#! /usr/bin/env ruby # # check-emr-steps # # DESCRIPTION: # Alerts on any failed steps for a cluster in the past 10 minutes. # # OUTPUT: # plain-text # # # DEPENDENCIES: # gem: aws-sdk # gem: sensu-plugin # # USAGE: # check-emr-steps.rb -r us-west-2 -b 'My Cluster' # # This will alert on any failed steps in the past 10 minutes on the latest cluster # with the name 'My Cluster'. # NOTES: # # LICENSE: # Bryan Absher # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. require 'sensu-plugins-aws' require 'sensu-plugin/metric/cli' require 'aws-sdk' class CheckEMRSteps < Sensu::Plugin::Metric::CLI::Graphite include Common option :scheme, description: 'Metric naming scheme, text to prepend to metric', short: '-s SCHEME', long: '--scheme SCHEME', default: 'sensu.aws.emr' option :aws_region, short: '-r AWS_REGION', long: '--aws-region REGION', description: 'AWS Region (defaults to us-east-1).', default: 'us-east-1' option :cluster_name, short: '-b CLUSTER_NAME', long: '--cluster-name', description: 'The name of the EMR cluster', required: true def run emr = Aws::EMR::Client.new(aws_config) begin emr_clusters = emr.list_clusters.clusters clusters = emr_clusters.select { |c| c.name == config[:cluster_name] } critical "EMR cluster #{config[:cluster_name]} not found" if clusters.empty? cluster = clusters.sort_by { |c| c.status.timeline.creation_date_time }.reverse.first steps = emr.list_steps( cluster_id: cluster.id, step_states: ['FAILED'] ).steps messages = [] now = Time.new failed = steps.select { |step| now - step.status.timeline.end_date_time < 10 * 60 } failed.each_entry { |step| messages << "Step #{step.id} '#{step.name}' has failed on cluster #{cluster.id} '#{cluster.name}'" } if messages.count > 0 critical("#{messages.count} #{messages.count > 1 ? 'steps have' : 'step has'} failed: #{messages.join(',')}") else ok end end end end