require 'open3' require 'yaml' require 'gemika/errors' require 'gemika/env' require 'gemika/matrix/travis_config' require 'gemika/matrix/github_actions_config' module Gemika class Matrix ## # A row in the test matrix # class Row def initialize(attrs) @ruby = attrs.fetch(:ruby) @gemfile = attrs.fetch(:gemfile) end ## # The Ruby version for the row. # attr_reader :ruby ## # The actually used Ruby version for the row. # attr_reader :used_ruby ## # The path to the gemfile for the row. # attr_reader :gemfile ## # Returns whether this row can be run with the given Ruby version. # def compatible_with_ruby?(current_ruby = Env.ruby) @used_ruby = aliased_ruby(ruby) @used_ruby == current_ruby end ## # Raises an error if this row is invalid. # # @!visibility private # def validate! File.exist?(gemfile) or raise MissingGemfile, "Gemfile not found: #{gemfile}" contents = contents.include?('gemika') or raise UnusableGemfile, "Gemfile is missing gemika dependency: #{gemfile}" end private ## # Checks if the requested ruby version is aliased by rbenv to use another ruby version. # Returns the runnable ruby version. # def aliased_ruby(requested_version) ruby_aliases = rbenv_aliases aliased_versions = {} ruby_aliases.split("\n").each do |ruby_alias| split_pattern = /\A(.+) => (.+)\z/ alias_name, aliased_version = ruby_alias.match(split_pattern)&.captures aliased_versions[alias_name] = aliased_version end find_aliased_ruby(requested_version, aliased_versions) end ## # Recursively traverses aliases until the requested Ruby version is found. # Returns the requested version if no alias can be found for that version. # def find_aliased_ruby(requested_version, aliased_versions) found_version = aliased_versions[requested_version] if found_version == requested_version found_version elsif found_version find_aliased_ruby(found_version, aliased_versions) else requested_version end end ## # Returns the list of rbenv aliases, if rbenv is installed with rbenv-aliases plugin. # def rbenv_aliases _output, status = Open3.capture2e('which', 'rbenv') return '' unless status.success? output, status = Open3.capture2e('rbenv', 'alias', '--list') if status.success? output else '' end end end COLOR_HEAD = "\e[44;97m" COLOR_WARNING = "\e[33m" COLOR_SUCCESS = "\e[32m" COLOR_FAILURE = "\e[31m" COLOR_RESET = "\e[0m" def initialize(options) @rows = options.fetch(:rows) @silent = options.fetch(:silent, false) @io = options.fetch(:io, STDOUT) @color = options.fetch(:color, true) validate = options.fetch(:validate, true) @rows.each(&:validate!) if validate @results = Env.new_ordered_hash @compatible_count = 0 @all_passed = nil @current_ruby = options.fetch(:current_ruby, RUBY_VERSION) @aliased_rubys = {} end ## # Runs the given `block` for each matrix row that is compatible with the current Ruby. # # The row's gemfile will be set as an environment variable, so Bundler will use that gemfile if you shell out in `block`. # # At the end it will print a summary of which rows have passed, failed or were skipped (due to incompatible Ruby version). # def each(&block) @all_passed = true rows.each do |row| gemfile = row.gemfile if row.compatible_with_ruby?(current_ruby) @compatible_count += 1 @aliased_rubys[current_ruby] = row.ruby print_title gemfile gemfile_passed = Env.with_gemfile(gemfile, row, &block) @all_passed &= gemfile_passed if gemfile_passed @results[row] = tint('Success', COLOR_SUCCESS) else @results[row] = tint('Failed', COLOR_FAILURE) end else @results[row] = tint("Skipped", COLOR_WARNING) end end print_summary end ## # Builds a {Matrix} from a `.travis.yml` file, or falls back to a Github Action .yml file # # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] Path to the `.travis.yml` file. # def self.from_ci_config travis_location = '.travis.yml' workflow_location = '.github/workflows/test.yml' if File.exist?(travis_location) from_travis_yml(:path => travis_location) elsif File.exist?(workflow_location) from_github_actions_yml(:path => workflow_location) else raise MissingMatrixDefinition, "expected either a #{travis_location} or a #{workflow_location}" end end ## # Builds a {Matrix} from the given `.travis.yml` file. # # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] Path to the `.travis.yml` file. # def self.from_travis_yml(options = {}) rows = TravisConfig.load_rows(options) new(options.merge(:rows => rows)) end ## # Builds a {Matrix} from the given Github Action workflow definition # # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] Path to the `.yml` file. # def self.from_github_actions_yml(options = {}) rows = GithubActionsConfig.load_rows(options) new(options.merge(:rows => rows)) end attr_reader :rows, :current_ruby def self.generate_github_actions_workflow(options= {}) require 'gemika/github_actions_generator' rows = TravisConfig.load_rows(options) Bundler::VERSION).generate(rows) end private def puts(*args) unless @silent @io.puts(*args) end end def tint(message, color) if @color color + message + COLOR_RESET else message end end def print_title(title) puts puts tint(title, COLOR_HEAD) puts end def print_summary print_title 'Summary' gemfile_size = { |row| row.gemfile.size }.max ruby_size = { |row| row.ruby.size }.max @results.each do |entry, result| puts "- #{entry.gemfile.ljust(gemfile_size)} Ruby #{entry.ruby.ljust(ruby_size)} #{result}" end puts if @compatible_count == 0 message = "No gemfiles were compatible with Ruby #{@aliased_rubys[RUBY_VERSION]}" puts tint(message, COLOR_FAILURE) raise UnsupportedRuby, message elsif @all_passed puts tint("All gemfiles succeeded for Ruby #{@aliased_rubys[RUBY_VERSION]}", COLOR_SUCCESS) else message = 'Some gemfiles failed' puts tint(message, COLOR_FAILURE) puts raise MatrixFailed, message end print_aliases puts end def print_aliases { |used_version, alias_name| used_version != alias_name }.each do |used_version, alias_name| puts tint("Ruby #{alias_name} is an alias for Ruby #{used_version} in this environment.", COLOR_WARNING) end end end end