/*! * UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5) * (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt. */ // Provides class sap.m.MessageBox sap.ui.define([ './Button', './Dialog', './Text', './FormattedText', './Link', './VBox', 'sap/ui/core/IconPool', 'sap/ui/core/ElementMetadata', 'sap/ui/core/library', 'sap/ui/core/Control', 'sap/m/library', "sap/ui/thirdparty/jquery" ], function( Button, Dialog, Text, FormattedText, Link, VBox, IconPool, ElementMetadata, coreLibrary, Control, library, jQuery ) { "use strict"; // shortcut for sap.m.DialogType var DialogType = library.DialogType; // shortcut for sap.m.DialogRoleType var DialogRoleType = library.DialogRoleType; // shortcut for sap.ui.core.TextDirection var TextDirection = coreLibrary.TextDirection; /** * Provides easier methods to create sap.m.Dialog with type sap.m.DialogType.Message, such as standard alerts, * confirmation dialogs, or arbitrary message dialogs. * * As MessageBox is a static class, a sap.ui.require("sap/m/MessageBox"); statement * must be explicitly executed before the class can be used. * MessageBox provides several functions. * * NOTE: All options of show() are available for the other template functions as well, but it is recommended to use show() only in more specific scenarios. * Example: *
			 *	sap.ui.define(["sap/m/MessageBox"], function(MessageBox) {
			 *		MessageBox.show(
			 *			"This message should appear in the message box.", {
			 *				icon: MessageBox.Icon.INFORMATION,
			 *				title: "My message box title",
			 *				actions: [MessageBox.Action.YES, MessageBox.Action.NO],
			 *				onClose: function(oAction) { / * do something * / }
			 *			}
			 *		);
			 *	});

* * @namespace * @alias sap.m.MessageBox * @public * @since 1.21.2 * @see {@link fiori:https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design-web/message-box/ Message Box} */ var MessageBox = {}; /** * Enumeration of supported actions in a MessageBox. * * Each action is represented as a button in the message box. The values of this enumeration are used for both, * specifying the set of allowed actions as well as reporting back the user choice. * @enum {string} * @public */ MessageBox.Action = { /** * Adds an "OK" button to the message box. * @public */ OK: "OK", /** * Adds a "Cancel" button to the message box. * @public */ CANCEL: "CANCEL", /** * Adds a "Yes" button to the message box. * @public */ YES: "YES", /** * Adds a "No" button to the message box. * @public */ NO: "NO", /** * Adds an "Abort" button to the message box. * @public */ ABORT: "ABORT", /** * Adds a "Retry" button to the message box. * @public */ RETRY: "RETRY", /** * Adds an "Ignore" button to the message box. * @public */ IGNORE: "IGNORE", /** * Adds a "Close" button to the message box. * @public */ CLOSE: "CLOSE", /** * Adds a "Delete" button to the message box. * @public */ DELETE: "DELETE" }; /** * Enumeration of the pre-defined icons that can be used in a MessageBox. * @enum {string} * @public */ MessageBox.Icon = { /** * Shows no icon in the message box. * @public */ NONE: undefined, /** * Shows the information icon in the message box. * @public */ INFORMATION: "INFORMATION", /** * Shows the warning icon in the message box. * @public */ WARNING: "WARNING", /** * Shows the error icon in the message box. * @public */ ERROR: "ERROR", /** * Shows the success icon in the message box. * @public */ SUCCESS: "SUCCESS", /** * Shows the question icon in the message box. * @public */ QUESTION: "QUESTION" }; (function () { var Action = MessageBox.Action, Icon = MessageBox.Icon, mClasses = { "INFORMATION": "sapMMessageBoxInfo", "WARNING": "sapMMessageBoxWarning", "ERROR": "sapMMessageBoxError", "SUCCESS": "sapMMessageBoxSuccess", "QUESTION": "sapMMessageBoxQuestion", "STANDARD": "sapMMessageBoxStandard" }, mIcons = { "INFORMATION": IconPool.getIconURI("message-information"), "WARNING": IconPool.getIconURI("message-warning"), "ERROR": IconPool.getIconURI("message-error"), "SUCCESS": IconPool.getIconURI("message-success"), "QUESTION": IconPool.getIconURI("question-mark") }; var _verifyBundle = function () { if (MessageBox._rb !== sap.ui.getCore().getLibraryResourceBundle("sap.m")) { MessageBox._rb = sap.ui.getCore().getLibraryResourceBundle("sap.m"); } }; /** * Creates and displays an sap.m.Dialog with type sap.m.DialogType.Message with the given text and buttons, and optionally other parts. * After the user has tapped a button, the onClose function is invoked when given. * * The only mandatory parameter is vMessage. Either a string with the corresponding text or even * a layout control could be provided. * *
