# Notes and tips for developers ## Setting up credentials for testing Before you can run any tests, you need to set up credentials (API key and secret) that will be used when talking to AWS. The credentials are loaded in `test/test_credentials.rb` and are expected to be found in `~/.rightscale/testcredentials.rb` and look like this: TestCredentials.aws_access_key_id= 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' TestCredentials.aws_secret_access_key= 'asdfasdfsadf' TestCredentials.account_number= '???' If you prefer to store your secret key in the OS X keychain, you can do this: def secret_access_key_from_keychain (key_id) dump = `security -q find-generic-password -a "#{key_id}" -g 2>&1` dump[/password: "(.*)"/, 1] end TestCredentials.aws_access_key_id= 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' TestCredentials.aws_secret_access_key= secret_access_key_from_keychain(TestCredentials.aws_access_key_id) TestCredentials.account_number= '???' ## Running tests There is no test suite that runs all tests. Each module is tested separately. E.g., to run the Load Balancer tests, run `rake testelb`. Run `rake -T` for a full list. Some tests need to launch services on AWS to have something to test. This means two things: 1. Running all the tests will cost you money. 2. You will need to shut down some services separately once you are done, or things will keep running and cost you money. As an example, the ELB and Route 53 tests need a load balancer for testing. Starting a load balancer for every test would make every test case cost as much as running the LB for one hour, so it makes more sense to leave it running until it's no longer needed. The ELB tests contain instructions for shutting down the load balancer.