# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. # See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points. en: activa: errors: not_signed_in: 'You should login or register to take this action' simple_form: labels: page: title: 'Page title' article: 'Page content' parent_id: 'Choose parent page' slug: 'Permalink' menu_type: 'Sidebar view' options: page: menu_type: none: 'Do not show sidebar' neighbours: 'Show neigbours pages' children: 'Show children pages' helpers: submit: slug: done: 'Done' cancel: 'сancel' or: 'or' page: create: 'Publish' controllers: pages: create: published_notice: 'Page successfully published.' draft_notice: 'Page saved as draft. You can continue editing.' update: notice: 'Page successfully updated' destroy: notice: 'Page was deleted forever' views: pages: # TODO: move all actions to 'action' scope new: heading: 'New page' edit: heading: 'Editing page' sidebar: heading: 'Delete page' link: 'Delete' link_confirmation: 'Are you sure?' show: sidebar: heading: 'Actions' link: 'Edit' index: heading: 'Pages' empty: 'No pages yet.' sidebar: heading: 'Actions' link: 'Create Page' _page: labels: draft: 'Draft' shared: back_link: 'back' save_as_draft: 'Save as draft' or: 'or' activerecord: errors: models: page: attributes: title: blank: 'You need to specify page title' taken: 'Same title already exists. Please specify another title.' article: blank: 'You need to write something' slug: format: with: 'Incorrect slug format specified.'