				 * sap.m.MessageBox.show("This message should appear in the message box", {
				 *     icon: sap.m.MessageBox.Icon.NONE,                    // default
				 *     title: "",                                           // default
				 *     actions: sap.m.MessageBox.Action.OK                  // default
				 *     onClose: null                                        // default
				 *     styleClass: ""                                       // default
				 *     initialFocus: null                                   // default
				 *     textDirection: sap.ui.core.TextDirection.Inherit     // default
				 * });
* * The created dialog is executed asynchronously. When it has been created and registered for rendering, * this function returns without waiting for a user reaction. * * When applications have to react on the users choice, they have to provide a callback function and * postpone any reaction on the user choice until that callback is triggered. * * The signature of the callback is * * function (oAction); * * where oAction is the button that the user has tapped. For example, when the user has pressed the close button, * an sap.m.MessageBox.Action.Close is returned. * * @param {string} vMessage Message to be displayed in the alert dialog. The usage of sap.core.Control as vMessage is deprecated since version 1.30.4. * @param {object} [mOptions] Other options (optional) * @param {sap.m.MessageBox.Icon} [mOptions.icon] The icon to be displayed. * @param {string} [mOptions.title] The title of the message box. * @param {sap.m.MessageBox.Action|sap.m.MessageBox.Action[]|string|string[]} [mOptions.actions=sap.m.MessageBox.Action.OK] Either a single action, or an array of two actions. * If no action(s) are given, the single action MessageBox.Action.OK is taken as a default for the parameter. From UI5 version 1.21, more than 2 actions are supported. * For the former versions, if more than two actions are given, only the first two actions are taken. Custom action string(s) can be provided, and then the translation * of custom action string(s) needs to be done by the application. * @param {function} [mOptions.onClose] Function to be called when the user taps a button or closes the message box. * @param {string} [mOptions.id] ID to be used for the dialog. Intended for test scenarios, not recommended for productive apps * @param {string} [mOptions.styleClass] Added since version 1.21.2. CSS style class which is added to the dialog's root DOM node. The compact design can be activated by setting this to "sapUiSizeCompact" * @param {string|sap.m.MessageBox.Action} [mOptions.initialFocus] Added since version 1.28.0. initialFocus, this option sets the action name, the text of the button or the control that gets the focus as first focusable element after the MessageBox is opened. * The usage of sap.ui.core.Control to set initialFocus is deprecated since version 1.30.4. * @param {sap.ui.core.TextDirection} [mOptions.textDirection] Added since version 1.28. Specifies the element's text directionality with enumerated options. By default, the control inherits text direction from the DOM. * @param {boolean} [mOptions.verticalScrolling] verticalScrolling is deprecated since version 1.30.4. VerticalScrolling, this option indicates if the user can scroll vertically inside the MessageBox when the content is larger than the content area. * @param {boolean} [mOptions.horizontalScrolling] horizontalScrolling is deprecated since version 1.30.4. HorizontalScrolling, this option indicates if the user can scroll horizontally inside the MessageBox when the content is larger than the content area. * @param {string} [mOptions.details] Added since version 1.28.0. If 'details' is set in the MessageBox, a 'Show detail' link is