class Management::CmsController < Management::ApplicationController # :nodoc: before_filter :check_permissions before_filter :block_basic_users, :except => [ :index, :edit_page_content, :include_codepress, :disable_caching, :garbage_collect, :select_page, :list_pages_select, :request_review, :toolbar_preview, :toolbar_edit, :create_file_link, :upload_file, :receive_file, :upload_image, :receive_image, :crop_image, :save_crop, :upload_status, :upload_thumb, :crop_thumb, :save_crop_thumb, :upload_feature_image, :crop_feature_image, :save_crop_feature_image, :receive_gallery, :complete_gallery, :gallery_setup, :add_to_gallery, :gallery_management, :select_gallery, :set_gallery_order, :save_gallery_settings, :sort_images, :sort_images_save, :image_details, :update_caption, :delete_photo, :delete_gallery, :pages, :list_pages, :edit_page, :page_attribute, :set_page_version ] before_filter :convert_invalid_chars_in_params upload_status_for :receive_image upload_status_for :add_to_gallery cache_sweeper :cms_content_sweeper def check_permissions if !user_has_permission?(:manage_cms) render '/imagine_cms/errors/permission_denied' return false end end def block_basic_users return true unless UseCmsAccessLevels unless user_has_permission?(:manage_cms_full_access) && @user.cms_allowed_sections.to_s.strip.blank? render '/imagine_cms/errors/permission_denied' return false end end def validate_user_access unless @user.cms_allowed_sections.to_s.strip.blank? allowed_sections = @user.cms_allowed_sections.split(',').map { |s| s.strip }.reject { |s| s.blank? } if @pg path = '/' + @pg.path else parent = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:parent_id] || params[:pg][:parent_id]) rescue nil return false if !parent path = '/' + parent.path end allowed = false allowed_sections.each { |s| allowed ||= (path =~ /^#{s}/) } if !allowed respond_to do |wants| wants.js { render :text => "Sorry, you don't have permission to edit this page." } wants.html { redirect_to "/#{@pg.path}#{@pg.path == '' ? '' : '/'}version/#{@pg.version}" } end return false end end return true end def index end def templates @temps = CmsTemplate.find(:all, :order => 'name') end def edit_template @temp = CmsTemplate.find_by_id(params[:id]) || if @temp.assign_attributes(params[:temp]) begin @pg = @page_objects = render_to_string :inline => @temp.content rescue Exception => e message = e.message[:error] = "<pre>#{ERB::Util.html_escape(message)}</pre>".html_safe logger.debug e return end # this must come after the render_to_string so that we capture template # options embedded in snippets @temp.options = @template_options if ![:error] = @temp.errors.full_messages.join('<br/>') else flash[:notice] = 'Template saved.' redirect_to :action => 'edit_template', :id => and return end end end def snippets @snippets = CmsSnippet.find(:all, :order => 'name') end def edit_snippet @snip = CmsSnippet.find_by_id(params[:id]) || if @snip.assign_attributes(params[:snip]) begin @pg = @page_objects = render_to_string :inline => @snip.content rescue Exception => e message = e.message[:error] = "<pre>#{ERB::Util.html_escape(message)}</pre>".html_safe logger.debug e return end if ! @error = @snip.errors.full_messages.join('<br/>') else flash[:notice] = 'Snippet saved.' redirect_to :action => 'edit_snippet', :id => and return end end end # # AKN 2012-11-08: This was never really a good idea. Need to figure out a better way. Disabling for now. # # def edit_master # @file_type = case params[:id] # when 'template' then 'html' # when 'web_stylesheet', 'print_stylesheet' then 'css' # else nil # end # # filename = case params[:id] # when 'template' then File.join('app', 'views', 'layouts', 'application.rhtml') # when 'web_stylesheet' then File.join('public', 'stylesheets', 'default.css') # when 'print_stylesheet' then File.join('public', 'stylesheets', 'print.css') # when 'ie_stylesheet' then File.join('public', 'stylesheets', 'ie.css') # when 'ie6_stylesheet' then File.join('public', 'stylesheets', 'ie6.css') # end # filename = File.join(Rails.root, filename) # # case request.method # when :get # @file_content =, 'r').read # when :post # begin # @pg = # @page_objects = # render_to_string :inline => params[:file_content] # rescue Exception => e # message = e.message #[:error] = "<pre>#{ERB::Util.html_escape(message)}</pre>" # logger.debug e # return # end # # begin # if params[:file_content].blank? # flash[:error] = 'An error occurred, please contact support.' # else #, 'w') { |f| f.write(params[:file_content]) } # flash[:notice] = 'File saved.' # end # # CmsPage.find(:all).each do |page| # expire_page :controller => 'cms/content', :action => 'show', :content_path => page.path.split('/') # end # # redirect_to :action => 'edit_master', :id => params[:id] # rescue Exception => e # message = e.message #[:error] = "<pre>#{ERB::Util.html_escape(message)}</pre>" # log_error(e) # end # end # end def pages @page_levels = [ '' ].concat((params[:path] || session[:cms_pages_path] || '').split('/').reject { |l| l.blank? }) @page_levels << '' @path = '' @page = nil end def list_pages @page_level = params[:level].to_i @parent = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:parent_id]) if @page_level == 0 render :partial => 'list_page', :locals => { :list_page => CmsPage.find(1) } and return else if @parent @pages = @parent.children session[:cms_pages_path] = @parent.path else @pages = nil end end render :partial => 'list_pages' end def edit_page @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) validate_user_access or return @pg ||= @parent = @pg.parent || CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:parent_id]) if @parent @pg.parent ||= @parent @pg.template ||= @parent.template end @attrs = CmsPageObject.find(:all, :conditions => [ "obj_type = 'attribute'" ], :order => 'name').map { |attr| }.uniq if params[:mode] == 'ajax_new' || params[:mode] == 'ajax_edit' @pg.published_version = -1 if params[:mode] == 'ajax_new' load_page_objects