ñ :*µ =#-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----OpenSSH private key =!AX5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR=#!B-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*EICAR virus test files =((*This is a Mathematica binary Mathematica binary file>X+from %s =  Foglio di lavoro Microsoft Exce%sapplication/vnd.ms-excel =ˆCobalt Networks Inc. Firmware vPaged COBALT boot romx&‰V%.4s =(C64S tape image fileT64 tape Imagex )Version:0x%x! $*Entries:%ix(+Name:%.24s =#C64 tape image fileT64 tape Imagex $Version:0x%x! $%Entries:%ix(&Name:%.24s =1.0 Fri Feb 3 09:55:56 MET 1995Erlang JAM file - version 4.3 =2** This file contains an SQLiteSQLite 2.x database =4# Bazaar merge directive formatBazaar merge directive =:SC68 Music-file / (c) (BeN)jamisc68 Atari ST music =óNetImmerse File Format, Versio=ôn NetImmerse game engine file= õ[0-9a-z.]+, version %s =çGamebryo File Format, Version Gamebryo game engine file= è[0-9a-z.]+, version %s =---BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-PGP public key blockapplication/pgp-keys= d =.pgp =old timezone data =old timezone data =old timezone data = Microsoft Excel 5.0 Worksheet%sapplication/vnd.ms-excel =old timezone data =old timezone data = must be converted with BinHexBinHex binary textapplication/mac-binhex40x) , version %.3s =innotek VirtualBox Disk Image%s =>SNES-SPC700 Sound File Data vSNES SPC700 sound file=?0.30, version %s=#@, without ID666 tag=#A, with ID666 tag>.B, song "%.32s">NC, game "%.32s" = old timezone data =1002003old ACE/gr binary file>'- version %c =OTue Jan 22 14:32:44 MET 1991Erlang JAM file - version 4.2 =Tue Jan 22 14:32:44 MET 1991Erlang JAM file - version 4.2 =SStart/Stop parameter header:Caris ASCII project summary =%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-FontPostScript Type 1 font text = íMicrosoft Word 6.0 Document%sapplication/msword =(*^ ::[ frontEndVersion = Mathematica notebook =í;Gamebryo KFM File Version Gamebryo game engine animation File= î[0-9a-z.]+, version %s =-SVN-fs-dump-format-version:Subversion dumpfile>.(version: %s) =-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----PEM certificate =3# Bazaar revision bundle vBazaar Bundle = ïDocumento Microsoft Word 6Spanish Microsoft Word 6 document dataapplication/msword =§Warcraft III recorded game%s =Identification_InformationFGDC ASCII metadata =-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQPEM certificate request =?AVG7_ANTIVIRUS_VAULT_FILEAVG 7 Antivirus vault file data =# ACE/gr fit description ACE/gr fit description file = ã# This is a shell archiveshell archive textapplication/octet-stream =•Paint Shop Pro Image FilePaint Shop Pro Image File =-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-PGP signatureapplication/pgp-signature= d =.!pgp =¶nut/multimedia containerNUT multimedia container =žWindows Registry Editor =ŸVersion 5.00 Windows Registry text (Win2K or above) =ôACTApricotdiskimagefloppy image data (ApriDisk) = BDNetscape Address book =# abook addressbook fileabook address bookapplication/x-abook-addressbook =9(***********************Mathematica 3.0 notebook =å@ÐÏࡱáAAFB OM+4ÿAAF legacy file using MS Structured Storage=æ (512B sectors)=ç (4kB sectors) =è@ÐÏࡱá +4AAF file using MS Structured Storage=é (512B sectors)=ê (4kB sectors) =µ`Ph`P@@@@@@@@Linux S390=¶@ ‹­ÌÌ=¸ÁïãðhZ10 64bit kernel=¹ÁïÃZ9-109 64bit kernel=ºÀ Z990 64bit kernel=»Z900 64bit kernel=½È€Z10 32bit kernel=¾È€Z9-109 32bit kernel=¿€ Z990 32bit kernel=À€Z900 32bit kernel =Ž5 East_Side_InvertationaQuake I save: ddm4 East side invertationa =hFICHIER GUITAR PRO v3.Guitar Pro Ver. 3 Tablature =# Netscape folder cacheNetscape folder cache =§  %c>!.%.2s>#.%.2s) =C‰?3ŸW8¶i4%A›PGP sig =L5 the_Palace_of_HateQuake I save: e4m4 The palace of hate =D5 the_Tomb_of_TerrorQuake I save: e3m3 The tomb of terror =D‰?3ŸW9¶i4%A›PGP sig =ìOSWAPSPACE2LINHIB0001Linux/i386 swap file (new style) (compressed hibernate) =# PaCkAgE DaTaStReAmpkg Datastream (SVR4)application/x-svr4-package =Z# CAR archive headerSAPCAR archive data =H@MDIFú&@}MS Windows special zipped file = ¶GameBoy Music ModuleNintendo Gameboy Music Module =A‰?3ŸW6¶i4%A›PGP sig =V5 ClaustrophobopolisQuake I save: dm2 Claustrophobopolis =W5 The_Abandoned_BaseQuake I save: dm3 The abandoned base =@5 the_Wizard's_ManseQuake I save: e2m5 The wizard's manse =ƒDIGI Booster module%s>„%c>…%c>†%c>‡%c>bˆ, "%s" =§Extended Instrument:Fast Tracker II Instrument =/MV - CPCEMU Disk-FilAmstrad/Spectrum .DSK data =@‰?3ŸW5¶i4%A›PGP sig@= [KDE Desktop Entry]KDE desktop entryapplication/x-kdelnk =?5 the_Ebon_FortressQuake I save: e2m4 The ebon fortress =I0123456789012345BZhEXP1 archive data =¯Sharp JisakuMelodySHARP Cell-Phone ringing Melody=°Ver01.00Ver. 1.00x ±, %d tracks =c5 Research_FacilityQuake I save: hip1m4 Research facility = ML4D '92Smith Corona PWP=, single spaced= , 1.5 spaced= , double spaced= B, letter= T, legal= F, A4 =N5 the_Nameless_CityQuake I save: e4m8 The nameless city (secret) =ÏInterplay MVE FileInterplay MVE Movie =0MV - CPC format DisAmstrad/Spectrum DU54 .DSK data =! ________64EAlpha archive=X-- out of date =I5 the_Sewage_SystemQuake I save: e4m1 The sewage system = ecdsa-sha2-nistp256OpenSSH ECDSA public key = ecdsa-sha2-nistp384OpenSSH ECDSA public key = ecdsa-sha2-nistp521OpenSSH ECDSA public key =ŽClient UrlCache MMFInternet Explorer cache file>version %s =F5 the_Haunted_HallsQuake I save: e3m7 The haunted halls (secret) =ARoot EntryMicrosoft Word Documentapplication/msword =65 the_Grisly_GrottoQuake I save: e1m4 The grisly grotto =bCreative Voice FileCreative Labs voice dataaudio/x-unknown=e>f- version %d>g.%d =ìMSWAPSPACE2S1SUSPENDLinux/i386 swap file (new style) with SWSUSP1 image =t! __________EMIPS archiveapplication/x-archive=vUwith MIPS Ucode members=wLwith MIPSEL members=xBwith MIPSEB members=yLand an EL hash table=zBand an EB hash table={X-- out of date = ÝMIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =ßMIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =75 Ziggurat_VertigoQuake I save: e1m8 Ziggurat vertigo (secret) = ÛMIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data = ÚMIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =”Imagefile version-iff image data> –%s@="#! /usr/local/tcshTenex C shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript =áMIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =àMIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =KB#! /usr/local/bashBourne-Again shell script executable (binary data)text/x-shellscript =`5 Storage_FacilityQuake I save: hip1m2 Storage facility@=I"#! /usr/local/bashBourne-Again shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript = ÜMIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =SOUND SAMPLE DATA Sample Vision file =ÞMIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =ìExecROM patchfileMSX ExecROM patchfilexív%dxî.%dxï, contains %d patches =/# GIMP Curves FileGIMP curve file =x5 The_Genetics_LabQuake I save: d11 The genetics lab (secret) =0[Equalizer preset]XMMS equalizer preset =;5 the_InstallationQuake I save: e2m1 The installation =<5 the_Ogre_CitadelQuake I save: e2m2 The ogre citadel =)(SYSTEM::VERSION 'CLISP byte-compiled Lisp program (pre 2004-03-27) =âMIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =a5 Military_ComplexQuake I save: hip1m5 Military complex (secret) =v5 SECRET_MISSIONSQuake I save: d3b Secret missions =‘5 SANDRA'S_LADDERQuake I save: ddm7 Sandra's ladder =8 # ##  (%s) =n#!/usr/bin/pdmenuPdmenu configuration file text =-TRSNIFF data Sniffer capture file=!.(compressed)x /- version %dx 0.%d= 1(Token Ring)= 2(Ethernet)= 3(ARCNET)= 4(StarLAN)= 5(PC Network broadband)= 6(LocalTalk)= 7(Znet)= 8(Internetwork Analyzer)= 9 (FDDI)= : (ATM) =lHWP Document FileHangul (Korean) Word Processor File 3.0 =riff.‘Ï¥Ö(ÛÁSony Wave64 RIFF data="waveó¬ÓŒÑÀOŽÛŠ, WAVE 64 audioaudio/x-w64=(%fmt ó¬ÓŒÑÀOŽÛŠ= &, mono= ', stereo> (, %d channels> )%d Hz =.RF64ÿÿÿÿWAVEds64MBWF/RF64 audioaudio/x-wav=(0fmt = 1, mono= 2, stereo> 3, %d channels> 4%d Hz@="#! /usr/bin/tcshTenex C shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript = RAD by REALiTY!!RAD Adlib Tracker Module RAD =ÄVoIP Startup andAculab VoIP firmwarex#Åformat %s =  !NTITLE REMARKCNS ASCII electron density map =LibvirtQemudSaveLibvirt QEMU Suspend Imagex , version %ux , XML length %u= , running= , compressed =d5 Ancient_RealmsQuake I save: hip2m1 Ancient realms = NIST_1A 1024 NIST SPHERE file =’GARMIN BITMAP 01Garmin Bitmap file =ÿWPC (WP) loadable file=Optimized for Intel=Optimized for Non-Intel =7GOBJ METADATA G-IR binary databasex8, v%dx9.%dx :, %d entriesx ;/%d local =o5 Armagon's_LairQuake I save: hipend Armagon's lair =LibvirtQemudPartLibvirt QEMU partial Suspend Image =ëSIDPLAY INFOFILESidplay info file =GnomeKeyring GNOME keyring= , major version 0= , minor version 0= , crypto type 0 (AES)> , crypto type %u (unknown)= , hash type 0 (MD5)>, hash type %u (unknown)=ÿÿÿÿ, name NULL !ÿÿÿÿ>üÿÿÿÿ, name too long for file's pstring type <üÿÿÿx ÿÿÿÿ€, name "%s"x, last modified %sx, created %s &x, locked if idle for %u seconds^, not locked if idlex, hash iterations %ux, salt %llux4, %u item(s) =8MMXMAR Area Detector Image,>09Compressed(%d),>L:%d headers,>P;%d x>T<%d,>`=%d bits/pixel =9XPCOM TypeLib XPConnect Typelibx:version %dx;.%d =VLinuxGuestRecordXen saved domain=W(namexX(name %s) =\LinuxGuestRecordXen saved domain=^(name(namex_%s...) =PC Research, IncDigifax-G3-File=, fine resolution= , normal resolution =StartFontMetricsASCII font metrics =4# ## !"ver %s =ªExtended Module:Fasttracker II module sound dataaudio/x-mod>­Title: "%s" =GB#! /usr/bin/bashBourne-Again shell script executable (binary data)text/x-shellscript =v(a(gCanon Bubble Jet BJC formatted data =}5 Into_The_FloodQuake I save: d4 Into the flood =Q#VRML V1.0 asciiVRML 1 filemodel/vrml =ÂPaRtImAgE-VoLuMePartImage= Ã0.6.1file version %s> `Äÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿvolume %d>Çtype %s>Èdevice %s,>Éoriginal filename %s,= D'Ënot compressed= D'Ìgzip compressed= D'Íbzip2 compressed> D'Îcompressed with unknown algorithm> Ï0.6.1file version %s< Ð0.6.1file version %s =žBEA TUXEDO DES mask data =8PC Research, Incgroup 3 fax data=9, normal resolution (204x98 DPI)=:, fine resolution (204x196 DPI) =OSwath Data File:mbsystem info cache =Interpress/XeroxXerox InterPress data=/(version>%s) =z@(RREMOTE1PEpson Stylus Color 460 data =55 the_NecropolisQuake I save: e1m3 The necropolis = ObserverPktBuffeNetwork Instruments Observer capture file =qÂMICROSOFT PIFEXWindows Program Information Fileapplication/x-dosexec>$Å for %.63s>eÆ, directory=%.64s>¥Ç, parameters=%.64s=‡ËU WINDOWS VMM 4.0 >^Ì< ÿÿÿÿÍPIFMGR.DLL, icon=%s> ÿÿÿÿÏPIFMGR.DLL, icon=%s >ðÐ<ÿÿÿÿÑTerminal, font=%.32s>ÿÿÿÿÓTerminal, font=%.32s >Ô<ÿÿÿÿÕLucida Console, TrueTypeFont=%.32s>ÿÿÿÿ×Lucida Console, TrueTypeFont=%.32s=‡ÚU WINDOWS NT 3.1, Windows NT-style=‡ÜU CONFIG SYS 4.0 +CONFIG.SYS=‡ÞU AUTOEXECBAT 4.0 +AUTOEXEC.BAT@=E"#! /usr/bin/bashBourne-Again shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript = Maple something anomalous.@=2"#! /usr/bin/gawkGNU awk script text executabletext/x-gawk =7# ## = e#=$eversion %s =b5 the_Lost_MineQuake I save: hip1m3 The lost mine = version=SPECjbbSPECjbb< :%.4s<%:v%.4s raw result text =Z5 The_Dark_ZoneQuake I save: dm6 The dark zone =M5 Hell's_AtriumQuake I save: e4m5 Hell's atrium =ÅStandard Jet DBMicrosoft Access Databaseapplication/x-msaccess =O5 The_Pain_MazeQuake I save: e4m6 The pain maze =X5 The_Bad_PlaceQuake I save: dm4 The bad place =ƒ5 Takahiro_BaseQuake I save: d9 Takahiro base ==glfHeadMagic();GLF_TEXT =&_SGI_SoundTrackSGI SoundTrack project file =5 Nuclear_PlantQuake I save: d6 Nuclear plant@= Content-Type: >%s =£MAS_UTrack_V00>¤/0ultratracker V1.%.1s module sound dataaudio/x-mod =^! debian= _debian-splitpart of multipart Debian packageapplication/vnd.debian.binary-package= adebian-binaryDebian binary packageapplication/vnd.debian.binary-package!cdebian>Dd(format %s) =KHyperTerminal =L1.0 -- HyperTerminal data fileMS Windows HyperTerminal profile =bIIHEAPCCDRCanon CIFF raw image dataimage/x-canon-crwx d, version %d.x e%d =|5 A_Rat's_LifeQuake I save: d3 A rat's life =6##  %s = 'Et(V.%1.1s) = %-12345X%!PSPostScript document = N%-12345X@PJLHP Printer Job Language data=O'@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=HBPL- HBPL=P'@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=HIPERC- Oki Data HIPERC=Q'@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=LAVAFLOW- Konica Minolta LAVAFLOW=R'@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=QPDL- Samsung QPDL=S'@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE = QPDL- Samsung QPDL=T'@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=ZJS- HP ZJS =  C64 CARTRIDGECCS C64 Emultar Cartridge Image = Œ5 Sub_StationQuake I save: ddm2 Sub station = j5 Tur_TormentQuake I save: hip3m1 Tur torment = E‰•2R‡Ä@å"PGP sig = †5 B.O.S.S._HQQuake I save: d14 B.O.S.S. HQ@=  MIME-Version:MIME entity text = s5 The_AcademyQuake I save: start The academy@= $delivered-to:SMTP mail textmessage/rfc822 = q(C) STEPANYUKARS-Sfx archive data = ;%-12345X@PJLHP Printer Job Language data><%s >=%s >>%s >?