer(this, end - start, +start); }; SlowBuffer.prototype.copy = function(target, targetstart, sourcestart, sourceend) { var temp = []; for (var i=sourcestart; i this.length) { throw new Error('oob'); } if (start > end) { throw new Error('oob'); } for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { this[i] = value; } } function coerce(length) { // Coerce length to a number (possibly NaN), round up // in case it's fractional (e.g. 123.456) then do a // double negate to coerce a NaN to 0. Easy, right? length = ~~Math.ceil(+length); return length < 0 ? 0 : length; } // Buffer function Buffer(subject, encoding, offset) { if (!(this instanceof Buffer)) { return new Buffer(subject, encoding, offset); } var type; // Are we slicing? if (typeof offset === 'number') { this.length = coerce(encoding); this.parent = subject; this.offset = offset; } else { // Find the length switch (type = typeof subject) { case 'number': this.length = coerce(subject); break; case 'string': this.length = Buffer.byteLength(subject, encoding); break; case 'object': // Assume object is an array this.length = coerce(subject.length); break; default: throw new Error('First argument needs to be a number, ' + 'array or string.'); } if (this.length > Buffer.poolSize) { // Big buffer, just alloc one. this.parent = new SlowBuffer(this.length); this.offset = 0; } else { // Small buffer. if (!pool || pool.length - pool.used < this.length) allocPool(); this.parent = pool; this.offset = pool.used; pool.used += this.length; } // Treat array-ish objects as a byte array. if (isArrayIsh(subject)) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (subject instanceof Buffer) { this.parent[i + this.offset] = subject.readUInt8(i); } else { this.parent[i + this.offset] = subject[i]; } } } else if (type == 'string') { // We are a string this.length = this.write(subject, 0, encoding); } } } function isArrayIsh(subject) { return Array.isArray(subject) || Buffer.isBuffer(subject) || subject && typeof subject === 'object' && typeof subject.length === 'number'; } exports.SlowBuffer = SlowBuffer; exports.Buffer = Buffer; Buffer.poolSize = 8 * 1024; var pool; function allocPool() { pool = new SlowBuffer(Buffer.poolSize); pool.used = 0; } // Static methods Buffer.isBuffer = function isBuffer(b) { return b instanceof Buffer || b instanceof SlowBuffer; }; Buffer.concat = function (list, totalLength) { if (!Array.isArray(list)) { throw new Error("Usage: Buffer.concat(list, [totalLength])\n \ list should be an Array."); } if (list.length === 0) { return new Buffer(0); } else if (list.length === 1) { return list[0]; } if (typeof totalLength !== 'number') { totalLength = 0; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var buf = list[i]; totalLength += buf.length; } } var buffer = new Buffer(totalLength); var pos = 0; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var buf = list[i]; buf.copy(buffer, pos); pos += buf.length; } return buffer; }; // Inspect Buffer.prototype.inspect = function inspect() { var out = [], len = this.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { out[i] = toHex(this.parent[i + this.offset]); if (i == exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES) { out[i + 1] = '...'; break; } } return ''; }; Buffer.prototype.get = function get(i) { if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) throw new Error('oob'); return this.parent[this.offset + i]; }; Buffer.prototype.set = function set(i, v) { if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) throw new Error('oob'); return this.parent[this.offset + i] = v; }; // write(string, offset = 0, length = buffer.length-offset, encoding = 'utf8') Buffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) { // Support both (string, offset, length, encoding) // and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length) if (isFinite(offset)) { if (!isFinite(length)) { encoding = length; length = undefined; } } else { // legacy var swap = encoding; encoding = offset; offset = length; length = swap; } offset = +offset || 0; var remaining = this.length - offset; if (!length) { length = remaining; } else { length = +length; if (length > remaining) { length = remaining; } } encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase(); var ret; switch (encoding) { case 'hex': ret = this.parent.hexWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length); break; case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': ret = this.parent.utf8Write(string, this.offset + offset, length); break; case 'ascii': ret = this.parent.asciiWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length); break; case 'binary': ret = this.parent.binaryWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length); break; case 'base64': // Warning: maxLength not taken into account in base64Write ret = this.parent.base64Write(string, this.offset + offset, length); break; case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': ret = this.parent.ucs2Write(string, this.offset + offset, length); break; default: throw new Error('Unknown encoding'); } Buffer._charsWritten = SlowBuffer._charsWritten; return ret; }; // toString(encoding, start=0, end=buffer.length) Buffer.prototype.toString = function(encoding, start, end) { encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase(); if (typeof start == 'undefined' || start < 0) { start = 0; } else if (start > this.length) { start = this.length; } if (typeof end == 'undefined' || end > this.length) { end = this.length; } else if (end < 0) { end = 0; } start = start + this.offset; end = end + this.offset; switch (encoding) { case 'hex': return this.parent.hexSlice(start, end); case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return this.parent.utf8Slice(start, end); case 'ascii': return this.parent.asciiSlice(start, end); case 'binary': return this.parent.binarySlice(start, end); case 'base64': return this.parent.base64Slice(start, end); case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': return this.parent.ucs2Slice(start, end); default: throw new Error('Unknown encoding'); } }; // byteLength Buffer.byteLength = SlowBuffer.byteLength; // fill(value, start=0, end=buffer.length) Buffer.prototype.fill = function fill(value, start, end) { value || (value = 0); start || (start = 0); end || (end = this.length); if (typeof value === 'string') { value = value.charCodeAt(0); } if (!(typeof value === 'number') || isNaN(value)) { throw new Error('value is not a number'); } if (end < start) throw new Error('end < start'); // Fill 0 bytes; we're done if (end === start) return 0; if (this.length == 0) return 0; if (start < 0 || start >= this.length) { throw new Error('start out of bounds'); } if (end < 0 || end > this.length) { throw new Error('end out of bounds'); } return this.parent.fill(value, start + this.offset, end + this.offset); }; // copy(targetBuffer, targetStart=0, sourceStart=0, sourceEnd=buffer.length) Buffer.prototype.copy = function(target, target_start, start, end) { var source = this; start || (start = 0); end || (end = this.length); target_start || (target_start = 0); if (end < start) throw new Error('sourceEnd < sourceStart'); // Copy 0 bytes; we're done if (end === start) return 0; if (target.length == 0 || source.length == 0) return 0; if (target_start < 0 || target_start >= target.length) { throw new Error('targetStart out of bounds'); } if (start < 0 || start >= source.length) { throw new Error('sourceStart out of bounds'); } if (end < 0 || end > source.length) { throw new Error('sourceEnd out of bounds'); } // Are we oob? if (end > this.length) { end = this.length; } if (target.length - target_start < end - start) { end = target.length - target_start + start; } return this.parent.copy(target.parent, target_start + target.offset, start + this.offset, end + this.offset); }; // slice(start, end) Buffer.prototype.slice = function(start, end) { if (end === undefined) end = this.length; if (end > this.length) throw new Error('oob'); if (start > end) throw new Error('oob'); return new Buffer(this.parent, end - start, +start + this.offset); }; // Legacy methods for backwards compatibility. Buffer.prototype.utf8Slice = function(start, end) { return this.toString('utf8', start, end); }; Buffer.prototype.binarySlice = function(start, end) { return this.toString('binary', start, end); }; Buffer.prototype.asciiSlice = function(start, end) { return this.toString('ascii', start, end); }; Buffer.prototype.utf8Write = function(string, offset) { return this.write(string, offset, 'utf8'); }; Buffer.prototype.binaryWrite = function(string, offset) { return this.write(string, offset, 'binary'); }; Buffer.prototype.asciiWrite = function(string, offset) { return this.write(string, offset, 'ascii'); }; Buffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function(offset, noAssert) { var buffer = this; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } if (offset >= buffer.length) return; return buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset]; }; function readUInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { var val = 0; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } if (offset >= buffer.length) return 0; if (isBigEndian) { val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] << 8; if (offset + 1 < buffer.length) { val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1]; } } else { val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset]; if (offset + 1 < buffer.length) { val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 8; } } return val; } Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readUInt16(this, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readUInt16(this, offset, true, noAssert); }; function readUInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { var val = 0; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } if (offset >= buffer.length) return 0; if (isBigEndian) { if (offset + 1 < buffer.length) val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 16; if (offset + 2 < buffer.length) val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] << 8; if (offset + 3 < buffer.length) val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3]; val = val + (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] << 24 >>> 0); } else { if (offset + 2 < buffer.length) val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] << 16; if (offset + 1 < buffer.length) val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 8; val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset]; if (offset + 3 < buffer.length) val = val + (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] << 24 >>> 0); } return val; } Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readUInt32(this, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readUInt32(this, offset, true, noAssert); }; /* * Signed integer types, yay team! A reminder on how two's complement actually * works. The first bit is the signed bit, i.e. tells us whether or not the * number should be positive or negative. If the two's complement value is * positive, then we're done, as it's equivalent to the unsigned representation. * * Now if the number is positive, you're pretty much done, you can just leverage * the unsigned translations and return those. Unfortunately, negative numbers * aren't quite that straightforward. * * At first glance, one might be inclined to use the traditional formula to * translate binary numbers between the positive and negative values in two's * complement. (Though it doesn't quite work for the most negative value) * Mainly: * - invert all the bits * - add one to the result * * Of course, this doesn't quite work in Javascript. Take for example the value * of -128. This could be represented in 16 bits (big-endian) as 0xff80. But of * course, Javascript will do the following: * * > ~0xff80 * -65409 * * Whoh there, Javascript, that's not quite right. But wait, according to * Javascript that's perfectly correct. When Javascript ends up seeing the * constant 0xff80, it has no notion that it is actually a signed number. It * assumes that we've input the unsigned value 0xff80. Thus, when it does the * binary negation, it casts it into a signed value, (positive 0xff80). Then * when you perform binary negation on that, it turns it into a negative number. * * Instead, we're going to have to use the following general formula, that works * in a rather Javascript friendly way. I'm glad we don't support this kind of * weird numbering scheme in the kernel. * * (BIT-MAX - (unsigned)val + 1) * -1 * * The astute observer, may think that this doesn't make sense for 8-bit numbers * (really it isn't necessary for them). However, when you get 16-bit numbers, * you do. Let's go back to our prior example and see how this will look: * * (0xffff - 0xff80 + 1) * -1 * (0x007f + 1) * -1 * (0x0080) * -1 */ Buffer.prototype.readInt8 = function(offset, noAssert) { var buffer = this; var neg; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } if (offset >= buffer.length) return; neg = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] & 0x80; if (!neg) { return (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset]); } return ((0xff - buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] + 1) * -1); }; function readInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { var neg, val; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } val = readUInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert); neg = val & 0x8000; if (!neg) { return val; } return (0xffff - val + 1) * -1; } Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readInt16(this, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readInt16(this, offset, true, noAssert); }; function readInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { var neg, val; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } val = readUInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert); neg = val & 0x80000000; if (!neg) { return (val); } return (0xffffffff - val + 1) * -1; } Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readInt32(this, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readInt32(this, offset, true, noAssert); }; function readFloat(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } return require('./buffer_ieee754').readIEEE754(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, 23, 4); } Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readFloat(this, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readFloat(this, offset, true, noAssert); }; function readDouble(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset + 7 < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } return require('./buffer_ieee754').readIEEE754(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, 52, 8); } Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readDouble(this, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readDouble(this, offset, true, noAssert); }; /* * We have to make sure that the value is a valid integer. This means that it is * non-negative. It has no fractional component and that it does not exceed the * maximum allowed value. * * value The number to check for validity * * max The maximum value */ function verifuint(value, max) { assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number', 'cannot write a non-number as a number'); assert.ok(value >= 0, 'specified a negative value for writing an unsigned value'); assert.ok(value <= max, 'value is larger than maximum value for type'); assert.ok(Math.floor(value) === value, 'value has a fractional component'); } Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(value, offset, noAssert) { var buffer = this; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset < buffer.length, 'trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifuint(value, 0xff); } if (offset < buffer.length) { buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value; } }; function writeUInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length, 'trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifuint(value, 0xffff); } for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(buffer.length - offset, 2); i++) { buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + i] = (value & (0xff << (8 * (isBigEndian ? 1 - i : i)))) >>> (isBigEndian ? 1 - i : i) * 8; } } Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeUInt16(this, value, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeUInt16(this, value, offset, true, noAssert); }; function writeUInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length, 'trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifuint(value, 0xffffffff); } for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(buffer.length - offset, 4); i++) { buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + i] = (value >>> (isBigEndian ? 