load_template_options render :partial => 'edit_page' and return end if params[:pg] ||= {} if params[:pg][:article_date_year] params[:pg][:article_date] = Time.utc(params[:pg].delete(:article_date_year), params[:pg].delete(:article_date_month), params[:pg].delete(:article_date_day)) end if params[:pg][:article_end_date_year] params[:pg][:article_end_date] = Time.utc(params[:pg].delete(:article_end_date_year), params[:pg].delete(:article_end_date_month), params[:pg].delete(:article_end_date_day)) end if params[:pg][:published_date_year] params[:pg][:published_date] = Time.utc(params[:pg].delete(:published_date_year), params[:pg].delete(:published_date_month), params[:pg].delete(:published_date_day)) end if params[:pg][:expires] date = Time.utc(params[:pg].delete(:expiration_date_year), params[:pg].delete(:expiration_date_month), params[:pg].delete(:expiration_date_day)) params[:pg][:expiration_date] = date if params[:pg][:expires] == 'true' end @pg.assign_attributes(params[:pg]) unless params[:use_article_date_range].to_i > 0 @pg.article_end_date = nil end @pg.updated_by ||= session[:user_id] @pg.updated_by_username ||= session[:user_username] save_function = @pg.new_record? ? 'save' : 'save_without_revision' if @pg.send(save_function) # now try to save tags begin tags_to_delete = @pg.tags params[:tags].split(',').map { |t| t.strip }.reject { |t| t.blank? }.compact.each do |t| @pg.tags.create(:name => t) unless @pg.tags.find_by_name(t) tags_to_delete.reject! { |tag| == t } end tags_to_delete.each { |t| t.destroy } rescue Exception => e logger.debug e end # now try to save page objects (just attributes in this case) begin objects_to_delete = @pg.objects.find(:all, :conditions => [ "obj_type = 'attribute' or obj_type = 'option'" ]) (params[:page_objects] || {}).each do |key,val| next if key.blank? || val.blank? key =~ /^obj-(\w+?)-(.+?)$/ obj = @pg.objects.find(:first, :conditions => [ "name = ? and obj_type = ?", $2, $1 ]) obj ||= => $2, :obj_type => $1) obj.content = val objects_to_delete.reject! { |obj| == $2 } end objects_to_delete.each { |t| t.destroy } rescue Exception => e logger.debug e end render :update do |page| case params[:return_to] when 'preview' page.redirect_to "/#{@pg.path}/version/#{@pg.published_version > 0 ? @pg.published_version : @pg.version}" else flash[:notice] = 'Page saved.' session[:cms_pages_path] = @pg.path page.redirect_to :action => 'pages' end end else # save failed, display errors render :update do |page| page.replace_html 'save_errors', @pg.errors.full_messages.join('<br/>') page << "try { $('btn_next').disabled = false; } catch (e) {}" page << "try { $('btn_finish').disabled = false; } catch (e) {}" page << "try { $('btn_save').disabled = false; $('btn_save').value = 'Save'; } catch (e) {}" end and return end end end def delete_page @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) if !@pg flash[:error] = "Sorry, couldn't find the requested page." elsif @pg.children.size > 0 flash[:error] = "This page contains other pages. Please delete those first if you are sure you want to delete this page." elsif == 1 flash[:error] = "You cannot delete the home page." else flash[:notice] = "Page deleted." session[:cms_pages_path] = @pg.parent.path rescue nil @pg.destroy end redirect_to :action => 'pages' end def select_page @page_levels = [ '' ].concat((params[:path] || session[:cms_pages_path] || '').split('/').reject { |l| l.empty? }) @page_levels << '' @path = '' @page = nil render :layout => false end def list_pages_select @page_level = params[:level].to_i @parent = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:parent_id]) if @page_level == 0 render :partial => 'list_page_select', :locals => { :list_page_select => CmsPage.find(1) } and return else if @parent @pages = @parent.children session[:cms_pages_path] = @parent.path else @pages = nil end end render :partial => 'list_pages_select' end def show_template_options @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) || @pg.cms_template_id = params[:template_id] load_page_objects load_template_options render :partial => 'template_options' end def page_attribute render :nothing => true and return unless params[:name] @page_objects ={ params[:name] => params[:value] }) render :partial => 'page_attribute', :locals => { :name => params[:name] } end def edit_page_content @pg = CmsPage.find(params[:id]) validate_user_access or return @page_objects =[:page_objects] || {}) if request.get? @pg.revert_to(params[:version]) if params[:version] @pg.objects.find(:all, :conditions => [ 'cms_page_version = ?', @pg.version ]).each do |obj| key = "obj-#{obj.obj_type.to_s}-#{}" @page_objects[key] = obj.content.html_safe end # set "legacy" vars @content_levels = @pg.path.split('/') params[:section] = @content_levels.size < 1 ? '' : @content_levels.first params[:subsection] = @content_levels[1] unless @content_levels.size < 3 if @content_levels.size == 1 params[:page] = 'index' elsif @content_levels.size > 1 params[:page] = @content_levels.last end @page_title = @pg.title @cms_head ||= '' @cms_head << "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"#{url_for(:action => 'page_tags_for_lookup')}\"></script>" @template_content = substitute_placeholders(@pg.template.content, @pg) render :layout => 'application' elsif CmsPage.transaction do # need to revise this later if we implement deletion of page objects old_objs = @pg.objects.find(:all, :conditions => [ 'cms_page_version = ?', @pg.version ]) @pg.updated_by = session[:user_id] @pg.updated_by_username = session[:user_username] # if basic user, make sure published version is not set to 'latest' if (UseCmsAccessLevels && !user_has_permission?(:manage_cms_full_access)) && @pg.published_version == 0 @pg.published_version = @pg.version end @pg.updated_on = # do a little bit of classification... for now, just identify page lists page_lists = [] @page_objects.each do |key,val| key =~ /^obj-(\w+?)-(\w+?)