%s @= Ž [BitmapInfo2]Polar Monitor Bitmap textimage/x-polar-monitor-bitmap = h5 the_Crypt__Quake I save: hip2m4 The crypt = 2%-12345X@PJLHP Printer Job Language data = P5 Azure_AgonyQuake I save: e4m7 Azure agony = 5 The_FoundryQuake I save: d7b The foundry =  %SEMI-OASIS OASIS Stream file = ]#SUNPC_CONFIGSunPC 4.0 Properties Values = dBEGIN:IMELODYiMelody Ringtone Format = BEGIN SPECWEBSPECweb< :%.2s=_SSL_SSL<:v%.4s raw result text<:v%.4s raw result text@=  GIMP GradientGIMP gradient data = VSplineFontDB:Spline Font Database application/vnd.font-fontforge-sfdxXversion %s = DÿKEYB = E`ðMS-DOS KEYBoard Layout file@=  GIMP PaletteGIMP palette data = REGEDIT4 Windows Registry text (Win95 or above) = Joy!peffpwpcheader for PowerPC PEF executable@= "#! /bin/tcshTenex C shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript@= ƒ //Maya ASCIIAlias Maya Ascii File,> „version %s = œ&, %d kbit/s>#', %d kHz = ± jP ‡ JPEG 2000=·jp2 Part 1 (JP2)image/jp2=¹jpx Part 2 (JPX)image/jpx=»jpm Part 6 (JPM)image/jpm=½mjp2Part 3 (MJ2)video/mj2 = j#pmdahotprocPCP pmdahotproc config= kVersion>l(V%-3.3s) = ¦*dvdisaster*dvdisaster error correction file = .*PPD-Adobe: PPD filex/, version %s = ŽLDLINUX SYS SYSLINUX loaderx (older version %-4.4s)@= $return-path:SMTP mail textmessage/rfc822 = ¡KenSilvermanBuild engine group filex ¢containing %d files = mDVDVIDEO-VMGVideo manager,x!nv%x = kDVDVIDEO-VTSVideo title set,x!lv%x = CB#! /bin/bashBourne-Again shell script executable (binary data)text/x-shellscript =  @(#)SunPHIGSSunPHIGS=("SunBinbinary= #archivearchive = ## SE Linux policy interface source@= A"#! /bin/bashBourne-Again shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript = @CyrSBytecodeCyrus sieve bytecode data,= Aversion 1, big-endian= Bversion 1, little-endianx Cversion %d, network-endian = >5 UnderearthQuake I save: e2m7 Underearth (secret) =    P%s saved game data = CglsBeginGLS(GLS_TEXT = G0 HEADGEDCOM data = F0 HEADGEDCOM data = DTJPCH0C€Microsoft Visual C .pch = /ClamAV-VDB:> 0Clam AntiVirus database %-.23s="1:!#2:, version x#3%-.1s!$4:x$5%-.1s!%6:x%7%-.1s !&8: x&9%-.1s=:‹, gzipped=;ustar, tarred = ZT3-image x [TADS 3 game data (format version %d) =  SYSLINUX SYSLINUX loaderx ‘(version %-4.4s) =  ¨RABBITGRAPHRabbitGraph file =  ssh-ed25519OpenSSH ED25519 public key = mscdocumentMessage Sequence Chart (document) = ÓstreamtypedNeXT/Apple typedstream data, little endianxÔ, version %d<Õ= Öÿÿÿÿÿÿÿx ×, system %d = ÎtypedstreamNeXT/Apple typedstream data, big endianxÏ, version %d<Ð= ÑÿÿÿÿÿÿÿxÒ, system %d@= 7"#! /bin/awkawk script text executabletext/x-awk@=  "#! /bin/zshPaul Falstad's zsh script text executabletext/x-shellscript =  BEGIN:VCARDvCard visiting cardtext/x-vcard = B#! /bin/kshKorn shell script executable (binary data)text/x-shellscript@=  "#! /bin/cshC shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript = ˆBOBO†Claris works document = %!FontType1PostScript Type 1 font program data = %!FontType1PostScript Type 1 font program data = (*^ ::[ Mathematica notebook version 2.x = ~5 The_FloodQuake I save: d5 The flood = (*^ ::[ Mathematica notebook version 2.x =  \[depot\] Quick Database Manager, little endian = ! ïž2061PUCrunch archive data = \[DEPOT\] Quick Database Manager, big endian = d8:announceBitTorrent fileapplication/x-bittorrent@= "#! /bin/kshKorn shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript = ‡5 SHOWDOWN!Quake I save: d15 Showdown! = divert(-1) sendmail m4 text file =  version %c = uNuppelVideoMythTV NuppelVideox vv%sx w(%dx xx%d),=$yPprogressive,=$zIinterlaced,x&({aspect:%.2f,x&0|fps:%.2f = 5make configLinux make config build file (old) = pgscriptverIslandWrite document = &Spreadsheetsc spreadsheet fileapplication/x-sc = yOctaMEDCmprOctaMED Soundstudio compressed file =*&ELFELF=(invalid class=)32-bit=*64-bit=+invalid byte order=,LSB=.-elf-le=.MSB=./^elf-le<2€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ>3(%s)=4=5(SYSV)=6(HP-UX)=7(NetBSD)=8(GNU/Linux)=9(GNU/Hurd)=:(86Open)=;(Solaris)=<(Monterey)==(IRIX)=> (FreeBSD)=? 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(window settings)=;@ (window settings)=;A (table setup)=;B(screenshot)=;C(backup) =$**TI82**TI-82 Graphing Calculator=;%(real)=;&(list)=;'(matrix)=;((Y-variable)=;)(program)=;*(protected prgm)=;+(picture)=;,(gdb)=;- (window settings)=;. (window settings)=;/ (table setup)=;0(screenshot)=;1(backup) =**TI73**TI-73 Graphing Calculator=;(real number)=;(list)=;(matrix)=;(equation)=;(string)=;(program)=;(assembly program)=;(picture)=;(gdb)=; (complex number)=;(window settings)=;(zoom)=;(table setup)=; (backup) =**TI81**TI-81 Graphing Calculator File. = **TI80**TI-80 Graphing Calculator File. =yCPQRFBLOCompaq/HP RILOE floppy image =”MComprHDMAME CHD compressed hard disk image,x •version %u =CRBLCR=SPARC=ppc=ppc64=ARMEB=SPARC64xcontext data (big endian, version %d) =CRBLCR= x86= alpha= x86-64= ARMx context data (little endian, version %d) =' Digital Symphony sound sample (RISC OS),x(version %d,x )€named "%s",= *8-bit logarithmic= +LZW-compressed linear= ,8-bit linear signed= -16-bit linear signed= .SigmaDelta-compressed linear= /SigmaDelta-compressed logarithmic> 0unknown format =gimp xcfGIMP XCF image data,image/x-xcf= fileversion 0,= vversion> %s,x%u xx%u,=RGB Color=Greyscale=Indexed Color>Unknown Image Type. =@BSDIFF40bsdiff(1) patch file =ZXAYEMULSpectrum 128 tune =ÀESTFBINREST flat binary =…MAYAFOR4Alias Maya Binary File,> †version %s scene =2SINCLAIRSpectrum .SCL Betadisk image =/LVM2 001LVM2 PV (Linux Logical Volume Manager)x ôÿÿÿ!0>2/, UUID: %.6s>3/-%.4s> 4/-%.4s>5/-%.4s>6/-%.4s>7/-%.4s>8/-%.6sx 9, size: %lld =¢WINIMAGEWinImage archive data = mpu401trMPU-401 Trakker =GCR-1541GCR Imagexversion: %ix tracks: %i =mBOMStoreMac OS X bill of materials (BOM) file =gtktalogGNOME Catalogue (gtktalog)> version %s =‹DAAPowerISO Direct-Access-Archive =C64ImagePC64 Freezer Image =RAWADATARdosPlay RAW =@_BHRfS_MBTRFS Filesystem>+ž(label "%s",x Ÿsectorsize %d,x ” nodesize %d,x ˜¡leafsize %d) =3ElfFileMS Windows Vista Event Logx *4, %d chunksx 5 (no. %d in use)> 6, next record no. %d= 7, empty& x8, DIRTY& x9, FULL =.GVariantGVariant Database file,x 0version %d =ïÍ«Erlang DETS file =#LVM2 001LVM2 PV (Linux Logical Volume Manager)x ôÿÿÿ!$>&/, UUID: %.6s>'/-%.4s> (/-%.4s>)/-%.4s>*/-%.4s>+/-%.4s>,/-%.6sx -, size: %lld =PK00PKZip archive data = 4 Mathematica version 2 notebook =3%bitmapFBM image data=41, mono=53, color = 4 Mathematica version 2 notebook =gMAKI02 Maki-chan image,xhsystem ID: %cx i%cx j%cx k%c,= l x u%dxx  v%d, =w‚€256 colors =x‚16 colors =y‚8 colors =zdigital ={analog=|, 2:1 dot aspect ratio =Caml1999OCaml=Xexec file=Iinterface file (.cmi)=Oobject file (.cmo)= Alibrary file (.cma)= Ynative object file (.cmx)= Znative library file (.cmxa)= Mabstract syntax tree implementation file= Nabstract syntax tree interface file> (Version %3.3s) =E¬ËºõZFS shapshot (little-endian machine),x Fversion %u,= Gtype: NONE,= Htype: META,= Itype: ZFS,= Jtype: ZVOL,= Ktype: OTHER,= Ltype: ANY,> Mtype: UNKNOWN (%u),x/Ndestination GUID: %02Xx.O%02Xx-P%02Xx,Q%02Xx+R%02Xx*S%02Xx)T%02Xx(U%02X,>0V>4Wx7Xsource GUID: %02Xx6Y%02Xx5Z%02Xx4[%02Xx3\%02Xx2]%02Xx1^%02Xx0_%02X,>8`name: '%s' =AMANDA: AMANDA =TAPESTART DATEtape header file,=X> Unused %s> DATE %s= FILE dump file,> DATE %s =LVM2 001LVM2 PV (Linux Logical Volume Manager)x ôÿÿÿ!>/, UUID: %.6s>/-%.4s> /-%.4s>/-%.4s>/-%.4s>/-%.4s> /-%.6sx !, size: %lld ='õºË¬ZFS shapshot (big-endian machine),x(version %u,= )type: NONE,= *type: META,= +type: ZFS,= ,type: ZVOL,= -type: OTHER,= .type: ANY,> /type: UNKNOWN (%u),x(0destination GUID: %02Xx)1%02Xx*2%02Xx+3%02Xx,4%02Xx-5%02Xx.6%02Xx/7%02X,>08>49x0:source GUID: %02Xx1;%02Xx2<%02Xx3=%02Xx4>%02Xx5?%02Xx6@%02Xx7A%02X,>8Bname: '%s' = LVM2 001LVM2 PV (Linux Logical Volume Manager)x ôÿÿÿ! >/, UUID: %.6s>/-%.4s> /-%.4s>/-%.4s>/-%.4s>/-%.4s>/-%.6sx , size: %lld =¸ÀŽØ¸Linux= ñx86 boot sector=‘Žof a kernel from the dawn of time!=’´ØŽÿÿÿÿversion 0.99-1.1.42=“¸ØŽÿÿÿÿfor memtest86! ñ•x86 kernel> ø–RAMdisksize=%u KB> ö—swap=0x%X> ü˜root=0x%X= ò™-ro= òš-rw= ú›ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿvga=normal= úœþÿÿÿÿÿÿÿvga=extended= úýÿÿÿÿÿÿÿvga=ask> úžvga=%d=ŸØŽÿÿÿÿversion 1.1.43-1.1.45= Í²=Ž ¡ZZªUversion 1.1.46-1.2.13,1.3.0=™ ¢ZZªUversion 1.3.1,2=£ £ZZªUversion 1.3.3-1.3.30=¦ ¤ZZªUversion 1.3.31-1.3.41=+ ¥ZZªUversion 1.3.42-1.3.45=÷ ¦ZZªUversion 1.3.46-1.3.72=§HdrS> ¨ÿ=©, zImage=ª, bzImage> «, version %s =!Synth4.0Synthesis Module sound file = conectixMicrosoft Disk Image, Virtual Server or Virtual PC =4°ReIsErFsReiserFS V3.5 =ËTDB fileTDB database= Ìm&version 6, little-endianx $Íhash size %d bytes = LBLSIZE=VICAR image data= BYTE, 8 bits = VAX byte= HALF, 16 bits = VAX word = Fortran INTEGER*2= FULL, 32 bits = VAX longword = Fortran INTEGER*4= REAL, 32 bits = VAX longword = Fortran REAL*4= DOUB, 64 bits = VAX quadword = Fortran REAL*8= COMPLEX, 64 bits = VAX quadword = Fortran COMPLEX*8 =¦MODINFO1Open Cubic Player Module Inforation MDZ =ÐÏࡱáOLE 2 Compound Document= € Dgn~H: Microstation V8 DGN=€VisioDoc: Visio Document =ìEFI PARTGPT data structure (nonstandard: at LBA 0)= .ígpt-tablexî(sector size unknown) =þReFSReFS filesystem image = EVF ÿEWF/Expert Witness/EnCase image file format =e]ŒTSComp archive data =Óª@_wå‚ PAQ archive data =B‰HDF  Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) dataapplication/x-hdf =KarmaRHDVersion Karma Data Structure Versionx %u =·CKD_S370Hercules CKD DASD shadow filex¸, %d heads per cylinderx ¹, track size %d bytesxº, device type 33%2.2X = DrawFileIslandDraw document =(*^ ::[ Mathematica notebook version 2.x =OKTASONGOktalyzer module data =D‰HDF  Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 512 bytes user blockapplication/x-hdf =z5 Area44Quake I save: d1c Area 44 =GOOF----Guile Object= LE, little endian= BE, big endian= 4, 32bit= 8, 64bit= ..., bytecode v%s =F‰HDF  Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 1k user blockapplication/x-hdf =H‰HDF  Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 2k user blockapplication/x-hdf = NqNqNq`QL firmware executable (BCPL) ="(*^ ::[ Mathematica notebook version 2.x =a#kmchartPCP kmchart view= bVersion>c(V.%s) =g@MSWIMWindows imaging (WIM) image =^#pmchartPCP pmchart view= _Version>`(V%-3.3s) =Ëmsgcat01HP NLS message catalog,>Ì%d messages =[PCPFolioPCP= \Version:Archive Folio>](V.%s) =²CKD_C370Hercules compressed CKD DASD image filex³, %d heads per cylinderx ´, track size %d bytesxµ, device type 33%2.2X =­CKD_P370Hercules CKD DASD image filex®, %d heads per cylinderx ¯, track size %d bytesx°, device type 33%2.2X =©C«‘g˜Webshots Desktop .wbz file = gORCLCLRDOracle ASM Volume (cleared),x(hDisk Name: %0.12s =¹² tClaris works dictionary =\ PLOT%%84Plot84 plotting file=4 , Little-endian=7, Big-endian =S@DDS |Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (DDS),> T%d x> U%d,xTV%.4s =6@ÐÏࡱáMicrosoft Office Document="9bjbjMicrosoft Word Documentapplication/msword=";jbjbMicrosoft Word Documentapplication/msword =nRootHangul (Korean) Word Processor File 2000application/x-hwp =ZÙOTOHPMWJPEG-XR Image=bÚ, hard tiling=cÛ€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, tiling present=cÜ@@, codestream presentxcÝ8, spatial xform==cÞ8TL=cß8BL=cà8TR=cá8BR=câ8 BT=cã8(RB=cä80LT=cå88LB=dæ€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, short headerxfç, %dxhèx%d=dé€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, long headerxfê, %xxjëx%xxeì, bitdepth==eí1-WHITE=1=eî8=eï16=eð16-SIGNED=eñ16-FLOAT=eò(reserved 5)=eó32-SIGNED=eô32-FLOAT=eõ5=eö 10=e÷ 5-6-5=eø (reserved %d)=eù (reserved %d)=eú (reserved %d)=eû(reserved %d)=eü1-BLACK=1xeýð, colorfmt==eþðYONLY=eÿðYUV240=eð YWV422=eð0YWV444=eð@CMYK=eðPCMYKDIRECT=eð`NCOMPONENT=eðpRGB=eð€RGBE>eð€(reserved 0x%x) =J‰HDF  Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 4k user blockapplication/x-hdf =«HDMV0100AVCHD Clip Information =qKGB_archKGB Archiver filex rwith compression level %.1s =ùPNCIUNDONorton Disk Doctor UnDo file =7WNGZWZSSWingz spreadsheet =@MSCEMicrosoft WinCE install header= , architecture-independent= g, Hitachi SH3= h, Hitachi SH4=   , StrongARM= ! , MIPS R4000= "', Hitachi SH3= #', Hitachi SH3E= $', Hitachi SH4= %q, ARM 7TDMI= 4&, 1 file> 4', %u files= 8(, 1 registry entry> 8), %u registry entries =xFSdump0xfsdump archivex(version %d) =6WNGZWZSCWingz compiled script =%ZXTape!Spectrum .TZX datax&version %dx '.