require 'spaceship/connect_api/tunes/client' module Spaceship class ConnectAPI module Tunes module API module Version V1 = "v1" V2 = "v2" V3 = "v3" end def tunes_request_client=(tunes_request_client) @tunes_request_client = tunes_request_client end def tunes_request_client return @tunes_request_client if @tunes_request_client raise TypeError, "You need to instantiate this module with tunes_request_client" end # # ageRatingDeclarations # def get_age_rating_declaration(app_info_id: nil, app_store_version_id: nil) raise "Keyword 'app_store_version_id' is deprecated and 'app_info_id' is required" if app_store_version_id || app_info_id.nil? params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appInfos/#{app_info_id}/ageRatingDeclaration", params) end def patch_age_rating_declaration(age_rating_declaration_id: nil, attributes: nil) body = { data: { type: "ageRatingDeclarations", id: age_rating_declaration_id, attributes: attributes } } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/ageRatingDeclarations/#{age_rating_declaration_id}", body) end # # app # def post_app(name: nil, version_string: nil, sku: nil, primary_locale: nil, bundle_id: nil, platforms: nil, company_name: nil) included = [] included << { type: "appInfos", id: "${new-appInfo-id}", relationships: { appInfoLocalizations: { data: [ { type: "appInfoLocalizations", id: "${new-appInfoLocalization-id}" } ] } } } included << { type: "appInfoLocalizations", id: "${new-appInfoLocalization-id}", attributes: { locale: primary_locale, name: name } } platforms.each do |platform| included << { type: "appStoreVersions", id: "${store-version-#{platform}}", attributes: { platform: platform, versionString: version_string }, relationships: { appStoreVersionLocalizations: { data: [ { type: "appStoreVersionLocalizations", id: "${new-#{platform}VersionLocalization-id}" } ] } } } included << { type: "appStoreVersionLocalizations", id: "${new-#{platform}VersionLocalization-id}", attributes: { locale: primary_locale } } end data_for_app_store_versions = do |platform| { type: "appStoreVersions", id: "${store-version-#{platform}}" } end relationships = { appStoreVersions: { data: data_for_app_store_versions }, appInfos: { data: [ { type: "appInfos", id: "${new-appInfo-id}" } ] } } app_attributes = { sku: sku, primaryLocale: primary_locale, bundleId: bundle_id } app_attributes[:companyName] = company_name if company_name body = { data: { type: "apps", attributes: app_attributes, relationships: relationships }, included: included }"#{Version::V1}/apps", body) end # Updates app attributes, price tier, visibility in regions or countries. # Use territory_ids with allow_removing_from_sale to remove app from sale # @param territory_ids updates app visibility in regions or countries. # Possible values: # empty array will remove app from sale if allow_removing_from_sale is true, # array with territory ids will set availability to territories with those ids, # nil will leave app availability on AppStore as is # @param allow_removing_from_sale allows for removing app from sale when territory_ids is an empty array def patch_app(app_id: nil, attributes: {}, app_price_tier_id: nil, territory_ids: nil, allow_removing_from_sale: false) relationships = {} included = [] # Price tier unless app_price_tier_id.nil? relationships[:prices] = { data: [ { type: "appPrices", id: "${price1}" } ] } included << { type: "appPrices", id: "${price1}", relationships: { app: { data: { type: "apps", id: app_id } }, priceTier: { data: { type: "appPriceTiers", id: app_price_tier_id.to_s } } } } end # Territories unless territory_ids.nil? territories_data = do |id| { type: "territories", id: id } end if !territories_data.empty? || allow_removing_from_sale relationships[:availableTerritories] = { data: territories_data } end end # Data data = { type: "apps", id: app_id } data[:relationships] = relationships unless relationships.empty? if !attributes.nil? && !attributes.empty? data[:attributes] = attributes end # Body body = { data: data } body[:included] = included unless included.empty? tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/apps/#{app_id}", body) end # # appDataUsage # def get_app_data_usages(app_id: nil, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/apps/#{app_id}/dataUsages", params) end def post_app_data_usage(app_id:, app_data_usage_category_id: nil, app_data_usage_protection_id: nil, app_data_usage_purpose_id: nil) raise "app_id is required " if app_id.nil? relationships = { app: { data: { type: "apps", id: app_id } } } if app_data_usage_category_id relationships[:category] = { data: { type: "appDataUsageCategories", id: app_data_usage_category_id } } end if app_data_usage_protection_id relationships[:dataProtection] = { data: { type: "appDataUsageDataProtections", id: app_data_usage_protection_id } } end if app_data_usage_purpose_id relationships[:purpose] = { data: { type: "appDataUsagePurposes", id: app_data_usage_purpose_id } } end body = { data: { type: "appDataUsages", relationships: relationships } }"#{Version::V1}/appDataUsages", body) end def delete_app_data_usage(app_data_usage_id: nil) tunes_request_client.delete("#{Version::V1}/appDataUsages/#{app_data_usage_id}") end # # appDataUsageCategory # def get_app_data_usage_categories(filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appDataUsageCategories", params) end # # appDataUsagePurpose # def get_app_data_usage_purposes(filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appDataUsagePurposes", params) end # # appDataUsagesPublishState # def get_app_data_usages_publish_state(app_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/apps/#{app_id}/dataUsagePublishState", params) end def patch_app_data_usages_publish_state(app_data_usages_publish_state_id: nil, published: nil) body = { data: { type: "appDataUsagesPublishState", id: app_data_usages_publish_state_id, attributes: { published: published } } } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/appDataUsagesPublishState/#{app_data_usages_publish_state_id}", body) end # # appPreview # def get_app_preview(app_preview_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appPreviews/#{app_preview_id}", params) end def post_app_preview(app_preview_set_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appPreviews", attributes: attributes, relationships: { appPreviewSet: { data: { type: "appPreviewSets", id: app_preview_set_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/appPreviews", body) end def patch_app_preview(app_preview_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appPreviews", id: app_preview_id, attributes: attributes } } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/appPreviews/#{app_preview_id}", body) end def delete_app_preview(app_preview_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.delete("#{Version::V1}/appPreviews/#{app_preview_id}", params) end # # appPreviewSets # def get_app_preview_sets(filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appPreviewSets", params) end def get_app_preview_set(app_preview_set_id: nil, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appPreviewSets/#{app_preview_set_id}", params) end def post_app_preview_set(app_store_version_localization_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appPreviewSets", attributes: attributes, relationships: { appStoreVersionLocalization: { data: { type: "appStoreVersionLocalizations", id: app_store_version_localization_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/appPreviewSets", body) end def delete_app_preview_set(app_preview_set_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.delete("#{Version::V1}/appPreviewSets/#{app_preview_set_id}", params) end def patch_app_preview_set_previews(app_preview_set_id: nil, app_preview_ids: nil) app_preview_ids ||= [] body = { data: do |app_preview_id| { type: "appPreviews", id: app_preview_id } end } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/appPreviewSets/#{app_preview_set_id}/relationships/appPreviews", body) end # # appAvailabilities # def get_app_availabilities(app_id: nil, filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V2}/appAvailabilities/#{app_id}", params) end # # availableTerritories # def get_available_territories(app_id: nil, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/apps/#{app_id}/availableTerritories", params) end # # appPrices # def get_app_prices(app_id: nil, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appPrices", params) end def get_app_price(app_price_id: nil, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appPrices/#{app_price_id}", params) end # # appPricePoints # def get_app_price_points(filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appPricePoints", params) end # # appReviewAttachments # def post_app_store_review_attachment(app_store_review_detail_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appStoreReviewAttachments", attributes: attributes, relationships: { appStoreReviewDetail: { data: { type: "appStoreReviewDetails", id: app_store_review_detail_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/appStoreReviewAttachments", body) end def patch_app_store_review_attachment(app_store_review_attachment_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appStoreReviewAttachments", id: app_store_review_attachment_id, attributes: attributes } } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/appStoreReviewAttachments/#{app_store_review_attachment_id}", body) end def delete_app_store_review_attachment(app_store_review_attachment_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.delete("#{Version::V1}/appStoreReviewAttachments/#{app_store_review_attachment_id}", params) end # # appScreenshotSets # def get_app_screenshot_sets(app_store_version_localization_id: nil, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersionLocalizations/#{app_store_version_localization_id}/appScreenshotSets", params) end def get_app_screenshot_set(app_screenshot_set_id: nil, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appScreenshotSets/#{app_screenshot_set_id}", params) end def post_app_screenshot_set(app_store_version_localization_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appScreenshotSets", attributes: attributes, relationships: { appStoreVersionLocalization: { data: { type: "appStoreVersionLocalizations", id: app_store_version_localization_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/appScreenshotSets", body) end def patch_app_screenshot_set_screenshots(app_screenshot_set_id: nil, app_screenshot_ids: nil) app_screenshot_ids ||= [] body = { data: do |app_screenshot_id| { type: "appScreenshots", id: app_screenshot_id } end } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/appScreenshotSets/#{app_screenshot_set_id}/relationships/appScreenshots", body) end def delete_app_screenshot_set(app_screenshot_set_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.delete("#{Version::V1}/appScreenshotSets/#{app_screenshot_set_id}", params) end # # appScreenshots # def get_app_screenshot(app_screenshot_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appScreenshots/#{app_screenshot_id}", params) end def post_app_screenshot(app_screenshot_set_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appScreenshots", attributes: attributes, relationships: { appScreenshotSet: { data: { type: "appScreenshotSets", id: app_screenshot_set_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/appScreenshots", body, tries: 1) end def patch_app_screenshot(app_screenshot_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appScreenshots", id: app_screenshot_id, attributes: attributes } } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/appScreenshots/#{app_screenshot_id}", body) end def delete_app_screenshot(app_screenshot_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.delete("#{Version::V1}/appScreenshots/#{app_screenshot_id}", params) end # # appInfos # def get_app_infos(app_id: nil, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/apps/#{app_id}/appInfos", params) end def patch_app_info(app_info_id: nil, attributes: {}) attributes ||= {} data = { type: "appInfos", id: app_info_id } data[:attributes] = attributes unless attributes.empty? body = { data: data } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/appInfos/#{app_info_id}", body) end # # Adding the key will create/update (if value) or delete if nil # Not including a key will leave as is # category_id_map: { # primary_category_id: "GAMES", # primary_subcategory_one_id: "PUZZLE", # primary_subcategory_two_id: "STRATEGY", # secondary_category_id: nil, # secondary_subcategory_one_id: nil, # secondary_subcategory_two_id: nil # } # def patch_app_info_categories(app_info_id: nil, category_id_map: nil) category_id_map ||= {} primary_category_id = category_id_map[:primary_category_id] primary_subcategory_one_id = category_id_map[:primary_subcategory_one_id] primary_subcategory_two_id = category_id_map[:primary_subcategory_two_id] secondary_category_id = category_id_map[:secondary_category_id] secondary_subcategory_one_id = category_id_map[:secondary_subcategory_one_id] secondary_subcategory_two_id = category_id_map[:secondary_subcategory_two_id] relationships = {} # Only update if key is included (otherwise category will be removed) if category_id_map.include?(:primary_category_id) relationships[:primaryCategory] = { data: primary_category_id ? { type: "appCategories", id: primary_category_id } : nil } end # Only update if key is included (otherwise category will be removed) if category_id_map.include?(:primary_subcategory_one_id) relationships[:primarySubcategoryOne] = { data: primary_subcategory_one_id ? { type: "appCategories", id: primary_subcategory_one_id } : nil } end # Only update if key is included (otherwise category will be removed) if category_id_map.include?(:primary_subcategory_two_id) relationships[:primarySubcategoryTwo] = { data: primary_subcategory_two_id ? { type: "appCategories", id: primary_subcategory_two_id } : nil } end # Only update if key is included (otherwise category will be removed) if category_id_map.include?(:secondary_category_id) relationships[:secondaryCategory] = { data: secondary_category_id ? { type: "appCategories", id: secondary_category_id } : nil } end # Only update if key is included (otherwise category will be removed) if category_id_map.include?(:secondary_subcategory_one_id) relationships[:secondarySubcategoryOne] = { data: secondary_subcategory_one_id ? { type: "appCategories", id: secondary_subcategory_one_id } : nil } end # Only update if key is included (otherwise category will be removed) if category_id_map.include?(:secondary_subcategory_two_id) relationships[:secondarySubcategoryTwo] = { data: secondary_subcategory_two_id ? { type: "appCategories", id: secondary_subcategory_two_id } : nil } end data = { type: "appInfos", id: app_info_id } data[:relationships] = relationships unless relationships.empty? body = { data: data } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/appInfos/#{app_info_id}", body) end def delete_app_info(app_info_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.delete("#{Version::V1}/appInfos/#{app_info_id}", params) end # # appInfoLocalizations # def get_app_info_localizations(app_info_id: nil, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appInfos/#{app_info_id}/appInfoLocalizations", params) end def post_app_info_localization(app_info_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appInfoLocalizations", attributes: attributes, relationships: { appStoreVersion: { data: { type: "appStoreVersions", id: app_info_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/appInfoLocalizations", body) end def patch_app_info_localization(app_info_localization_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appInfoLocalizations", id: app_info_localization_id, attributes: attributes } } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/appInfoLocalizations/#{app_info_localization_id}", body) end # # appStoreReviewDetails # def get_app_store_review_detail(app_store_version_id: nil, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersions/#{app_store_version_id}/appStoreReviewDetail", params) end def post_app_store_review_detail(app_store_version_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appStoreReviewDetails", attributes: attributes, relationships: { appStoreVersion: { data: { type: "appStoreVersions", id: app_store_version_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/appStoreReviewDetails", body) end def patch_app_store_review_detail(app_store_review_detail_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appStoreReviewDetails", id: app_store_review_detail_id, attributes: attributes } } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/appStoreReviewDetails/#{app_store_review_detail_id}", body) end # # appStoreVersionLocalizations # def get_app_store_version_localizations(app_store_version_id: nil, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersions/#{app_store_version_id}/appStoreVersionLocalizations", params) end def get_app_store_version_localization(app_store_version_localization_id: nil, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersionLocalizations/#{app_store_version_localization_id}", params) end def post_app_store_version_localization(app_store_version_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appStoreVersionLocalizations", attributes: attributes, relationships: { appStoreVersion: { data: { type: "appStoreVersions", id: app_store_version_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersionLocalizations", body) end def patch_app_store_version_localization(app_store_version_localization_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appStoreVersionLocalizations", id: app_store_version_localization_id, attributes: attributes } } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersionLocalizations/#{app_store_version_localization_id}", body) end def delete_app_store_version_localization(app_store_version_localization_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.delete("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersionLocalizations/#{app_store_version_localization_id}", params) end # # appStoreVersionPhasedReleases # def get_app_store_version_phased_release(app_store_version_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersions/#{app_store_version_id}/appStoreVersionPhasedRelease", params) end def post_app_store_version_phased_release(app_store_version_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appStoreVersionPhasedReleases", attributes: attributes, relationships: { appStoreVersion: { data: { type: "appStoreVersions", id: app_store_version_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersionPhasedReleases", body) end def patch_app_store_version_phased_release(app_store_version_phased_release_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appStoreVersionPhasedReleases", attributes: attributes, id: app_store_version_phased_release_id } } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersionPhasedReleases/#{app_store_version_phased_release_id}", body) end def delete_app_store_version_phased_release(app_store_version_phased_release_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.delete("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersionPhasedReleases/#{app_store_version_phased_release_id}", params) end # # appStoreVersions # def get_app_store_versions(app_id: nil, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/apps/#{app_id}/appStoreVersions", params) end def get_app_store_version(app_store_version_id: nil, includes: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: includes, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersions/#{app_store_version_id}", params) end def post_app_store_version(app_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appStoreVersions", attributes: attributes, relationships: { app: { data: { type: "apps", id: app_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersions", body) end def patch_app_store_version(app_store_version_id: nil, attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "appStoreVersions", id: app_store_version_id, attributes: attributes } } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersions/#{app_store_version_id}", body) end def patch_app_store_version_with_build(app_store_version_id: nil, build_id: nil) data = nil if build_id data = { type: "builds", id: build_id } end body = { data: { type: "appStoreVersions", id: app_store_version_id, relationships: { build: { data: data } } } } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersions/#{app_store_version_id}", body) end # # appStoreVersionPhasedReleases # def get_reset_ratings_request(app_store_version_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersions/#{app_store_version_id}/resetRatingsRequest", params) end def post_reset_ratings_request(app_store_version_id: nil) body = { data: { type: "resetRatingsRequests", relationships: { appStoreVersion: { data: { type: "appStoreVersions", id: app_store_version_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/resetRatingsRequests", body) end def delete_reset_ratings_request(reset_ratings_request_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.delete("#{Version::V1}/resetRatingsRequests/#{reset_ratings_request_id}", params) end # # appStoreVersionSubmissions # def get_app_store_version_submission(app_store_version_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersions/#{app_store_version_id}/appStoreVersionSubmission", params) end def post_app_store_version_submission(app_store_version_id: nil) body = { data: { type: "appStoreVersionSubmissions", relationships: { appStoreVersion: { data: { type: "appStoreVersions", id: app_store_version_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersionSubmissions", body) end def delete_app_store_version_submission(app_store_version_submission_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.delete("#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersionSubmissions/#{app_store_version_submission_id}", params) end # # appStoreVersionReleaseRequests # def post_app_store_version_release_request(app_store_version_id: nil) body = { data: { type: "appStoreVersionReleaseRequests", relationships: { appStoreVersion: { data: { type: "appStoreVersions", id: app_store_version_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/appStoreVersionReleaseRequests", body) end # # customAppUsers # def get_custom_app_users(app_id: nil, filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/apps/#{app_id}/customAppUsers", params) end def post_custom_app_user(app_id: nil, apple_id: nil) body = { data: { type: "customAppUsers", attributes: { appleId: apple_id }, relationships: { app: { data: { type: "apps", id: app_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/customAppUsers", body) end def delete_custom_app_user(custom_app_user_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.delete("#{Version::V1}/customAppUsers/#{custom_app_user_id}", params) end # # customOrganizationUsers # def get_custom_app_organization(app_id: nil, filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/apps/#{app_id}/customAppOrganizations", params) end def post_custom_app_organization(app_id: nil, device_enrollment_program_id: nil, name: nil) body = { data: { type: "customAppOrganizations", attributes: { deviceEnrollmentProgramId: device_enrollment_program_id, name: name }, relationships: { app: { data: { type: "apps", id: app_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/customAppOrganizations", body) end def delete_custom_app_organization(custom_app_organization_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.delete("#{Version::V1}/customAppOrganizations/#{custom_app_organization_id}", params) end # # reviewSubmissions # def get_review_submissions(app_id:, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/apps/#{app_id}/reviewSubmissions", params) end def get_review_submission(review_submission_id:, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/reviewSubmissions/#{review_submission_id}", params) end def post_review_submission(app_id:, platform:) body = { data: { type: "reviewSubmissions", attributes: { platform: platform }, relationships: { app: { data: { type: "apps", id: app_id } } } } }"#{Version::V1}/reviewSubmissions", body) end def patch_review_submission(review_submission_id:, attributes: nil) body = { data: { type: "reviewSubmissions", id: review_submission_id, attributes: attributes, } } tunes_request_client.patch("#{Version::V1}/reviewSubmissions/#{review_submission_id}", body) end # # reviewSubmissionItems # def get_review_submission_items(review_submission_id:, filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/reviewSubmissions/#{review_submission_id}/items", params) end def post_review_submission_item(review_submission_id:, app_store_version_id: nil) body = { data: { type: "reviewSubmissionItems", relationships: { reviewSubmission: { data: { type: "reviewSubmissions", id: review_submission_id } } } } } unless app_store_version_id.nil? body[:data][:relationships][:appStoreVersion] = { data: { type: "appStoreVersions", id: app_store_version_id } } end"#{Version::V1}/reviewSubmissionItems", body) end # # sandboxTesters # def get_sandbox_testers(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes, limit: limit, sort: sort) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/sandboxTesters", params) end def post_sandbox_tester(attributes: {}) body = { data: { type: "sandboxTesters", attributes: attributes } }"#{Version::V1}/sandboxTesters", body) end def delete_sandbox_tester(sandbox_tester_id: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.delete("#{Version::V1}/sandboxTesters/#{sandbox_tester_id}", params) end # # territories # def get_territories(filter: {}, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/territories", params) end # # resolutionCenter # # As of 2022-11-11: # This is not official available through the App Store Connect API using an API Key. # This is only works with Apple ID auth. # def get_resolution_center_threads(filter: {}, includes: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/resolutionCenterThreads", params) end def get_resolution_center_messages(thread_id:, filter: {}, includes: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/resolutionCenterThreads/#{thread_id}/resolutionCenterMessages", params) end def get_review_rejection(filter: {}, includes: nil) params = tunes_request_client.build_params(filter: filter, includes: includes) tunes_request_client.get("#{Version::V1}/reviewRejections", params) end end end end end