-sources-tag-count$/ if $1 == 'page_list' page_lists << "obj-#{$1}-#{$2}" end end # run through page lists and do a little housekeeping page_lists.each do |key| # optimize source lists: tags if @page_objects["#{key}-sources-tag-count"].to_i > 0 tags = [] for i in 0...@page_objects["#{key}-sources-tag-count"].to_i tags << @page_objects["#{key}-sources-tag#{i}"] end tags.reject! { |tag| tag.blank? } @page_objects["#{key}-sources-tag-count"] = tags.size tags.each_with_index do |tag, i| @page_objects["#{key}-sources-tag#{i}"] = tag end end # optimize source lists: folders if @page_objects["#{key}-sources-folder-count"].to_i > 0 folders = [] for i in 0...@page_objects["#{key}-sources-folder-count"].to_i folders << @page_objects["#{key}-sources-folder#{i}"] end folders.reject! { |folder| folder.blank? } @page_objects["#{key}-sources-folder-count"] = folders.size folders.each_with_index do |folder, i| @page_objects["#{key}-sources-folder#{i}"] = folder end end # consolidate date picker fields if @page_objects["#{key}-date-range-custom-start_year"] @page_objects["#{key}-date-range-custom-start"] = Time.utc(@page_objects.delete("#{key}-date-range-custom-start_year"), @page_objects.delete("#{key}-date-range-custom-start_month"), @page_objects.delete("#{key}-date-range-custom-start_day")) end if @page_objects["#{key}-date-range-custom-end_year"] @page_objects["#{key}-date-range-custom-end"] = Time.utc(@page_objects.delete("#{key}-date-range-custom-end_year"), @page_objects.delete("#{key}-date-range-custom-end_month"), @page_objects.delete("#{key}-date-range-custom-end_day")) end end @page_objects.each do |key,val| key =~ /^obj-(\w+?)-(.+?)$/ obj = => $2, :obj_type => $1) # do a little bit of "censorship" to fix up Word pastes if val.is_a?(String) # all meta and link tags val.gsub!(/(<\/?)(meta|link)(.*?)>/m, '') # the dreaded MsoNormal val.gsub!(' class="MsoNormal"', '') # remove all font-family/font-size css styles, as well as font tags val.gsub!(/font-(?:family|size):.*?(;|")/, '\3') val.gsub!(/<font.*?>(.*?)<\/font>/, '\1') # strange conditional IE stuff val.gsub!(/<!--\[if(.*?)<!(--)?\[endif\]-->/m, '') # not even sure what these are supposed to be val.gsub!(/<xml>(.*?)<\/xml>/m, '') # pirate styles not welcome val.gsub!(/<style>(.*?)<\/style>/m, '') # images pointing to the local drive?? val.gsub!(/<img src="file:(.*?)>/, '') # miscellany val.gsub!('<!--StartFragment-->', '') val.gsub!('<!--EndFragment-->', '') val.gsub!(/<span style="(?:;*)">(.*?)<\/span>/m, '\1') val.gsub!(' style="(?:;*)"', '') val.gsub!('<b></b>', '') # we could try to catch all strange ms tags... #val.gsub!(/(<\/?)(?:o|u1):p>/, '\1p>') #val.gsub!(/(<\/?)(?:st1):(.*?)>/, '') # but it's easier just remove all tags with colons in them val.gsub!(/(<\/?)[\w\d]+:[\w\d]+(.*?)>/, '') end obj.content = val end old_objs.each do |obj| unless @pg.objects.find(:all, :conditions => [ 'name = ? and cms_page_version = ?',, @pg.version]) obj = =>, :obj_type => obj.type, :content => obj.content) end end # update index for searching @pg.update_index @pg.save_without_revision end redirect_to "/#{@pg.path}#{@pg.path == '' ? '' : '/'}version/#{@pg.version}" end end def insert_page_object_config @pg = CmsPage.find(params[:id]) load_page_objects @pg.revert_to(params[:version]) if params[:version] @pg.objects.find(:all, :conditions => [ 'cms_page_version = ?', @pg.version]).each do |obj| key = "obj-#{obj.obj_type.to_s}-#{}" @page_objects[key] = obj.content end name = params[:name] render :nothing => true and return unless name parent_key = params[:parent_key] type = params[:type] render :nothing => true and return unless type == 'page_list' key = "obj-#{type}-#{name.gsub(/[^\w]/, '_')}" render :update do |page| page.insert_html :bottom, "page_object_config_#{parent_key}", :partial => 'page_list', :locals => { :name => name, :key => key } end end def page_tags_for_lookup @tags = CmsPageTag.find(:all, :order => 'name').map { |tag| }.uniq headers['content-type'] = 'text/javascript' render :layout => false end def page_attributes_for_lookup @attrs = CmsPageObject.find(:all, :conditions => [ "obj_type = 'attribute'" ], :order => 'name').map { |attr| }.uniq headers['content-type'] = 'text/javascript' render :layout => false end def page_list_add_tag render :partial => 'page_list_source_tag', :locals => { :i => params[:i], :key => params[:key] } end def page_list_add_folder render :partial => 'page_list_source_folder', :locals => { :i => params[:i], :key => params[:key] } end def set_page_version if (UseCmsAccessLevels && user_has_permission?(:manage_cms_publishing) || user_has_permission?(:manage_cms_full_access)) || user_has_permission?(:manage_cms) if params[:id] && params[:pg] @pg = CmsPage.find(params[:id]) validate_user_access or return @pg.published_version = params[:pg][:published_version] @pg.update_index @pg.save_without_revision logger.debug @pg.errors.full_messages.inspect end end render :nothing => true end def request_review @pg = CmsPage.find(params[:id]) @version = params[:version].to_i # send email to request administrative review # find all users with email address set User.find(:all).reject { |u| ! || !u.can_manage_cms_publishing? || !u.cms_allowed_sections.blank? }.each do |u| next unless valid_email_address?(u.email_address) begin Mailer.deliver_cms_request_review(url_for(:controller => '/cms/content', :action => 'show', :content_path => []) + @pg.path, @pg.title, @version, u, @user, params[:change_description].to_s) rescue Exception => e log_error(e) end end render :nothing => true end # # helpers # def insert_object(name, type = :text, options = {}, html_options = {}) extend ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper extend ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper extend ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper extend ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper extend ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper key = "obj-#{type.to_s}-#{name.gsub(/[^\w]/, '_')}" @page_objects[key] ||= '' case type.to_sym when :string @page_objects[key] = options[:content] if @page_objects[key].blank? text_field(:page_objects, key, options) when :text @page_objects[key] = options[:content] if @page_objects[key].blank? focusOnLoad = !defined?