%d =@MSCFMicrosoft Cabinet archive dataapplication/vnd.ms-cab-compressedx , %u bytes= , 1 file> , %u files =UÂG^íÅÚ“ÆHash::SharedMem data file, little-endian<V>W, line size 2^%d byte> X, page size 2^%d byte& Y> Z, max fanout %d =°ArchiveRISC OS archive (ArcFS format) =¯archiveRISC OS archive (ArcFS format) =OÂG^íÅÚ“ÆHash::SharedMem data file, big-endian<P>Q, line size 2^%d byte>R, page size 2^%d byte& S> T, max fanout %d =I÷Z¿\ýŠ¥Hash::SharedMem master file, little-endian<J>K, line size 2^%d byte> L, page size 2^%d byte& M> N, max fanout %d =C÷Z¿\ýŠ¥Hash::SharedMem master file, big-endian<D>E, line size 2^%d byte>F, page size 2^%d byte& G> H, max fanout %d =2SGIAUDITSGI Audit filex3- version %dx 4.%d =þPBC  Parrot bytecodex@ %d.xH %d,> %d byte words,= little-endian,= big-endian,= IEEE-754 8 byte double floats,= x86 12 byte long double floats,= IEEE-754 16 byte long double floats,= MIPS 16 byte long double floats,= AIX 16 byte long double floats,= 4-byte floats,x(Parrot %d.x0%d.x8%d =<šBOOKMOBIMobipocket E-book>›"%s" ={ SMJPEGSMJPEGx|%d.x data=_SND,>‚%d Hz=ƒ8-bit=„16-bit=…NONEuncompressed=‡mono=ˆstereo= Š_VID,>(Œ%d 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archive data, at least PKZIP v2.50 to extractapplication/zip =<hDataSprdQuickSheet PalmOS document>i"%s" =ANDROID!Android bootimg=LOKI, LOKI'd> , kernel>  (0x%x)> , ramdisk>  (0x%x)> , second stage>  (0x%x)> $, page size: %d>&0, name: %s>@0, cmdline (%s) =ŒSCRSHOT_scrshot(1) screenshot,xversion %d,= Ž%d bytes in header,x %d chars wide byx %d chars high =0ÿÿÿÿOS/2 INI =r-rom1fs-romfs filesystem, version 1xs%d bytes,xtnamed %s. =úNJPL1I00PDS (JPL) image data =GNU tar-GNU tar incremental snapshot data=[0-9].[0-9]+-[0-9]+version %s =²BMOD2STMScreamtracker 2 module sound dataaudio/x-mod = ustar GNU tar archiveapplication/x-tar =ª!MKS Spell hash list (old format) =$acspAPPLColorSync ICC Profileapplication/vnd.iccprofile =2 Digital Symphony song (RISC OS),x3version %d,= 41 voice,! 5%d voices,= 61 track,! 7%d tracks,= 81 pattern! 9%d patterns =–LRFBBeB ebook data, unencryptedx—, version %d=$˜, front-to-back=$™, back-to-frontx*š, (%dx,x,›%d) =$acspMSFTMicrosoft ICM Color Profileapplication/vnd.iccprofile =<fDataPlkrPlucker PalmOS document>g"%s" = ssh-rsa OpenSSH RSA public key =<dPNRdPPrsPeanutPress PalmOS document>e"%s" =ssh-dss OpenSSH DSA public key =<bMdb1Mdb1MobileDB PalmOS document>c"%s" =<`DATALSdbList PalmOS document>a"%s" =<^JfDbJFilJFile Pro PalmOS document>_"%s" =LÙÕù ¡c×SQLite Rollback Journal =<\JfDbJBasJFile PalmOS document>]"%s" =$#acspSGI SGI ICC Profileapplication/vnd.iccprofile =<ZToGoToGoiSilo PalmOS document>["%s" =?SB2100DRSeaBeam 2100 DR multibeam sonar =ÿLBLSIZE=PDS (VICAR) image data =$)acspSUNWSun KCMS ICC Profileapplication/vnd.iccprofile = ¥GERBILDBFirst Choice database =±bplist00Apple binary property list =óBÒ4f"ˆRADCOM WAN/LAN Analyzer capture file =<XInfoINDBInfoView PalmOS document>Y"%s" =<VPmDBPmDBHanDBase PalmOS document>W"%s" =<TvIMGViewFireViewer/ImageViewer PalmOS document>U"%s" =1package4Newton package,=2NOS 1.x,=3 NOS 2.x,& 4€ÿÿÿÿAutoRemove,& 5@CopyProtect,& 6NoCompression, =)package1Newton package, NOS 2.x,& *€ÿÿÿÿAutoRemove,& +@CopyProtect,& ,NoCompression,& -Relocation,& .UseFasterCompression,x/version %d =!package0Newton package, NOS 1.x,& "€ÿÿÿÿAutoRemove,& #@CopyProtect,& $NoCompression,& %Relocation,& &UseFasterCompression,x'version %d =<RDB99DBOSDB PalmOS document>S"%s" =<PBVokBDICBDicty PalmOS document>Q"%s" =<ITEXtREAdAportisDoc/PalmDOC E-book>J"%s"= .Kaportisdoc = Maestro RISC OS music filex!version %dx#type %d =qpress10qpress compressed dataapplication/x-qpress = %XDZ004%XDelta binary patch file 1.1 = %XDZ003%XDelta binary patch file 1.0.4 =<9BOOKMOBIMobipocket E-bookxNA>PB"%s"= .Caportisdoc>NhD, version %d!NE, codepage %d>N F, encrypted (type %d) =ã¦ÞºÌ}tMSX cassette archive =<4SDocSilXiSiloX E-book>5"%s" =SX961999Net2phone = %XDZ002%XDelta binary patch file 1.0 =%XDELTA%XDelta binary patch file 0.14 =@ Microsoft Excel Worksheetapplication/vnd.ms-excel =%XDZ001%XDelta binary patch file 0.20 =؉PNG  PNG image dataimage/pngxÚ, %d xxÛ%d,xÜ%d-bit=Ýgrayscale,=Þ/color RGB,=ßcolormap,=àgray+alpha,=á/color RGBA,=ãnon-interlaced=äinterlaced =‡PS-X EXESony Playstation executablexq‰(%s) =@SB2100PRSeaBeam 2100 PR multibeam sonar =ÊARMovie ARMovie =#@WordProLotus WordProapplication/vnd.lotus-wordpro =<@8tz3 ms-works file =;@8tz3 ms-works file =^@ITOLITLSMicrosoft Reader eBook Datax _, version %uapplication/x-ms-reader =:@8tz3 ms-works file =%XDZ000%XDelta binary patch file 0.18 =5 DOMINOQuake I save: ddm6 Domino =8WNGZWZHPWingz help file A=+þáUª<  =  UªDOS/MBR boot sector= þUªÿÿÿÿÿÿDOS/MBR boot sector=OSBSOS/BS MBR= 3ÀŽÐ¼|MS-MBR=üûPPô‹=ó,DOS 2= ÛAuthor - Author:x"%s"=ò="u¥Z=|¿,NEC 3.3x",D0S version 3.3-7.0=IInvalid partition tableenglish=IUngltige Partitionstabellegerman=I Table de partition invalidefrench=I!Tabela de parti‡ao inv lidaportuguese=I"Tabla de partici¢n no v lidaspanish="I#Tavola delle partizioni non validaitalian>I$at offset 0x%x>I%"%s">t,at offset 0x%x>t-"%s">y4at offset 0x%x>y5"%s"=8|¾üPP=:±¾¾Ë¤ó9M=<ÿ?Invalid partition 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to 7.03='§NEWLDR=.¨Bad PT $=6©No OS $= =ªOS load err$=I«Moved or missing IBMBIO.LDR =f¬Press any key to continue. $=ƒ­Copyright (c) 1984,1998= ›®Caldera Inc., DR-DOS MBR (IBMBIO.LDR)= E´Default: F, FREE-DOS MBR=@¸no active partition found=`¹read error while reading drive, FREE-DOS Beta 0.9 MBR= ƒ» Error! =z¼Virus!=½Booting =˜¾HD1/, Ranish MBR (= ¿Writing changes...2.37x¶À,0x%x dots>¸Á,virus check>¹Â,partition %c! ÄWriting changes...=¢Åvirus check,x£Æ0x%x seconds>¤Ç,partition<¤È %x=¤É askx¤Ê)= jÎMBR Error =xÏress any key to =ˆÐboot from floppy..., Acronis MBR=5ÔNo bootable partition found =SÕI/O Error reading boot sector , Visopsys MBR=]ÖNo bootable partition found ={×I/O Error reading boot sector , simple Visopsys MBR=@ÙSBML= +ÛSMART BTMGR= ®ÜSBMK Bad! , Smart Boot Manager>ß, version %s= ~àXOSLLOADXCF, eXtended Operating System Loader=áLILO, LInux i386 boot LOader=xâLILO, version 22.3.4 SuSe=¬ãLILO, version 22.5.8 Debian=Vè<Geom<Aê>>ë; GRand Unified Bootloaderx>í, stage1 version 0x%x<@ïÿ, boot drive 0x%x>Añ, LBA flag 0x%x< Bò€, stage2 address 0x%x> Bô€, stage2 address 0x%x> Dö, 1st sector stage2 0x%x< H÷, stage2 segment 0x%x> Hù, stage2 segment 0x%x=’úGeomHard DiskRead Error=Šûstage1, GRUB version 0.5.95=~üGeomHard DiskRead Error=xýGRUB , GRUB version 0.93 or 1.94=þGeomHard DiskRead Error=yÿGRUB , GRUB version 0.94=GeomHard DiskRead Error={GRUB , GRUB version 0.95 or 0.96=‡GeomHard DiskRead Error=GRUB , GRUB version 0.97=WGeomRead Error=ALoading stage1.5, GRUB version x.y=|GeomHard DiskRead Error=vGRUB , GRUB version n.m=‹ chksum ERROR!, Gujin bootloader= BCDL= ò BCDL BIN, Bootable CD Loader (1.50Z)!IHISK!ŽÀ¸ÿÿÿÿ!HdrS!¦Be Boot Loader=€CD001=.cdrom=ýé =ŽÀŽØŽÀ1ú=.¾partition-table!ýé!!RRaA!$‹fF¶fú!&N‹fF¶f !( =¾* =.¾+partition-table >¾, =.¾-partition-table=º3Non-system disk, =Ë4press any key..., Acronis Startup Recovery Loaderx¿8 = .Ý9DOS-filename=¹;FDBOOT Version =Ì< No Systemdisk. =Ü=Booting from harddisk. =õ>Cannot load from harddisk. =?Insert Systemdisk =#@and press any key. , FDBOOT harddisk Bootloader>ÈA, version %-3s=òBBootsector from C.H. Hochst„=òFBootsector from C.H. Hochst=$GNo Systemdisk. Booting from harddisk=ÐICannot load from harddisk.=$ìKëInsert Systemdisk and press any key.=´M`Disk formatted with WinImage , WinImage harddisk BootloaderxO, version %-4.4s =P =Q =R¾ =TÓS =U| =W¬ =X" = YÀ = Zt = [ = \V = ]´, mkdosfs boot message display =_[>[`"%-s" =bw>wc"%-s"=ÖdPlease try to install FreeDOS , DOS Emulator boot message display=giThis is not a bootable disk. =„jPlease insert a bootable = kfloppy and =©lpress any key to try again... , FREE-DOS message display=BnSolaris Boot Sector=coIncomplete MDBoot load.=YpVersion, Sun Solaris Bootloaderxaqversion %c=˜sOS/2 !! SYS01475 =­tOS/2 !! SYS02025 =ÂuOS/2 !! SYS02027 = ÕvOS2BOOT , IBM OS/2 Warp bootloader=™xOS/2 !! SYS01475 =®yOS/2 !! SYS02025 =ÃzOS/2 !! SYS02027 = Ö{OS2BOOT , IBM OS/2 Warp Bootloader=p|This disk is not bootable =Ž}If you wish to make it bootable=°~run the DOS program SYS = Èafter the =Ø€system has been loaded =òPlease insert a DOS diskette =‚into the drive and =$ƒstrike any key..., IBM OS/2 Warp message display=®…NTLDR is missingÿ = Á†Disk errorÿ =·Press any key to restart , Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader>¡‰ßx¡Š%-.5s>¦‹ßx¦Œ%-.3s>©ß>©Ž .%-.3s>s >p‘ßxp’%-.5s>u“ßxu”%-.3s>x•ßxx–.%-.3s=®˜NTLDR nicht gefundenÿ =Å™Datentr„gerfehlerÿ =ÙšNeustart mit beliebiger Taste , Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader (german)>¡›ßx¡œ%-.5s>¦ßx¦ž%-.3s>©Ÿß>©  .%-.3s={¢>p£ßxp¤%-.5s>u¥ßxu¦%-.3s=®¨NTLDR fehltÿ =¼©Datentr„gerfehlerÿ =ЪNeustart mit beliebiger Taste , Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader (2.german)>¡«ßx¡¬%-.5s>¦­ßx¦®%-.3s>©¯ß>©° .%-.3s>s² >p³ßxp´%-.5s>uµßxu¶%-.3s>x·ßxx¸.%-.3s=®ºNTLDR fehltÿ =¼»Medienfehlerÿ =˼Neustart: Taste drcken , Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader (3.german)>s½ 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wechseln und =Å Taste druecken , Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME Bootloader (german)>ñ ßxñ %-.5s>öß xö%-.1s >÷ß x÷%-.1s >øß xø%-.1s>ùßxù.%-.3s>ØßorxØ %-.2s>Úß xÚ%-.5s >ßß xß%-.1s>àßxà.%-.3s>ã ß+xã!%-.5s >è"ß xè#%-.3s>ë$ß xë%.%-.3s=†'Ungueltiges System ÿ =œ(E/A-Fehler ÿ =­)Datentraeger wechseln und =Ç*Taste druecken , Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME Bootloader (German)>ñ,ßxñ-%-.7s>ø.ß xø/%-.1s>ù0ßxù1.%-.3s>Ø3ßorxØ4 %-.2s>Ú5ß xÚ6%-.6s>à7ßxà8.%-.3s>ã:ß+xã;%-.5s >è<ß xè=%-.3s>ë>ß xë?.%-.3s=…AUngueltiges System ÿ =›BE/A-Fehler ÿ =¬CDatentraeger wechseln und =ÆDTaste druecken , Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME Bootloader (GERMAN)xØF%-.2s>ÚGßxÚH%-.5s>ßIß xßJ%-.1s>àKßxàL.%-.3s>ãMß+xãN%-.5s>èOßxèP%-.2s>êQß xêR%-.1s>ëSßxëT.%-.3s>ßUß= VKein System oder =±WLaufwerksfehler=ÂXWechseln und Taste drcken, Microsoft DOS Bootloader (german)xßZ %-.2s>á[ßxá\%-.6s>ç]ßxç^.%-.3s>ê`ß+xêa%-.5s>ïbß xïc%-.3s>òdßxòe.%-.3s=xg)Non-System disk or = ‹h)disk error = —i)Replace and =£j)press ,=£k)strike , old=ªl)any key when ready MS or PC-DOS bootloader=Ôoxq %-.2s >ìÿÿÿrßxÿÿÿÿs%-.4s >ðÿÿÿtß xÿÿÿÿu%-.2s>vß.xÿÿÿÿw%-.3s> yß+xÿÿÿÿz%-.5s >úÿÿÿ{ß xÿÿÿÿ|%-.1s >ûÿÿÿ}ß xÿÿÿÿ~%-.2s>ß.xÿÿÿÿ€%-.3s=¹Cannot load from harddisk. =Õ‚Insert Systemdisk =çƒand press any key. , MS (2.11) DOS bootloader=6…SYS=D†VASKK=ï‡NEWLDR, DR-DOS Bootloader (LOADER.SYS)=b‰Press a key to retry =xŠCannot find file =‹‹Disk read error = œŒLoading ..., DR-DOS (3.41) Bootloader>,Žßx, %-.6s>2ßx2‘%-.2s>4’ßx4“.%-.3s= F•IBMBIO COM=Ø–Cannot load DOS! =é—Any key to retry, DR-DOS Bootloader=טCannot load DOS =ç™press key to retry, Open-DOS Bootloader= ¼›KERNEL SYS= :œBOOT error!, FREE-DOS Bootloader= óKERNEL SYS= 1žBOOT err!, Free-DOS Bootloader= ÁŸKERNEL SYS= ? BOOT error!, FREE-DOS 0.5 Bootloader=Á¢Loading FreeDOS> ¯£, FREE-DOS 0.95,1.0 Bootloader>ñ¤ßxñ¥ %-.6s>÷¦ßx÷§%-.1s>ø¨ßxø©%-.1s>ùªßxù«.%-.3s=K­Error!.0, FREE-DOS 1.0 bootloader=}¯Loading FreeDOS... = 7°BOOT error! , FREE-DOS bootloader>¹±ßx¹² %-.6s>¿³ßx¿´%-.1s>ÀµßxÀ¶%-.1s>Á·ßxÁ¸.%-.3s=|¹FreeDOS=Kº err, 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Adlib Trackerx Version %d = TZiftimezone data= , old version> , version %c= , no gmt time flags= , 1 gmt time flag>, %d gmt time flags=, no std time flags=, 1 std time flag>, %d std time flags=, no leap seconds=, 1 leap second>, %d leap seconds= , no transition times= , 1 transition time> , %d transition times=$, no abbreviation chars=$, 1 abbreviation char>$, %d abbreviation chars =$ ðÞÀÿÿÿÿGStreamer binary registryx%, version %s =íMAC Monkey's Audio compressed formataudio/x-ape> ï‹version %d = ðèwith fast compression = ñÐwith normal compression = ò¸ with high compression = ó with extra high compression = ôˆwith insane compression= õ, mono= ö, stereox ÷, sample rate %d< øŒversion %d= ùèwith fast compression= úÐwith normal compression= û¸ with high compression= ü with extra high compression= ýˆwith insane compression= þ, mono= ÿ, stereox , sample rate %d =ÞRB40RBS Song file=ßReBorncreated by ReBorn= %àPropellerheadcreated by ReBirth = Þ•GNU message catalog (little endian),x  revision %d.>  %d,x  %d messages,x $%d sysdep messages= %d,x %d messages =•ÞGNU message catalog (big endian),xrevision %d.>%d,x%d messages,x$%d sysdep messages=%d,x%d messages =gpgGPG key trust databasexversion %d = zb9mdbm file, version 0 (obsolete) = wSpeedShop data file =ÚVBOXVBOX voice message data = NESiNES ROM dump,x %dx16k PRGx , %dx8k CHR= , [Vert.]= , [Horiz.]=, [SRAM]=, [Trainer]=, [4-Scr] =µfLaCFLAC audio bitstream dataaudio/x-flac>·, unknown version=¸=ºð0, 4 bit=»ðP, 6 bit=¼ðp, 8 bit=½ð°, 12 bit=¾ðð, 16 bit=¿ðp, 24 bit=À, mono=Á, stereo=Â, 3 channels=Ã, 4 channels=Ä, 5 channels=Å , 6 channels=Æ , 7 channels=Ç, 8 channels=Éðÿÿ@Ä , 44.1 kHz=Êðÿÿ¸ , 48 kHz=ËðÿÿÐ, 32 kHz=Ìðÿÿ b, 22.05 kHz=ÍðÿÿÜ, 24 kHz=Îðÿÿè, 16 kHz=Ïðÿÿ±, 11.025 kHz=Ððÿÿî, 12 kHz=Ñðÿÿô, 8 kHz=Òðÿÿp, 96 kHz=Óðÿÿ , 64 kHz>Ô, >4G samples=Õ>Ö, %u samples=×, length unknown =­MMMDYamaha SMAF file =N•ÞÿÿÿÿGNU-format message catalog data =OÞ•ÿÿÿÿGNU-format message catalog data =¡RTMMRTM Module =ŸMT20MadTracker 2.0 Module MT2 =mPcPhPCP Help=n1Index=o2Text>p(V.