added. When you click the link, it is set to visible = false and the text area containing 'details' information is then displayed. * @param {sap.ui.core.CSSSize} [mOptions.contentWidth] The width of the MessageBox * @public * @static */ MessageBox.show = function (vMessage, mOptions) { var oDialog, oMessageText, vMessageContent, oResult = null, aButtons = [], i, sIcon, sTitle, vActions, fnCallback, sDialogId, sClass, mDefaults = { id: ElementMetadata.uid("mbox"), initialFocus: null, textDirection: TextDirection.Inherit, verticalScrolling: true, horizontalScrolling: true, details: "", contentWidth: null }; _verifyBundle(); if (typeof mOptions === "string" || arguments.length > 2) { // Old API compatibility // oIcon, sTitle, vActions, fnCallback, sDialogId, sStyleClass sIcon = arguments[1]; sTitle = arguments[2]; vActions = arguments[3]; fnCallback = arguments[4]; sDialogId = arguments[5]; sClass = arguments[6]; mOptions = { icon: sIcon, title: sTitle, actions: vActions, onClose: fnCallback, id: sDialogId, styleClass: sClass }; } if (mOptions && mOptions.hasOwnProperty("details")) { mDefaults.icon = Icon.INFORMATION; mDefaults.actions = [Action.OK, Action.CANCEL]; mOptions = jQuery.extend({}, mDefaults, mOptions); } mOptions = jQuery.extend({}, mDefaults, mOptions); // normalize the vActions array if (typeof mOptions.actions !== "undefined" && !Array.isArray(mOptions.actions)) { mOptions.actions = [mOptions.actions]; } if (!mOptions.actions || mOptions.actions.length === 0) { mOptions.actions = [Action.OK]; } /** creates a button for the given action */ function button(sAction) { var sText; // Don't check in ResourceBundle library if the button is with custom text if (MessageBox.Action.hasOwnProperty(sAction)) { sText = MessageBox._rb.getText("MSGBOX_" + sAction); } var oButton = new Button({ id: ElementMetadata.uid("mbox-btn-"), text: sText || sAction, press: function () { oResult = sAction; oDialog.close(); } }); return oButton; } for (i = 0; i < mOptions.actions.length; i++) { aButtons.push(button(mOptions.actions[i])); } function getInformationLayout(mOptions, oMessageText) { //Generate MessageBox Layout var oFT, oShowLink, oVBox = new VBox({ items: [ oMessageText ] }); if (!mOptions.details) { return oVBox; } if (typeof mOptions.details == 'object') { //covers JSON case //Using stringify() with "tab" as space argument and escaping the JSON to prevent binding mOptions.details = "
" + JSON.stringify(mOptions.details, null, '\t')
							.replace(/{/gi, "\\{") + "
"; } // html text is set by purpose with setter. If is set in the constructor there are issues with binding oFT = new FormattedText().setVisible(false).setHtmlText(mOptions.details); oShowLink = new Link({ text: MessageBox._rb.getText("MSGBOX_LINK_TITLE"), press: function () { var oInitialFocus = oDialog.getInitialFocus(); oDialog.addAriaLabelledBy(oFT); oFT.setVisible(true); oShowLink.setVisible(false); if (oInitialFocus && oInitialFocus !== oShowLink.getId()) { oDialog._setInitialFocus(); } else { // if the initialFocus is not set or is set to the "Show details" link // focus the first action button aButtons[0].focus(); } } }); oShowLink.addStyleClass("sapMMessageBoxLinkText"); oFT.addStyleClass("sapMMessageBoxDetails"); oVBox.addItem(oShowLink); oVBox.addItem(oFT); return oVBox; } function onclose() { if (typeof mOptions.onClose === "function") { mOptions.onClose(oResult); } oDialog.detachAfterClose(onclose); oDialog.destroy(); } function getInitialFocusControl() { var i = 0; var oInitialFocusControl = null; if (mOptions.initialFocus) { if (mOptions.initialFocus instanceof Control) {//covers sap.m.Control cases oInitialFocusControl = mOptions.initialFocus; } if (typeof mOptions.initialFocus === "string") {//covers string and MessageBox.Action cases for (i = 0; i < aButtons.length; i++) { if (MessageBox.Action.hasOwnProperty(mOptions.initialFocus)) { if (MessageBox._rb.getText("MSGBOX_" + mOptions.initialFocus).toLowerCase() === aButtons[i].getText().toLowerCase()) { oInitialFocusControl = aButtons[i]; break; } } else { if (mOptions.initialFocus.toLowerCase() === aButtons[i].getText().toLowerCase()) { oInitialFocusControl = aButtons[i]; break; } } } } } return oInitialFocusControl; } if (typeof (vMessage) === "string") { vMessageContent = new Text({ textDirection: mOptions.textDirection }).setText(vMessage).addStyleClass("sapMMsgBoxText"); // If we have only text we need to keep a reference to it and add it to the aria-labelledby attribute of the dialog. oMessageText = vMessageContent; } else if (vMessage instanceof Control) { vMessageContent = vMessage.addStyleClass("sapMMsgBoxText"); } // If we have additional details, we should wrap the content in a details layout. if (mOptions && mOptions.hasOwnProperty("details") && mOptions.details !