require "tagen/yaml" require "tagen/erb" class Rag =begin == ERB support variables * project # the name of your project, provided by `rag new ' * others from .ragrc == Configrauton + ~/.ragrc + APP/.ragrc + from cmdline you can use arbitrary name in .ragrc, then you can use then in template file. =end class Project module ClassMethods def create name, o={}, o).create end # find templates def templates templates = [] templates << - %w(test) home_template_pa = Pa('~/.rag/tempalte' ) templates << if home_tempate_pa.exists? end # call by `rag new -l' def list_templates puts self.templates.join('\n') end end extend ClassMethods attr_reader :options, :name, :project def initialize name, o={} @name = name @options = o @project = o["name"] ? o["name"] : (name=="." ? Pa.pwd2.base : name) @dest = Pa(@name) end def create create_project_directory if name=="." copy_files else copy_files :overwrite => true end end def create_project_directory if @name=="." return elsif @dest.exists? puts "dest directory `#{@name}' already existing" exit else @dest.mkdir end end def copy_files o={} Pa.each_r[:template]) do |pa, relative, e| # skip *~ next if pa.b =~ /~$/ # convert __project__ to @name dest = @dest.join(relative.gsub(/__project__/, project)) path_msg = relative.gsub(/__project__/,project).gsub(/\.erb$/,'') # skip directory not file next if dest.exists? and if not o[:overwrite] and (dest.exists? or dest.sub(/\.erb$/, '').exists?) print "Overwrite #{path_msg}? [yna] " case $stdin.gets.rstrip when "y" puts "[overwrite] #{path_msg}" copy_file pa, dest, o when "a" puts "[overwrite] #{path_msg}" o[:overwrite] = true copy_file pa, dest, o when "q" exit else puts "[skip] #{path_msg}" next end elsif o[:overwrite] and dest.exists? puts "[overwrite] #{path_msg}" copy_file pa, dest, o else # classify: file dir/ puts "[create] #{path_msg}" + ( ? '/' : '') copy_file pa, dest, o end end end # not rescurive copy def copy_file src, dest, o if src.e=='erb' copy_erb_file src, dest.sub(/\.erb$/,'') else Pa.cp src, dest, o.merge(special: true) end end def copy_erb_file src, dest content =, get_erb_config) File.write dest.p, content dest.chmod(src.stat.mode) end def get_erb_config # ~/.ragrc home_config = YAML.load( # APP/.ragrc app_config = ? YAML.load( : {} # cli cli_config = options config = home_config.merge(app_config).merge(cli_config) config["project"] = project o = o end end end