%1.1s) =,PTMFPoly Tracker PTM Module>žTitle: "%s" =œPSMProtracker Studio PSM Module =›DMDLDigiTrakker MDL Module =šSONGDigiTrekker DTM Module =™DSMDynamic Studio Module DSM =•DDMFXtracker DMF Modulex–v%i> —Title: "%s">+˜Composer: "%s" =FTMNFaceTheMusic module>d, "%s" =ŠDBM0DIGI Booster Pro Module>‹V%X.xŒ%02X>, "%s" ={SymMSymphonie SymMOD music file =xMMD3OctaMED Soundstudio music file, version 3 =wMMD1OctaMED Pro music file, version 1 =vMMD0MED music file, version 0 =LiSCRSScream Tracker Sample=jsample=kadlib melody>ladlib drum&mstereo^nmono&o16bit little endian^p8bit=qunpacked=rpacked =0 TML 0123 byte-order format =1 TML 1032 byte-order format =2 TML 2301 byte-order format =3 TML 3210 byte-order format =5PA-RISC1.1 relocatable object =6PA-RISC1.1 executable&¨7dynamically linked=80öNdynamically linked>`9- not stripped =;PA-RISC1.1 shared executable=¨<dynamically linked==0öNdynamically linked>`>- not stripped =@ PA-RISC1.1 demand-load executable=¨Adynamically linked=B0öNdynamically linked>`C- not stripped =EPA-RISC1.1 shared library>`F- not stripped =H PA-RISC1.1 dynamic load library>`I- not stripped =LPA-RISC2.0 relocatable object =NPA-RISC2.0 executable&¨Odynamically linked=P0öNdynamically linked>`Q- not stripped =SPA-RISC2.0 shared executable&¨Tdynamically linked=U0öNdynamically linked>`V- not stripped =X PA-RISC2.0 demand-load executable&¨Ydynamically linked=Z0öNdynamically linked>`[- not stripped =]PA-RISC2.0 shared library>`^- not stripped =` PA-RISC2.0 dynamic load library>`a- not stripped =d PA-RISC1.0 relocatable object =f PA-RISC1.0 executable=¨gdynamically linked=h0öNdynamically linked>`i- not stripped =k PA-RISC1.0 shared executable=¨ldynamically linked=m0öNdynamically linked>`n- not stripped =p  PA-RISC1.0 demand-load executable=¨qdynamically linked=r0öNdynamically linked>`s- not stripped =u PA-RISC1.0 shared library>`v- not stripped =x  PA-RISC1.0 dynamic load library>`y- not stripped ={raƒ- version %d =…HP s500 executable>†- version %d =ˆHP s500 pure executable>‰- version %d =Œ HP s200 pure executable>- version %d&Ž€ÿÿÿÿsave fp regs&@dynamically linked& debuggable>$‘not stripped =“ HP s200 executable>”- version %d&•€ÿÿÿÿsave fp regs&–@dynamically linked&— debuggable>$˜not stripped =š  HP s200 demand-load executable>›- version %d&œ€ÿÿÿÿsave fp regs&@dynamically linked&ž debuggable>$Ÿnot stripped =¡ HP s200 relocatable executable>¢- version %d>£- highwater %d&¤€ÿÿÿÿsave fp regs&¥ debuggable&¦PIC =¨ HP s200 (2.x release) pure executable>©- version %d>$ªnot stripped =¬ HP s200 (2.x release) executable>­- version %d>$®not stripped =° HP s200 shared library>±- version %d>²- highwater %d>$³not stripped =µ  HP s200 dynamic load library>¶- version %d>·- highwater %d>$¸not stripped =»eÿHP old archive =¼eÿ HP s200 old archive =½eÿ HP s200 old archive =¾eÿHP s500 old archive =À¦!XHP core file =Âèî§MHP-WINDOWS font>Ã- version %d =YIMPIImpulse Tracker Instrument! ZITv%x![%d samples =TIMPSImpulse Tracker Sample&U16 bit^V8 bit&Wstereo^Xmono =É  compiled Lisp =<MIM10Imago Orpheus module sound data ->N"%s" =ÒHPHPHP=Ó4848 binary=Ô4949 binary>Õ@- Rev %c= Ö)(ADR)= ×3)(REAL)= ØU)(LREAL)= Ùw)(COMPLX)= Ú)(LCOMPLX)= Û¿)(CHAR)= Üè)(ARRAY)= Ý *(LNKARRAY)= Þ,*(STRING)= ßN*(HXS)= àt*(LIST)= á–*(DIR)= â¸*(ALG)= ãÚ*(UNIT)= äü*(TAGGED)= å+(GROB)= æ@+(LIB)= çb+(BACKUP)= èˆ+(LIBDATA)= é-(PROG)= êÌ-(CODE)= ëH.(GNAME)= ìm.(LNAME)= í’.(XLIB) = CaBerkeley DB> D(Hash, version %d, little-endian) =FIMPMImpulse Tracker module sound data -audio/x-mod>H"%s"! (Icompatible w/ITv%x! *Jcreated w/ITv%x =P&P„ÿÿÿÿPCP archivexQ(V.%d)=Vþÿÿÿÿÿÿÿtemporal index=Wÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿmetadata=Xlog volume #0>Ylog volume #%d>Zhost: %s =LPmNsPCP compiled namespace (V.0) = Fb1Berkeley DB>G(Btree, version %d, native byte-order) = Hb1Berkeley DB>I(Btree, version %d, big-endian) = Jb1Berkeley DB> K(Btree, version %d, little-endian) = MS"Berkeley DB>N(Queue, version %d, native byte-order) = OS"Berkeley DB>P(Queue, version %d, big-endian) =2BITAudio Visual Research file,= mono,= ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿstereo,x%d bits=unsigned,=ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿsigned,xÿÿÿ%d Hz,=no loop,=ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿloop,<€note %d,=replay 5.485 KHz=replay 8.084 KHz=replay 10.971 KHz=replay 16.168 KHz= replay 21.942 KHz=!replay 32.336 KHz="replay 43.885 KHz=#replay 47.261 KHz = d£IRCAM file (NeXT little-endian) =£dIRCAM file (NeXT big-endian) =£dIRCAM file (NeXT big-endian) =d£IRCAM file (MIPS big-endian) =£dIRCAM file (MIPS little-endian) =d£IRCAM file (Sun little-endian) =£dIRCAM file (Sun big-endian) =*»À¾ºÿÿÿÿIRIX N32 core dump=+of>,'%s' =&@­­ÞÿÿÿÿIRIX 64-bit core dump='of>('%s' ="°­­ÞÿÿÿÿIRIX core dump=#of>$'%s' =¾º­ÞÿÿÿÿIRIX Parallel Arena>- version %d =MFCTIRIS Showcase templatex- version %d =MFCSIRIS Showcase filex- version %d =d£IRCAM file (VAX big-endian) =ùAIX compiled message catalog =£dIRCAM file (VAX little-endian) =öRSIDRSID sidtune PlaySID compatible>÷w/ header v%d,=øsingle song,>ù%d songs,>údefault song: %d>ûname: "%s">6üauthor: "%s">Výcopyright: "%s" =íPSIDPlaySID v2.2+ (AMIGA) sidtune>îw/ header v%d,=ïsingle song,>ð%d songs,>ñdefault song: %d>òname: "%s">6óauthor: "%s">Vôcopyright: "%s" ==srlSereal dataapplication/serealx(version %d,=ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿuncompressed)=ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿcompressed with non-incremental Snappy)=ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ compressed with incremental Snappy)>ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ unknown subformat, flag: %d>>4) =8à32CN32-channel Taketracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>ãTitle: "%s" =8Ü16CN16-channel Taketracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>ßTitle: "%s" =8ÕOKTA8-channel Octalyzer module sound dataaudio/x-mod>ØTitle: "%s" =8ÑCD818-channel Octalyser module sound dataaudio/x-mod>ÔTitle: "%s" =$0acspICC Profileapplication/vnd.iccprofile = FORMIFF data=AIFF, AIFF audioaudio/x-aiff=AIFC, AIFF-C compressed audioaudio/x-aiff=8SVX, 8SVX 8-bit sampled sound voiceaudio/x-aiff=16SV, 16SV 16-bit sampled sound voice=SAMP, SAMP sampled audio=MAUD, MAUD MacroSystem audio=SMUS, SMUS simple music=CMUS, CMUS complex music=ILBMBMHD, ILBM interleaved imagex, %d xx%d=RGBN, RGBN 12-bit RGB image= RGB8, RGB8 24-bit RGB image=!DEEP, DEEP TVPaint/XiPaint image="DR2D, DR2D 2-D object=#TDDD, TDDD 3-D rendering=$LWOB, LWOB 3-D object=%LWO2, LWO2 3-D object, v2=&LWLO, LWLO 3-D layered object='REAL, REAL Real3D rendering=(MC4D, MC4D MaxonCinema4D rendering=)ANIM, ANIM animation=*YAFA, YAFA animation=+SSA , SSA super smooth animation=,ACBM, ACBM continuous image=-FAXX, FAXX fax image=/FTXT, FTXT formatted text=0CTLG, CTLG message catalog=1PREF, PREF preferences=2DTYP, DTYP datatype description=3PTCH, PTCH binary patch=4AMFF, AMFF AmigaMetaFile format=5WZRD, WZRD StormWIZARD resource=6DOC , DOC desktop publishing document=7WVQA, Westwood Studios VQA Multimedia,x 8%d video frames,x 9%d xx :%d=;MOVE, Wing Commander III Video= <_PC_, PC version= =3DO_, 3DO version=EIFRS, Blorb Interactive Fiction=FExecwith executable chunk=GIFZS, Z-machine or Glulx saved game file (Quetzal) =ffíÎÿÿÿÿGameboy ROM:>4"%.16s"=F,[SGB]=G, [ROM ONLY]=G, [ROM+MBC1]=G, [ROM+MBC1+RAM]=G, [ROM+MBC1+RAM+BATT]=G, [ROM+MBC2]=G, [ROM+MBC2+BATTERY]=G, [ROM+RAM]=G , [ROM+RAM+BATTERY]=G , [ROM+MMM01]=G! , [ROM+MMM01+SRAM]=G" , [ROM+MMM01+SRAM+BATT]=G#, [ROM+MBC3+TIMER+BATT]=G$, [ROM+MBC3+TIMER+RAM+BATT]=G%, [ROM+MBC3]=G&, [ROM+MBC3+RAM]=G', [ROM+MBC3+RAM+BATT]=G(, [ROM+MBC5]=G), [ROM+MBC5+RAM]=G*, [ROM+MBC5+RAM+BATT]=G+, [ROM+MBC5+RUMBLE]=G,, [ROM+MBC5+RUMBLE+SRAM]=G-, [ROM+MBC5+RUMBLE+SRAM+BATT]=G., [Pocket Camera]=G/ýÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, [Bandai TAMA5]=G0þÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, [Hudson HuC-3]=G1ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, [Hudson HuC-1]=H3, ROM: 256Kbit=H4, ROM: 512Kbit=H5, ROM: 1Mbit=H6, ROM: 2Mbit=H7, ROM: 4Mbit=H8, ROM: 8Mbit=H9, ROM: 16Mbit=H:R, ROM: 9Mbit=H;S, ROM: 10Mbit=H<T, ROM: 12Mbit=I>, RAM: 16Kbit=I?, RAM: 64Kbit=I@, RAM: 128Kbit=IA, RAM: 1Mbit =HSEGASega MegaDrive/Genesis raw ROM dump> IName: "%.16s">J%.16s=°KRAwith SRAM =€PEAGNSuper MagicDrive ROM dumpxQ%dx16k blocks=R, last in series or standalone>S, split ROM=Tªÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ= U»ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ = QS"Berkeley DB> R(Queue, version %d, little-endian) = Uˆ Berkeley DB>V(Log, version %d, native byte-order) = Wˆ Berkeley DB >X(Log, version %d, big-endian) =8Í8CHN8-channel Fasttracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>ÐTitle: "%s" =8É6CHN6-channel Fasttracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>ÌTitle: "%s" =8Å4CHN4-channel Fasttracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>ÈTitle: "%s" = ê0BALANCE NS32000 standalone executable> not stripped> |version %d = ê BALANCE NS32000 executable (invalid @ 0)> not stripped> |version %d =R.MDAMicroDesign data=S0version 2=T3version 3 =U.MDPMicroDesign page data=V0version 2=W3version 3 =[IIN1NIFF image dataimage/x-niff =8ÁFLT88-channel Startracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>ÄTitle: "%s" =8½FLT44-channel Startracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>ÀTitle: "%s" =tMM*TIFF image data, big-endianimage/tiff=.vtiff_ifd =wII*TIFF image data, little-endianimage/tiff=. ytiff_ifd =ÍMM+Big TIFF image data, big-endianimage/tiff =ÏII+Big TIFF image data, little-endianimage/tiff =8¹M!K!4-channel Protracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>¼Title: "%s" =8µM.K.4-channel Protracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>¸Title: "%s" =¨UN05MikMod UNI format module sound data = êBALANCE NS32000 executable (0 @ 0)>  not stripped> | version %d =ùGIF8GIF image dataimage/gif8BIMGIFf=ü7a, version 8%s,=ý9a, version 8%s,> þ%d x> ÿ%d = ñ@»CMU window manager raster image data>  %d x> %d,> %d-bit =,ŒSCRMScreamTracker III Module sound data>Title: "%s" =$ðBArtisan image data=, rectangular 24-bit=, rectangular 8-bit with colormap=, rectangular 32-bit (24-bit with matte) = êBALANCE NS32000 .o>  not stripped> | version %d = FLVMacromedia Flash Videovideo/x-flv =wýar.RealAudio sound fileaudio/x-pn-realaudio =&GKSMGKS Metafile='SunGKS, SunGKS ='ûJQDOS executablex (€'%s' =oEMODExtended MOD sound data,xpðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿversion %dxq.%d,x-r%d instruments=Ss(module)=St(song) =jKRTNMultiTrack sound dataxk- version %d =^CTMFCreative Music (CMF) dataaudio/x-unknown =VMThdStandard MIDI dataaudio/midixX(format %d)x Yusing %d track> Zsx [ÿat 1/%d> \€ÿÿÿÿÿÿSMPTE = 1.sdDEC audio data:= 28-bit ISDN mu-law,audio/x-dec-basic= 48-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM],audio/x-dec-basic= 616-bit linear PCM,audio/x-dec-basic= 824-bit linear PCM,audio/x-dec-basic= :32-bit linear PCM,audio/x-dec-basic= <32-bit IEEE floating point,audio/x-dec-basic= >64-bit IEEE floating point,audio/x-dec-basic= @Fragmented sample data,= A DSP program,= B 8-bit fixed point,= C 16-bit fixed point,= D 24-bit fixed point,= E32-bit fixed point,= F16-bit linear with emphasis,= G16-bit linear compressed,= H16-bit linear with emphasis and compression,= IMusic kit DSP commands,= J8-bit ISDN mu-law compressed (CCITT G.721 ADPCM voice enc.),audio/x-dec-basic= Lcompressed (8-bit CCITT G.722 ADPCM)= Mcompressed (3-bit CCITT G.723.3 ADPCM),= Ncompressed (5-bit CCITT G.723.5 ADPCM),= O8-bit A-law (CCITT G.711),= Pmono,= Qstereo,= Rquad,> S%d Hz = .sndSun/NeXT audio data:= 8-bit ISDN mu-law,audio/basic= 8-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM],audio/basic= 16-bit linear PCM,audio/basic= 24-bit linear PCM,audio/basic= 32-bit linear PCM,audio/basic= 32-bit IEEE floating point,audio/basic= 64-bit IEEE floating point,audio/basic= Fragmented sample data,=  DSP program,=  8-bit fixed point,=  16-bit fixed point,=  24-bit fixed point,= 32-bit fixed point,= 16-bit linear with emphasis,= !16-bit linear compressed,= "16-bit linear with emphasis and compression,= #Music kit DSP commands,= $8-bit ISDN mu-law compressed (CCITT G.721 ADPCM voice enc.),audio/x-adpcm= &compressed (8-bit CCITT G.722 ADPCM)= 'compressed (3-bit CCITT G.723.3 ADPCM),= (compressed (5-bit CCITT G.723.5 ADPCM),= )8-bit A-law (CCITT G.711),=*mono,=+stereo,=,quad,>-%d Hz =<Sfffstructured fax file = ÿ|ùÿÿÿÿSE Linux modular policyx version %d,x %d sections,= ÿ|ùÿÿÿÿx   mod version %d,=   Not MLS,=   MLS,=   >  /module name %s=  base =þíþíÿÿÿÿSun 'jks' Java Keystore File data =€ZEAMGSuper MagicDrive ROM dumpx[%dx16k blocksx\, last in series or standalone=]ªÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ= ^»ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ =fGDSII Stream file=gxhversion %d.0>iversion %dxj.