== "") { vMessageContent = getInformationLayout(mOptions, vMessageContent); } oDialog = new Dialog({ id: mOptions.id, type: DialogType.Message, title: mOptions.title, content: vMessageContent, icon: mIcons[mOptions.icon], initialFocus: getInitialFocusControl(), verticalScrolling: mOptions.verticalScrolling, horizontalScrolling: mOptions.horizontalScrolling, afterClose: onclose, buttons: aButtons, ariaLabelledBy: oMessageText ? oMessageText.getId() : undefined, contentWidth: mOptions.contentWidth }); oDialog.setProperty("role", DialogRoleType.AlertDialog); if (mClasses[mOptions.icon]) { oDialog.addStyleClass(mClasses[mOptions.icon]); } else { oDialog.addStyleClass(mClasses.STANDARD); } if (mOptions.styleClass) { oDialog.addStyleClass(mOptions.styleClass); } oDialog.open(); }; /** * Displays an alert dialog with the given message and an OK button (no icons). * *
				 * sap.m.MessageBox.alert("This message should appear in the alert", {
				 *     title: "Alert",                                      // default
				 *     onClose: null,                                       // default
				 *     styleClass: ""                                       // default
				 *     initialFocus: null                                   // default
				 *     textDirection: sap.ui.core.TextDirection.Inherit     // default
				 * });
* * If a callback is given, it is called after the alert dialog has been closed * by the user via the OK button. The callback is called with the following signature: * *
				 *   function (oAction)
* * where oAction can be either sap.m.MessageBox.Action.OK when the alert dialog is closed by tapping on the OK button * or null when the alert dialog is closed by calling sap.m.InstanceManager.closeAllDialogs(). * * The alert dialog opened by this method is processed asynchronously. * Applications have to use fnCallback to continue work after the * user closed the alert dialog. * * @param {string} vMessage Message to be displayed in the alert dialog. The usage of sap.core.Control as vMessage is deprecated since version 1.30.4. * @param {object} [mOptions] Other options (optional) * @param {function} [mOptions.onClose] callback function to be called when the user closes the dialog * @param {string} [mOptions.title='Alert'] Title to be displayed in the alert dialog * @param {string} [mOptions.id] ID to be used for the alert dialog. Intended for test scenarios, not recommended for productive apps * @param {string} [mOptions.styleClass] Added since version 1.21.2. CSS style class which is added to the alert dialog's root DOM node. The compact design can be activated by setting this to "sapUiSizeCompact" * @param {string|sap.m.MessageBox.Action} [mOptions.initialFocus] Added since version 1.28.0. initialFocus, this option sets the action name, the text of the button or the control that gets the focus as first focusable element after the MessageBox is opened. * The usage of sap.ui.core.Control to set initialFocus is deprecated since version 1.30.4. * @param {sap.ui.core.TextDirection} [mOptions.textDirection] Added since version 1.28. Specifies the element's text directionality with enumerated options. By default, the control inherits text direction from the DOM. * @param {boolean} [mOptions.verticalScrolling] verticalScrolling is deprecated since version 1.30.4. VerticalScrolling, this option indicates if the user can scroll vertically inside the MessageBox when the content is larger than the content area. * @param {boolean} [mOptions.horizontalScrolling] horizontalScrolling is deprecated since version 1.30.4. HorizontalScrolling, this