module Jets::Router module Dsl include Mount # Methods supported by API Gateway %w[any delete get head options patch post put].each do |method_name| define_method method_name do |*args| options = args.extract_options! normalize_path_to_controller_map_option!(args, options) options = options.clone path_arg = args.first if path_arg.is_a?(Symbol) options[:action] = path_arg # Info#action uses end options[:path] ||= path_arg options[:http_method] = __method__ create_route(options) end end # Normally first args is a String that is the path # get "/posts", to: "posts#index" # But it can also be a Hash that maps the path to the controller/action # get "/jets/info" => "jets/info#index" # This logic normalize options to support both cases. def normalize_path_to_controller_map_option!(args, options) if !options[:to] && !args.first.is_a?(String) && !args.first.is_a?(Symbol) map = options.find { |k,v| k.is_a?(String) } path, to = map[0], map[1] options[:to] = to options[:path] = path options.delete(path) end end def match(path, options={}) via = options.delete(:via) || :any Array(via).each do |http_method| http_method = :any if via == :all send http_method, path, options end end def create_route(options) one_apigw_method_for_all_routes_warning(options) route =, @scope) @routes << route end def constraints(constraints, &block) scope(from: :constraints, constraints: constraints, &block) end def member(&block) scope(from: :member, &block) end def collection(&block) scope(from: :collection, &block) end def defaults(data={}, &block) scope(from: :defaults, defaults: data, &block) end def path(path, &block) scope(from: :path, path: path, &block) end def namespace(ns, &block) scope(from: :namespace, path: ns, module: ns, as: ns, &block) end def shallow(&block) scope(from: :shallow, &block) end # Examples # scope :admin # scope path: :admin # scope 'admin', as: 'admin' def scope(*args) options = args.extract_options! path = args.first options[:path] = path.to_s if path root_level = @scope.nil? @scope = root_level ? : yield ensure @scope = @scope.parent if @scope end # resources macro expands to all the routes def resources(*args) options = args.extract_options! resource_names = args resource_names.each do |resource_name| scope(options.merge(from: :resources, resource_name: resource_name)) do each_resource(resource_name, options) yield if block_given? end end end def resource(*args) options = args.extract_options! resource_names = args resource_names.each do |resource_name| scope(options.merge(from: :resource, resource_name: resource_name)) do each_resource(resource_name, options.merge(singular_resource: true)) yield if block_given? end end end # Important: Options as, module, etc are handled by scope and should not be passed to the route HANDLED_BY_SCOPE = [:as, :module, :path, :shallow].freeze def each_resource(resource_name, options={}) HANDLED_BY_SCOPE.each do |opt| options.delete(opt) end o =, options) f =, options) # Looks a little weird with '' but the path is handled by the scope get '', if f.yes?(:index) && !options[:singular_resource] post '', if f.yes?(:create) get 'new', if f.yes?(:new) && !api_mode? get 'edit', if f.yes?(:edit) && !api_mode? get '', if f.yes?(:show) put '', if f.yes?(:update) # post to update wont work with singular_resource because it's a route collision # Also makes it so that is always changed # Leaving in case need it for some reason. Will remove later. # post '', if f.yes?(:update) # for binary uploads patch '', if f.yes?(:update) delete '', if f.yes?(:destroy) end # root "posts#index" # root to: "posts#index" def root(*args) if args.size == 1 options = args.first if options.is_a?(String) # root "posts#index" to = options options = {} elsif options.is_a?(Hash) # root to: "posts#index" to = options.delete(:to) end else to = args[0] options = args[1] || {} end http_method = options.delete(:via) http_method ||= Jets.config.api.cors ? :any : :get default = {path: '/', to: to, http_method: http_method, root: true} options = default.merge(options) create_route(options) end end end