3 - i : i) * 8) & 0xff; } } Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeUInt32(this, value, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeUInt32(this, value, offset, true, noAssert); }; /* * We now move onto our friends in the signed number category. Unlike unsigned * numbers, we're going to have to worry a bit more about how we put values into * arrays. Since we are only worrying about signed 32-bit values, we're in * slightly better shape. Unfortunately, we really can't do our favorite binary * & in this system. It really seems to do the wrong thing. For example: * * > -32 & 0xff * 224 * * What's happening above is really: 0xe0 & 0xff = 0xe0. However, the results of * this aren't treated as a signed number. Ultimately a bad thing. * * What we're going to want to do is basically create the unsigned equivalent of * our representation and pass that off to the wuint* functions. To do that * we're going to do the following: * * - if the value is positive * we can pass it directly off to the equivalent wuint * - if the value is negative * we do the following computation: * mb + val + 1, where * mb is the maximum unsigned value in that byte size * val is the Javascript negative integer * * * As a concrete value, take -128. In signed 16 bits this would be 0xff80. If * you do out the computations: * * 0xffff - 128 + 1 * 0xffff - 127 * 0xff80 * * You can then encode this value as the signed version. This is really rather * hacky, but it should work and get the job done which is our goal here. */ /* * A series of checks to make sure we actually have a signed 32-bit number */ function verifsint(value, max, min) { assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number', 'cannot write a non-number as a number'); assert.ok(value <= max, 'value larger than maximum allowed value'); assert.ok(value >= min, 'value smaller than minimum allowed value'); assert.ok(Math.floor(value) === value, 'value has a fractional component'); } function verifIEEE754(value, max, min) { assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number', 'cannot write a non-number as a number'); assert.ok(value <= max, 'value larger than maximum allowed value'); assert.ok(value >= min, 'value smaller than minimum allowed value'); } Buffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function(value, offset, noAssert) { var buffer = this; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset < buffer.length, 'Trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifsint(value, 0x7f, -0x80); } if (value >= 0) { buffer.writeUInt8(value, offset, noAssert); } else { buffer.writeUInt8(0xff + value + 1, offset, noAssert); } }; function writeInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length, 'Trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifsint(value, 0x7fff, -0x8000); } if (value >= 0) { writeUInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert); } else { writeUInt16(buffer, 0xffff + value + 1, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert); } } Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeInt16(this, value, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeInt16(this, value, offset, true, noAssert); }; function writeInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length, 'Trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifsint(value, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000); } if (value >= 0) { writeUInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert); } else { writeUInt32(buffer, 0xffffffff + value + 1, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert); } } Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeInt32(this, value, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeInt32(this, value, offset, true, noAssert); }; function writeFloat(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length, 'Trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifIEEE754(value, 3.4028234663852886e+38, -3.4028234663852886e+38); } require('./buffer_ieee754').writeIEEE754(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, 23, 4); } Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeFloat(this, value, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeFloat(this, value, offset, true, noAssert); }; function writeDouble(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 7 < buffer.length, 'Trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifIEEE754(value, 1.7976931348623157E+308, -1.7976931348623157E+308); } require('./buffer_ieee754').writeIEEE754(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, 52, 8); } Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeDouble(this, value, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeDouble(this, value, offset, true, noAssert); }; SlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt8 = Buffer.prototype.readUInt8; SlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readInt8 = Buffer.prototype.readInt8; SlowBuffer.prototype.readInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readFloatLE = Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readFloatBE = Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt8 = Buffer.prototype.writeInt8; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE; })() },{"assert":2,"./buffer_ieee754":1,"base64-js":5}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ var events = require('events'); exports.isArray = isArray; exports.isDate = function(obj){return === '[object Date]'}; exports.isRegExp = function(obj){return === '[object RegExp]'}; exports.print = function () {}; exports.puts = function () {}; exports.debug = function() {}; exports.inspect = function(obj, showHidden, depth, colors) { var seen = []; var stylize = function(str, styleType) { // var styles = { 'bold' : [1, 22], 'italic' : [3, 23], 'underline' : [4, 24], 'inverse' : [7, 27], 'white' : [37, 39], 'grey' : [90, 39], 'black' : [30, 39], 'blue' : [34, 39], 'cyan' : [36, 39], 'green' : [32, 39], 'magenta' : [35, 39], 'red' : [31, 39], 'yellow' : [33, 39] }; var style = { 'special': 'cyan', 'number': 'blue', 'boolean': 'yellow', 'undefined': 'grey', 'null': 'bold', 'string': 'green', 'date': 'magenta', // "name": intentionally not styling 'regexp': 'red' }[styleType]; if (style) { return '\033[' + styles[style][0] + 'm' + str + '\033[' + styles[style][1] + 'm'; } else { return str; } }; if (! colors) { stylize = function(str, styleType) { return str; }; } function format(value, recurseTimes) { // Provide a hook for user-specified inspect functions. // Check that value is an object with an inspect function on it if (value && typeof value.inspect === 'function' && // Filter out the util module, it's inspect function is special value !== exports && // Also filter out any prototype objects using the circular check. !(value.constructor && value.constructor.prototype === value)) { return value.inspect(recurseTimes); } // Primitive types cannot have properties switch (typeof value) { case 'undefined': return stylize('undefined', 'undefined'); case 'string': var simple = '\'' + JSON.stringify(value).replace(/^"|"$/g, '') .replace(/'/g, "\\'") .replace(/\\"/g, '"') + '\''; return stylize(simple, 'string'); case 'number': return stylize('' + value, 'number'); case 'boolean': return stylize('' + value, 'boolean'); } // For some reason typeof null is "object", so special case here. if (value === null) { return stylize('null', 'null'); } // Look up the keys of the object. var visible_keys = Object_keys(value); var keys = showHidden ? Object_getOwnPropertyNames(value) : visible_keys; // Functions without properties can be shortcutted. if (typeof value === 'function' && keys.length === 0) { if (isRegExp(value)) { return stylize('' + value, 'regexp'); } else { var name = ? ': ' + : ''; return stylize('[Function' + name + ']', 'special'); } } // Dates without properties can be shortcutted if (isDate(value) && keys.length === 0) { return stylize(value.toUTCString(), 'date'); } var base, type, braces; // Determine the object type if (isArray(value)) { type = 'Array'; braces = ['[', ']']; } else { type = 'Object'; braces = ['{', '}']; } // Make functions say that they are functions if (typeof value === 'function') { var n = ? ': ' + : ''; base = (isRegExp(value)) ? ' ' + value : ' [Function' + n + ']'; } else { base = ''; } // Make dates with properties first say the date if (isDate(value)) { base = ' ' + value.toUTCString(); } if (keys.length === 0) { return braces[0] + base + braces[1]; } if (recurseTimes < 0) { if (isRegExp(value)) { return stylize('' + value, 'regexp'); } else { return stylize('[Object]', 'special'); } } seen.push(value); var output = { var name, str; if (value.__lookupGetter__) { if (value.__lookupGetter__(key)) { if (value.__lookupSetter__(key)) { str = stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special'); } else { str = stylize('[Getter]', 'special'); } } else { if (value.__lookupSetter__(key)) { str = stylize('[Setter]', 'special'); } } } if (visible_keys.indexOf(key) < 0) { name = '[' + key + ']'; } if (!str) { if (seen.indexOf(value[key]) < 0) { if (recurseTimes === null) { str = format(value[key]); } else { str = format(value[key], recurseTimes - 1); } if (str.indexOf('\n') > -1) { if (isArray(value)) { str = str.split('\n').map(function(line) { return ' ' + line; }).join('\n').substr(2); } else { str = '\n' + str.split('\n').map(function(line) { return ' ' + line; }).join('\n'); } } } else { str = stylize('[Circular]', 'special'); } } if (typeof name === 'undefined') { if (type === 'Array' && key.match(/^\d+$/)) { return str; } name = JSON.stringify('' + key); if (name.match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/)) { name = name.substr(1, name.length - 2); name = stylize(name, 'name'); } else { name = name.replace(/'/g, "\\'") .replace(/\\"/g, '"') .replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'"); name = stylize(name, 'string'); } } return name + ': ' + str; }); seen.pop(); var numLinesEst = 0; var length = output.reduce(function(prev, cur) { numLinesEst++; if (cur.indexOf('\n') >= 0) numLinesEst++; return prev + cur.length + 1; }, 0); if (length > 50) { output = braces[0] + (base === '' ? '' : base + '\n ') + ' ' + output.join(',\n ') + ' ' + braces[1]; } else { output = braces[0] + base + ' ' + output.join(', ') + ' ' + braces[1]; } return output; } return format(obj, (typeof depth === 'undefined' ? 