option indicates if the user can scroll horizontally inside the MessageBox when the content is larger than the content area. * @public * @static */ MessageBox.alert = function (vMessage, mOptions) { _verifyBundle(); var mDefaults = { icon: Icon.NONE, title: MessageBox._rb.getText("MSGBOX_TITLE_ALERT"), actions: Action.OK, id: ElementMetadata.uid("alert"), initialFocus: null }, fnCallback, sTitle, sDialogId, sStyleClass; if (typeof mOptions === "function" || arguments.length > 2) { // Old API Compatibility // fnCallback, sTitle, sDialogId, sStyleClass fnCallback = arguments[1]; sTitle = arguments[2]; sDialogId = arguments[3]; sStyleClass = arguments[4]; mOptions = { onClose: fnCallback, title: sTitle, id: sDialogId, styleClass: sStyleClass }; } mOptions = jQuery.extend({}, mDefaults, mOptions); return MessageBox.show(vMessage, mOptions); }; /** * Displays a confirmation dialog with the given message, a QUESTION icon, an OK button * and a Cancel button. If a callback is given, it is called after the confirmation box * has been closed by the user with one of the buttons. * *
				 * sap.m.MessageBox.confirm("This message should appear in the confirmation", {
				 *     title: "Confirm",                                    // default
				 *     onClose: null                                        // default
				 *     styleClass: ""                                       // default
				 *     initialFocus: null                                   // default
				 *     textDirection: sap.ui.core.TextDirection.Inherit     // default
				 *     });
* * The callback is called with the following signature * *
				 *   function(oAction)
* * where oAction is set by one of the following three values: * 1. sap.m.MessageBox.Action.OK: OK (confirmed) button is tapped. * 2. sap.m.MessageBox.Action.Cancel: Cancel (unconfirmed) button is tapped. * 3. null: Confirm dialog is closed by calling sap.m.InstanceManager.closeAllDialogs() * * The confirmation dialog opened by this method is processed asynchronously. * Applications have to use fnCallback to continue work after the * user closed the confirmation dialog * * @param {string} vMessage Message to be displayed in the alert dialog. The usage of sap.core.Control as vMessage is deprecated since version 1.30.4. * @param {object} [mOptions] Other options (optional) * @param {function} [mOptions.onClose] Callback to be called when the user closes the dialog * @param {string} [mOptions.title='Confirmation'] Title to display in the confirmation dialog * @param {string} [mOptions.id] ID to be used for the confirmation dialog. Intended for test scenarios, not recommended for productive apps * @param {string} [mOptions.styleClass] Added since version 1.21.2. CSS style class which is added to the confirmation dialog's root DOM node. The compact design can be activated by setting this to "sapUiSizeCompact" * @param {string|sap.m.MessageBox.Action} [mOptions.initialFocus] Added since version 1.28.0. initialFocus, this option sets the action name, the text of the button or the control that gets the focus as first focusable element after the MessageBox is opened. * The usage of sap.ui.core.Control to set initialFocus is deprecated since version 1.30.4. * @param {sap.ui.core.TextDirection} [mOptions.textDirection] Added since version 1.28. Specifies the element's text directionality with enumerated options. By default, the control inherits text direction from the DOM. * @param {boolean} [mOptions.verticalScrolling] verticalScrolling is deprecated since version 1.30.4. VerticalScrolling, this option indicates if the user can scroll vertically inside the MessageBox when the content is larger than the content area. * @param {boolean} [mOptions.horizontalScrolling] horizontalScrolling is deprecated since version 1.30.4. HorizontalScrolling, this option indicates if the user can scroll horizontally inside the MessageBox when the content is larger than the content area. * @public * @static */ MessageBox.confirm = function (vMessage, mOptions) { _verifyBundle(); var mDefaults = { icon: Icon.QUESTION, title: MessageBox._rb.getText("MSGBOX_TITLE_CONFIRM"), actions: [Action.OK, Action.CANCEL], id: ElementMetadata.uid("confirm"), initialFocus: null }, fnCallback, sTitle, sDialogId, sStyleClass; if (typeof mOptions === "function" || arguments.length > 2) { // Old API Compatibility // fnCallback, sTitle, sDialogId fnCallback = arguments[1]; sTitle = arguments[2]; sDialogId = arguments[3]; sStyleClass = arguments[4]; mOptions = { onClose: fnCallback, title: sTitle, id: sDialogId, styleClass: sStyleClass }; } mOptions = jQuery.extend({}, mDefaults, mOptions); return MessageBox.show(vMessage, mOptions); }; /** *Displays an error dialog with the given message, an ERROR icon, a CLOSE button.. * If a callback is given, it is called after the error box * has been closed by the user with one of the buttons. * *
				 * sap.m.MessageBox.error("This message should appear in the error message box", {
				 *     title: "Error",                                      // default
				 *     onClose: null                                        // default
				 *     styleClass: ""                                       // default
				 *     initialFocus: null                                   // default
				 *     textDirection: sap.ui.core.TextDirection.Inherit     // default
				 *     });
* * The callback is called with the following signature * * *
				 *   function (oAction)
* * The error dialog opened by this method is processed asynchronously. * Applications have to use fnCallback to continue work after the * user closed the error dialog. * * @param {string} vMessage Message to be displayed in the alert dialog. The usage of sap.core.Control as vMessage is deprecated since version 1.30.4. * @param {object} [mOptions] Other options (optional) * @param {function} [mOptions.onClose] Callback when the user closes the dialog * @param {string} [mOptions.title='Error'] Title of the error dialog * @param {string} [mOptions.id] ID for the error dialog. Intended for test scenarios, not recommended for productive apps * @param {string} [mOptions.styleClass] CSS style class which is added to the error dialog's root DOM node. The compact design can be activated by setting this to "sapUiSizeCompact" * @param {string|sap.m.MessageBox.Action} [mOptions.initialFocus] This option sets the action name, the text of the button or the control that gets the focus as first focusable element after the MessageBox is opened. * The usage of sap.ui.core.Control to set initialFocus is deprecated since version 1.30.4. * @param {sap.ui.core.TextDirection} [mOptions.textDirection] Specifies the element's text directionality with enumerated options. By default, the control inherits text direction from the DOM. * @param {boolean} [mOptions.verticalScrolling] verticalScrolling is deprecated since version 1.30.4. VerticalScrolling, this option indicates if the user can scroll vertically inside the MessageBox when the content is larger than the content area. * @param {boolean} [mOptions.horizontalScrolling] horizontalScrolling is deprecated since version 1.30.4. HorizontalScrolling, this option indicates if the user can scroll horizontally inside the MessageBox when the content is larger than the content area. * @public * @since 1.30 * @static */ MessageBox.error = function (vMessage, mOptions) { _verifyBundle(); var mDefaults = { icon: Icon.ERROR, title: MessageBox._rb.getText("MSGBOX_TITLE_ERROR"), actions: [Action.CLOSE], id: ElementMetadata.uid("error"), initialFocus: null }; mOptions = jQuery.extend({}, mDefaults, mOptions); return MessageBox.show(vMessage, mOptions); }; /** * Displays an information dialog with the given message, an INFO icon, an OK button. * If a callback is given, it is called after the info box * has been closed by the user with one of the buttons. * *
				 * sap.m.MessageBox.information("This message should appear in the information message box", {
				 *     title: "Information",                                // default
				 *     onClose: null                                        // default
				 *     styleClass: ""                                       // default
				 *     initialFocus: null                                   // default
				 *     textDirection: sap.ui.core.TextDirection.Inherit     // default
				 *     });
