#include #include #include #include #include "activesupport_inflector.h" #include "ruby.h" //TODO: Deal with string encodings in 1.9. // if (do_magic_here) { // rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Non-ASCII String"); // } VALUE activesupport_inflector_underscore(VALUE self, VALUE rstr) { Check_Type(rstr, T_STRING); VALUE ret = rb_str_new("", 0); char * ip = StringValuePtr(rstr); int ilen = RSTRING_LEN(rstr); char prev = '\0'; char temp; int i; for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++, prev=*ip++) { // replace :: with / if (*ip == ':' && *(ip+1) == ':') { rb_str_cat(ret, "/", 1); ip++; i++; // fastforward one char. } else { if ((isupper(prev) && isupper(*ip) && islower(*(ip+1))) || ((islower(prev)||isdigit(prev)) && isupper(*ip))) { rb_str_cat(ret, "_", 1); } if (*ip == '-') { rb_str_cat(ret, "_", 1); } else { temp = tolower(*ip); rb_str_cat(ret, &temp, 1); } } } return ret; } VALUE activesupport_inflector_parameterize(VALUE self, VALUE str, VALUE sep) { Check_Type(str, T_STRING); Check_Type(sep, T_STRING); VALUE mActiveSupport = rb_define_module("ActiveSupport"); VALUE mInflector = rb_define_module_under(mActiveSupport, "Inflector"); VALUE transliterated = rb_funcall(mInflector, rb_intern("transliterate"), 1, str); Check_Type(transliterated, T_STRING); // You never know... VALUE ret = rb_str_new("", 0); int sep_len = RSTRING_LEN(sep); int ilen = RSTRING_LEN(transliterated); char * ip = RSTRING_PTR(transliterated); bool separated = true; int i; char tmp; for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++, ip++) { if (isalnum(*ip) || *ip == '-' || *ip == '_' || *ip == '+') { // normal char separated = false; tmp = tolower(*ip); rb_str_cat(ret, &tmp, 1); } else { // replace with separator if (!separated) { separated = true; rb_str_cat(ret, RSTRING_PTR(sep), sep_len); } } } // cp points to the end of the return string. // Get rid of trailing separators, if any. if (RSTRING_LEN(ret) && !memcmp(RSTRING_PTR(sep), RSTRING_PTR(ret) + RSTRING_LEN(ret) - sep_len, sep_len * sizeof (char))) { ret = rb_str_new(RSTRING_PTR(ret), RSTRING_LEN(ret) - sep_len); } return ret; } VALUE activesupport_inflector_dasherize(VALUE self, VALUE str) { Check_Type(str, T_STRING); char * out = ALLOC_N(char, RSTRING_LEN(str) + 1); char * ip = RSTRING_PTR(str); char * op = out; int len = RSTRING_LEN(str); int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++, ip++) { if (*ip == '_') { *op++ = '-'; } else { *op++ = *ip; } } return rb_str_new(out, len); } VALUE activesupport_inflector_demodulize(VALUE self, VALUE rstr) { Check_Type(rstr, T_STRING); char * str = RSTRING_PTR(rstr); char * ip = str; char * last_part = str; int len = RSTRING_LEN(rstr); int olen = len; int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++, ip++) { if (*ip == ':' && *(ip+1) == ':') { olen = len - i - 2; last_part = ip + 2; } } VALUE ret = rb_str_new("", 0); rb_str_cat(ret, last_part, olen); return ret; } VALUE activesupport_inflector_camelize(VALUE self, VALUE str, VALUE first_letter_uppercase) { Check_Type(str, T_STRING); VALUE ret = rb_str_new("", 0); bool cap_next = RTEST(first_letter_uppercase); int ilen = RSTRING_LEN(str); char * ip = RSTRING_PTR(str); int i; char tmp; for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++, ip++) { if (*ip == '/') { cap_next = true; rb_str_cat(ret, "::", 2); } else if (*ip == '_') { cap_next = true; // Skip over -- don't print anything. } else { if (cap_next) { tmp = toupper(*ip); cap_next = false; } else { tmp = tolower(*ip); } rb_str_cat(ret, &tmp, 1); } } return ret; } VALUE activesupport_inflector_foreign_key(VALUE self, VALUE str, VALUE use_underscore) { Check_Type(str, T_STRING); VALUE ret = activesupport_inflector_underscore(self, activesupport_inflector_demodulize(self, str)); if (RTEST(use_underscore)) { rb_str_cat(ret, "_id", 3); } else { rb_str_cat(ret, "id", 2); } return ret; } static char * itoa(int n) { char c_tmp; int i_tmp; char * ret = ALLOC_N(char, 32); char * ptr = ret; char * ptr1 = ret; do { i_tmp = n; n /= 10; *ptr++ = "9876543210123456789" [9 + (i_tmp - n * 10)]; } while (n); if (i_tmp < 0) *ptr++ = '-'; *ptr-- = '\0'; while (ptr1 < ptr) { c_tmp = *ptr; *ptr-- = *ptr1; *ptr1++ = c_tmp; } return ret; } VALUE activesupport_inflector_ordinalize(VALUE self, VALUE rn) { Check_Type(rn, T_FIXNUM); int n = FIX2INT(rn); VALUE ret = rb_str_new2(itoa(n)); int x = n % 100; if ((x > 10) && (x < 14)) { rb_str_cat(ret, "th", 2); } else { switch(n % 10) { case 1: rb_str_cat(ret, "st", 2); break; case 2: rb_str_cat(ret, "nd", 2); break; case 3: rb_str_cat(ret, "rd", 2); break; default: rb_str_cat(ret, "th", 2); } } return ret; }