(@cms_text_editor_placed) @cms_text_editor_placed = true content = ''.html_safe content << text_area(:page_objects, key, { :dojoType => 'Editor2', :toolbarGroup => 'main', :isToolbarGroupLeader => 'false', :focusOnLoad => focusOnLoad.to_s, :style => 'border: 2px dashed gray; padding: 5px', :minHeight => '100px' }.update(html_options)) content << content_tag(:div, ''.html_safe, :id => "page_object_config_#{key}") content << javascript_tag("addLoadEvent(function () { scanForPageObjects(#{}, '#{key}', #{@pg.version}); });") content << observe_field("page_objects_#{key}", :function => "scanForPageObjects(#{}, '#{key}', #{@pg.version});", :frequency => 2) content when :page_list @page_objects["#{key}-min-item-count"] ||= 3 unless options[:item_min_count] @page_objects["#{key}-max-item-count"] ||= 5 unless options[:item_count] @page_objects["#{key}-item-offset"] ||= 0 unless options[:item_offset] @page_objects["#{key}-sort-first-field"] ||= options[:primary_sort_key] @page_objects["#{key}-sort-first-direction"] ||= options[:primary_sort_direction] @page_objects["#{key}-sort-second-field"] ||= options[:secondary_sort_key] @page_objects["#{key}-sort-second-direction"] ||= options[:secondary_sort_direction] render_to_string(:partial => 'page_list', :locals => { :name => name, :key => key }).html_safe when :snippet @snippet = CmsSnippet.find_by_name(name) if @snippet erb_render(substitute_placeholders(@snippet.content, @pg)) else 'Could not find snippet "' + name + '" in the database.' end else "Unknown object type: #{type.to_s}" end end helper_method :insert_object def disable_caching ; end helper_method :disable_caching # # cms toolbars # def toolbar_edit @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) render :layout => false end def toolbar_preview @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) render :layout => false end # # image upload # def upload_image @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) target_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) if File.exists?(target_dir) redirect_to :action => 'select_gallery', :id => @pg, :gallery_id => params[:gallery_id] else render :partial => 'upload_image' end end def receive_image @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) target_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) FileUtils.mkdir_p target_dir data = params[:file][:data] original_filename = data.original_filename.strip.gsub(/[\?\s\/\:\\]+/, '-').gsub(/^-/, '').gsub(/-$/, '') localfile = File.join(target_dir, original_filename) FileUtils.cp(data.tempfile, localfile) finish_upload_status "'#{File.basename(localfile)}'" end def crop_image @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) localfile = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path, File.basename(params[:filename])) # get out now if user clicked finish if params[:next_clicked].to_i != 1 @image_file = localfile + "?#{File.mtime(localfile).to_i}" upload_to_s3(localfile, @pg) render :partial => 'crop_results' and return end # if we're still here... let's crop! target_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) testfile = File.join(target_dir, File.basename(localfile, File.extname(localfile))) + '-croptest' + File.extname(localfile) # make a smaller version to help with cropping im = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(localfile) im.resize "500x400>" im.write(testfile) File.chmod(0644, testfile) @width = im[:width] @height = im[:height] @height = 1 if @height == 0 @image_file = File.basename(testfile) @aspect_ratio = @width.to_f/@height render :partial => 'crop_image' end def save_crop @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) target_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) testfile = File.join(target_dir, File.basename(params[:filename])) localfile = testfile.split(/-croptest/).join('') # need to scale up requested position/dimensions based on how big test image # is relative to original image orig_im = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(localfile) test_im = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(testfile) scale = orig_im[:width].to_f / test_im[:width] x1 = params[:image][:x1].to_i * scale y1 = params[:image][:y1].to_i * scale width = params[:image][:width].to_i * scale height = params[:image][:height].to_i * scale max_width = params[:image][:max_width].to_i max_height = params[:image][:max_height].to_i dirty = false # crop if user selected something if params[:image][:width].to_i > 0 logger.debug "cropping @ (#{x1}, #{y1}) to size #{width} x #{height}" orig_im.crop "#{width}x#{height}+#{x1}+#{y1}" dirty = true end # resize if the resultant image is bigger than max dims if max_width > 0 && max_height > 0 if orig_im[:width] > max_width || orig_im[:height] > max_height logger.debug "resizing to max dims #{max_width} x #{max_height}" orig_im.resize "#{max_width}x#{max_height}" dirty = true end end orig_im.write(localfile) if dirty @image_file = localfile + "?#{File.mtime(localfile).to_i}" File.unlink testfile upload_to_s3(localfile, @pg) render :partial => 'crop_results' end def receive_gallery @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) target_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) FileUtils.mkdir_p target_dir count = 1 localdir = File.join(target_dir, 'gallery_1') while File.exists?(localdir) && count < 100 count += 1 localdir = File.join(target_dir, "gallery_#{count}") end FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(localdir, 'temp') data = params[:gallery_file][:data] # read zip file entries = [] Zip::ZipFile.foreach(data.path) do |zipentry| next if ![ '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif' ].include?