2 : depth)); }; function isArray(ar) { return ar instanceof Array || Array.isArray(ar) || (ar && ar !== Object.prototype && isArray(ar.__proto__)); } function isRegExp(re) { return re instanceof RegExp || (typeof re === 'object' && === '[object RegExp]'); } function isDate(d) { if (d instanceof Date) return true; if (typeof d !== 'object') return false; var properties = Date.prototype && Object_getOwnPropertyNames(Date.prototype); var proto = d.__proto__ && Object_getOwnPropertyNames(d.__proto__); return JSON.stringify(proto) === JSON.stringify(properties); } function pad(n) { return n < 10 ? '0' + n.toString(10) : n.toString(10); } var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; // 26 Feb 16:19:34 function timestamp() { var d = new Date(); var time = [pad(d.getHours()), pad(d.getMinutes()), pad(d.getSeconds())].join(':'); return [d.getDate(), months[d.getMonth()], time].join(' '); } exports.log = function (msg) {}; exports.pump = null; var Object_keys = Object.keys || function (obj) { var res = []; for (var key in obj) res.push(key); return res; }; var Object_getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function (obj) { var res = []; for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) res.push(key); } return res; }; var Object_create = Object.create || function (prototype, properties) { // from es5-shim var object; if (prototype === null) { object = { '__proto__' : null }; } else { if (typeof prototype !== 'object') { throw new TypeError( 'typeof prototype[' + (typeof prototype) + '] != \'object\'' ); } var Type = function () {}; Type.prototype = prototype; object = new Type(); object.__proto__ = prototype; } if (typeof properties !== 'undefined' && Object.defineProperties) { Object.defineProperties(object, properties); } return object; }; exports.inherits = function(ctor, superCtor) { ctor.super_ = superCtor; ctor.prototype = Object_create(superCtor.prototype, { constructor: { value: ctor, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); }; var formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g; exports.format = function(f) { if (typeof f !== 'string') { var objects = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { objects.push(exports.inspect(arguments[i])); } return objects.join(' '); } var i = 1; var args = arguments; var len = args.length; var str = String(f).replace(formatRegExp, function(x) { if (x === '%%') return '%'; if (i >= len) return x; switch (x) { case '%s': return String(args[i++]); case '%d': return Number(args[i++]); case '%j': return JSON.stringify(args[i++]); default: return x; } }); for(var x = args[i]; i < len; x = args[++i]){ if (x === null || typeof x !== 'object') { str += ' ' + x; } else { str += ' ' + exports.inspect(x); } } return str; }; },{"events":6}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (exports) { 'use strict'; var lookup = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; function b64ToByteArray(b64) { var i, j, l, tmp, placeHolders, arr; if (b64.length % 4 > 0) { throw 'Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4'; } // the number of equal signs (place holders) // if there are two placeholders, than the two characters before it // represent one byte // if there is only one, then the three characters before it represent 2 bytes // this is just a cheap hack to not do indexOf twice placeHolders = b64.indexOf('='); placeHolders = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - placeHolders : 0; // base64 is 4/3 + up to two characters of the original data arr = [];//new Uint8Array(b64.length * 3 / 4 - placeHolders); // if there are placeholders, only get up to the last complete 4 chars l = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - 4 : b64.length; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i += 4, j += 3) { tmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 18) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) << 12) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 2]) << 6) | lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 3]); arr.push((tmp & 0xFF0000) >> 16); arr.push((tmp & 0xFF00) >> 8); arr.push(tmp & 0xFF); } if (placeHolders === 2) { tmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 2) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) >> 4); arr.push(tmp & 0xFF); } else if (placeHolders === 1) { tmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 10) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) << 4) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 2]) >> 2); arr.push((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF); arr.push(tmp & 0xFF); } return arr; } function uint8ToBase64(uint8) { var i, extraBytes = uint8.length % 3, // if we have 1 byte left, pad 2 bytes output = "", temp, length; function tripletToBase64 (num) { return lookup[num >> 18 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 12 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 6 & 0x3F] + lookup[num & 0x3F]; }; // go through the array every three bytes, we'll deal with trailing stuff later for (i = 0, length = uint8.length - extraBytes; i < length; i += 3) { temp = (uint8[i] << 16) + (uint8[i + 1] << 8) + (uint8[i + 2]); output += tripletToBase64(temp); } // pad the end with zeros, but make sure to not forget the extra bytes switch (extraBytes) { case 1: temp = uint8[uint8.length - 1]; output += lookup[temp >> 2]; output += lookup[(temp << 4) & 0x3F]; output += '=='; break; case 2: temp = (uint8[uint8.length - 2] << 8) + (uint8[uint8.length - 1]); output += lookup[temp >> 10]; output += lookup[(temp >> 4) & 0x3F]; output += lookup[(temp << 2) & 0x3F]; output += '='; break; } return output; } module.exports.toByteArray = b64ToByteArray; module.exports.fromByteArray = uint8ToBase64; }()); },{}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ exports.readIEEE754 = function(buffer, offset, isBE, mLen, nBytes) { var e, m, eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1, eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1, eBias = eMax >> 1, nBits = -7, i = isBE ? 0 : (nBytes - 1), d = isBE ? 1 : -1, s = buffer[offset + i]; i += d; e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1); s >>= (-nBits); nBits += eLen; for (; nBits > 0; e = e * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8); m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1); e >>= (-nBits); nBits += mLen; for (; nBits > 0; m = m * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8); if (e === 0) { e = 1 - eBias; } else if (e === eMax) { return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity); } else { m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen); e = e - eBias; } return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen); }; exports.writeIEEE754 = function(buffer, value, offset, isBE, mLen, nBytes) { var e, m, c, eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1, eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1, eBias = eMax >> 1, rt = (mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0), i = isBE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0, d = isBE ? -1 : 1, s = value < 0 || (value === 0 && 1 / value < 0) ? 1 : 0; value = Math.abs(value); if (isNaN(value) || value === Infinity) { m = isNaN(value) ? 1 : 0; e = eMax; } else { e = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2); if (value * (c = Math.pow(2, -e)) < 1) { e--; c *= 2; } if (e + eBias >= 1) { value += rt / c; } else { value += rt * Math.pow(2, 1 - eBias); } if (value * c >= 2) { e++; c /= 2; } if (e + eBias >= eMax) { m = 0; e = eMax; } else if (e + eBias >= 1) { m = (value * c - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen); e = e + eBias; } else { m = value * Math.pow(2, eBias - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen); e = 0; } } for (; mLen >= 8; buffer[offset + i] = m & 0xff, i += d, m /= 256, mLen -= 8); e = (e << mLen) | m; eLen += mLen; for (; eLen > 0; buffer[offset + i] = e & 0xff, i += d, e /= 256, eLen -= 8); buffer[offset + i - d] |= s * 128; }; },{}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ // shim for using process in browser var process = module.exports = {}; process.nextTick = (function () { var canSetImmediate = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.setImmediate; var canPost = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.postMessage && window.addEventListener ; if (canSetImmediate) { return function (f) { return window.setImmediate(f) }; } if (canPost) { var queue = []; window.addEventListener('message', function (ev) { if (ev.source === window && === 'process-tick') { ev.stopPropagation(); if (queue.length > 0) { var fn = queue.shift(); fn(); } } }, true); return function