shared_examples_for "Koala RestAPI" do # REST_CALL describe "when making a rest request" do it "should use the proper path" do method = stub('methodName') @api.should_receive(:api).with( "method/#{method}", anything, anything, anything ) @api.rest_call(method) end it "should always use the rest api" do @api.should_receive(:api).with( anything, anything, anything, hash_including(:rest_api => true) ) @api.rest_call('anything') end it "should set the read_only option to true if the method is listed in the read-only list" do method = Koala::Facebook::RestAPI::READ_ONLY_METHODS.first @api.should_receive(:api).with( anything, anything, anything, hash_including(:read_only => true) ) @api.rest_call(method) end it "should set the read_only option to false if the method is not inthe read-only list" do method = "I'm not a read-only method" @api.should_receive(:api).with( anything, anything, anything, hash_including(:read_only => false) ) @api.rest_call(method) end it "should take an optional hash of arguments" do args = {:arg1 => 'arg1'} @api.should_receive(:api).with( anything, hash_including(args), anything, anything ) @api.rest_call('anything', args) end it "should always ask for JSON" do @api.should_receive(:api).with( anything, hash_including('format' => 'json'), anything, anything ) @api.rest_call('anything') end it "should pass any options provided to the API" do options = {:a => 2} @api.should_receive(:api).with( anything, hash_including('format' => 'json'), anything, hash_including(options) ) @api.rest_call('anything', {}, options) end it "uses get by default" do @api.should_receive(:api).with( anything, anything, "get", anything ) @api.rest_call('anything') end it "allows you to specify other http methods as the last argument" do method = 'bar' @api.should_receive(:api).with( anything, anything, method, anything ) @api.rest_call('anything', {}, {}, method) end it "should throw an APIError if the result hash has an error key" do Koala.stub(:make_request).and_return(, {"error_code" => "An error occurred!"}, {})) lambda { @api.rest_call("koppel", {}) }.should raise_exception(Koala::Facebook::APIError) end describe "when making a FQL request" do it "should call fql.query method" do @api.should_receive(:rest_call).with( "fql.query", anything, anything ).and_return(, "2", {})) @api.fql_query stub('query string') end it "should pass a query argument" do query = stub('query string') @api.should_receive(:rest_call).with( anything, hash_including(:query => query), anything ) @api.fql_query(query) end it "should pass on any other arguments provided" do args = {:a => 2} @api.should_receive(:rest_call).with(anything, hash_including(args), anything) @api.fql_query("a query", args) end it "should pass on any http options provided" do opts = {:a => 2} @api.should_receive(:rest_call).with(anything, anything, hash_including(opts)) @api.fql_query("a query", {}, opts) end end describe "when making a FQL-multiquery request" do it "should call fql.multiquery method" do @api.should_receive(:rest_call).with( "fql.multiquery", anything, anything ).and_return({}) @api.fql_multiquery 'query string' end it "should pass a queries argument" do queries = stub('query string') queries_json = "some JSON" MultiJson.stub(:encode).with(queries).and_return(queries_json) @api.should_receive(:rest_call).with( anything, hash_including(:queries => queries_json), anything ) @api.fql_multiquery(queries) end it "simplifies the response format" do raw_results = [ {"name" => "query1", "fql_result_set" => [1, 2, 3]}, {"name" => "query2", "fql_result_set" => [:a, :b, :c]} ] expected_results = { "query1" => [1, 2, 3], "query2" => [:a, :b, :c] } @api.stub(:rest_call).and_return(raw_results) results = @api.fql_multiquery({:query => true}) results.should == expected_results end it "should pass on any other arguments provided" do args = {:a => 2} @api.should_receive(:rest_call).with(anything, hash_including(args), anything) @api.fql_multiquery("a query", args) end it "should pass on any http options provided" do opts = {:a => 2} @api.should_receive(:rest_call).with(anything, anything, hash_including(opts)) @api.fql_multiquery("a query", {}, opts) end end end end shared_examples_for "Koala RestAPI with an access token" do # FQL it "should be able to access public information via FQL" do result = @api.fql_query("select first_name from user where uid = #{KoalaTest.user2_id}") result.size.should == 1 result.first['first_name'].should == KoalaTest.user2_name end it "should be able to access public information via FQL.multiquery" do result = @api.fql_multiquery( :query1 => "select first_name from user where uid = #{KoalaTest.user2_id}", :query2 => "select first_name from user where uid = #{KoalaTest.user1_id}" ) result.size.should == 2 result["query1"].first['first_name'].should == KoalaTest.user2_name result["query2"].first['first_name'].should == KoalaTest.user1_name end it "should be able to access protected information via FQL" do # Tests agains the permissions fql table # get the current user's ID # we're sneakily using the Graph API, which should be okay since it has its own tests g = id = g.get_object("me", :fields => "id")["id"] # now send a query about your permissions result = @api.fql_query("select read_stream from permissions where uid = #{id}") result.size.should == 1 # we've verified that you have read_stream permissions, so we can test against that result.first["read_stream"].should == 1 end it "should be able to access protected information via FQL.multiquery" do result = @api.fql_multiquery( :query1 => "select post_id from stream where source_id = me()", :query2 => "select fromid from comment where post_id in (select post_id from #query1)", :query3 => "select uid, name from user where uid in (select fromid from #query2)" ) result.size.should == 3 result.keys.should include("query1", "query2", "query3") end end shared_examples_for "Koala RestAPI without an access token" do # FQL_QUERY describe "when making a FQL request" do it "should be able to access public information via FQL" do result = @api.fql_query("select first_name from user where uid = #{KoalaTest.user2_id}") result.size.should == 1 result.first['first_name'].should == KoalaTest.user2_name end it "should be able to access public information via FQL.multiquery" do result = @api.fql_multiquery( :query1 => "select first_name from user where uid = #{KoalaTest.user2_id}", :query2 => "select first_name from user where uid = #{KoalaTest.user1_id}" ) result.size.should == 2 result["query1"].first['first_name'].should == KoalaTest.user2_name result["query2"].first['first_name'].should == KoalaTest.user1_name end it "should not be able to access protected information via FQL" do lambda { @api.fql_query("select read_stream from permissions where uid = #{KoalaTest.user2_id}") }.should raise_error(Koala::Facebook::APIError) end it "should not be able to access protected information via FQL.multiquery" do lambda { @api.fql_multiquery( :query1 => "select post_id from stream where source_id = me()", :query2 => "select fromid from comment where post_id in (select post_id from #query1)", :query3 => "select uid, name from user where uid in (select fromid from #query2)" ) }.should raise_error(Koala::Facebook::APIError) end end end