(File.extname( || zipentry.size < 1000 next if File.basename( =~ /^\._/ entries << zipentry end entries.sort! { |a,b| File.basename( <=> File.basename( } do |zipfile| entries.each_with_index do |zipentry, index| upload_progress.message = "Extracting #{File.basename(}" ext = File.extname( localfile = File.join(localdir, 'temp', (index+1).to_s + ext.downcase) jpgfile = File.join(localdir, 'temp', (index+1).to_s + '.jpg') begin zipentry.extract(localfile) im = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(localfile) im.write(jpgfile) File.unlink(localfile) if localfile != jpgfile rescue Exception => e log_error(e) end end end finish_upload_status "'#{File.basename(localdir)}'" end def gallery_setup @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) target_dir = File.join('assets', 'content', @pg.path) @dirname = File.join(target_dir, File.basename(params[:dirname]), 'temp') Dir.chdir(File.join(Rails.root, 'public')) @images = Dir.glob("#{@dirname}/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}").sort Dir.chdir(Rails.root) @thumbs = [] @images.each do |img| next if img.include?('-thumb') thumbfile = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', @dirname, File.basename(img, File.extname(img))) + '-thumb.jpg' @thumbs << File.join(@dirname, File.basename(img, File.extname(img))) + '-thumb.jpg' next if File.exists?(thumbfile) im = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(File.join(Rails.root, 'public', img)) im.resize "80x80" # hardcoded! im.write(thumbfile) File.chmod(0644, thumbfile) end @thumbs.sort! { |a,b| File.basename(a, File.extname(a)).to_i <=> File.basename(b, File.extname(b)).to_i } session[:gallery_thumbs_ordered] = { |thumb| File.basename(thumb, File.extname(thumb)) } render :partial => 'gallery_setup' end def complete_gallery @pg = CmsPage.find(params[:id]) target_dir = File.join('assets', 'content', @pg.path) @dirname = File.join(target_dir, File.basename(params[:dirname])) @thumbs = session[:gallery_thumbs_ordered] max_width = params[:max_width].to_i max_width = GalleryMaxWidth unless max_width > 0 max_height = params[:max_height].to_i max_height = GalleryMaxHeight unless max_height > 0 create_captions_file(, { :gallery_id => File.basename(params[:dirname]) }) @thumbs.each_with_index do |thumb, index| thumb.gsub!(/-thumb/, '') tempfile = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', @dirname, 'temp', thumb + '.jpg') tempthumbfile = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', @dirname, 'temp', thumb + '-thumb.jpg') localfile = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', @dirname, (index+1).to_s + '.jpg') thumbfile = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', @dirname, (index+1).to_s + '-thumb.jpg') im = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(tempfile) if im[:width] > max_width || im[:height] > max_height im.resize("#{max_width}x#{max_height}") end im.write(localfile) small = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(tempfile) small.crop_resized(GalleryThumbWidth, GalleryThumbHeight) small.write(thumbfile) File.chmod(0644, localfile, thumbfile) begin File.unlink(tempfile) File.unlink(tempthumbfile) rescue Exception => e # not that big a deal if we can't delete end end begin Dir.rmdir(File.join(Rails.root, 'public', @dirname, 'temp')) rescue Exception => e # not that big a deal if we can't delete end create_preview_images render :partial => 'complete_gallery' end def gallery_management @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) galleries_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) @galleries = Dir.glob("#{galleries_dir}/gallery_*") gallery_dir = File.join(galleries_dir, params[:gallery_id].to_s) @images = Dir.glob("#{gallery_dir}/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}").reject { |img| img.include?('thumb') }.map { |img| File.basename(img).split('.').first.to_i }.sort create_preview_images if params[:gallery_id] @gallery = load_gallery_settings_from_file(params[:gallery_id]) end render :layout => false end def set_gallery_order session[:gallery_thumbs_ordered] = params[:image_sorter] render :nothing => true end def select_gallery @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) @target_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) @galleries = Dir.glob("#{@target_dir}/gallery_*") create_preview_images if unless params[:gallery_id].downcase == "new" redirect_to :action => 'gallery_management', :id => @pg, :gallery_id => params[:gallery_id] and return else render :partial => 'upload_image' and return end else render :partial => 'select_gallery' and return end end def save_gallery_settings if @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) save_gallery_settings_to_file(params[:gallery_id], params[:gallery]) render :nothing => true end end def sort_images @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) gallery_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path, params[:gallery_id]) @images = Dir.glob("#{gallery_dir}/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}").reject { |img| img.include?('thumb') }.map { |img| File.basename(img).split('.').first.to_i }.sort if params[:images] session[:gallery_images_sorted] = params[:images] render :nothing => true else render :partial => 'sort_images' end end def sort_images_save @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) gallery_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path, params[:gallery_id]) temp_dir = File.join(gallery_dir, 'temp') sorted_images = session[:gallery_images_sorted] || [] if sorted_images == [] redirect_to :action => 'gallery_management', :id => @pg, :gallery_id => params[:gallery_id] return end FileUtils.rm_rf(temp_dir) Dir.mkdir(temp_dir) # create blank captions.yml if it doesn't already exist create_captions_file( original_captions = YAML.load_file(File.join(gallery_dir, 'captions.yml')).to_a captions = [] captions << original_captions[0] sorted_images.each_with_index do |img, i| localfile = File.join(gallery_dir, img) thumbfile = File.join(gallery_dir, img.split('.')