require 'ripper' require 'temple' require 'haml_parser/ast' require_relative 'error' require_relative 'filter_compilers' require_relative 'helpers' require_relative 'rails_helpers' require_relative 'ruby_syntax_checker' require_relative 'static_hash_parser' require_relative 'text_compiler' module Faml class Compiler < Temple::Parser class UnparsableRubyCode < Error end DEFAULT_AUTO_CLOSE_TAGS = %w[ area base basefont br col command embed frame hr img input isindex keygen link menuitem meta param source track wbr ] DEFAULT_PRESERVE_TAGS = %w[pre textarea code] define_options( autoclose: DEFAULT_AUTO_CLOSE_TAGS, format: :html, preserve: DEFAULT_PRESERVE_TAGS, use_html_safe: false, filename: nil, ) def initialize(*) super @text_compiler = @filename = options[:filename] end def call(ast) compile(ast) rescue Error => e if @filename && e.lineno e.backtrace.unshift "#{@filename}:#{e.lineno}" end raise e end def self.find_and_preserve(input) # Taken from the original haml code re = %r{<(#{options[:preserve].map(&Regexp.method(:escape)).join('|')})([^>]*)>(.*?)(<\/\1>)}im input.to_s.gsub(re) do |s| m = s.match(re) # Can't rely on $1, etc. existing since Rails' SafeBuffer#gsub is incompatible "<#{m[1]}#{m[2]}>#{Helpers.preserve(m[3])}" end end private def compile(ast) case ast when HamlParser::Ast::Root compile_root(ast) when HamlParser::Ast::Doctype compile_doctype(ast) when HamlParser::Ast::HtmlComment compile_html_comment(ast) when HamlParser::Ast::HamlComment compile_haml_comment(ast) when HamlParser::Ast::Empty [:multi] when HamlParser::Ast::Element compile_element(ast) when HamlParser::Ast::Script compile_script(ast) when HamlParser::Ast::SilentScript compile_silent_script(ast) when HamlParser::Ast::Text compile_text(ast) when HamlParser::Ast::Filter compile_filter(ast) else raise "InternalError: Unknown AST node #{ast.class}: #{ast.inspect}" end end def compile_root(ast) [:multi, [:code, "extend ::#{}"]].tap do |temple| compile_children(ast, temple) end end def helper_module if options[:use_html_safe] RailsHelpers else Helpers end end def compile_children(ast, temple) ast.children.each do |c| temple << compile(c) if need_newline?(c) temple << [:mknl] end unless suppress_code_newline?(c) temple << [:newline] end end end def need_newline?(child) case child when HamlParser::Ast::Script child.children.empty? when HamlParser::Ast::SilentScript, HamlParser::Ast::HamlComment, HamlParser::Ast::Empty false when HamlParser::Ast::Element !child.nuke_outer_whitespace when HamlParser::Ast::Filter FilterCompilers.find( else true end end def suppress_code_newline?(ast) ast.is_a?(HamlParser::Ast::Script) || ast.is_a?(HamlParser::Ast::SilentScript) || (ast.is_a?(HamlParser::Ast::Element) && suppress_code_newline?(ast.oneline_child)) || (ast.is_a?(HamlParser::Ast::Element) && !ast.children.empty?) || (ast.is_a?(HamlParser::Ast::HtmlComment) && !ast.conditional.empty?) end def compile_text(ast) @text_compiler.compile(ast.text, ast.lineno, escape_html: ast.escape_html) end # html5 and html4 is deprecated in temple. DEFAULT_DOCTYPE = { html: 'html', html5: 'html', html4: 'transitional', xhtml: 'transitional', }.freeze def compile_doctype(ast) doctype = ast.doctype.downcase if doctype.empty? doctype = DEFAULT_DOCTYPE[options[:format]] end [:haml, :doctype, doctype] end def compile_html_comment(ast) if ast.children.empty? if ast.conditional.empty? [:html, :comment, [:static, " #{ast.comment} "]] else [:html, :comment, [:static, "[#{ast.conditional}]> #{ast.comment} "] << [:mknl] << [:newline] end compile_children(ast, temple) unless ast.conditional.empty? temple << [:static, ' e unless e.lineno e.lineno = ast.lineno end raise e end def self_closing?(ast) ast.self_closing || options[:autoclose].include?(ast.tag_name) end def compile_element_children(ast) children = [:multi] unless nuke_inner_whitespace?(ast) children << [:mknl] end children << [:newline] compile_children(ast, children) if nuke_inner_whitespace?(ast) children << [:rmnl] end children end def nuke_inner_whitespace?(ast) ast.nuke_inner_whitespace || options[:preserve].include?