* * The callback is called with the following signature * * *
				 *   function (oAction)
* * The information dialog opened by this method is processed asynchronously. * Applications have to use fnCallback to continue work after the * user closed the information dialog * * @param {string} vMessage Message to be displayed in the alert dialog. The usage of sap.core.Control as vMessage is deprecated since version 1.30.4. * @param {object} [mOptions] Other options (optional) * @param {function} [mOptions.onClose] Callback when the user closes the dialog * @param {string} [mOptions.title='Information'] Title of the information dialog * @param {string} [mOptions.id] ID for the information dialog. Intended for test scenarios, not recommended for productive apps * @param {string} [mOptions.styleClass] CSS style class which is added to the information dialog's root DOM node. The compact design can be activated by setting this to "sapUiSizeCompact" * @param {string|sap.m.MessageBox.Action} [mOptions.initialFocus] This option sets the action name, the text of the button or the control that gets the focus as first focusable element after the MessageBox is opened. * The usage of sap.ui.core.Control to set initialFocus is deprecated since version 1.30.4. * @param {sap.ui.core.TextDirection} [mOptions.textDirection] Specifies the element's text directionality with enumerated options. By default, the control inherits text direction from the DOM. * @param {boolean} [mOptions.verticalScrolling] verticalScrolling is deprecated since version 1.30.4. VerticalScrolling, this option indicates if the user can scroll vertically inside the MessageBox when the content is larger than the content area. * @param {boolean} [mOptions.horizontalScrolling] horizontalScrolling is deprecated since version 1.30.4. HorizontalScrolling, this option indicates if the user can scroll horizontally inside the MessageBox when the content is larger than the content area. * @public * @since 1.30 * @static */ MessageBox.information = function (vMessage, mOptions) { _verifyBundle(); var mDefaults = { icon: Icon.INFORMATION, title: MessageBox._rb.getText("MSGBOX_TITLE_INFO"), actions: [Action.OK], id: ElementMetadata.uid("info"), initialFocus: null }; mOptions = jQuery.extend({}, mDefaults, mOptions); return MessageBox.show(vMessage, mOptions); }; /** * Displays a warning dialog with the given message, a WARNING icon, an OK button. * If a callback is given, it is called after the warning box * has been closed by the user with one of the buttons. * *
				 * sap.m.MessageBox.warning("This message should appear in the warning message box", {
				 *     title: "Warning",                                    // default
				 *     onClose: null                                        // default
				 *     styleClass: ""                                       // default
				 *     initialFocus: null                                   // default
				 *     textDirection: sap.ui.core.TextDirection.Inherit     // default
				 *     });
* * The callback is called with the following signature * * *
				 *   function (oAction)
* * The warning dialog opened by this method is processed asynchronously. * Applications have to use fnCallback to continue work after the * user closed the warning dialog * * @param {string} vMessage Message to be displayed in the alert dialog. The usage of sap.core.Control as vMessage is deprecated since version 1.30.4. * @param {object} [mOptions] Other options (optional) * @param {function} [mOptions.onClose] Callback when the user closes the dialog * @param {string} [mOptions.title='Warning'] Title of the warning dialog * @param {string} [mOptions.id] ID to for the warning dialog. Intended for test scenarios, not recommended for productive apps * @param {string} [mOptions.styleClass] CSS style class which is added to the warning dialog's root DOM node. The compact design can be activated by setting this to "sapUiSizeCompact" * @param {string|sap.m.MessageBox.Action} [mOptions.initialFocus] This option sets the action name, the text of the button or the control that gets the focus as first focusable element after the MessageBox is opened. * The usage of sap.ui.core.Control