[0] + '-thumb.jpg') temp_localfile = File.join(temp_dir, (i + 1).to_s + '.jpg') temp_thumbfile = File.join(temp_dir, (i + 1).to_s + '-thumb.jpg') begin ; FileUtils.cp(localfile, temp_localfile) ; rescue ; end begin ; FileUtils.cp(thumbfile, temp_thumbfile) ; rescue ; end captions[i + 1] = original_captions[img.split('.')[0].to_i] || '' end, 'captions.yml'), 'w') { |f| YAML.dump(captions, f) } images = Dir.glob("#{gallery_dir}/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}") temp_images = Dir.glob("#{temp_dir}/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}") images.each { |img| File.delete(img) } temp_images.each { |img| FileUtils.cp(img, File.join(gallery_dir, File.basename(img))) } FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(gallery_dir, 'management')) create_preview_images(:force => 1) FileUtils.rm_rf(temp_dir) session[:gallery_images_sorted] = nil redirect_to :action => 'gallery_management', :id => @pg, :gallery_id => params[:gallery_id] end def image_details gallery_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', params[:path].to_s, params[:gallery_id]) # create blank captions.yml if it doesn't already exist create_captions_file(params[:id]) captions = YAML.load(, 'captions.yml')).read) image_id = params[:image].split('.')[0].to_i @caption = captions[image_id] render :partial => 'image_details' end def update_caption if gallery_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', params[:path].to_s, params[:gallery_id]) image_id = params[:image].split('.')[0].to_i # create blank captions.yml if it doesn't already exist create_captions_file(params[:id]) captions = YAML.load_file(File.join(gallery_dir, 'captions.yml')).to_a captions[image_id] = params[:caption], 'captions.yml'), "w") { |f| YAML.dump(captions, f) } end redirect_to :action => 'gallery_management', :id => params[:id], :gallery_id => params[:gallery_id] end def add_to_gallery @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) galleries_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) @galleries = Dir.entries(galleries_dir).sort @gallery_dir = File.join(galleries_dir, params[:gallery_id]) images = Dir.glob("#{@gallery_dir}/*-thumb.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}") temp_location = File.join(@gallery_dir ,'temp') FileUtils.rm_rf(temp_location) Dir.mkdir(temp_location) data = params[:gallery_file][:data] data_dest = File.join(temp_location, data.original_filename), "w") { |f| f.write( } last_id = images.size ext = File.extname(data_dest).downcase if ext != '.zip' localfile = File.join(@gallery_dir, (last_id + 1).to_s + ext) thumbfile = File.join(@gallery_dir, (last_id + 1).to_s + '-thumb' + ext), "w") { |f| f.write( } # create blank captions.yml if it doesn't already exist create_captions_file( localfile = resize_image(localfile) small = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(localfile) small.crop_resized(GalleryThumbWidth, GalleryThumbHeight) small.write(thumbfile) File.chmod(0644, localfile, thumbfile) create_preview_images(:force => 1) elsif ext == '.zip' begin Zip::ZipFile.foreach(data.path) do |zipentry| next if ![ '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif' ].include?(File.extname( || zipentry.size < 1000 upload_progress.message = "Extracting #{File.basename(}" localfile = File.join(temp_location, ((last_id+1).to_s + File.extname( begin zipentry.extract(localfile) last_id += 1 rescue Exception => e log_error(e) end end rescue Exception => e logger.debug params.inspect log_error(e) finish_upload_status "''" and return end @images = Dir.glob("#{temp_location}/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}") @images.each do |img| localfile = File.join(@gallery_dir, File.basename(img, File.extname(img))) + '.jpg' tempfile = File.join(temp_location, File.basename(img, File.extname(img))) + File.extname(img) thumbfile = File.join(@gallery_dir, File.basename(img, File.extname(img))) + '-thumb.jpg' small = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(tempfile) small.crop_resized(GalleryThumbWidth, GalleryThumbHeight) small.write(thumbfile) FileUtils.cp(tempfile, localfile) resize_image(localfile) File.chmod(0644, localfile, thumbfile) end # smaller images for gallery index management_dir = File.join(@gallery_dir, 'management') preview_images = [] Dir.glob("#{@gallery_dir}/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}").each { |img| preview_images << img unless File.basename(img).include?('thumb') } preview_images.each { |img| create_preview_image(img, management_dir, 1) } end File.delete(data_dest) upload_progress.message = "File received successfully." finish_upload_status "'#{File.basename(data_dest)}'" and return end def delete_photo if gallery_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', params[:path].to_s, params[:gallery_id]) image_id = params[:image].split('.')[0].to_i begin ; File.delete(File.join(gallery_dir, image_id.to_s + '.jpg')) ; rescue ; end begin ; File.delete(File.join(gallery_dir, image_id.to_s + '-thumb.jpg')) ; rescue ; end begin ; File.delete(File.join(gallery_dir, 'management', image_id.to_s + '.jpg')) ; rescue ; end all_images = Dir.glob(File.join(gallery_dir, '*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}')) images = [] all_images.each { |img| images << img if !File.basename(img).include?('thumb') and File.basename(img).split('.')[0].to_i > image_id } image_names = [] images.each_with_index { |img, index| image_names << File.basename(img).split('.')