%d =r(€!Sega Dreamcast VMU game image = +/v8Unicode text, UTF-7 = 2278Aster*x Version 2=6Words Document=5Graphic=2Spreadsheet=8Macro =™•j¦YSun raster image data>š, %d x>›%d,> œ%d-bit,=žold format,= compressed,=¡RGB,=¢TIFF,=£IFF,=¤ÿÿreserved for testing,=¥no colormap=¦RGB colormap=§raw colormap =*STAAster*x= WORDWords Document= GRAPGraphic= SPRESpreadsheet= MACRMacro =»IT01FIT image datax¼, %d xx½%d xx ¾%d =ÀIT02FIT image dataxÁ, %d xxÂ%d xx Ã%d = +/v9Unicode text, UTF-7 = +/v+Unicode text, UTF-7 = +/v/Unicode text, UTF-7 = ÝsfsUnicode text, UTF-8-EBCDIC =þÿUnicode text, UTF-32, big-endian =€àDICMDICOM medical imaging dataapplication/dicom =ÿþUnicode text, UTF-32, little-endian = unknown demand paged pure executable>!not stripped(= ð÷ÿÿïþNorton GHost image=¢, first file=¤, split filex¦id=0x%x=¨, no compression=©, fast compression (Z1)=ª, medium compression (Z2)>«<¬ , compression (Z%d-1)=­! ¯, password protected!,°= ², sector copy=+´, boot track=,¶, disc sector copy>ÿ¸"%-.254s"=º`Uªx)þÿÿ»; contains ="unknown readable demand paged pure executable = †BB02Bacula volumex ‡, started %s =þPDS_PDS image data =PAR2Parity Archive Volume Set = pM85Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (hor)= (white background)= ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ(black background) = pM86Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (vert)=(white background)=ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ(black background) =vxar!xar archivexxversion %d,={no checksum=|SHA-1 checksum=}MD5 checksum =sLCDiDream Animator file =N8BPSAdobe Photoshop Imageimage/vnd.adobe.photoshop=P(PSB)xQ, %d xxR%d,=Sbitmap=Tgrayscale= Uwith alpha=Vindexed=WRGB= XA=YCMYK= ZA=[multichannel=\duotone=] lab> ^x _, %dx= `,xa%d-bit channel> bs =lxar!xar archivexm- version %d =hNITFNational Imagery Transmission Format>idated %.14s =lGEM Image datax m%d xxn%d,xo%d planes,xp%d xx q%d pixelsize = tÿÿGEM Metafile datax uversion %d =hMPQMoPaQ (MPQ) archive = dz Symbian installation file (Symbian OS 9.x)x-epoc/x-sisx-app = `Symbian installation fileapplication/vnd.symbian.install= bm(EPOC release 3/4/5)= c:(EPOC release 6) =œKiSSKISS/GS=colorxž%d bitx Ÿ%d colorsx  %d groups=¡ cellx¢%d bitx £%d xx ¤%dx ¥+%dx ¦+%d =U{dar archive,xVlabel "%.8xxW%.8xx X%.4x"=YTend slice=ZNNmulti-part=[SNmulti-part, with -S =ORZIPrzip compressed dataxP- version %dxQ.%dxR(%d bytes) =KÿçEET archiveapplication/x-eet =x@€7V64 Nintendo 64 ROM dump =½fSqueak image data =UTE+uterus file=v, versionx %c= ..x %c= <>, big-endian> , slut size %u=><, litte-endian> , slut size %u& , compressed = PARPARity archive data= 0 - Index file> 0- file number %d = Õ±hÞ:DCX multi-page PCX image data = Ú€*_×ÿÿÿÿCineon image data>ÈÛ, %d x>ÌÜ%d =TXßÿÿUltrix core file>Xfrom '%s' =ðMRMMinolta Dimage camera raw image data =XBEHXBE, Microsoft Xbox executable=  = = ‘, not signed> ’ > “> ”, signed= –= `ÿ—€€, all regions ! `ÿ˜€€ > `ÿ™(regions: & `ÿšNA & `ÿ›Japan & `ÿœRest_of_World & `ÿ€Manufacturer> `ÿž) = v/1OpenEXR image data,image/x-exrx ÿversion %d,^ storage: scanline& storage: tiled=  compression, compression:= none= rle= zips= zip=piz=pxr24=b44=b44a>unknown= dataWindow, dataWindow:x (%dx %d)-x (%dx %d)=displayWindow, displayWindow:x (%dx %d)-x (%dx %d)= lineOrder, lineOrder:=increasing y=decreasing y= random y>!unknown =(SDPXDPX image data, big-endian,image/x-dpx<*x+%dxx,%d,>-x.%dxx/%d,=0left to right/top to bottom=1right to left/top to bottom=2left to right/bottom to top=3right to left/bottom to top=4top to bottom/left to right=5top to bottom/right to left= 6bottom to top/left to right= 7bottom to top/right to left =;CDFNetCDF Data Format data =@Hierarchical Data Format (version 4) dataapplication/x-hdf = Yˆ Berkeley DB> Z(Log, version %d, little-endian) =_@RRDRRDTool DBx`@version %s! b16bit aligned=% c/%ÀÇC+[big-endianxd32bit long (m68k)= f! g32bit aligned=% h/%ÀÇC+[big-endian=i64bit long!j32bit long =& k/%ÀÇC+[little-endian=l64bit long!m32bit long (i386)= nC+[/%ÀÇmiddle-endian!o32bit long (arm)=q64bit aligned=%r/%ÀÇC+[big-endian=s64bit long (s390x)!t32bit long (hppa/mips/ppc/s390/SPARC)=&u/%ÀÇC+[little-endian=v64bit long (alpha/amd64/ia64)!w32bit long (armel/mipsel) =+ûJQL plugin-ROM data,= ,€un-named> -€named: %s =ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ þþÿÿÿÿMySQL Maria compressed data filexVersion %d = ×ܧÄýÿÿÿÿZoo archive dataapplication/x-zoo>Ù0, v%c.>Ú/%c>Û/%c> Ü, modify: v%dx!Ý.%d+= *ÞܧÄýÿÿÿÿ,>Fßextract: v%dxGà.%d+ =¢XIP0XIP, Microsoft Xbox data =TCPC²Cartesian Perceptual Compression imageimage/x-cpi =_C565OLPC firmware icon image datax `%u xx a%u =eÎÚÞúCytovision Metaphases file =fí­ï¬Cytovision Karyotype file =g Cytovision FISH Probe file =híþÚ¾Cytovision FLEX file =ií«íþCytovision FLEX file =j­ýê­Cytovision RATS file = RTSSNetMon capture filex - version %dx.%d= (Unknown)= (Ethernet)= (Token Ring)= (FDDI)= (ATM)> (type %d) =x@PCO-PCO B16 image datax y, %dxx z%d= {, short header= |ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, extended header= }, grayscale= $~linear LUT= $logarithmic LUTx €[%dx ,%d]= ‚, color= @ƒlinear LUT= @„logarithmic LUTx (…r[%dx ,†,%d]x 0‡g[%dx 4ˆ,%d]x 8‰b[%dx <Š,%d] =OPKZip archive data (empty) =HUC2UC2 archive data =ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ þþÿÿÿÿMySQL Maria index filexVersion %d =œXcurX11 cursor =¡MMOROlympus ORF raw image data, big-endianimage/x-olympus-orf =£IIROOlympus ORF raw image data, little-endianimage/x-olympus-orf =¥IIRSOlympus ORF raw image data, little-endianimage/x-olympus-orf =DSQSHsquished archive data (Acorn RISCOS) =ARE~^RAR archive data =GMBUNetMon capture filex- version %dx.%d= (Unknown)= (Ethernet)= (Token Ring)= (FDDI)=  (ATM)= !(IP-over-IEEE 1394)= "(802.11)= #(Raw IP)= $(Raw IP)= % (Raw IP)> & (type %d) =ÂFOVbFoveon X3F raw image dataimage/x-x3fx Ä, version %d.x Å%dx Æ, %dxx Ç%d =ËPDN3Paint.NET image dataimage/x-paintnet =ÐFMRISO/IEC 19794-2 Format Minutiae Record (FMR) =3Rar!RAR archive data,application/x-rarx,5v%0x,> 6flags:& 7Archive volume,& 8Commented,& 9Locked,& :Solid,& ; Authenticated,=#<os: MS-DOS=#=os: OS/2=#>os: Win32=#?os: Unix =BPGûBPG (Better Portable Graphics)image/bpg =ÐMAP CCP4 Electron Density Map=Ô , Big-endian=Ô!", VAX format=Ô"D, Little-endian=Ô#U, Convex native = ÐŒÿ|ùÿÿÿÿSE Linux policyx Ñv%d= ÒMLSx Ó%d symbolsx Ô%d ocons =EXCPNetXRay capture file>F- version %s= ,G(Ethernet)= ,H(Token Ring)= ,I(FDDI)= ,J(WAN)= ,K(ATM)= ,L (802.11) = ×bLFS filesystem image= Øversion 1,x Ù blocks %u,x Ú blocks per segment %u,= Ûversion 2,x Ü fragments %u,x Ý bytes per segment %u,x Þ disk blocks %u,x ß block size %u,x à fragment size %u,x á fragments per block %u,x â start for free list %u,x $ã number of free blocks %d,x (ä number of files %u,x ,å blocks available for writing %d,x 0æ inodes in cache %d,x 4ç inode file disk address 0x%x,x 8è inode file inode number %u,x <é address of last segment written 0x%x,x @ê address of next segment to write 0x%x,x Dë address of current segment written 0x%x =£XTF0XTF, Microsoft Xbox data =ÃDISODelta ISO data,xÄversion %d =IttcfTrueType font collection data=J, 1.0>K, %d fonts=L, 2.0>M, %d fonts=OGISD, digitally signed = MTZ MTZ reflection file =ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿþþÿÿÿÿMySQL MyISAM compressed data filexVersion %d = 4Z¥ðIntel serial flash for ICH/PCH ROM <= 5 or 3400 series A-step = 5Z¥ðIntel serial flash for PCH ROM =ROTTOOpenType font dataapplication/vnd.ms-opentype = ÏšWGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, little endian, 64-bitapplication/x-gdbm =FS21Zope Object Database File Storage (data) =ÑSMVSNES9x input recordingx Ò, version %d< Ôx Õ, recorded at %s> Ö, rerecorded %d timesx ×, %d frames long>Ø, data for controller(s):&Ù#1&Ú#2&Û#3&Ü#4&Ý#5^Þ, begins from snapshot&ß, begins from reset^à, NTSC standard&á, PAL standard&â, settings:< ä&åWIP1Timing&æLeft+Right&çVolumeEnvX&èFakeMute&é SyncSound> ë&ì€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿNoCPUShutdown< í> î#! ïx ð, metadata: "%s"> ñ>$ò, port 1:=$ójoypad=$ômouse=$õSuperScope=$öJustifier=$÷multitap>$ø, port 2:=%ùjoypad=%úmouse=%ûSuperScope=%üJustifier=%ýmultitap> þC! @ÿx@, metadata: "%s"&@, ROM:x CRC32 0x%08xx "%s" =ZEC3Zope Object Database Client Cache File (data) ="drpmDelta RPMapplication/x-rpmx $%s=% MIPSel=& ARM=' MiNT=(S/390=)S/390x=*PowerPC64=+SuperH=,Xtensax -%s =:ISPLispellx;hash file version %d,x<lexletters %d,x =lexsize %d,x>hashsize %d,x?stblsize %d =IsZ!ISO Zipped filex, header size %ux, version %ux  , serial %u> , password protected =Ûî«íÿÿÿÿRPMapplication/x-rpmx v%dx .%d= src= bin= i386/x86_64=Alpha/Sparc64=Sparc=MIPS=PowerPC=68000=SGI=RS6000= IA64= Sparc64= MIPSel= ARM= MiNT=S/390=S/390x=PowerPC64=SuperH=Xtensa=ÿnoarch = íþíþÿÿÿÿJava KeyStoreapplication/x-java-keystore =ÎÎÎÎÿÿÿÿJava JCE KeyStoreapplication/x-java-jce-keystore =IDA1IDA (Interactive Disassembler) database = ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿþþÿÿÿÿMySQL MyISAM index filexVersion %d =ñRIFXRIFF (big-endian) data=óPAL, palettexô, version %dxõ, %d entries=÷RDIB, device-independent bitmap=øBM=ù , OS/2 1.x formatx"ú, %d xx$û%d=ü@, OS/2 2.x formatx"ý, %d xx$þ%d=ÿ(, Windows 3.x formatx", %d xx&%d xx,%d=RMID, MIDI=RMMP, multimedia movie=WAVE, WAVE audio=  , Microsoft PCM> " , %d bit= , mono= , stereo> , %d channels>%d Hz=CDRA, Corel Draw Picture=CDR6, Corel Draw Picture, version 6=AVI , AVI=ACON, animated cursor=NIFF, Notation Interchange File Format=sfbkSoundFont/Bank =GRIFFRIFF (little-endian) data=IPAL, palettex J, version %dx K, %d entries=MRDIB, device-independent bitmap=NBM= O , OS/2 1.x formatx "P, %d xx $Q%d= R@, OS/2 2.x formatx "S, %d xx $T%d= U(, Windows 3.x formatx "V, %d xx &W%d xx ,X%d=ZRMID, MIDI=\RMMP, multimedia movie=^RMP3, MPEG Layer 3 audio=`WAVE, WAVE audioaudio/x-wav> b= . criff-walk=eCDRA, Corel Draw Pictureimage/x-coreldraw=gCDR6, Corel Draw Picture, version 6image/x-coreldraw=iNUNDROOT, Steinberg CuBase=kAVI , AVIvideo/x-msvideo= mLIST=nhdrlavihx $o, %u xx (p%u,> q@B<1 fps,= r@B1.00 fps,= s ¡2.00 fps,= t3.00 fps,= uÐ4.00 fps,= v@ 5.00 fps,= w ‹6.00 fps,= x .7.00 fps,= yHè8.00 fps,= z²9.00 fps,= { †10.00 fps,< }’Š> üÿÿÿ~‚! üÿÿÿ †~10 fps,= €…E12.00 fps,< ‚BH> üÿÿÿƒÕB! üÿÿÿ„…E~12 fps,= …k15.00 fps,< ‡*> üÿÿÿˆ±! üÿÿÿ‰k~15 fps,= ŠPÃ20.00 fps,= ‹ì¢23.98 fps,= ŒÃ¢24.00 fps,< Žq£> üÿÿÿ¢! üÿÿÿì¢! üÿÿÿ‘â~24 fps,= ’@œ25.00 fps,< ”áœ> üÿÿÿ•¡›! üÿÿÿ–@œ~25 fps,= —W‚29.97 fps,= ˜5‚30.00 fps,< š¥‚> üÿÿÿ›Ç! üÿÿÿœW‚! üÿÿÿ5‚~30 fps,< žà}>30 fps,=X¥LIST=`¦strlstrh=l§vidsvideo:= ¨uncompressed= hlªstrf= h„«RLE 8bpp= h„¬cvidCinepak= h„­i263Intel I.263= h„®iv32Indeo 3.2= h„¯iv41Indeo 4.1= h„°iv50Indeo 5.0= h„±mp42Microsoft MPEG-4 v2= h„²mp43Microsoft MPEG-4 v3= h„³fmp4FFMpeg MPEG-4= h„´mjpgMotion JPEG= h„µdiv3DivX 3=p¶div3Low-Motion=p·div4Fast-Motion= h„¸divxDivX 4= h„¹dx50DivX 5= h„ºxvidXviD= h„»h264H.264= h„¼wmv3Windows Media Video 9= h„½h264X.264 or H.264= h„¾= \`ÁLIST= \hÂstrlstrh= \tÃauds, audio:= \¬Åstrf= \´Æuncompressed PCM= \´ÇADPCM= \´ÈaLaw= \´ÉuLaw= \´ÊPMPEG-1 Layer 1 or 2= \´ËUMPEG-1 Layer 3= \´Ì Dolby AC3= \´ÍaDivX= \¶Ï(mono,= \¶Ð(stereo,> \¶Ñ(%d channels,x \¸Ò%d Hz)= \´Ôstrf= \¼Õuncompressed PCM= \¼ÖADPCM= \¼×UMPEG-1 Layer 3= \¼Ø Dolby AC3= \¼ÙaDivX= \¾Û(mono,= \¾Ü(stereo,> \¾Ý(%d channels,x \ÀÞ%d Hz)=àACON, animated cursor=âsfbkSoundFont/Bank=äCDXA, wrapped MPEG-1 (CDXA)=å4XMV, 4X Movie file =çAMV , AMV =èWEBP, Web/P image= . ériff-walk =$6srrdiff network-delta data =&6srrdiff network-delta signature datax'(block length=%d,x(signature strength=%d) =*RZX!Spectrum .RZX datax+version %dx,.%d ='HG10Mercurial bundle,=(UNuncompressed=)BZbzip2 compressed =®hsi1JPEG image data, HSI proprietary =specSPEC= .cpuCPU< :%.4s= .raw result text =ÂQÿOÿÿÿÿÿJPEG 2000 codestream =!DIRCGit index>", version %d>#, %d entries =HPAKHPACK archive data =üüÿÿÿÿÿÿAHHA archive data= ý1 file,> þ%u files,=ÿfirst is type CPY=first is type ASC=first is type HSC=first is type DIR=first is type SPECIAL =gmonGNU prof performance datax- version %d = ÀHRBHarbour HRB filex !version %d = Ù¢šÿÿÿÿKeepass password database=  eûKµÿÿÿÿ1.x KDB> 0 , %d groups> 4, %d entries= , SHA-256= , AES= , RC4= , Twofish> x, %d key transformation rounds= gûKµÿÿÿÿ2.x KDBX =,Kerberos Keytab file= .-keytab_entry =2‡ÖX image =SCVMScummVM savegame> "%s" =lectDEC SRC Virtual Paper Lectern file =ÿtOcGit pack index=, version 2 =%X psSoftQuad troff Context intermediate for PostScript =Alênew-fs dump file (big endian), = .Bnew-dump-be = »?êÿÿÿÿConary changeset data = dLinux/i386 impure executable (OMAGIC)= , stripped = dLinux/i386 pure executable (NMAGIC)= , stripped =  dLinux/i386 demand-paged executable (ZMAGIC)= , stripped = ÌdLinux/i386 demand-paged executable (QMAGIC)= , stripped =$hsqsSquashfs filesystem, little endian,x %version %d.x &%d,< 'x (%d bytes,> )< *x?