# VeloPayments::PaymentRejectedOrReturned ## Properties | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **source_type** | **String** | OA3 Schema type name for the source info which is used as the discriminator value to ensure that data binding works correctly | | | **event_id** | **String** | UUID id of the source event in the Velo platform | | | **created_at** | **Time** | ISO8601 timestamp indicating when the source event was created | | | **payment_id** | **String** | ID of this payment within the Velo platform | | | **payout_payor_ids** | [**PayoutPayorIds**](PayoutPayorIds.md) | | [optional] | | **payor_payment_id** | **String** | ID of this payment in the payors system | [optional] | | **status** | **String** | The new status of the payment. One of \"SUBMITTED\" \"ACCEPTED\" \"REJECTED\" \"ACCEPTED_BY_RAILS\" \"CONFIRMED\" \"RETURNED\" \"WITHDRAWN\" | | | **reason_code** | **String** | The Velo code that indicates why the payment was rejected or returned | | | **reason_message** | **String** | The description of why the payment was rejected or returned | | ## Example ```ruby require 'velopayments' instance = VeloPayments::PaymentRejectedOrReturned.new( source_type: payment_status_changed, event_id: 270ab907-27ec-4b83-8028-0ff432bbdec4, created_at: 2020-06-18T15:09:42Z, payment_id: cbd9280f-8fde-4190-b014-979d88f3ec54, payout_payor_ids: null, payor_payment_id: ourpayment-id12345, status: ACCEPTED, reason_code: VE0001, reason_message: VE0001 ) ```