to set initialFocus is deprecated since version 1.30.4. * @param {sap.ui.core.TextDirection} [mOptions.textDirection] Specifies the element's text directionality with enumerated options. By default, the control inherits text direction from the DOM. * @param {boolean} [mOptions.verticalScrolling] verticalScrolling is deprecated since version 1.30.4. VerticalScrolling, this option indicates if the user can scroll vertically inside the MessageBox when the content is larger than the content area. * @param {boolean} [mOptions.horizontalScrolling] horizontalScrolling is deprecated since version 1.30.4. HorizontalScrolling, this option indicates if the user can scroll horizontally inside the MessageBox when the content is larger than the content area. * @public * @since 1.30 * @static */ MessageBox.warning = function (vMessage, mOptions) { _verifyBundle(); var mDefaults = { icon: Icon.WARNING , title: MessageBox._rb.getText("MSGBOX_TITLE_WARNING"), actions: [Action.OK], id: ElementMetadata.uid("warning"), initialFocus: null }; mOptions = jQuery.extend({}, mDefaults, mOptions); return MessageBox.show(vMessage, mOptions); }; /** * Displays a success dialog with the given message, a SUCCESS icon, an OK button. * If a callback is given, it is called after the success box * has been closed by the user with one of the buttons. * *
				 * sap.m.MessageBox.success("This message should appear in the success message box", {
				 *     title: "Success",                                    // default
				 *     onClose: null                                        // default
				 *     styleClass: ""                                       // default
				 *     initialFocus: null                                   // default
				 *     textDirection: sap.ui.core.TextDirection.Inherit     // default
				 *     });
* * The callback is called with the following signature * *
				 *   function(oAction)
* * The success dialog opened by this method is processed asynchronously. * Applications have to use fnCallback to continue work after the * user closed the success dialog * * @param {string} vMessage Message to be displayed in the alert dialog. The usage of sap.core.Control as vMessage is deprecated since version 1.30.4. * @param {object} [mOptions] Other options (optional) * @param {function} [mOptions.onClose] Callback when the user closes the dialog * @param {string} [mOptions.title='Success'] Title of the success dialog * @param {string} [mOptions.id] ID for the success dialog. Intended for test scenarios, not recommended for productive apps * @param {string} [mOptions.styleClass] CSS style class which is added to the success dialog's root DOM node. The compact design can be activated by setting this to "sapUiSizeCompact" * @param {string|sap.m.MessageBox.Action} [mOptions.initialFocus] This option sets the action name, the text of the button or the control that gets the focus as first focusable element after the MessageBox is opened. * The usage of sap.ui.core.Control to set initialFocus is deprecated since version 1.30.4. * @param {sap.ui.core.TextDirection} [mOptions.textDirection] Specifies the element's text directionality with enumerated options. By default, the control inherits text direction from the DOM. * @param {boolean} [mOptions.verticalScrolling] verticalScrolling is deprecated since version 1.30.4. VerticalScrolling, this option indicates if the user can scroll vertically inside the MessageBox when the content is larger than the content area. * @param {boolean} [mOptions.horizontalScrolling] horizontalScrolling is deprecated since version 1.30.4. HorizontalScrolling, this option indicates if the user can scroll horizontally inside the MessageBox when the content is larger than the content area. * @public * @since 1.30 * @static */ MessageBox.success = function (vMessage, mOptions) { _verifyBundle(); var mDefaults = { icon: Icon.SUCCESS , title: MessageBox._rb.getText("MSGBOX_TITLE_SUCCESS"), actions: [Action.OK], id: ElementMetadata.uid("success"), initialFocus: null }; mOptions = jQuery.extend({}, mDefaults, mOptions); return MessageBox.show(vMessage, mOptions); }; }()); return MessageBox; }, /* bExport= */ true);