module RubyLambda class Deploy def initialize(current_directory, options = {'native_extensions' => false, 'config' => 'config.yml'}) @current_directory = current_directory @shell = @options = options end def run(mute: false) @mute = mute @config_data = load_data_from_config_file Aws.config.update({ credentials:['aws_access_key'], @config_data['aws_secret_access_key']) }) @iam_client = @config_data['region']) @iam = @iam_client) @client = @config_data['region']) deploy_options = {} deploy_options[:role] = get_role_arn deploy_options[:function_name] = @config_data['function_name'] deploy_options[:handler] = @config_data['handler'] deploy_options[:runtime] = @config_data['runtime'] deploy_options[:publish] = @options['publish'] if @options['zip_file'] zip_file = @options['zip_file'] else zip_file = get_temp_build_zip end deploy_options[:code] = { zip_file:, 'rb').read } function = deploy_function(deploy_options) clean_up ap function @shell.say('Function deployed', :green) unless @mute end def load_data_from_config_file begin config_data = YAML.load("#{@current_directory}/#{@options['config']}")).result) raise'Invalid config file') unless config_data.is_a?(Hash) config_data rescue Errno::ENOENT no_config_file_message = 'Config file missing, create a config.yml file or use the -c / --config flag to pass a different config file.' @shell.say(no_config_file_message, :red) exit 1 rescue RubyLambda::ExecuteError @shell.say('Invalid config file', :red) exit 1 end end def get_temp_build_zip @zip_file_name = "#{'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')}", {'file_name' => @zip_file_name, 'native_extensions' => @options['native_extensions']}).run(mute: @mute) @zip_file_name end def clean_up return if @options['zip_file'] != '' FileUtils.rm "#{@current_directory}/#{@zip_file_name}" end def deploy_function(deploy_options) begin if @options['update'] update_function(deploy_options) else @client.create_function(deploy_options) end rescue Aws::Lambda::Errors::ResourceConflictException if @options['update'] update_function(deploy_options) else @shell.say('Function already exists use the --update flag to update the current function', :red) clean_up exit 1 end end end def update_function(deploy_options) begin update_options = {} update_options[:function_name] = deploy_options[:function_name] update_options[:publish] = deploy_options[:publish] update_options[:zip_file] = deploy_options[:code][:zip_file] @client.update_function_code(update_options) rescue Aws::Lambda::Errors::ResourceNotFoundException @shell.say('Function was not found, remove the --update flag to create it', :red) clean_up exit 1 end end def get_role_arn begin new_role = @iam_client.get_role({ role_name: 'ruby_lambda_gem_basic_execution_role', }) new_role.role.arn rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::NoSuchEntity end end def create_role policy_doc = { Version:'2012-10-17', Statement:[ { Effect:'Allow', Action:'sts:AssumeRole', Principal:{ Service:'' } }] } role = @iam.create_role({ role_name: 'ruby_lambda_gem_basic_execution_role', description: 'Role created to deploy lambda functions from ruby lambda gem', assume_role_policy_document: policy_doc.to_json }) role.attach_policy({ policy_arn: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole' }) sleep 5 # This will give the policy enough time to be attached to the role role end end end