module ACH
# Objects of this class host essential functionality required to create
# associated object from within owner objects.
# Newly instantiated +HasManyAssociation+ object has no owner, and should
# be used to assign it's copies to owners via +for+ method. This technique
# has following application:
# class Batch < ACH::Component
# association =
# association.delegation_methods.each do |method_name|
# delegate method_name, :to => '@batches_association'
# end
# after_initialize_hooks << lambda{ instance_variable_set('@batches_association', association.for(self)) }
# # All these lines of code are macrosed by ACH::Component.has_many method
# end
# # Now, whenever new batch is created, it will have it's own @batches_association,
# # and essential methods +batches+, +batch+, +build_batch+ delegated to it
# # (accordingly, to +container+, +create+, and +build+ methods)
class Component::HasManyAssociation
# If Record should be attached to (preceded by) other Record, this
# exception is raised on attempt to create attachment record without
# having preceded record. For example, Addenda records should be
# created after Entry records. Each new Addenda record will be attached
# to the latest Entry record.
class NoLinkError < ArgumentError
def initialize(link, klass)
super "No #{link} was found to attach a new #{klass}"
# Exception thrown if an association object, assigned for particular
# owner object, is used to assign to another owner object
class DoubleAssignmentError < StandardError
def initialize(name, owner)
super "Association #{name} has alredy been assigned to #{owner}"
attr_reader :name, :linked_to, :proc_defaults
private :linked_to, :proc_defaults
def initialize(plural_name, options = {})
@name = plural_name.to_s
@linked_to, @proc_defaults = options.values_at(:linked_to, :proc_defaults)
# Clones +self+ and assigns +owner+ to clone. Also, for newly created
# clone association that has owner, aliases main methods so that +owner+
# may delegate to them.
def for(owner)
raise, @owner) if @owner
clone.tap do |association|
plural, singular = name, singular_name
association.instance_variable_set('@owner', owner)
association.singleton_class.class_eval do
alias_method "build_#{singular}", :build
alias_method singular, :create
alias_method plural, :container
# Returns an array of methods to be delegated by +owner+ of the association.
# For example, for association named :items, it will include:
# * +build_item+ - for instantiating Item from the string (used by parsing functionality)
# * +item+ - for instantiating Item during common ACH File creation
# * +items+ - that returns set of Item objects
def delegation_methods
["build_#{singular_name}", singular_name, name]
# Uses klass#from_s to instantiate object from a string. Thus, +klass+ should be
# descendant of ACH::Record::Base. Then pushes object to appropriate container.
def build(str)
obj = klass.from_s(str)
container_for_associated << obj
# Creates associated object using common to ACH controls pattern, and pushes it to
# appropriate container. For example, for :items association, this method is
# aliased to +item+, so you will have:
# item(:code => 'WEB') do
# other_code 'BEW'
# # ...
# end
def create(*args, &block)
fields = args.first || {}
defaults = proc_defaults ? @owner.instance_exec(&proc_defaults) : {} do |component|
component.instance_eval(&block) if block
container_for_associated << component
# Returns main container for association. For plain (without :linked_to option), it is
# array. For linked associations, it is a hash, which keys are records from linking
# associations, and values are arrays for association's objects
def container
@container ||= linked? ? {} : []
# Returns array for associated object to be pushed in. For plain associations, it is
# equivalent to +container+. For linked associations, uses +@owner+ and linking
# association's name to get the latest record from linking associations. If it does
# not exist, +NoLinkError+ will be raised.
# Example:
# class Batch < ACH::Component
# has_many :entries
# has_many :addendas, :linked_to => :entries
# end
# batch =
# batch.entry(:amount => 100)
# batch.addenda(:text => 'Foo')
# batch.entry(:amount => 200)
# batch.addenda(:text => 'Bar')
# batch.addenda(:text => 'Baz')
# batch.entries # => [, ]
# batch.addendas # => { => [],
# # => [, ]}
def container_for_associated
return container unless linked?
last_link = @owner.send(linked_to).last
raise, unless last_link
container[last_link] ||= []
# Returns +true+ if association is linked to another association (thus, it's records must
# be preceded by other association's records). Returns +false+ otherwise
def linked?
private :linked?
# Returns +klass+ that corresponds to association name. Should be defined either in
# ACH module, or in ACH::Record module
def klass
@klass ||= ACH.to_const(@name.classify.to_sym)
private :klass
# Returns singular name of the association
def singular_name
@singular_name ||= name.singularize
private :singular_name