// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('panes/panel'); /** @class Displays a modal sheet pane that animates from the top of the viewport. The default way to use the sheet pane is to simply add it to your page like this: SC.SheetPane.create({ layout: { width: 400, height: 200, centerX: 0 }, contentView: SC.View.extend({ }) }).append(); This will cause your sheet panel to display. The default layout for a Sheet is to cover the entire document window with a semi-opaque background, and to resize with the window. @extends SC.PanelPane @since SproutCore 1.0 @author Evin Grano @author Tom Dale */ SC.SheetPane = SC.PanelPane.extend( /** @scope SC.SheetPane.prototype */{ /** @type Array @default ['sc-sheet'] @see SC.View#classNames */ classNames: ['sc-sheet'], /** @type SC.View @default SC.ModalPane */ modalPane: SC.ModalPane, /** Speed of transition. Should be expressed in msec. @type Number @default 200 */ transitionDuration: 200, _state: 'NO_VIEW', // no view /** @private */ init: function() { sc_super(); if (SC.Animatable) { SC.SheetPane.ANIMATABLE_AVAILABLE = YES; this.mixin(SC.Animatable); if (!this.transitions) this.transitions = {}; if (!this.transitions.top) { // transitionDuration = 200 seems to be too fast when using Animatable this.transitions.top = { duration: this.transitionDuration === 200 ? 0.3 : this.transitionDuration/1000, action: "_complete", target: this }; } } }, /** Displays the pane. SheetPane will calculate the height of your pane, draw it offscreen, then animate it down so that it is attached to the top of the viewport. @returns {SC.SheetPane} receiver */ append: function() { var layout = this.get('layout'); if (!layout.height || !layout.top) { layout = SC.View.convertLayoutToAnchoredLayout(layout, this.computeParentDimensions()); } // Gently rest the pane atop the viewport layout.top = -1*layout.height; if (this.disableAnimation) this.disableAnimation(); this.adjust(layout); this.updateLayout(); if (this.enableAnimation) this.enableAnimation(); return sc_super(); }, /** Animates the sheet up, then removes it from the DOM once it is hidden from view. @returns {SC.SheetPane} receiver */ remove: function() { // We want the functionality of `SC.PanelPane.remove()`, but we only want it once the animation is complete. // Store the reference to the superclass function, and it call it after the transition is complete. var that = this, args = arguments; this.invokeLater(function() { args.callee.base.apply(that, args) ;}, this.transitionDuration); this.slideUp(); return this; }, /** @private Once the pane has been rendered out to the DOM, begin the animation. */ paneDidAttach: function() { var ret = sc_super(); // this.invokeLast(this.slideDown, this); this.slideDown(); return ret; }, /** @private */ slideDown: function(){ // setup other general state this._state = SC.SheetPane.ANIMATING; this._direction = SC.SheetPane.SLIDE_DOWN; if (SC.SheetPane.ANIMATABLE_AVAILABLE) { this.transitions.top.timing = SC.Animatable.TRANSITION_EASE_OUT; this.adjust('top', 0); } else { this._start = Date.now(); this._end = this._start + this.get('transitionDuration'); this.tick(); } }, /** @private */ slideUp: function(){ // setup other general state this._state = SC.SheetPane.ANIMATING; this._direction = SC.SheetPane.SLIDE_UP; if (SC.SheetPane.ANIMATABLE_AVAILABLE) { var layout = this.get('layout'); this.transitions.top.timing = SC.Animatable.TRANSITION_EASE_IN; this.adjust('top', -1 * layout.height); } else { this._start = Date.now(); this._end = this._start + this.get('transitionDuration'); this.tick(); } }, /** @private */ _complete: function() { var dir = this._direction; if (dir === SC.SheetPane.SLIDE_DOWN) { if (!SC.SheetPane.ANIMATABLE_AVAILABLE) this.adjust('top', 0); // Make sure we recenter the panel after the animation // is complete. this.adjust({ centerX: 0, left: null }); if(SC.browser.mozilla) this.parentViewDidChange(); } else { var layout = this.get('layout'); if (!SC.SheetPane.ANIMATABLE_AVAILABLE) this.adjust('top', -1*layout.height); } this._state = SC.SheetPane.READY; this.updateLayout(); }, /** @private Needed because of the runLoop and that it is animated... must lose focus because will break if selection is change on text fields that don't move. */ blurTo: function(pane) { this.setFirstResponder(''); }, /** @private Called while the animation runs. Will move the content view down until it is in position and then set the layout to the content layout */ tick: function() { this._timer = null ; // clear out var now = Date.now(); var pct = (now-this._start)/(this._end-this._start), target = this, dir = this._direction, layout = this.get('layout'), newLayout, adjust; if (pct<0) pct = 0; // If we are done... if (pct>=1) { this._complete(); return this; } // ok, now let's compute the new layouts for the two views and set them adjust = Math.floor(layout.height * pct); // set the layout for the views, depending on the direction if (dir == SC.SheetPane.SLIDE_DOWN) { target.adjust('top', 0-(layout.height-adjust)); } else if (dir == SC.SheetPane.SLIDE_UP) { target.adjust('top', 0-adjust); } this._timer = this.invokeLater(this.tick, 20); target.updateLayout(); return this; } }); SC.SheetPane.mixin( /** @scope SC.SheetPane */ { ANIMATABLE_AVAILABLE: NO, // states for view animation NO_VIEW: 'NO_VIEW', ANIMATING: 'ANIMATING', READY: 'READY', SLIDE_DOWN: 'SLIDEDOWN', SLIDE_UP: 'SLIDEUP' });