+%lld bytes,> ,x(-%lld bytes,x /%d inodes,< 0x 1blocksize: %d bytes,> 2< 3x 34blocksize: %d bytes,> 5x 6blocksize: %d bytes,< 7x '8created: %s> 9x :created: %s =Linux-8086 impure executable!not stripped = Linux-8086 executable!not stripped =!£†Linux-8086 object file =#Minix-386 impure executable!$not stripped =% Minix-386 executable!&not stripped ='Minix-386 NSYM/GNU executable!(not stripped = îÿÿÿÿpython 3.4 byte-compiled =1LILOLinux/i386 LILO boot/chain loader =#ÀHBVHarbour variable dump filex $version %d = žÿÿÿÿpython 3.3 byte-compiled = lpython 3.2 byte-compiled = ,~ñ©ST40 component image format>-, name '%s' = sqshSquashfs filesystem, big endian,xversion %d.x%d,<x%d bytes,><x?%lld bytes,>x(%lld bytes,x%d inodes,<x blocksize: %d bytes,><x3blocksize: %d bytes,>x blocksize: %d bytes,< x '!created: %s>"x #created: %s(=¾Ôò¡tcpdump capture file (big-endian)application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap=.Àpcap-be = oƒVAX single precision APL workspace = nƒVAX double precision APL workspace =¸SZ SZip archive data(= ÁÔò¡tcpdump capture file (little-endian)application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap=.Ã^pcap-be = a.out VAX demand paged (first page unmapped) pure executable> not stripped =zŽÀ¸ÿÿÿÿLinux kernel=ã{Loadingversion 1.3.79 or older=é|Loadingfrom prehistoric times = Opython 3.1 byte-compiled = ;python 3.0 byte-compiled = ópython 2.7 byte-compiled =†MOOOUser-mode Linux COW file<‡, version %d>ˆ, backing file %s>‰, version %d> Š, backing file %s =®ÿBSGBSN archive data =®ŽÀ¸ÿÿÿÿLinux=æ¯SKLEELKS Kernel!æ°SKLEstyle boot sector =­ÿBSGBSN archive data = $Ä(oLinux kernel ARM boot executable zImage (little-endian) =$Å(oLinux kernel ARM boot executable zImage (big-endian) = ÉÿÿÿÿÿÿéÃÿÿÿÿLinux-Dev86 executable, headerless=Ê.>Ë, libc version %s = ÍÿÿÿÿÿÿÿLinux-8086 executable!Î, unmapped zero page=Ï , impure!Ð !Ñ, A_EXEC!Ò, A_PAL!Ó, A_NSYM!Ô, A_STAND!Õ@, A_PURE!Ö€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, A_TOVLY!×, not stripped=%Ø.>$Ù, libc version %s = ã=óSYSLINUX' LSS16 image dataimage/x-lss16x æ, width %dx ç, height %d =éOOOMUser-Mode-Linux's Copy-On-Write disk imagexêversion %d = îŒÿ|ùÿÿÿÿSE Linux policyx ïv%d= ðMLSx ñ%d symbolsx ò%d ocons = òÑÿÿÿÿpython 2.6 byte-compiled = ò³ÿÿÿÿpython 2.5 byte-compiled =¬ÿBSGBSN archive data =¨a\WinHKI archive data =@COWDVMWare3=disk imagex (%d/x $%d/x (%d)=undoable disk image> (%s) =@VMDKVMware4 disk image ==SnApLVM Snapshot (CopyOnWrite store)! >- valid,= ?- invalid,x @version %d,x Achunk_size %d = DŒÿ|ùÿÿÿÿSE Linux policyx Ev%d= FMLSx G%d symbolsx H%d ocons =žGCAXGCA archive data =œrdqxReDuq archive data =@KDMVVMware4 disk image ='@QFIûQEMU QCOW Image=/(v1)> 3, has backing file (> 7path %s> <, mtime %s)x=)x@, %lld bytes=$C, AES-encrypted=F(v2)>I, has backing file> Q(path %s)xR, %lld bytes= S, AES-encrypted=U(v3)>X, has backing file> `(path %s)xa, %lld bytes= b, AES-encryptedxd(unknown version) =–¯¬ŒEPC archive data = GConvex old-style object> not stripped = ¡ Þÿÿÿÿlocale archivex ¢%d strings =”DMS!DMS archive data = òmpython 2.4 byte-compiled = ò;python 2.3 byte-compiled = í-python 2.2 byte-compiled = ë*python 2.1 byte-compiled = Ƈÿÿÿÿpython 2.0 byte-compiled = N™ÿÿÿÿpython 1.5/1.6 byte-compiled = PPyramid 90x family demand paged pure executable> not stripped =KConvex old-style demand paged executable>not stripped =f@QEVMQEMU suspend to disk image =j@QEDQEMU QED Image =,Ò‹vpCLISP memory image data =-pv‹ÒÿÿÿÿCLISP memory image data, other endian =0úúúúMIT scheme (library?) = PPyramid 90x family pure executable> not stripped =llvmLLVM byte-codes, uncompressed =ÉV'u-boot legacy uImage,x Ê%s,=ËInvalid os/=ÌOpenBSD/=ÍNetBSD/=ÎFreeBSD/=Ï4.4BSD/=ÐLinux/=ÑSVR4/=ÒEsix/=ÓSolaris/=Ô Irix/=Õ SCO/=Ö Dell/=× NCR/=Ø LynxOS/=ÙVxWorks/=ÚpSOS/=ÛQNX/=ÜFirmware/=ÝRTEMS/=ÞARTOS/=ßUnity OS/=àINTEGRITY/=áInvalid CPU,=âAlpha,=ãARM,=äIntel x86,=åIA64,=æMIPS,=çMIPS 64-bit,=èPowerPC,=éIBM S390,=ê SuperH,=ë Sparc,=ì Sparc 64-bit,=í M68K,=î Nios-32,=ïMicroBlaze,=ðNios-II,=ñBlackfin,=òAVR32,=óSTMicroelectronics ST200,=ôInvalid Image=õStandalone Program=öOS Kernel Image=÷RAMDisk Image=øMulti-File Image=ùFirmware Image=úScript File=ûFilesystem Image (any type)=üBinary Flat Device Tree BLOB=ý(Not compressed),=þ(gzip),=ÿ(bzip2),=(lzma),x %d bytes,x %s,xLoad Address: 0x%08X,xEntry Point: 0x%08X,xHeader CRC: 0x%08X,xData CRC: 0x%08X =Dkêold-fs dump file (big endian), = .Eold-dump-be = Glênew-fs dump file (little endian), = .H^new-dump-be = ÞÀ LLVM bitcode, wrapper= x86_64= i386= ppc= ppc64=  arm =BCÀÞLLVM IR bitcode =PPyramid 90x family executable =PWS3Password Safe V3 database = ñçPulsar POP3 daemon mailbox cache file.x Version: %d.x %d =ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿVps database>version %s>from kernel %s =LuaLua bytecode,=Pversion 5.0=Qversion 5.1=Rversion 5.2(= @pÚ¾VirtualBox Disk Image> Dq, major %u> Fr, minor %u>s(%s)xpt, %lld bytes =ŒAiAi32 archive data =MConvex old-style pre-paged executable>not stripped =OConvex old-style pre-paged, non-swapped executable>not stripped =‹AiAi32 archive data =SIT!StuffIt Archive (data)application/x-stuffitSIT!SIT!x: %s =SITDStuffIt Deluxe (data)x: %s =¼1984Linux Journalled Flash File system, big endian = »1984Linux Journalled Flash File system, little endian =fîmBINMacBinary III data with surprising version number =„ 2unknown encoding =gBHBlakHole archive data ='Convex SOFF=X(c1&X)c2&X*c2mp&X+parallel&X,intrinsic&X-demand paged&X.pre-paged&X/non-swapped&X0POSIX&T2€ÿÿÿÿexecutable&T3@object=T4 not stripped=T5native fpmode=T6ieee fpmode=T7undefined fpmode = $xŸ>"Transport Neutral Encapsulation Formatapplication/vnd.ms-tnef =9…Convex SOFF core =aISc(InstallShield CAB =/JAMJAM message area header file> 0(%d messages) =NVRMVMware nvram =OggSOgg data!UNKNOWN REVISION %u==FLAC, FLAC audioaudio/ogg="€theora, Theora videovideo/ogg= %€kate, Kate (Karaoke and Text)application/oggx%'v%ux&(.%u,=()utf8 encoding,!(*unknown character encoding,><+language %s,=<,no language set,>L-category %s=L.no category set=0fishead, Skeletonvideo/oggx$2v%ux(3.%u=5Speex , Speex audioaudio/ogg= 8video, OGM videovideo/ogg=%:div3(DivX 3)=%;divx(DivX 4)=%<dx50(DivX 5)=%=xvid(XviD)=?vorbis, Vorbis audio,audio/ogg! #AUNKNOWN VERSION %u,= #C='Dmono,='Estereo,>'F%u channels,x (G%u Hz< 0Iÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ,! 4Kÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ! 4O! 4Püÿÿÿÿÿÿx 4Q<%u! 0Rÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿx 0S~%u! ,Tÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ! 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words)=("64-bit")> ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ(%i words) =!ÆÓÐÅÿÿÿÿDOS EPS Binary File>"Postscript starts at byte %d>#length %d> $Metafile starts at byte %d>%length %d>&TIFF starts at byte %d>'length %d =ßXhDrX1 archive data = HG10Mercurial changeset bundle= UN(uncompressed)= GZ(gzip compressed)= BZ(bzip2 compressed) =rCSBKTed Neslson's CosmicBook hypertext file(= Í4Ͳ¡extended tcpdump capture file (little-endian)=.Î^pcap-be = 1VwpCracklib password index, big endian> ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ(%i words) =ØPKReSOF archive data =tEYWRAmigaWriter file =KPlan 9 executable, DEC Alpha =—Plan 9 executable, MIPS R4000 LE =ëPlan 9 executable, PowerPC =GPlan 9 executable, ARM 7-something =«Plan 9 executable, AMD 29000 = Plan 9 executable, MIPS R4000 BE = ‹Plan 9 executable, AT&T DSP 3210 = Plan 9 executable, MIPS R3000 = «Plan 9 executable, SPARC = GPlan 9 executable, Intel 960 =ëPlan 9 executable, Intel 386 =Plan 9 executable, Motorola 68k =%PACKQuake I or II world or extension> &, %d entries =ž… PGP RSA encrypted session key -x Ÿkeyid: %Xx  %X= ¡RSA (Encrypt or Sign) 8129b= ¢RSA Encrypt-Only 8129b= £ = ¤ÿ= ¥þ= ¦ý= §ü= ¨û= ©ú= ªù=«Òÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ. =·zMirage Assembler m.out executable =… PGP RSA encrypted session key -x Žkeyid: %Xx %X= RSA (Encrypt or Sign) 4096b= ‘RSA Encrypt-Only 4096b= ’= “ÿ= ”þ= •ý= –ü= —û= ˜ú= ™ù=šÒÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ. =ËBSABSArc archive datax Ìversion %d =y\1cwChiWriter file =|…ŒPGP RSA encrypted session key -x }keyid: %Xx ~%X= RSA (Encrypt or Sign) 3072b= €RSA Encrypt-Only 3072b= = ‚ ÿ= ƒ þ= „ ý= … ü= † û= ‡ ú= ˆ ù=‰Òÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ. =k… PGP RSA encrypted session key -x lkeyid: %Xx m%X= nRSA (Encrypt or Sign) 2048b= oRSA Encrypt-Only 2048b= p= qÿ= rþ= sý= tü= uû= vú= wù=xÒÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ. =ÅLIMLIM archive data =ÃMDmdMDCD archive data =Á‘3HFHAP archive data = Í«ÿÿÿÿÿÿMLSSA datafile,x algorithm %d,x %d samples =MMDF mailbox =¿HPAKHPack archive data =þbinMySQL replication log = 0yPsion Series 5 binary:= 1DLL= 2Icomms hardware library= 3Jcomms protocol library= 4]OPX= 5lapplication= 6DLL= 7¬logical device driver= 8­physical device driver= 9åfile transfer protocol= :åfile transfer protocol= ;@printer definition= <Aprinter definition =RMD1raw modem data>(%s />compression type 0x%04x) = >zPsion Series 5 executable =IDS2Quake II SP2 sprite file =úNetSNetStumbler log filex û, %d stations found = §ÿÿ€€ÿÿÿÿHHYP archive dataapplication/x-arc = ¥ÿÿ€€ÿÿÿÿARC+ archive dataapplication/x-arc = £ÿÿ€€ÿÿÿÿ PAK archive dataapplication/x-arc =6pst0perl Storable (v0.7) data>7&8(network-ordered)=9(major 2)=:(major 2)>;(minor %d) =  ÿÿ€€ÿÿÿÿARC archive data, crunchedapplication/x-arc =*ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ`Atari ST M68K contiguous executablex+(txt=%d,x,dat=%d,x -bss=%d,x.sym=%d) =/ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ`Atari ST M68K non-contig executablex0(txt=%d,x1dat=%d,x 2bss=%d,x3sym=%d) = lƒPDP-11 double precision APL workspace = mƒPDP-11 single precision APL workspace = žÿÿ€€ÿÿÿÿARC archive data, squeezedapplication/x-arc =verEtherPeek/AiroPeek/OmniPeek capture file =VNFVisual Networks traffic capture file =IBSPQuake=&II Map file (BSP)=.III Map file (BSP) = 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=\oTUnix Fast File system [v2] (big-endian)xtûÿÿplast mounted on %s,>Hýÿÿqvolume name %s,x Ðþÿÿrlast written at %s,xqûÿÿsclean flag %d,xpûÿÿtreadonly flag %d,xØþÿÿunumber of blocks %lld,xàþÿÿvnumber of data blocks %lld,xÌúÿÿwnumber of cylinder groups %d,xÐúÿÿxblock size %d,xÔúÿÿyfragment size %d,xLÿÿÿzaverage file size %d,xPÿÿÿ{average number of files in dir %d,xðþÿÿ|pending blocks to free %lld,xøþÿÿ}pending inodes to free %d,xhýÿÿ~system-wide uuid %0llx,xÜúÿÿminimum percentage of free blocks %d,= ûÿÿ€TIME optimization= ûÿÿSPACE optimization =MPApple Partition Mapx, map block count %dx, start block %dx , block count %d>0, name %s>00, type %s>|0, processor %s>Œ0, boot arguments %s&\, valid&\ , allocated&\!, in use&\", has boot info&\#, readable&\$ , writable&\%@, pic boot code&\&€, chain compatible driver&\', real driver&\(, chain driver&\), mount at startup&\*, is the startup partition =úÁ ÞúÿÿÿÿMac OS X Detached Code Signature>û(%d elements)xü- %d bytes =÷À ÞúÿÿÿÿMac OS X Detached Code Signature (non-executable)xø- %d bytes ="½UPX!FREE-DOS executable (COM), UPX compressed =#¾UPX!FREE-DOS executable (COM), UPX compressed =ò ÞúÿÿÿÿMac OS X Code Directoryxóversion %x> ôflags 0x%xxõ- %d bytes =î ÞúÿÿÿÿMac OS X Code Requirement Set>ïcontaining %d itemsxð- %d bytes =ê ÞúÿÿÿÿMac OS X Code Requirement=ë(opExpr)xì- %d bytes =ækychMac OS X Keychain File =ßcaffCoreAudio Format audio file<à version %dxá =™ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÐdApple Mechanic font = ÁüÁÿÿÿÿCommon Trace Format (CTF) trace data (LE) =\¥[TUnix Fast File system [v2] (big-endian)xtûÿÿ\last mounted on %s,>Hýÿÿ]volume name %s,x Ðþÿÿ^last written at %s,xqûÿÿ_clean flag %d,xpûÿÿ`readonly flag %d,xØþÿÿanumber of blocks %lld,xàþÿÿbnumber of data blocks %lld,xÌúÿÿcnumber of cylinder groups %d,xÐúÿÿdblock size %d,xÔúÿÿefragment size %d,xLÿÿÿfaverage file size %d,xPÿÿÿgaverage number of files in dir %d,xðþÿÿhpending blocks to free %lld,xøþÿÿipending inodes to free %d,xhýÿÿjsystem-wide uuid %0llx,xÜúÿÿkminimum percentage of free blocks %d,= ûÿÿlTIME optimization= ûÿÿmSPACE optimization =2IMGApple ][ 2IMG Disk Image=XGS!, XGS=CTKG, Catakig=ShIm, Sheppy's ImageMaker=WOOF, Sweet 16=B2TR, Bernie ][ the Rescue!nfc, ASIMOV2x, Unknown Format= , DOS 3.3 sector order=, Volume 254x, Volume %u= , ProDOS sector orderx, %u Blocks= , NIB data = AppleDouble encoded Macintosh file = AppleSingle encoded Macintosh file(= ¬ÿÿ€€gfxboot compiled html help file = wsdlPHP WSDL cache,x version 0x%02xx  , created %s< ÿÿÿx , uri: "%s"< ÿÿÿx üÿÿÿ, source: "%s"< ÿÿÿx üÿÿÿ, target_ns: "%s" =lAPL workspace (Ken's original?) =, a.out big-endian 32-bit demand paged executable>-not stripped =)a.out big-endian 32-bit pure executable>*not stripped =&a.out big-endian 32-bit executable>'not stripped =  a.out little-endian 32-bit demand paged pure executable> not stripped= j(uses BSD/OS shared libs) = a.out little-endian 32-bit pure