nextTick(fn) { queue.push(fn); window.postMessage('process-tick', '*'); }; } return function nextTick(fn) { setTimeout(fn, 0); }; })(); process.title = 'browser'; process.browser = true; process.env = {}; process.argv = []; process.binding = function (name) { throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); } // TODO(shtylman) process.cwd = function () { return '/' }; process.chdir = function (dir) { throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); }; },{}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ (function(process){if (!process.EventEmitter) process.EventEmitter = function () {}; var EventEmitter = exports.EventEmitter = process.EventEmitter; var isArray = typeof Array.isArray === 'function' ? Array.isArray : function (xs) { return === '[object Array]' } ; function indexOf (xs, x) { if (xs.indexOf) return xs.indexOf(x); for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) { if (x === xs[i]) return i; } return -1; } // By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than // 10 listeners are added to it. This is a useful default which // helps finding memory leaks. // // Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows // that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited. var defaultMaxListeners = 10; EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) { if (!this._events) this._events = {}; this._events.maxListeners = n; }; EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(type) { // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw. if (type === 'error') { if (!this._events || !this._events.error || (isArray(this._events.error) && !this._events.error.length)) { if (arguments[1] instanceof Error) { throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event } else { throw new Error("Uncaught, unspecified 'error' event."); } return false; } } if (!this._events) return false; var handler = this._events[type]; if (!handler) return false; if (typeof handler == 'function') { switch (arguments.length) { // fast cases case 1:; break; case 2:, arguments[1]); break; case 3:, arguments[1], arguments[2]); break; // slower default: var args =, 1); handler.apply(this, args); } return true; } else if (isArray(handler)) { var args =, 1); var listeners = handler.slice(); for (var i = 0, l = listeners.length; i < l; i++) { listeners[i].apply(this, args); } return true; } else { return false; } }; // EventEmitter is defined in src/ // EventEmitter.prototype.emit() is also defined there. EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function(type, listener) { if ('function' !== typeof listener) { throw new Error('addListener only takes instances of Function'); } if (!this._events) this._events = {}; // To avoid recursion in the case that type == "newListeners"! Before // adding it to the listeners, first emit "newListeners". this.emit('newListener', type, listener); if (!this._events[type]) { // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object. this._events[type] = listener; } else if (isArray(this._events[type])) { // Check for listener leak if (!this._events[type].warned) { var m; if (this._events.maxListeners !== undefined) { m = this._events.maxListeners; } else { m = defaultMaxListeners; } if (m && m > 0 && this._events[type].length > m) { this._events[type].warned = true; console.error('(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' + 'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' + 'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.', this._events[type].length); console.trace(); } } // If we've already got an array, just append. this._events[type].push(listener); } else { // Adding the second element, need to change to array. this._events[type] = [this._events[type], listener]; } return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener; EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(type, listener) { var self = this; self.on(type, function g() { self.removeListener(type, g); listener.apply(this, arguments); }); return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(type, listener) { if ('function' !== typeof listener) { throw new Error('removeListener only takes instances of Function'); } // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type] if (!this._events || !this._events[type]) return this; var list = this._events[type]; if (isArray(list)) { var i = indexOf(list, listener); if (i < 0) return this; list.splice(i, 1); if (list.length == 0) delete this._events[type]; } else if (this._events[type] === listener) { delete this._events[type]; } return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) { if (arguments.length === 0) { this._events = {}; return this; } // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type] if (type && this._events && this._events[type]) this._events[type] = null; return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function(type) { if (!this._events) this._events = {}; if (!this._events[type]) this._events[type] = []; if (!isArray(this._events[type])) { this._events[type] = [this._events[type]]; } return this._events[type]; }; })(require("__browserify_process")) },{"__browserify_process":8}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ (function(){function SlowBuffer (size) { this.length = size; }; var assert = require('assert'); exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50; function toHex(n) { if (n < 16) return '0' + n.toString(16); return n.toString(16); } function utf8ToBytes(str) { var byteArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) if (str.charCodeAt(i) <= 0x7F) byteArray.push(str.charCodeAt(i)); else { var h = encodeURIComponent(str.charAt(i)).substr(1).split('%'); for (var j = 0; j < h.length; j++) byteArray.push(parseInt(h[j], 16)); } return byteArray; } function asciiToBytes(str) { var byteArray = [] for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) // Node's code seems to be doing this and not & 0x7F.. byteArray.push( str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF ); return byteArray; } function base64ToBytes(str) { return require("base64-js").toByteArray(str); } SlowBuffer.byteLength = function (str, encoding) { switch (encoding || "utf8") { case 'hex': return str.length / 2; case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return utf8ToBytes(str).length; case 'ascii': return str.length; case 'base64': return base64ToBytes(str).length; default: throw new Error('Unknown encoding'); } }; function blitBuffer(src, dst, offset, length) { var pos, i = 0; while (i < length) { if ((i+offset >= dst.length) || (i >= src.length)) break; dst[i + offset] = src[i]; i++; } return i; } SlowBuffer.prototype.utf8Write = function (string, offset, length) { var bytes, pos; return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(string), this, offset, length); }; SlowBuffer.prototype.asciiWrite = function (string, offset, length) { var bytes, pos; return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(string), this, offset, length); }; SlowBuffer.prototype.base64Write = function (string, offset, length) { var bytes, pos; return SlowBuffer._charsWritten = blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(string), this, offset, length); }; SlowBuffer.prototype.base64Slice = function (start, end) { var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments) return require("base64-js").fromByteArray(bytes); } function decodeUtf8Char(str) { try { return decodeURIComponent(str); } catch (err) { return String.fromCharCode(0xFFFD); // UTF 8 invalid char } } SlowBuffer.prototype.utf8Slice = function () { var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments); var res = ""; var tmp = ""; var i = 0; while (i < bytes.length) { if (bytes[i] <= 0x7F) { res += decodeUtf8Char(tmp) + String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); tmp = ""; } else tmp += "%" + bytes[i].toString(16); i++; } return res + decodeUtf8Char(tmp); } SlowBuffer.prototype.asciiSlice = function () { var bytes = Array.prototype.slice.apply(this, arguments); var ret = ""; for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) ret += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); return ret; } SlowBuffer.prototype.inspect = function() { var out = [], len = this.