(ast.tag_name) end def compile_attributes(text, static_id, static_class) if text.empty? return compile_static_id_and_class(static_id, static_class) end attrs = try_optimize_attributes(text, static_id, static_class) if attrs line_count = text.count("\n") return [:multi, [:html, :attrs, *attrs]].concat([[:newline]] * line_count) end # Slow version h = {} unless static_class.empty? h[:class] = static_class.split(/ +/) end unless static_id.empty? h[:id] = static_id end t = if h.empty? text else "#{h.inspect}, #{text}" end [:haml, :attrs, t] end def compile_static_id_and_class(static_id, static_class) [:html, :attrs].tap do |html_attrs| unless static_class.empty? html_attrs << [:haml, :attr, 'class', [:static, static_class]] end unless static_id.empty? html_attrs << [:haml, :attr, 'id', [:static, static_id]] end end end def try_optimize_attributes(text, static_id, static_class) parser = unless parser.parse("{#{text}}") assert_valid_ruby_code!(text) return nil end static_attributes, dynamic_attributes = build_optimized_attributes(parser, static_id, static_class) if static_attributes.nil? return nil end if dynamic_attributes.key?('data') # XXX: Quit optimization... return nil end if text.include?("\n") && !dynamic_attributes.empty? # XXX: Quit optimization to keep newlines # return nil end (static_attributes.keys + dynamic_attributes.keys).sort.flat_map do |k| if static_attributes.key?(k) compile_static_attribute(k, static_attributes[k]) else compile_dynamic_attribute(k, dynamic_attributes[k]) end end end def assert_valid_ruby_code!(text)"call(#{text})", '(faml)').parse true rescue RubySyntaxChecker::Error raise"Unparsable Ruby code is given to attributes: #{text}", nil) end def build_optimized_attributes(parser, static_id, static_class) static_attributes = build_optimized_static_attributes(parser, static_id, static_class) dynamic_attributes = build_optimized_dynamic_attributes(parser, static_attributes) if dynamic_attributes [static_attributes, dynamic_attributes] else [nil, nil] end end def build_optimized_static_attributes(parser, static_id, static_class) static_attributes = {} parser.static_attributes.each do |k, v| static_attributes[k.to_s] = v end class_list = Array(static_attributes.delete('class')).select { |v| v }.flat_map { |c| c.to_s.split(/ +/) } unless static_class.empty? class_list.concat(static_class.split(/ +/)) end unless class_list.empty? static_attributes['class'] = class_list.uniq.sort.join(' ') end id_list = Array(static_attributes.delete('id')).select { |v| v } unless static_id.empty? id_list = [static_id].concat(id_list) end unless id_list.empty? static_attributes['id'] = id_list.join('_') end static_attributes end def build_optimized_dynamic_attributes(parser, static_attributes) dynamic_attributes = {} parser.dynamic_attributes.each do |k, v| k = k.to_s if static_attributes.key?(k) if StaticHashParser::SPECIAL_ATTRIBUTES.include?(k) # XXX: Quit optimization return nil end end dynamic_attributes[k] = v end dynamic_attributes end def compile_static_attribute(key, value) if value.is_a?(Hash) && key == 'data' data = AttributeBuilder.normalize_data(value) do |k| compile_static_simple_attribute("data-#{k}", data[k]) end else [compile_static_simple_attribute(key, value)] end end def compile_static_simple_attribute(key, value) case when value == true [:haml, :attr, key, [:multi]] when value == false || value.nil? [:multi] else [:haml, :attr, key, [:static, Temple::Utils.escape_html(value)]] end end def compile_dynamic_attribute(key, value) [[:haml, :attr, key, [:dvalue, value]]] end def compile_script(ast) sym = unique_name temple = [:multi] if ast.children.empty? temple << [:code, "#{sym} = (#{ast.script}"] << [:newline] << [:code, ')'] else temple << [:code, "#{sym} = #{ast.script}"] << [:newline] compile_children(ast, temple) temple << [:code, 'end'] end if !ast.escape_html && ast.preserve temple << [:haml, :preserve, sym] else temple << [:escape, ast.escape_html, [:dynamic, "#{sym}.to_s"]] end temple end SKIP_END_KEYWORDS = %w[elsif else when rescue ensure].freeze def compile_silent_script(ast) temple = [:multi] if SKIP_END_KEYWORDS.include?(ast.keyword) temple << [:rmend] end temple << [:code, ast.script] << [:newline] compile_children(ast, temple) if !ast.children.empty? || ast.keyword temple << [:mkend] end temple end def compile_filter(ast) FilterCompilers.find( rescue FilterCompilers::NotFound => e unless e.lineno e.lineno = ast.lineno end raise e end end end