module Fog module Compute class Libvirt class Real def list_domains(filter = { }) data=[] if filter.key?(:uuid) data << client.lookup_domain_by_uuid(filter[:uuid]) elsif filter.key?(:name) data << client.lookup_domain_by_name(filter[:name]) else client.list_defined_domains.each { |name| data << catchLibvirtExceptions { client.lookup_domain_by_name(name) } } unless filter[:defined] == false client.list_domains.each { |id| data << catchLibvirtExceptions { client.lookup_domain_by_id(id) } } unless filter[:active] == false end { |d| domain_to_attributes d }.compact end # Catch Libvirt exceptions to avoid race conditions involving # concurrent libvirt operations from other processes. For example, # domains being undefined while fog-libvirt is trying to work with # domain lists. def catchLibvirtExceptions yield rescue ::Libvirt::RetrieveError, ::Libvirt::Error nil end end module Shared private def domain_display xml attrs = {} [:type, :port, :password, :listen].each do |element| attrs[element] = xml_element(xml, "domain/devices/graphics",element.to_s) rescue nil end attrs.reject{|k,v| v.nil? or v == ""} end def domain_volumes xml xml_elements(xml, "domain/devices/disk/source", "file") end def boot_order xml xml_elements(xml, "domain/os/boot", "dev") end def domain_interfaces xml ifs = xml_elements(xml, "domain/devices/interface") { |i|{ :type => i['type'], :mac => (i/'mac').first[:address], :network => ((i/'source').first[:network] rescue nil), :bridge => ((i/'source').first[:bridge] rescue nil), :model => ((i/'model').first[:type] rescue nil), }.reject{|k,v| v.nil?}) } end def domain_to_attributes(dom) states= %w(nostate running blocked paused shutting-down shutoff crashed) begin { :id => dom.uuid, :uuid => dom.uuid, :name =>, :max_memory_size =>, :cputime =>, :memory_size =>, :cpus =>, :autostart => dom.autostart?, :os_type => dom.os_type, :active =>, :display => domain_display(dom.xml_desc), :boot_order => boot_order(dom.xml_desc), :nics => domain_interfaces(dom.xml_desc), :volumes_path => domain_volumes(dom.xml_desc), :state => states[] } rescue ::Libvirt::RetrieveError, ::Libvirt::Error # Catch libvirt exceptions to avoid race conditions involving # concurrent libvirt operations (like from another process) return nil end end end class Mock def list_domains(filter = { }) dom1 = mock_domain 'fog-dom1' dom2 = mock_domain 'fog-dom2' dom3 = mock_domain 'a-fog-dom3' [dom1, dom2, dom3] end def mock_domain name xml = read_xml 'domain.xml' { :id => "dom.uuid", :uuid => "dom.uuid", :name => name, :max_memory_size => 8, :cputime => 7, :memory_size => 6, :cpus => 5, :autostart => false, :os_type => "RHEL6", :active => false, :vnc_port => 5910, :boot_order => boot_order(xml), :nics => domain_interfaces(xml), :volumes_path => domain_volumes(xml), :state => 'shutoff' } end end end end end