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"Method": "CopyLayoutSlide" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CopyMasterSlide" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateNotesSlide" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateParagraph" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreatePortion" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateShape" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateSubshapeParagraph" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateSubshapePortion" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateSubshape" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateSpecialSlideParagraph" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateSpecialSlidePortion" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateSpecialSlideShape" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateSpecialSlideSubshapePortion" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateSpecialSlideSubshape" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateChartSeries" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateChartCategory" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateChartDataPoint" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateAnimationEffect" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateAnimationInteractiveSequence" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateSpecialSlideAnimationEffect" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequence" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect" }, { "Code": 201, "Method": "CreateSection" }, { "Code": 400, "Invalid": true }, { "Code": 404, "Message" : "AmazonS3 Storage exception: The specified key does not exist.", "Parameter": "Name" }, { "Code": 404, "Message" : "AmazonS3 Storage exception: The specified key does not exist.", "Parameter": "Folder" }, { "Code": 404, "Message" : "AmazonS3 Storage exception: The specified key does not exist.", "Parameter": "CloneFrom" }, { "Code": 404, "Message" : "AmazonS3 Storage exception: The specified key does not exist.", "Parameter": "Source" }, { "Code": 404, "Message" : "Not Found", "Parameter": "Path" }, { "Code": 404, "Message": "The storage %v was not found or is not associated with the application.", "Parameter": "Storage" }, { "Code": 404, "Message": "The storage %v was not found or is not associated with the application.", "Parameter": "StorageName" }, { "Code": 404, "Message": "The storage %v was not found or is not associated with the application.", "Parameter": "SrcStorageName" }, { "Code": 404, "Message": "The storage %v was not found or is not associated with the application.", "Parameter": "DestStorageName" }, { "Code": 404, "Message": "The storage %v was not found or is not associated with the application.", "Parameter": "CloneFromStorage" }, { "Code": 404, "Message": "The storage %v was not found or is not associated with the application.", "Parameter": "TemplateStorage" }, { "Code": 404, "Message": "The storage %v was not found or is not associated with the application.", "Parameter": "SourceStorage" }, { "Code": 404, "Message": "Author with name %v not found", "Parameter": "Author" }, { "Message": "Invalid password.", "Parameter": "Password" }, { "Message": "Invalid password.", "Parameter": "CloneFromPassword" }, { "Message": "Invalid password.", "Parameter": "SourcePassword" }, { "Message": "Invalid password.", "Parameter": "TemplatePassword" }, { "Message": "Invalid password.", "Parameter": "InputPassword" }, { "Message": "Failed to load the presentation", "Parameter": "Password", "Method": "DeleteSlides" }, { "Message": "Failed to load the presentation", "Parameter": "Password", "Method": "CreateSlide" }, { "Message": "Failed to load the presentation", "Parameter": "Password", "Method": "UpdateSlide" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. 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Valid index range is between ", "Parameter": "SeriesIndex" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Parameter": "SeriesGroupIndex" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Parameter": "CategoryIndex" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Parameter": "PointIndex" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Parameter": "SectionIndex" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Parameter": "Position" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Parameter": "CloneFromPosition" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Parameter": "OldPosition" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Parameter": "NewPosition" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Parameter": "OldPositions" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. 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Valid index range is between ", "Parameter": "From" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Parameter": "To" }, { "Message": "Invalid value for", "Parameter": "Format" }, { "Message": " is not supported", "Parameter": "OutPath" }, { "Message": "Invalid value for ", "Parameter": "SlideType" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Method": "CreateSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect", "Parameter": "SlideType", "Language": "NET" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Method": "CreateSpecialSlideSubshape", "Parameter": "SlideType", "Language": "NET" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Method": "CreateSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph", "Parameter": "SlideType", "Language": "NET" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Method": "CreateSpecialSlideSubshapePortion", "Parameter": "SlideType", "Language": "NET" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Method": "DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationEffect", "Parameter": "SlideType", "Language": "NET" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Method": "DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequenceEffect", "Parameter": "SlideType", "Language": "NET" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Method": "DeleteSpecialSlideAnimationInteractiveSequence", "Parameter": "SlideType", "Language": "NET" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Method": "DeleteSpecialSlideSubshape", "Parameter": "SlideType", "Language": "NET" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. Valid index range is between ", "Method": "DeleteSpecialSlideSubshapeParagraph", "Parameter": "SlideType", "Language": "NET" }, { "Message": " is out of bounds. 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Valid index range is between ", "Parameter": "Sections", "Method": "DeleteSections" }, { "Message": "Layout slide DTO must be not null and contain", "Parameter": "SlideDTO", "Language": "Swift" }, { "Message": "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.", "Parameter": "Bounds" }, { "Code": 409, "Message": " is not empty.", "Parameter": "Recursive" }, { "Message": "Error processing presentation ", "Code": 400, "Parameter": "Files" }, { "Message": "Presentation file is not found", "Parameter": "Image", "Method": "CreateImageWatermarkOnline", "Language": "PHP" }, { "Message": "Presentation file is not found", "Parameter": "Image", "Method": "CreateImageWatermarkOnline", "Language": "Python" }, { "Message": "Presentation file is not found", "Parameter": "Image", "Method": "CreateImageWatermarkOnline", "Language": "Ruby" }, { "Message": "Presentation file is not found", "Parameter": "Image", "Method": "CreateImageWatermarkOnline", "Language": "CPP" }, { "Message": "An error has occurred.", "Code": 500, "Parameter": "Options" } ] }