module Less class Command attr_accessor :source, :destination, :options def initialize options $verbose = options[:debug] @source = options[:source] @destination = (options[:destination] || options[:source]).gsub /\.(less|lss)/, '.css' @options = options end def watch?() @options[:watch] end def compress?() @options[:compress] end def debug?() @options[:debug] end # little function which allows us to # Ctrl-C exit inside the passed block def watch begin yield rescue Interrupt puts exit 0 end end def run! if watch? parse(true) unless File.exist? @destination log "Watching for changes in #@source... Ctrl-C to abort.\n: " # Main watch loop loop do watch { sleep 1 } # File has changed if File.stat( @source ).mtime > File.stat( @destination ).mtime print "Change detected... " # Loop until error is fixed until parse log "Press [return] to continue..." watch { $stdin.gets } end end end else parse end end def parse is_new = false begin # Create a new Less object with the contents of a file css =, @options).to_css css = css.delete " \n" if compress? @destination, "w" ) do |file| file.write css end print "* #{is_new ? 'Created' : 'Updated'} " + "#{@destination.split('/').last}\n: " if watch? rescue Errno::ENOENT => e abort "#{e}" rescue SyntaxError => e err "#{e}\n", "Syntax" rescue MixedUnitsError => e err "`#{e}` you're mixing units together! What do you expect?\n", "Mixed Units" rescue PathError => e err "`#{e}` was not found.\n", "Path" rescue VariableNameError => e err "#{e} is undefined.\n", "Variable Name" rescue MixinNameError => e err "#{e} is undefined.\n", "Mixin Name" else true end end # Just a logging function to avoid typing '*' def log s = '' print '* ' + s.to_s end def err s = '', type = '' type = type.strip + ' ' unless type.empty? $stderr.print "! #{type}Error: #{s}" if @options[:growl] growl = growl.title = "LESS" growl.message = "#{type}Error in #@source!" false end end end end