[0].to_i } image_names.sort! # create blank captions.yml if it doesn't already exist create_captions_file(params[:id]) captions = YAML.load(, 'captions.yml')).read).to_a new_captions = [] for i in 0...image_id do new_captions[i] = captions[i] || '' end image_names.each do |img|, img.to_s + '.jpg'), File.join(gallery_dir, image_id.to_s + '.jpg')), img.to_s + '-thumb.jpg'), File.join(gallery_dir, image_id.to_s + '-thumb.jpg')), 'management', img.to_s + '.jpg'), File.join(gallery_dir, 'management', image_id.to_s + '.jpg')) new_captions[image_id] = captions[img] || '' image_id += 1 end, 'captions.yml'), "w") { |f| f.write(YAML.dump(new_captions)) } end redirect_to :action => 'gallery_management', :id => params[:id], :gallery_id => params[:gallery_id] end def delete_gallery @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) galleries_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) gallery_dir = File.join(galleries_dir, params[:gallery_id]) FileUtils.rm_rf(gallery_dir) redirect_to :action => 'select_gallery', :id => params[:id] end def upload_file @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) render :partial => 'upload_file' end def receive_file @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) target_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) FileUtils.mkdir_p target_dir data = params[:file][:data] original_filename = data.original_filename.strip.gsub(/[\?\s\/\:\\]+/, '-').gsub(/^-/, '').gsub(/-$/, '') localfile = File.join(target_dir, original_filename) FileUtils.cp(data.tempfile, localfile) finish_upload_status "'#{File.basename(localfile)}'" end def create_file_link @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) localfile = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path, File.basename(params[:filename])) @filename = localfile + "?#{File.mtime(localfile).to_i}" upload_to_s3(localfile, @pg, ImagineCmsConfig['amazon_s3'][Rails.env]['file_bucket'], ImagineCmsConfig['amazon_s3']['file_prefix']) render :partial => 'create_file_link' end def upload_thumb @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) render :partial => 'upload_thumb' end def crop_thumb @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) localfile = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path, File.basename(params[:filename])) # get out now if user clicked finish if params[:next_clicked].to_i != 1 @image_file = localfile + "?#{File.mtime(localfile).to_i}" upload_to_s3(localfile, @pg) render :partial => 'crop_results_thumb' and return end # if we're still here... let's crop! target_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) testfile = File.join(target_dir, File.basename(localfile, File.extname(localfile))) + '-croptest' + File.extname(localfile) # make a smaller version to help with cropping im = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(localfile) im.resize("500x400>") im.write(testfile) File.chmod(0644, testfile) @width = im[:width] @height = im[:height] @height = 1 if @height == 0 @image_file = File.basename(testfile) @aspect_ratio = @width.to_f/@height render :partial => 'crop_thumb' end def save_crop_thumb @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) target_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) testfile = File.join(target_dir, File.basename(params[:filename])) localfile = testfile.split(/-croptest/).join('') # need to scale up requested position/dimensions based on how big test image # is relative to original image orig_im = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(localfile) test_im = MiniMagick::Image::from_file(testfile) scale = orig_im[:width].to_f / test_im[:width] x1 = params[:image][:x1].to_i * scale y1 = params[:image][:y1].to_i * scale width = params[:image][:width].to_i * scale height = params[:image][:height].to_i * scale max_width = params[:image][:max_width].to_i max_height = params[:image][:max_height].to_i dirty = false # crop if user selected something if params[:image][:width].to_i > 0 logger.debug "cropping @ (#{x1}, #{y1}) to size #{width} x #{height}" orig_im.crop("#{width}x#{height}+#{x1}+#{y1}") dirty = true end # resize if the resultant image is bigger than max dims if max_width > 0 && max_height > 0 if orig_im[:width] > max_width || orig_im[:height] > max_height logger.debug "resizing to max dims #{max_width} x #{max_height}" orig_im.resize("#{max_width}x#{max_height}>") dirty = true end end orig_im.write(localfile) if dirty File.chmod(0644, localfile) @image_file = localfile + "?#{File.mtime(localfile).to_i}" File.unlink testfile upload_to_s3(localfile, @pg) render :partial => 'crop_results_thumb' end def upload_feature_image @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) render :partial => 'upload_feature_image' end def crop_feature_image @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) localfile = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path, File.basename(params[:filename])) # get out now if user clicked finish if params[:next_clicked].to_i != 1 @image_file = localfile + "?#{File.mtime(localfile).to_i}" upload_to_s3(localfile, @pg) render :partial => 'crop_results_feature_image' and return end # if we're still here... let's crop! target_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) testfile = File.join(target_dir, File.basename(localfile, File.extname(localfile))) + '-croptest' + File.extname(localfile) # make a smaller version to help with cropping im = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(localfile) im.resize("500x400>") im.write(testfile) File.chmod(0644, testfile) @width = im[:width] @height = im[:height] @height = 1 if @height == 0 @image_file = File.basename(testfile) @aspect_ratio = @width.to_f/@height render :partial => 'crop_feature_image' end def save_crop_feature_image @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(params[:id]) target_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) testfile = File.join(target_dir, File.basename(params[:filename])) localfile = testfile.split(/-croptest/).join('') # need to scale up requested position/dimensions based on how big test image # is relative to original image orig_im = MiniMagick::Image.from_file(localfile) test_im = MiniMagick::Image::from_file(testfile) scale = orig_im[:width].to_f / test_im[:width] x1 = params[:image][:x1].to_i * scale y1 = params[:image][:y1].to_i * scale width = params[:image][:width].to_i * scale height = params[:image][:height].to_i * scale max_width = params[:image][:max_width].to_i max_height = params[:image][:max_height].to_i dirty = false # crop if user selected something if params[:image][:width].to_i > 0 logger.debug "cropping @ (#{x1}, #{y1}) to size #{width} x #{height}" orig_im.crop("#{width}x#{height}+#{x1}+#{y1}") dirty = true end # resize if the resultant image is bigger than max dims if max_width > 0 && max_height > 0 if orig_im[:width] > max_width || orig_im[:height] > max_height logger.debug "resizing to max dims #{max_width} x #{max_height}" orig_im.resize("#{max_width}x#{max_height}>") dirty = true end end orig_im.write(localfile) if dirty File.chmod(0644, localfile) @image_file = localfile + "?