executable> not stripped= j(uses BSD/OS shared libs) =õ¾1Microsoft Word Documentapplication/msword =\%GTUnix Fast File system [v1] (big-endian),=HLBALApple UFS VolumexInamed %s,xJvolume label version %d,x Kcreated on %s,xÔ Llast mounted on %s,x Nlast written at %s,xÑ Oclean flag %d,x$ Pnumber of blocks %d,x( Qnumber of data blocks %d,x, Rnumber of cylinder groups %d,x0 Sblock size %d,x4 Tfragment size %d,x< Uminimum percentage of free blocks %d,x@ Vrotational delay %dms,xD Wdisk rotational speed %drps,=€ XTIME optimization=€ YSPACE optimization =û@þ7#Microsoft Office Documentapplication/msword = a.out little-endian 32-bit executable> not stripped= j(uses BSD/OS shared libs) =¾ïOSF/Rose object =@Û¥-Microsoft WinWord 2.0 Documentapplication/msword =çBBCDBBC Dirac Video = @Û¥-Microsoft WinWord 2.0 Documentapplication/msword =âTHPNintendo THP Multimedia = \3TUnix Fast File system [v2] (little-endian)xtûÿÿ4last mounted on %s,>Hýÿÿ5volume name %s,xÐþÿÿ6last written at %s,xqûÿÿ7clean flag %d,xpûÿÿ8readonly flag %d,xØþÿÿ9number of blocks %lld,xàþÿÿ:number of data blocks %lld,x Ìúÿÿ;number of cylinder groups %d,x Ðúÿÿ<block size %d,x Ôúÿÿ=fragment size %d,x Lÿÿÿ>average file size %d,x Pÿÿÿ?average number of files in dir %d,xðþÿÿ@pending blocks to free %lld,x øþÿÿApending inodes to free %d,xhýÿÿBsystem-wide uuid %0llx,x ÜúÿÿCminimum percentage of free blocks %d,= ûÿÿDTIME optimization= ûÿÿESPACE optimization = \¥TUnix Fast File system [v2] (little-endian)xtûÿÿ last mounted on %s,>Hýÿÿ!volume name %s,xÐþÿÿ"last written at %s,xqûÿÿ#clean flag %d,xpûÿÿ$readonly flag %d,xØþÿÿ%number of blocks %lld,xàþÿÿ&number of data blocks %lld,x Ìúÿÿ'number of cylinder groups %d,x Ðúÿÿ(block size %d,x Ôúÿÿ)fragment size %d,x Lÿÿÿ*average file size %d,x Pÿÿÿ+average number of files in dir %d,xðþÿÿ,pending blocks to free %lld,x øþÿÿ-pending inodes to free %d,xhýÿÿ.system-wide uuid %0llx,x Üúÿÿ/minimum percentage of free blocks %d,= ûÿÿ0TIME optimization= ûÿÿ1SPACE optimization =ÛFILMSega FILM/CPK Multimedia,x Ü%d xxÝ%d =Lotus 1-2-3application/x-123=wk3 document data=wk4 document data=€fm3 or fmb document data=€fm3 or fmb document data =Lotus 1-2-3application/x-123=!wk1 document data="€fmt document data =ÅAMVSMTV Multimedia File =ÀRED1REDCode Video =»NSVfNullsoft Video = \%TUnix Fast File system [v1] (little-endian),xÔ last mounted on %s,x last written at %s,xÑ clean flag %d,x $ number of blocks %d,x ( number of data blocks %d,x , number of cylinder groups %d,x 0 block size %d,x 4 fragment size %d,x < minimum percentage of free blocks %d,x @ rotational delay %dms,x D disk rotational speed %drps,= € TIME optimization= € SPACE optimization =5@×ÍÆšms-windows metafont .wmf =6@ ms-windows metafont .wmf =7@ ms-windows metafont .wmf =F‹JNGJNG video data,video/x-jng!H  CORRUPTED,=I  xJ%d xxK%d =>ŠMNGMNG video data,video/x-mng!@  CORRUPTED,=A  xB%d xxC%d =:u²&0Microsoft ASFvideo/x-ms-asf =3ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿDIF&4(DVCPRO) movie file^5(DV) movie file&6€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ(PAL)^7€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ(NTSC) = ÁüÁÿÿÿÿCommon Trace Format (CTF) trace data (BE) = ADIFMPEG ADIF, AACaudio/x-hx-aac-adif&¢€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ& £, VBR^ ¤, CBR=¥, single stream=¦, 2 streams=§, 3 streams&¨, 4 or more streams&©, 8 or more streams&ª€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, Copyrighted& «@, Original Source& ¬ , Home Flag^­€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ&®, VBR^¯, CBR=°, single stream=±, 2 streams=², 3 streams&³, 4 or more streams&´, 8 or more streams&µ@, Original Stream(s)&¶ , Home Source = ÖÃÄVCDIFF binary diff =corecore file (Xenix) = 6b.out& 7overlay& 8separate& 9pure& :segmented& ;standalone& <executable^ =object file& >@V2.3& ?€ÿÿÿÿÿÿV3.0&@86&A 186&B 286&C)286&D 386& ELarge Text& FLarge Data& GHuge Objects Enabled = WÑuCommon Trace Format (CTF) packetized metadata (LE)x#, v%dx$.%d =Uznaxo65 object,x version %d,=  with debug info=  no debug info =WÑuCommon Trace Format (CTF) packetized metadata (BE)x#, v%dx$.%d =ACMPMap file for the AssaultCube FPS game = naUzxo65 library,x version %d =CUBEMap file for cube and cube2 engine games =…iHDLld.so hints file (Big Endian>†, version %d)<‡) = ‚iHDLld.so hints file (Little Endian> ƒ, version %d)<„) =–ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿPFM data=—>˜0- %s =šÿÿÿÿÿÿÿPFM data=›>œ0- %s = ΚWGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, little endian, oldapplication/x-gdbm =$ftypISO Media=%3g2, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP2video/3gpp2= ' v4 (H.263/AMR GSM 6.10)= ( v5 (H.263/AMR GSM 6.10)= ) v6 (ITU H.264/AMR GSM 6.10)= *a \b C.S0050-0 V1.0= + C.S0050-0-A V1.0.0= , C.S0050-0-B V1.0=-3ge, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp= /, Release 6 MBMS Extended Presentations= 0, Release 7 MBMS Extended Presentations=13gg, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP= 2, Release 6 General Profilevideo/3gpp=43gp, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP= 5, Release %d (non existent)= 6, Release %d (non existent)= 7, Release %d (non existent)= 8, Release %d= 9, Release %d= :, Release %d= ;, Release %d Streaming Serversvideo/3gpp==3gs, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP= >, Release %d Streaming Serversvideo/3gpp=@avc1, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP JVT AVC [ISO 14496-12:2005]video/mp4=Bqt, Apple QuickTime movievideo/quicktime=DCAEP, Canon Digital Camera=Ecaqv, Casio Digital Camera=FCDes, Convergent Design=Gda0a, DMB MAF w/ MPEG Layer II aud, MOT slides, DLS, JPG/PNG/MNG=Hda0b, DMB MAF, ext DA0A, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=Ida1a, DMB MAF audio with ER-BSAC audio, JPG/PNG/MNG images=Jda1b, DMB MAF, ext da1a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=Kda2a, DMB MAF aud w/ HE-AAC v2 aud, MOT slides, DLS, JPG/PNG/MNG=Lda2b, DMB MAF, ext da2a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=Mda3a, DMB MAF aud with HE-AAC aud, JPG/PNG/MNG images=Nda3b, DMB MAF, ext da3a w/ BIFS, 3GPP, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=Odmb1, DMB MAF supporting all the components defined in the spec=Pdmpf, Digital Media Project=Qdrc1, Dirac (wavelet compression), encap in ISO base media (MP4)=Rdv1a, DMB MAF vid w/ AVC vid, ER-BSAC aud, BIFS, JPG/PNG/MNG, TS=Sdv1b, DMB MAF, ext dv1a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=Tdv2a, DMB MAF vid w/ AVC vid, HE-AAC v2 aud, BIFS, JPG/PNG/MNG, TS=Udv2b, DMB MAF, ext dv2a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=Vdv3a, DMB MAF vid w/ AVC vid, HE-AAC aud, BIFS, JPG/PNG/MNG, TS=Wdv3b, DMB MAF, ext dv3a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=Xdvr1, DVB (.DVB) over RTPvideo/vnd.dvb.file=Zdvt1, DVB (.DVB) over MPEG-2 Transport Streamvideo/vnd.dvb.file=\F4V, Video for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4V)video/mp4=^F4P, Protected Video for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4P)video/mp4=`F4A, Audio for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4A)audio/mp4=bF4B, Audio Book for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4B)audio/mp4=disc2, ISMACryp 2.0 Encrypted File=fiso2, MP4 Base Media v2 [ISO 14496-12:2005]video/mp4=hisom, MP4 Base Media v1 [IS0 14496-12:2003]video/mp4=jjp2, JPEG 2000image/jp2=lJP2, JPEG 2000 Image (.JP2) [ISO 15444-1 ?]image/jp2=nJP20, Unknown, from GPAC samples (prob non-existent)=ojpm, JPEG 2000 Compound Image (.JPM) [ISO 15444-6]image/jpm=qjpx, JPEG 2000 w/ extensions (.JPX) [ISO 15444-2]image/jpx=sKDDI, 3GPP2 EZmovie for KDDI 3G cellphonesvideo/3gpp2=uM4A, Apple iTunes ALAC/AAC-LC (.M4A) Audioaudio/x-m4a=wM4B, Apple iTunes ALAC/AAC-LC (.M4B) Audio Bookaudio/mp4=yM4P, Apple iTunes ALAC/AAC-LC (.M4P) AES Protected Audiovideo/mp4={M4V, Apple iTunes Video (.M4V) Videovideo/x-m4v=}M4VH, Apple TV (.M4V)video/x-m4v=M4VP, Apple iPhone (.M4V)video/x-m4v=mj2s, Motion JPEG 2000 [ISO 15444-3] Simple Profilevideo/mj2=ƒmjp2, Motion JPEG 2000 [ISO 15444-3] General Profilevideo/mj2=…mmp4, MPEG-4/3GPP Mobile Profile (.MP4 / .3GP) (for NTT)video/mp4=‡mobi, MPEG-4, MOBI formatvideo/mp4=‰mp21, MPEG-21 [ISO/IEC 21000-9]=Šmp41, MP4 v1 [ISO 14496-1:ch13]video/mp4=Œmp42, MP4 v2 [ISO 14496-14]video/mp4=Žmp71, MP4 w/ MPEG-7 Metadata [per ISO 14496-12]=mp7t, MPEG v4 system, MPEG v7 XML=mp7b, MPEG v4 system, MPEG v7 binary XML=‘mmp4, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP Mobilevideo/mp4=“MPPI, Photo Player, MAF [ISO/IEC 23000-3]=”mqt, Sony / Mobile QuickTime (.MQV) US Pat 7,477,830video/quicktime=–MSNV, MPEG-4 (.MP4) for SonyPSPaudio/mp4=˜NDAS, MP4 v2 [ISO 14496-14] Nero Digital AAC Audioaudio/mp4=šNDSC, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Cinema Profilevideo/mp4=œNDSH, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero HDTV Profilevideo/mp4=žNDSM, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Mobile Profilevideo/mp4= NDSP, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Portable Profilevideo/mp4=¢NDSS, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Standard Profilevideo/mp4=¤NDXC, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Cinema Profilevideo/mp4=¦NDXH, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero HDTV Profilevideo/mp4=¨NDXM, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Mobile Profilevideo/mp4=ªNDXP, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Portable Profilevideo/mp4=¬NDXS, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Standard Profilevideo/mp4=®odcf, OMA DCF DRM Format 2.0 (OMA-TS-DRM-DCF-V2_0-20060303-A)=¯opf2, OMA PDCF DRM Format 2.1 (OMA-TS-DRM-DCF-V2_1-20070724-C)=°opx2, OMA PDCF DRM + XBS ext (OMA-TS-DRM_XBS-V1_0-20070529-C)=±pana, Panasonic Digital Camera=²qt, Apple QuickTime (.MOV/QT)video/quicktime=´ROSS, Ross Video=µsdv, SD Memory Card Video=¶ssc1, Samsung stereo, single stream (patent pending)=·ssc2, Samsung stereo, dual stream (patent pending) = kÿÿÿ̆FreeBSD/i386 compact demand paged< l&mÀÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿshared library=nÀÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ@PIC object=oÀÿÿÿÿÿÿÿobject> pÿ=q€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿdynamically linked executable=r€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿexecutable> snot 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capitalization, 128 flags=1 8-bit, capitalization, 128 flags=2 7-bit, capitalization, 128 flags=3 8-bit, no capitalization, 256 flags=4 7-bit, no capitalization, 256 flags=58-bit, capitalization, 256 flags=67-bit, capitalization, 256 flags>7and %d string characters =*"compact bitmap" format (Poskanzer) =þÿÿÿÿÿÿÿòÿÿÿÿÿÿÿMPEG ADTS, layer III, v2audio/mpeg=ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, 8 kbps=ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ , 16 kbps=ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ0, 24 kbps=ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ@, 32 kbps=ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿP, 40 kbps=ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ`, 48 kbps=ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿp, 56 kbps=ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, 64 kbps=ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, 80 kbps=ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, 96 kbps=ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ°ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, 112 kbps= ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÀÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, 128 kbps=!ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÐÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, 144 kbps="ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿàÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, 160 kbps=$ , 22.05 kHz=% , 24 kHz=& , 16 kHz=(Àÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, Stereo=)Àÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ@, JntStereo=*Àÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, 2x Monaural=+ÀÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÀÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, Monaural =ufsav macro virus signatures>  (%d-> %02d-> %02d) =ÇþÿÿÿÿÿÿÿüÿÿÿÿÿÿÿMPEG ADTS, layer II, v1audio/mpeg=Êðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ, 32 kbps=Ëðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ , 48 kbps=Ìðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ0, 56 kbps=Íðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ@, 64 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= #ðMS Windows COFF PowerPC object file = Ü`êÿÿÿÿÿÿARJ archive dataapplication/x-arjxÞ, v%d,&ßmulti-volume,&àslash-switched,&á backup,x"âoriginal name: %s,=ãos: MS-DOS=äos: PRIMOS=åos: Unix=æos: Amiga=ços: Macintosh=èos: OS/2=éos: Apple ][ GS=êos: Atari ST=ëos: NeXT=ì os: VAX/VMS>í%d] = ï`êÿÿÿÿÿÿARJ archive data = %MS Windows COFF PA-RISC object file =GLGArhangel archive data = øëÿÿÿÿÿÿPRCS packaged project =unicos (cray) executable =àÿÿÿÿÿÿamd 29k coff archive =!S0Motorola S-Record; binary data in text format = zamd 29k coff prebar executable =byte-swapped Berkeley vfont data =Berkeley vfont data = RSHARC COFF binary> , %d sections> , not stripped =m88K BCS executable = zamd 29k coff noprebar executable =#ûÿÿÿÿÿÿQDOS objectx $€'%s' =l68K BCS executable =øZªÿÿÿÿÿÿfloppy image data (IBM SaveDskF, compressed) = ˆPerkin-Elmer executable =!jPJPEG 2000 imageimage/jp2 =Rmc68k executable (shared demand paged)> not stripped =Atari MSA archive datax, %d sectors per track=, 1 sided=, 2 sidedx, starting track: %dx, ending track: %d =Qmc68k executable (shared)> not stripped =Pmc68k COFF^ object& executable> not stripped=¨ .lowmemApple toolbox= (impure)=(pure)= (demand paged)=(standalone) =÷Yªÿÿÿÿÿÿfloppy image data (IBM SaveDskF) =€ÿÿÿÿÿÿlif file =öXªÿÿÿÿÿÿfloppy image data (IBM SaveDskF, old) =ÂÍ!COM executable for DOS =ÄÍ!COM executable for DOS =ÆÍ!COM executable for DOS = …Linux jffs2 filesystem data little endian = „Linux old jffs2 filesystem data little endian =™ÿÿÿÿÿÿPGP key public ringapplication/x-pgp-keyring = •ÿÿÿÿÿÿPGP key security ringapplication/x-pgp-keyring = •ÿÿÿÿÿÿPGP key security ringapplication/x-pgp-keyring = ¦ÿÿÿÿÿÿPGP encrypted datatext/PGP = raw G3 data =ÿ¼@Sky archive data = èLANalyzer capture file = éLANalyzer capture file =pWE32000 COFF^object&executable> not stripped^N/A on 3b2/300 w/paging& 32100 required&@and MAU hardware required=(impure)=(pure)= (demand paged)=#(target shared library)> - version %d =!qWE32000 COFF executable (TV)> "not stripped = raw G3 data, byte-padded =&@ïvery old (C/A/T) troff output data = 8‡SïÿÿÿÿÿÿLinuxx Lˆrev %dx >‰.%d^ \‹ext2 filesystem data^ :Œ(mounted or unclean)& \Ž< `@< d’ext3 filesystem data> d”ext4 filesystem data> `–?ext4 filesystem dataxh—, UUID=%08xxl˜-%04xxn™-%04xxpš-%04xxr›-%08xxvœ%04x>x0, volume name "%s"& `Ÿ(needs journal recovery)& : (errors)& `¢(compressed)& `¥@(extents)& `¦€(64bit)& d«(large files)& d¬(huge files)@=16FKernel ConfigurationLinux make config build file = <6Linux/i386 PC Screen Font v1 data,==256 characters,!>512 characters,=?no directory,!@Unicode directory,>A8x%d =UEncore unsupported executable> not stripped>- version %d=- = TEncore= executable= pure executable= demand-paged executable= unsupported executable> not stripped>- version %d=- =8``Dyalog APL transfer =ÞÀÿÿÿÿÿÿCompiled PSI (v1) data =ÚÀÿÿÿÿÿÿCompiled PSI (v2) data>(%s) =ªªÿÿÿÿÿÿSoftQuad DESC or font file binary>- version %d =ùTTComp archive data =X SoftQuad troff Context intermediate=495for AT&T 495 laser printer=hpfor Hewlett-Packard LaserJet=imprfor IMAGEN imPRESS=psfor PostScript =óvÿNSQ archive data = Tkêÿÿÿÿÿÿold-fs dump file (16-bit, assuming PDP-11 endianness),xUPrevious dump %s,xVThis dump %s,> WVolume %d,= Xtape header.= Ybeginning of file record.= Zmap of inodes on tape.= [continuation of file record.= \end of volume.= ]map of inodes deleted.= ^end of medium (for floppy). = w ATSC A/52 aka AC-3 aka Dolby Digital stream,audio/vnd.dolby.dd-raw= Àÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ48 kHz,=Àÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ@44.1 kHz,=Àÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ32 kHz,=ÀÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÀÿÿÿÿÿÿÿreserved frequency,=, complete main (CM)=, music and effects (ME)=, visually impaired (VI)=, hearing impaired (HI)=, dialogue (D)=, commentary (C)=, emergency (E)=à , voiceover (VO) >à , karaoke=àÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ1+1 front,=LFE on,=àÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 1 front/0 rear,= LFE on,=!àÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ@2 front/0 rear,=#Dolby Surround not indicated=$not Dolby Surround encoded=%Dolby Surround encoded=&reserved Dolby Surround mode='LFE on,=(àÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ`3 front/0 rear,=)LFE on,=*àÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ2 front/1 rear,=+LFE on,=,àÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ3 front/1 rear,=-LFE on,=.àÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÀÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ2 front/2 rear,=/LFE on,=0àÿÿÿÿÿÿÿàÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ3 front/2 rear,=1LFE on,=3>, 32 kbit/s=4>, 40 kbit/s=5>, 48 kbit/s=6>, 56 kbit/s=7>, 64 kbit/s=8> , 80 kbit/s=9> , 96 kbit/s=:>, 112 kbit/s=;>, 128 kbit/s=<>, 160 kbit/s==>, 192 kbit/s=>>, 224 kbit/s=?>, 256 kbit/s=@>, 320 kbit/s=A>, 384 kbit/s=B>, 448 kbit/s=C> , 512 kbit/s=D>", 576 kbit/s=E>$, 640 kbit/s =8locale data table=9$for MIPS=:@for Alpha = ÎÍ!COM executable for DOS =ÐÍ!COM executable for MS-DOS =ÒÍ!COM executable for MS-DOS =ÔÍ!COM executable for MS-DOS =FÖÍ!COM executable for DOS = *Alpha u-code object = )ˆAlpha compressed COFF = ÉÄID tags data> version %d =ß@LZMS-DOS executable (built-in) =HfMIPSEL MIPS-II ECOFF executable=I(impure)=J(swapped)=K (paged)>Lnot stripped=MstrippedxN- version %dxO.%d = ui386 COFF object =5üJOS9/68K module:=8€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿre-entrant=9@@ghost=: system-state=>machine language=?BASIC I-code=@Pascal P-code=AC I-code=BCOBOL I-code=CFortran I-code=Hprogram executable=Isubroutine=Jmulti-module=Kdata module=L trap library=M system module=N file manager=Odevice driver=Pdevice descriptor = þÿÿÿÿÿÿMySQL table definition filex Version %d =͇ÿÿÿÿÿÿOS9/6809 module:=!non-executable="machine language=#BASIC I-code=$Pascal P-code=%C I-code=&COBOL I-code='Fortran I-code=)ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿprogram executable=*ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ subroutine=+ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ0multi-module=,ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ@data module=.ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÀÿÿÿÿÿÿÿsystem module=/ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÐÿÿÿÿÿÿÿfile manager=0ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿàÿÿÿÿÿÿÿdevice driver=1ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿdevice descriptor =,AmigaOS outline font = íxŸÿÿÿÿÿÿTNEFapplication/vnd.ms-tnef =[EPMicrosoft Document Imaging Format =+AmigaOS bitmap font = 7mÿÿÿÿÿÿÿvery old 16-bit-int little-endian archive = ãÿÿÿÿÿÿAmiga Workbench==0disk icon=0drawer icon=0tool icon=0project icon=0garbage icon=0device icon=0kickstart icon=0workbench application icon>icon, vers. %d =0421 Alliant compact executable& common library>not stripped = 0420 Alliant virtual executable& common library>not stripped =x‚MIPSEL-BE Ucode =vÿSqueezed (apple ][) data =¬¡Quasijarus strong compressed data =c SCO compress -H (LZH) data =`žfrozen file 1.0 (or gzip 0.5) =_Ÿfrozen file 2.1 =[ývLZH compressed data,x\original name %s =Yþvcrunched data,xZoriginal name %s =Wÿvsqueezed data,xXoriginal name %s =ÞX1X1 archive data =HËÿÿÿÿÿÿhuf outputapplication/octet-stream =Fÿcompacted dataapplication/octet-stream =Bÿcompacted dataapplication/octet-stream =<old packed dataapplication/octet-stream =6packed dataapplication/octet-stream>8, %d characters originally=9, %d character originally = compress'd dataapplication/x-compressLZIVZIVU>€ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿblock compressedx%d bits =ÜYCYAC archive data@=i $!DCL command file = (Emacs v18 byte-compiled Lisp dataapplication/x-elc =Ú7QuArk archive data =VAX-order 68K Blit (standalone) executable =VAX-order2 68k Blit mpx/mux executable@ =+T 1not stripped>2- version %d=03alignment trap enabled=44-Ctnc=45-Ctsw=46-Ctpw=47-Ctcb=58-Cdnc=59-Cdsw=5:-Cdpw=5;-Cdcb=6<-Csnc=6=-Cssw=6>-Cspw=6?-Cscb =}CLIPPER COFF executable (VAX #)= (impure)=!(5.2 compatible)=" (pure)=# (demand paged)=$#(target shared library)> %not stripped>&- version %d = àIClarion Developer (v2 and above) help data = M3Clarion Developer (v2 and above) memo data = C3Clarion Developer (v2 and above) data file&  , locked&  , encrypted& , memo file exists& , compressed& @, read onlyx , %d records =Çqcpio archiveapplication/x-cpio =’ Bentley/Intergraph MicroStation=“þÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ=”CIT raster CAD =!qÇÿÿÿÿÿÿbyte-swapped cpio archiveapplication/x-cpio =w€MIPSEB Ucode =Í8C64 PCLink Image =>eÿÿÿÿÿÿÿold 16-bit-int big-endian archive= ?__.SYMDEFrandom library = ALAN game data< version 2.6%d =nBMIPSEL MIPS-III ECOFF executable=o(impure)=p(swapped)=q (paged)>rnot stripped=sstrippedxt- version %dxu.%d =-cMIPSEB MIPS-II ECOFF executable=.(impure)=/(swapped)=0 (paged)>1not stripped=2strippedx3- version %dx4.%d = RCOFF DSP21k& 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‰7Siemens PCP,= Š8Sony nCPU,= ‹9Denso NDR1,= Œ:Start*Core,= ;Toyota ME16,= Ž<ST100,= =Tinyj emb.,= >x86-64,= ‘?Sony DSP,= ’@DEC PDP-10,= “ADEC PDP-11,= ”BFX66,= •CST9+ 8/16 bit,= –DST7 8 bit,= —EMC68HC16,= ˜FMC68HC11,= ™GMC68HC08,= šHMC68HC05,= ›ISGI SVx or Cray NV1,= œJST19 8 bit,= KDigital VAX,= žLAxis cris,= ŸMInfineon 32-bit embedded,=  NElement 14 64-bit DSP,= ¡OLSI Logic 16-bit DSP,= ¢PMMIX,= £QHarvard machine-independent,= ¤RSiTera Prism,= ¥SAtmel AVR 8-bit,= ¦TFujitsu FR30,= §UMitsubishi D10V,= ¨VMitsubishi D30V,= ©WNEC v850,= ªXRenesas M32R,= «YMatsushita MN10300,= ¬ZMatsushita MN10200,= ­[picoJava,= ®\OpenRISC,= ¯]ARC Cores Tangent-A5,= °^Tensilica Xtensa,= ±_Alphamosaic VideoCore,= ²`Thompson Multimedia,= ³aNatSemi 32k,= ´bTenor Network TPC,= µcTrebia SNP 1000,= ¶dSTMicroelectronics ST200,= ·eUbicom IP2022,= ¸fMAX Processor,= ¹gNatSemi CompactRISC,= ºhFujitsu F2MC16,= »iTI msp430,= ¼jAnalog Devices Blackfin,= ½kS1C33 Family of Seiko Epson,= ¾lSharp embedded,= ¿mArca RISC,= ÀnPKU-Unity Ltd.,= ÁoeXcess: 16/32/64-bit,= ÂpIcera Deep Execution Processor,= ÃqAltera Nios II,= ÄrNatSemi CRX,= ÅsMotorola XGATE,= ÆtInfineon C16x/XC16x,= ÇuRenesas M16C series,= ÈvMicrochip dsPIC30F,= ÉwFreescale RISC core,= ÊxRenesas M32C series,= ˃Altium TSK3000 core,= Ì„Freescale RS08,= ͆Cyan Technology eCOG2,= ·Sunplus S+core7 RISC,= ψNew Japan Radio (NJR) 24-bit DSP,= ЉBroadcom VideoCore III,= ÑŠLatticeMico32,= Ò‹Seiko Epson C17 family,= ÓŒTI TMS320C6000 DSP family,= ÔTI TMS320C2000 DSP family,= ÕŽTI TMS320C55x DSP family,= Ö STMicroelectronics 64bit VLIW DSP,= סCypress M8C,= Ø¢Renesas R32C series,= Ù£NXP TriMedia family,= Ú¤QUALCOMM DSP6,= Û¥Intel 8051 and variants,= ܦSTMicroelectronics STxP7x family,= ݧAndes embedded RISC,= Þ¨Cyan eCOG1X family,= ß©Dallas MAXQ30,= àªNew Japan Radio (NJR) 16-bit DSP,= á«M2000 Reconfigurable RISC,= â¬Cray NV2 vector architecture,= ã­Renesas RX family,= ä®META,= å¯MCST Elbrus,= æ°Cyan Technology eCOG16 family,= ç±NatSemi CompactRISC,= è²Freescale Extended Time Processing Unit,= é³Infineon SLE9X,= ê´Intel L1OM,= ëµIntel K1OM,= ì·ARM aarch64,= í¹Atmel 32-bit family,= îºSTMicroeletronics STM8 8-bit,= ï»Tilera TILE64,= ð¼Tilera TILEPro,= ñ½Xilinx MicroBlaze 32-bit RISC,= ò¾NVIDIA CUDA architecture,= ó¿Tilera TILE-Gx,= ôÅRenesas RL78 family,= õÇRenesas 78K0R,= öÈFreescale 56800EX,= ÷ÉBeyond BA1,= øÊBeyond BA2,= ùËXMOS xCORE,= úÌMicrochip 8-bit PIC(r),= ûÒKM211 KM32,= üÓKM211 KMX32,= ýÔKM211 KMX16,= þÕKM211 KMX8,= ÿÖKM211 KVARC,= ×Paneve CDP,= ØCognitive Smart Memory,= ÙiCelero CoolEngine,= ÚNanoradio Optimized RISC,= óUCB RISC-V,= WAVR (unofficial),= YMSP430 (unofficial),= #Adapteva Epiphany (unofficial),= 0%Morpho MT (unofficial),=  03FR30 (unofficial),=  &4OpenRISC (obsolete),=  ˆFInfineon C166 (unofficial),=  ATCygnus FRV (unofficial),=  ¥ZDLX (unofficial),= PvCygnus D10V (unofficial),= vvCygnus D30V (unofficial),= ‚ÿÿÿÿÿÿUbicom IP2xxx (unofficial),= r„ÿÿÿÿÿÿOpenRISC (obsolete),= %ÿÿÿÿÿÿCygnus PowerPC (unofficial),= &ÿÿÿÿÿÿAlpha (unofficial),= AÿÿÿÿÿÿCygnus M32R (unofficial),= €ÿÿÿÿÿÿCygnus V850 (unofficial),= £ÿÿÿÿÿÿIBM S/390 (obsolete),= Ç«ÿÿÿÿÿÿOld Xtensa (unofficial),= E­ÿÿÿÿÿÿxstormy16 (unofficial),= «ºÿÿÿÿÿÿOld MicroBlaze (unofficial),,= ï¾ÿÿÿÿÿÿCygnus MN10300 (unofficial),= ­ÞÿÿÿÿÿÿCygnus MN10200 (unofficial),=  ðÿÿÿÿÿÿToshiba MeP (unofficial),= °þÿÿÿÿÿÿRenesas M32C (unofficial),= ºþÿÿÿÿÿÿVitesse IQ2000 (unofficial),= »þÿÿÿÿÿÿNIOS (unofficial),=  íþÿÿÿÿÿÿMoxie (unofficial),x!x "*unknown arch 0x%x*= #invalid version= $version 1=-partid=Unused=12-bit FAT=XENIX /= XENIX /usr= 16-bit FAT, less than 32M= extended partition= 16-bit FAT, more than 32M= OS/2 HPFS, NTFS, QNX2, Adv. UNIX=AIX or os, or etc.= AIX boot partition or Coherent= O/2 boot manager or Coherent swap= 32-bit FAT= 32-bit FAT, LBA-mapped= 7XXX, LBA-mapped=16-bit FAT, LBA-mapped=extended partition, LBA-mapped=OPUS=OS/2 DOS 12-bit FAT=Compaq diagnostics=OS/2 DOS 16-bit FAT <32M=OS/2 DOS 16-bit FAT >=32M=OS/2 hidden IFS=AST Windows swapfile=Willowtech Photon coS=hidden win95 fat 32=hidden win95 fat 32 lba= hidden win95 fat 16 lba=! 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