%title Messaging
= stylesheet_link_tag "messaging/mobile"
// Edit to suit your needs.
path: '#{request.protocol}#{request.host}:#{request.port}',
dynamic: true,
range: [
'0px to 760px = #{asset_path('messaging/mobile.css')}',
'760px to 980px = #{asset_path('messaging/720.css')}',
'980px to 1280px = #{asset_path('messaging/960.css')}',
'1280px to 1600px = #{asset_path('messaging/1200.css')}',
'1600px = #{asset_path('messaging/1560.css')}',
= stylesheet_link_tag "messaging/application"
= javascript_include_tag "messaging/adapt"
= javascript_include_tag "messaging/application"
= csrf_meta_tags
%h1 Messaging
= link_to "Sign out", '/messaging_users/sign_out', method: :delete, class: 'sign-out'
- if notice
.grid_12= notice
- if alert
.grid_12= alert
= link_to "Compose", new_message_path, class: 'compose'
-if @box == 'inbox'
= link_to "Inbox", messages_path(box: 'inbox'), class: 'selected'
= link_to "Inbox", messages_path(box: 'inbox')
-if @box == 'sent'
= link_to "Sent", messages_path(box: 'sent'), class: 'selected'
= link_to "Sent", messages_path(box: 'sent')
-if @box == 'trash'
= link_to "Trash", messages_path(box: 'trash'), class: 'selected'
= link_to "Trash", messages_path(box: 'trash')
= form_tag search_path do
%input{ type: 'search', placeholder: 'Search', name: 'search' }
= yield
=link_to "Rails Messaging", "http://github.com/frodefi/rails-messaging/"