require "vmc/cli/service/base" module VMC::Service class Create < Base offerings_from_label = proc { |label, offerings| { |s| s.label == label } } desc "Create a service" group :services, :manage input :offering, :desc => "What kind of service (e.g. redis, mysql)", :argument => :optional, :from_given => offerings_from_label input :name, :desc => "Name for your service", :argument => :optional input :options, :desc => "Service options", :argument => :optional input :plan, :desc => "Service plan", :from_given => find_by_name_insensitive("plan"), :default => proc { |plans| plans.find { |p| == "D100" } || interact } input :provider, :desc => "Service provider" input :version, :desc => "Service version" input :app, :desc => "Application to immediately bind to", :alias => "--bind", :from_given => by_name(:app) def create_service offerings = if input[:provider] offerings.reject! { |s| s.provider != input[:provider] } end if input[:version] offerings.reject! { |s| s.version != input[:version] } elsif !v2? offerings.reject!(&:deprecated?) end # filter the offerings based on a given plan value, which will be a # string if the user provided it with a flag, or a ServicePlan if # something invoked this command with a particular plan if v2? && plan = offerings.reject! do |s| if plan.is_a?(String) s.service_plans.none? { |p| == plan.upcase } else s.service_plans.include? plan end end end until offerings.size < 2 # cast to Array since it might be given as a Service with #invoke offerings = Array(input[:offering, offerings.sort_by(&:label)]) input.forget(:offering) end if offerings.empty? fail "Cannot find services matching the given criteria." end offering = offerings.first service = client.service_instance = input[:name, offering] if v2? service.service_plan = input[:plan, offering.service_plans] = client.current_space else service.type = offering.type service.vendor = offering.label service.version = offering.version service.tier = v1_service_tier(offering) end if"user_provided") keys, values = input[:options, service.type] plan_option = {} keys.each_index do |index| plan_option[keys[index]] = values[index] end service.options = {:plan_option => plan_option} end with_progress("Creating service #{c(, :name)}") do service.create! end if app = input[:app] invoke :bind_service, :service => service, :app => app end service end private def ask_offering(offerings) [ask("What kind?", :choices => offerings.sort_by(&:label), :display => proc { |s| str = "#{c(s.label, :name)} #{s.version}" if s.provider != "core" str << ", via #{s.provider}" end str }, :complete => proc { |s| "#{s.label} #{s.version}" })] end def ask_name(offering) random = sprintf("%x", rand(1000000)) ask "Name?", :default => "#{offering.label}-#{random}" end def ask_options(offering) begin keys = ask "Option keys? (with out empty space)" , :default => "host,name,passwd" keys = keys.sub(" ","").split(",") values = ask "Option values? (with out empty space)" , :default => ",service_name,service_passwd" values = values.sub(" ","").split(",") err "Keys and Values are not correct. input again.\n" if keys.length != values.length end while keys.length != values.length return keys, values end def ask_plan(plans, default_plan = nil) ask "Which plan?", :choices => plans.sort_by(&:name), :indexed => true, :display => proc { |p| "#{}: #{p.description || 'No description'}" }, :default => default_plan, :complete => proc(&:name) end def v1_service_tier(service) plans = service.service_plans fail "No service plans" if plans.empty? if plans.length == 1 plan = plans[0] else plan = ask_plan(plans, service.default_service_plan) end end end end