require 'spec_helper' describe Guide do let!(:extra_user) { create(:user, first_name: 'Ignatius', last_name: 'Reilly') } let(:guide) { create(:guide) } describe("schema fields are in sync") do let(:resource_h_fields) { - [:exercises]} let(:schema_fields) { - [:id, :exercises] } it { expect(resource_h_fields).to contain_exactly(*schema_fields) } end describe 'slug normalization' do let(:guide) { create(:guide, slug: 'fLbUlGaReLlI/MuMUkI-saMPle-gUIde') } it { expect(guide.slug).to eq('flbulgarelli/mumuki-sample-guide') } end describe '#destroy' do context 'when orphan' do it { expect { guide.destroy! }.to_not raise_error } end context 'when referenced' do before do create(:chapter, slug: 'mumuki/topic1', lessons: [create(:lesson, guide: guide)]) end it { expect { guide.destroy! }.to raise_error('Guide is still referenced') } end context 'when referenced' do before do create(:chapter, slug: 'mumuki/topic1', lessons: [create(:lesson, guide: guide)]) end it { expect { guide.delete }.to raise_error('Guide is still referenced') } end context 'when used' do let(:organization) do create(:organization, book: create(:book, slug: 'mumuki/book', chapters: [ create(:chapter, slug: 'mumuki/topic1', lessons: [create(:lesson, guide: guide)])])) end before { reindex_organization! organization } it { expect { guide.reload.destroy! }.to raise_error('Guide is still in use in organization an-organization') } end end describe '#clear_progress!' do let(:an_exercise) { create(:exercise) } let(:test_organization) { create(:test_organization) } before do test_organization.switch! guide.exercises = [an_exercise] an_exercise.submit_solution! extra_user end context 'when progress is exclusively in one organization' do let(:another_exercise) { create(:exercise) } before do another_exercise.submit_solution! extra_user guide.clear_progress!(extra_user, test_organization) end it 'destroys the guides assignments for the given user and organization' do expect(an_exercise.find_assignment_for(extra_user, test_organization)).to be_nil end it 'does not destroy other guides assignments for the given user and organization' do expect(another_exercise.find_assignment_for(extra_user, test_organization)).to be_truthy end end context 'when progress is in more than one organization' do let(:another_organization) { create(:another_test_organization) } before do another_organization.switch! an_exercise.submit_solution! extra_user guide.clear_progress!(extra_user, test_organization) end it 'destroys the guides assignments for the given user and organization' do expect(an_exercise.find_assignment_for(extra_user, test_organization)).to be_nil end end end describe 'customizations' do let!(:guide) { create(:guide, extra: 'guide extra', expectations: [{binding: 'guide', inspection: 'Uses:expectations'}], exercises: [exercise])} let(:exercise) { build(:exercise, default_content: 'x = "$randomizedWord" /*...previousSolution...*/', description: 'works with $randomizedWord', extra: 'exercise extra', hint: 'try $randomizedWord', test: 'describe "$randomizedWord" do pending end', randomizations: { randomizedWord: { type: :one_of, value: %w(some) } })} it { expect(exercise.default_content).to eq 'x = "some" /*...previousSolution...*/' } it { expect(exercise.description).to eq "works with some" } it { expect(exercise.expectations).to eq guide.expectations } it { expect(exercise.extra).to eq "guide extra\nexercise extra\n" } it { expect(exercise.hint).to eq "try some" } it { expect(exercise.test).to eq 'describe "some" do pending end' } it { expect(exercise.to_resource_h).to json_eq({ default_content: 'x = "$randomizedWord" /*...previousSolution...*/', description: 'works with $randomizedWord', expectations: [], extra: 'exercise extra', hint: 'try $randomizedWord', test: 'describe "$randomizedWord" do pending end' }, only: Exercise::RANDOMIZED_FIELDS) } end describe '#to_resource_h' do let(:guide) do create :guide, name: 'Introduction to Python', slug: 'mumukiproject/python-guide', description: 'Lets introduce python', language: python, exercises: [ create(:reading, name: 'This is python', language: python, bibliotheca_id: 10), create(:problem, name: 'Say hello', language: python, bibliotheca_id: 11), create(:playground, name: 'Some functions', language: python, bibliotheca_id: 12) ] end let(:python) do create :language, name: 'python', extension: 'py', test_extension: 'py' end it { expect(guide.to_resource_h).to json_eq beta: false, expectations: [], type: "learning", id_format: "%05d", private: false, settings: {}, name: "Introduction to Python", description: "Lets introduce python", locale: "en", slug: "mumukiproject/python-guide", exercises: [ { name: "This is python", id: 10, locale: "en", layout: "input_bottom", tag_list: [], extra_visible: false, manual_evaluation: false, editor: 0, assistance_rules: [], randomizations: {}, choices: [], type: "reading", settings: {}, description: "Simple reading" }, { name: "Say hello", id: 11, locale: "en", layout: "input_right", tag_list: [], extra_visible: false, manual_evaluation: false, editor: "code", assistance_rules: [], randomizations: {}, choices: [], type: "problem", expectations: [], settings: {}, description: "Simple problem", test: "dont care" }, { name: "Some functions", id: 12, locale: "en", layout: "input_right", tag_list: [], extra_visible: false, manual_evaluation: false, editor: 0, assistance_rules: [], randomizations: {}, choices: [], type: "playground", settings: {}, description: "Simple playground" }], language: { name: "python", extension: 'py', test_extension: 'py' } } end describe 'transparent navigation api' do let!(:guide) { create(:guide, slug: 'foo/bar') } let(:params) { { organization: 'foo', repository: 'bar' } } it { expect(guide.transparent_id).to eq 'foo/bar' } it { expect(guide.transparent_params).to eq params } it { expect(Guide.find_transparently!(params)).to eq guide } end describe '#to_markdownified_resource_h' do subject { guide.to_markdownified_resource_h } context 'description' do let(:guide) { create(:guide, description: '`foo = (+)`') } it { expect(subject[:description]).to eq("
foo = (+)
\n") } end context 'exercises' do let(:guide) { create(:guide, exercises: [exercise]) } subject { guide.to_markdownified_resource_h[:exercises].first } context 'description' do let(:exercise) { build(:exercise, description: '`foo = (+)`') } it { expect(subject[:description]).to eq("foo = (+)
\n") } end context 'hint' do let(:exercise) { build(:exercise, hint: '***foo***') } it { expect(subject[:hint]).to eq("foo
\n") } end end end end