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { out[i] = toHex(this[i]); if (i == exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES) { out[i + 1] = '...'; break; } } return ''; }; SlowBuffer.prototype.hexSlice = function(start, end) { var len = this.length; if (!start || start < 0) start = 0; if (!end || end < 0 || end > len) end = len; var out = ''; for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { out += toHex(this[i]); } return out; }; SlowBuffer.prototype.toString = function(encoding, start, end) { encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase(); start = +start || 0; if (typeof end == 'undefined') end = this.length; // Fastpath empty strings if (+end == start) { return ''; } switch (encoding) { case 'hex': return this.hexSlice(start, end); case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return this.utf8Slice(start, end); case 'ascii': return this.asciiSlice(start, end); case 'binary': return this.binarySlice(start, end); case 'base64': return this.base64Slice(start, end); case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': return this.ucs2Slice(start, end); default: throw new Error('Unknown encoding'); } }; SlowBuffer.prototype.hexWrite = function(string, offset, length) { offset = +offset || 0; var remaining = this.length - offset; if (!length) { length = remaining; } else { length = +length; if (length > remaining) { length = remaining; } } // must be an even number of digits var strLen = string.length; if (strLen % 2) { throw new Error('Invalid hex string'); } if (length > strLen / 2) { length = strLen / 2; } for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var byte = parseInt(string.substr(i * 2, 2), 16); if (isNaN(byte)) throw new Error('Invalid hex string'); this[offset + i] = byte; } SlowBuffer._charsWritten = i * 2; return i; }; SlowBuffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) { // Support both (string, offset, length, encoding) // and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length) if (isFinite(offset)) { if (!isFinite(length)) { encoding = length; length = undefined; } } else { // legacy var swap = encoding; encoding = offset; offset = length; length = swap; } offset = +offset || 0; var remaining = this.length - offset; if (!length) { length = remaining; } else { length = +length; if (length > remaining) { length = remaining; } } encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase(); switch (encoding) { case 'hex': return this.hexWrite(string, offset, length); case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return this.utf8Write(string, offset, length); case 'ascii': return this.asciiWrite(string, offset, length); case 'binary': return this.binaryWrite(string, offset, length); case 'base64': return this.base64Write(string, offset, length); case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': return this.ucs2Write(string, offset, length); default: throw new Error('Unknown encoding'); } }; // slice(start, end) SlowBuffer.prototype.slice = function(start, end) { if (end === undefined) end = this.length; if (end > this.length) { throw new Error('oob'); } if (start > end) { throw new Error('oob'); } return new Buffer(this, end - start, +start); }; SlowBuffer.prototype.copy = function(target, targetstart, sourcestart, sourceend) { var temp = []; for (var i=sourcestart; i Buffer.poolSize) { // Big buffer, just alloc one. this.parent = new SlowBuffer(this.length); this.offset = 0; } else { // Small buffer. if (!pool || pool.length - pool.used < this.length) allocPool(); this.parent = pool; this.offset = pool.used; pool.used += this.length; } // Treat array-ish objects as a byte array. if (isArrayIsh(subject)) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { this.parent[i + this.offset] = subject[i]; } } else if (type == 'string') { // We are a string this.length = this.write(subject, 0, encoding); } } } function isArrayIsh(subject) { return Array.isArray(subject) || Buffer.isBuffer(subject) || subject && typeof subject === 'object' && typeof subject.length === 'number'; } exports.SlowBuffer = SlowBuffer; exports.Buffer = Buffer; Buffer.poolSize = 8 * 1024; var pool; function allocPool() { pool = new SlowBuffer(Buffer.poolSize); pool.used = 0; } // Static methods Buffer.isBuffer = function isBuffer(b) { return b instanceof Buffer || b instanceof SlowBuffer; }; Buffer.concat = function (list, totalLength) { if (!Array.isArray(list)) { throw new Error("Usage: Buffer.concat(list, [totalLength])\n \ list should be an Array."); } if (list.length === 0) { return new Buffer(0); } else if (list.length === 1) { return list[0]; } if (typeof totalLength !== 'number') { totalLength = 0; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var buf = list[i]; totalLength += buf.length; } } var buffer = new Buffer(totalLength); var pos = 0; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var buf = list[i]; buf.copy(buffer, pos); pos += buf.length; } return buffer; }; // Inspect Buffer.prototype.inspect = function inspect() { var out = [], len = this.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { out[i] = toHex(this.parent[i + this.offset]); if (i == exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES) { out[i + 1] = '...'; break; } } return ''; }; Buffer.prototype.get = function get(i) { if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) throw new Error('oob'); return this.parent[this.offset + i]; }; Buffer.prototype.set = function set(i, v) { if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) throw new Error('oob'); return this.parent[this.offset + i] = v; }; // write(string, offset = 0, length = buffer.length-offset, encoding = 'utf8') Buffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) { // Support both (string, offset, length, encoding) // and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length) if (isFinite(offset)) { if (!isFinite(length)) { encoding = length; length = undefined; } } else { // legacy var swap = encoding; encoding = offset; offset = length; length = swap; } offset = +offset || 0; var remaining = this.length - offset; if (!length) { length = remaining; } else { length = +length; if (length > remaining) { length = remaining; } } encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase(); var ret; switch (encoding) { case 'hex': ret = this.parent.hexWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length); break; case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': ret = this.parent.utf8Write(string, this.offset + offset, length); break; case 'ascii': ret = this.parent.asciiWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length); break; case 'binary': ret = this.parent.binaryWrite(string, this.offset + offset, length); break; case 'base64': // Warning: maxLength not taken into account in base64Write ret = this.parent.base64Write(string, this.offset + offset, length); break; case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': ret = this.parent.ucs2Write(string, this.offset + offset, length); break; default: throw new Error('Unknown encoding'); } Buffer._charsWritten = SlowBuffer._charsWritten; return ret; }; // toString(encoding, start=0, end=buffer.length) Buffer.prototype.toString = function(encoding, start, end) { encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase(); if (typeof start == 'undefined' || start < 0) { start = 0; } else if (start > this.length) { start = this.length; } if (typeof end == 'undefined' || end > this.length) { end = this.length; } else if (end < 0) { end = 0; } start = start + this.offset; end = end + this.offset; switch (encoding) { case 'hex': return this.parent.hexSlice(start, end); case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return this.parent.utf8Slice(start, end); case 'ascii': return this.parent.asciiSlice(start, end); case 'binary': return this.parent.binarySlice(start, end); case 'base64': return this.parent.base64Slice(start, end); case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': return this.parent.ucs2Slice(start, end); default: throw new Error('Unknown encoding'); } }; // byteLength Buffer.byteLength = SlowBuffer.byteLength; // fill(value, start=0, end=buffer.length) Buffer.prototype.fill = function fill(value, start, end) { value || (value = 0); start || (start = 0); end || (end = this.length); if (typeof value === 'string') { value = value.charCodeAt(0); } if (!