#{File.mtime(localfile).to_i}" File.unlink testfile upload_to_s3(localfile, @pg) render :partial => 'crop_results_feature_image' end protected def load_page_objects @page_objects = @template_options = if @pg.new_record? && @parent @parent.objects.find(:all, :conditions => [ "obj_type = 'attribute'" ]).each do |obj| key = "obj-#{obj.obj_type.to_s}-#{}" @page_objects[key] = obj.content end @parent.objects.find(:all, :conditions => [ "obj_type = 'option'" ]).each do |obj| key = "obj-#{obj.obj_type.to_s}-#{}" @page_objects[key] = obj.content end else @tags = @pg.tags.collect { |t| }.join(', ') @pg.objects.find(:all, :conditions => [ "obj_type = 'attribute'" ]).each do |obj| key = "obj-#{obj.obj_type.to_s}-#{}" @page_objects[key] = obj.content end @pg.objects.find(:all, :conditions => [ "obj_type = 'option'" ]).each do |obj| key = "obj-#{obj.obj_type.to_s}-#{}" @page_objects[key] = obj.content end end end def load_template_options begin render_to_string :inline => @pg.template.content rescue Exception => e logger.debug e end end def garbage_collect GC.start end def create_captions_file(pg_id, options = {}) gallery_id = (!options[:gallery_id] ? params[:gallery_id] : options[:gallery_id]) @pg = CmsPage.find_by_id(pg_id) galleries_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) gallery_dir = File.join(galleries_dir, gallery_id) captions_location = File.join(gallery_dir, 'captions.yml') return if File.exists?(captions_location), 'w') { |f| YAML.dump([0], f) } end # prerequisites: @pg (CmsPage) def load_gallery_settings_from_file(gallery_id, options = {}) galleries_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) gallery_dir = File.join(galleries_dir, gallery_id) settings_location = File.join(gallery_dir, 'settings.yml') ret = {} if File.exists?(settings_location), 'r') { |f| ret = YAML.load( } else, 'w') { |f| YAML.dump({}, f) } end # set a few defaults ret[:slide_duration] ||= 0 ret[:show_thumbs] ||= true return end # prerequisites: @pg (CmsPage) def save_gallery_settings_to_file(gallery_id, settings_hash, options = {}) settings_hash = settings_hash.hash if settings_hash.kind_of?(HashObject) galleries_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) gallery_dir = File.join(galleries_dir, gallery_id) settings_location = File.join(gallery_dir, 'settings.yml'), 'w') { |f| YAML.dump(settings_hash, f) } end def resize_image(localfile) im = MiniMagick::Image::from_file(localfile) if im[:width] > GalleryMaxWidth || im[:height] > GalleryMaxHeight im.resize("#{GalleryMaxWidth}x#{GalleryMaxHeight}") im.write(localfile) end localfile end def create_preview_image(src_file, dest, force = 0, overlay = 'gallery_small_overlay.png', thumb_size = 90) dest = File.join(dest, File.basename(src_file)) if if !File.exists?(dest) || force == 1 im = Magick::Image::read(src_file)[0] im_overlay = Magick::Image::read(File.join(ImagineCms::Engine.root, 'assets', 'images', 'management', overlay))[0] im.crop_resized!(thumb_size, thumb_size) im = im.composite(im_overlay, Magick::CenterGravity, Magick::OverCompositeOp) im.write(dest) File.chmod(0644, dest) im = im_overlay = nil GC.start nil end end # prerequisites: @pg (CmsPage) def create_preview_images(options = {}) galleries_dir = File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'assets', 'content', @pg.path) session[:broken_galleries] = [] # create preview images if not already made Dir.glob("#{galleries_dir}/gallery_*").each do |g| begin management_dir = File.join(g, 'management') FileUtils.mkdir_p(management_dir) unless File.exists?(management_dir) images = Dir.glob("#{g}/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}") preview_images = [] images.each { |img| preview_images << img unless File.basename(img).include?('thumb') } # gallery preview image preview_image_location = File.join(management_dir, 'preview.jpg') unless File.exists?(preview_image_location) preview_image = preview_images.first create_preview_image(preview_image, preview_image_location, options[:force], 'gallery_preview_overlay.png', 130) end # photo preview images preview_images.each { |img| create_preview_image(img, management_dir, options[:force]) } rescue Exception => e # some error handling here session[:broken_galleries] << File.basename(g) log_error(e) end end end def upload_to_s3(filename, page, bucket = nil, prefix = nil) s3retries = 0 s3success = false if ImagineCmsConfig['amazon_s3'] && ImagineCmsConfig['amazon_s3']['enabled'] bucket ||= ImagineCmsConfig['amazon_s3'][Rails.env]['image_bucket'] prefix ||= ImagineCmsConfig['amazon_s3']['image_prefix'] # set options + metadata options = ImagineCmsConfig['amazon_s3']['metadata'] options[:access] = :public_read while s3retries < 2 && !s3success response ="#{prefix}/#{page.path.blank? ? 'index' : page.path}/#{File.basename(filename)}", open(filename), bucket, options) s3success = response.code == 200 s3retries += 1 end File.unlink(filename) if s3success end s3success end end module MiniMagick class Image def crop_resized(ncols, nrows, gravity='Center') columns = self[:width].to_i rows = self[:height].to_i if ncols != columns || nrows != rows scale = [ncols/columns.to_f, nrows/rows.to_f].max resize("#{scale*(columns+0.5).to_i}x#{scale*(rows+0.5).to_i}") end columns = self[:width].to_i rows = self[:height].to_i crop("#{ncols}x#{nrows}+0+0", "-gravity", "#{gravity}") if ncols != columns || nrows != rows end end end