time-lord --------- The ruby gem `time-lord` gives extra (needed) methods to the ruby `time` class. Originally started as gem that gave dwevelopers the `time-ago-in-words` method for the `time` class. It evolved into a multi-part boost to the `Time` class. *postscript* This gem was previously called "time-ago-in-words". I changed this, obviously. examples ======== Examples: >> Time.now.ago_in_words # => "just now" >> Time.parse("1942-04-01").ago_in_words # => "7 decades ago" future ====== >> Time.yesterday >> Time.last_month >> Time.last_year >> Time.now - 1.year >> Time.now + 15.days >> Time.last_month.last_day_of_the_month >> Time.last_day_of_year install ======= `gem install time-lord` contribute ========== Whatever you're cool with, really. authors ======= * https://github.com/krainboltgreene * https://github.com/sirupsen helpers ======= * https://github.com/wolfwood * https://github.com/henrikh credits ======= * The guy who did the Rails version. I'll find out sometime.