(typeof value === 'number') || isNaN(value)) { throw new Error('value is not a number'); } if (end < start) throw new Error('end < start'); // Fill 0 bytes; we're done if (end === start) return 0; if (this.length == 0) return 0; if (start < 0 || start >= this.length) { throw new Error('start out of bounds'); } if (end < 0 || end > this.length) { throw new Error('end out of bounds'); } return this.parent.fill(value, start + this.offset, end + this.offset); }; // copy(targetBuffer, targetStart=0, sourceStart=0, sourceEnd=buffer.length) Buffer.prototype.copy = function(target, target_start, start, end) { var source = this; start || (start = 0); end || (end = this.length); target_start || (target_start = 0); if (end < start) throw new Error('sourceEnd < sourceStart'); // Copy 0 bytes; we're done if (end === start) return 0; if (target.length == 0 || source.length == 0) return 0; if (target_start < 0 || target_start >= target.length) { throw new Error('targetStart out of bounds'); } if (start < 0 || start >= source.length) { throw new Error('sourceStart out of bounds'); } if (end < 0 || end > source.length) { throw new Error('sourceEnd out of bounds'); } // Are we oob? if (end > this.length) { end = this.length; } if (target.length - target_start < end - start) { end = target.length - target_start + start; } return this.parent.copy(target.parent, target_start + target.offset, start + this.offset, end + this.offset); }; // slice(start, end) Buffer.prototype.slice = function(start, end) { if (end === undefined) end = this.length; if (end > this.length) throw new Error('oob'); if (start > end) throw new Error('oob'); return new Buffer(this.parent, end - start, +start + this.offset); }; // Legacy methods for backwards compatibility. Buffer.prototype.utf8Slice = function(start, end) { return this.toString('utf8', start, end); }; Buffer.prototype.binarySlice = function(start, end) { return this.toString('binary', start, end); }; Buffer.prototype.asciiSlice = function(start, end) { return this.toString('ascii', start, end); }; Buffer.prototype.utf8Write = function(string, offset) { return this.write(string, offset, 'utf8'); }; Buffer.prototype.binaryWrite = function(string, offset) { return this.write(string, offset, 'binary'); }; Buffer.prototype.asciiWrite = function(string, offset) { return this.write(string, offset, 'ascii'); }; Buffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function(offset, noAssert) { var buffer = this; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } return buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset]; }; function readUInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { var val = 0; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } if (isBigEndian) { val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] << 8; val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1]; } else { val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset]; val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 8; } return val; } Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readUInt16(this, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readUInt16(this, offset, true, noAssert); }; function readUInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { var val = 0; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } if (isBigEndian) { val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 16; val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] << 8; val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3]; val = val + (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] << 24 >>> 0); } else { val = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] << 16; val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] << 8; val |= buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset]; val = val + (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] << 24 >>> 0); } return val; } Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readUInt32(this, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readUInt32(this, offset, true, noAssert); }; /* * Signed integer types, yay team! A reminder on how two's complement actually * works. The first bit is the signed bit, i.e. tells us whether or not the * number should be positive or negative. If the two's complement value is * positive, then we're done, as it's equivalent to the unsigned representation. * * Now if the number is positive, you're pretty much done, you can just leverage * the unsigned translations and return those. Unfortunately, negative numbers * aren't quite that straightforward. * * At first glance, one might be inclined to use the traditional formula to * translate binary numbers between the positive and negative values in two's * complement. (Though it doesn't quite work for the most negative value) * Mainly: * - invert all the bits * - add one to the result * * Of course, this doesn't quite work in Javascript. Take for example the value * of -128. This could be represented in 16 bits (big-endian) as 0xff80. But of * course, Javascript will do the following: * * > ~0xff80 * -65409 * * Whoh there, Javascript, that's not quite right. But wait, according to * Javascript that's perfectly correct. When Javascript ends up seeing the * constant 0xff80, it has no notion that it is actually a signed number. It * assumes that we've input the unsigned value 0xff80. Thus, when it does the * binary negation, it casts it into a signed value, (positive 0xff80). Then * when you perform binary negation on that, it turns it into a negative number. * * Instead, we're going to have to use the following general formula, that works * in a rather Javascript friendly way. I'm glad we don't support this kind of * weird numbering scheme in the kernel. * * (BIT-MAX - (unsigned)val + 1) * -1 * * The astute observer, may think that this doesn't make sense for 8-bit numbers * (really it isn't necessary for them). However, when you get 16-bit numbers, * you do. Let's go back to our prior example and see how this will look: * * (0xffff - 0xff80 + 1) * -1 * (0x007f + 1) * -1 * (0x0080) * -1 */ Buffer.prototype.readInt8 = function(offset, noAssert) { var buffer = this; var neg; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } neg = buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] & 0x80; if (!neg) { return (buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset]); } return ((0xff - buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] + 1) * -1); }; function readInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { var neg, val; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } val = readUInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert); neg = val & 0x8000; if (!neg) { return val; } return (0xffff - val + 1) * -1; } Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readInt16(this, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readInt16(this, offset, true, noAssert); }; function readInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { var neg, val; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } val = readUInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert); neg = val & 0x80000000; if (!neg) { return (val); } return (0xffffffff - val + 1) * -1; } Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readInt32(this, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readInt32(this, offset, true, noAssert); }; function readFloat(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } return require('./buffer_ieee754').readIEEE754(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, 23, 4); } Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readFloat(this, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readFloat(this, offset, true, noAssert); }; function readDouble(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset + 7 < buffer.length, 'Trying to read beyond buffer length'); } return require('./buffer_ieee754').readIEEE754(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, 52, 8); } Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readDouble(this, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(offset, noAssert) { return readDouble(this, offset, true, noAssert); }; /* * We have to make sure that the value is a valid integer. This means that it is * non-negative. It has no fractional component and that it does not exceed the * maximum allowed value. * * value The number to check for validity * * max The maximum value */ function verifuint(value, max) { assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number', 'cannot write a non-number as a number'); assert.ok(value >= 0, 'specified a negative value for writing an unsigned value'); assert.ok(value <= max, 'value is larger than maximum value for type'); assert.ok(Math.floor(value) === value, 'value has a fractional component'); } Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(value, offset, noAssert) { var buffer = this; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset < buffer.length, 'trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifuint(value, 0xff); } buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value; }; function writeUInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length, 'trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifuint(value, 0xffff); } if (isBigEndian) { buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = (value & 0xff00) >>> 8; buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = value & 0x00ff; } else { buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value & 0xff00) >>> 8; buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value & 0x00ff; } } Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeUInt16(this, value, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeUInt16(this, value, offset, true, noAssert); }; function writeUInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length, 'trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifuint(value, 0xffffffff); } if (isBigEndian) { buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = (value >>> 24) & 0xff; buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value >>> 16) & 0xff; buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] = (value >>> 8) & 0xff; buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] = value & 0xff; } else { buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 3] = (value >>> 24) & 0xff; buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 2] = (value >>> 16) & 0xff; buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset + 1] = (value >>> 8) & 0xff; buffer.parent[buffer.offset + offset] = value & 0xff; } } Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeUInt32(this, value, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeUInt32(this, value, offset, true, noAssert); }; /* * We now move onto our friends in the signed number category. Unlike unsigned * numbers, we're going to have to worry a bit more about how we put values into * arrays. Since we are only worrying about signed 32-bit values, we're in * slightly better shape. Unfortunately, we really can't do our favorite binary * & in this system. It really seems to do the wrong thing. For example: * * > -32 & 0xff * 224 * * What's happening above is really: 0xe0 & 0xff = 0xe0. However, the results of * this aren't treated as a signed number. Ultimately a bad thing. * * What we're going to want to do is basically create the unsigned equivalent of * our representation and pass that off to the wuint* functions. To do that * we're going to do the following: * * - if the value is positive * we can pass it directly off to the equivalent wuint * - if the value is negative * we do the following computation: * mb + val + 1, where * mb is the maximum unsigned value in that byte size * val is the Javascript negative integer * * * As a concrete value, take -128. In signed 16 bits this would be 0xff80. If * you do out the computations: * * 0xffff - 128 + 1 * 0xffff - 127 * 0xff80 * * You can then encode this value as the signed version. This is really rather * hacky, but it should work and get the job done which is our goal here. */ /* * A series of checks to make sure we actually have a signed 32-bit number */ function verifsint(value, max, min) { assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number', 'cannot write a non-number as a number'); assert.ok(value <= max, 'value larger than maximum allowed value'); assert.ok(value >= min, 'value smaller than minimum allowed value'); assert.ok(Math.floor(value) === value, 'value has a fractional component'); } function verifIEEE754(value, max, min) { assert.ok(typeof (value) == 'number', 'cannot write a non-number as a number'); assert.ok(value <= max, 'value larger than maximum allowed value'); assert.ok(value >= min, 'value smaller than minimum allowed value'); } Buffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function(value, offset, noAssert) { var buffer = this; if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset < buffer.length, 'Trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifsint(value, 0x7f, -0x80); } if (value >= 0) { buffer.writeUInt8(value, offset, noAssert); } else { buffer.writeUInt8(0xff + value + 1, offset, noAssert); } }; function writeInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 1 < buffer.length, 'Trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifsint(value, 0x7fff, -0x8000); } if (value >= 0) { writeUInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert); } else { writeUInt16(buffer, 0xffff + value + 1, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert); } } Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeInt16(this, value, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeInt16(this, value, offset, true, noAssert); }; function writeInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length, 'Trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifsint(value, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000); } if (value >= 0) { writeUInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert); } else { writeUInt32(buffer, 0xffffffff + value + 1, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert); } } Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeInt32(this, value, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeInt32(this, value, offset, true, noAssert); }; function writeFloat(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 3 < buffer.length, 'Trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifIEEE754(value, 3.4028234663852886e+38, -3.4028234663852886e+38); } require('./buffer_ieee754').writeIEEE754(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, 23, 4); } Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeFloat(this, value, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeFloat(this, value, offset, true, noAssert); }; function writeDouble(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { assert.ok(value !== undefined && value !== null, 'missing value'); assert.ok(typeof (isBigEndian) === 'boolean', 'missing or invalid endian'); assert.ok(offset !== undefined && offset !== null, 'missing offset'); assert.ok(offset + 7 < buffer.length, 'Trying to write beyond buffer length'); verifIEEE754(value, 1.7976931348623157E+308, -1.7976931348623157E+308); } require('./buffer_ieee754').writeIEEE754(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian, 52, 8); } Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeDouble(this, value, offset, false, noAssert); }; Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(value, offset, noAssert) { writeDouble(this, value, offset, true, noAssert); }; SlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt8 = Buffer.prototype.readUInt8; SlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readInt8 = Buffer.prototype.readInt8; SlowBuffer.prototype.readInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readFloatLE = Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readFloatBE = Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE; SlowBuffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt8 = Buffer.prototype.writeInt8; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE; SlowBuffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE; })() },{"assert":2,"./buffer_ieee754":7,"base64-js":9}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (exports) { 'use strict'; var lookup = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; function b64ToByteArray(b64) { var i, j, l, tmp, placeHolders, arr; if (b64.length % 4 > 0) { throw 'Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4'; } // the number of equal signs (place holders) // if there are two placeholders, than the two characters before it // represent one byte // if there is only one, then the three characters before it represent 2 bytes // this is just a cheap hack to not do indexOf twice placeHolders = b64.indexOf('='); placeHolders = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - placeHolders : 0; // base64 is 4/3 + up to two characters of the original data arr = [];//new Uint8Array(b64.length * 3 / 4 - placeHolders); // if there are placeholders, only get up to the last complete 4 chars l = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - 4 : b64.length; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i += 4, j += 3) { tmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 18) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) << 12) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 2]) << 6) | lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 3]); arr.push((tmp & 0xFF0000) >> 16); arr.push((tmp & 0xFF00) >> 8); arr.push(tmp & 0xFF); } if (placeHolders === 2) { tmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 2) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) >> 4); arr.push(tmp & 0xFF); } else if (placeHolders === 1) { tmp = (lookup.indexOf(b64[i]) << 10) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 1]) << 4) | (lookup.indexOf(b64[i + 2]) >> 2); arr.push((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF); arr.push(tmp & 0xFF); } return arr; } function uint8ToBase64(uint8) { var i, extraBytes = uint8.length % 3, // if we have 1 byte left, pad 2 bytes output = "", temp, length; function tripletToBase64 (num) { return lookup[num >> 18 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 12 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 6 & 0x3F] + lookup[num & 0x3F]; }; // go through the array every three bytes, we'll deal with trailing stuff later for (i = 0, length = uint8.length - extraBytes; i < length; i += 3) { temp = (uint8[i] << 16) + (uint8[i + 1] << 8) + (uint8[i + 2]); output += tripletToBase64(temp); } // pad the end with zeros, but make sure to not forget the extra bytes switch (extraBytes) { case 1: temp = uint8[uint8.length - 1]; output += lookup[temp >> 2]; output += lookup[(temp << 4) & 0x3F]; output += '=='; break; case 2: temp = (uint8[uint8.length - 2] << 8) + (uint8[uint8.length - 1]); output += lookup[temp >> 10]; output += lookup[(temp >> 4) & 0x3F]; output += lookup[(temp << 2) & 0x3F]; output += '='; break; } return output; } module.exports.toByteArray = b64ToByteArray; module.exports.fromByteArray = uint8ToBase64; }()); },{}]},{},[]) ;;module.exports=require("buffer-browserify")