format :html do
# @param tab_type [String] 'tabs' or 'pills'
# @param tabs [Hash] keys are the labels, values the content for the tabs
# @param active_name [String] label of the tab that should be active at the
# beginning (default is the first)
# @return [HTML] bootstrap tabs element with all content preloaded
def static_tabs tabs, active_name=nil, tab_type='tabs'
tab_buttons = ''
tab_panes = ''
tabs.each do |tab_name, tab_content|
active_name ||= tab_name
active_tab = (tab_name == active_name)
id = "#{card.cardname.safe_key}-#{tab_name.to_name.safe_key}"
tab_buttons += tab_button("##{id}", tab_name, active_tab)
tab_panes += tab_pane(id, tab_content, active_tab)
tab_panel tab_buttons, tab_panes, tab_type
# @param [Hash] tabs keys are the labels for the tabs, values the urls to
# load the content from
# @param [String] active_name label of the tab that should be active at the
# beginning
# @param [String] active_content content of the active tab
# @param [Hash] args options
# @option args [String] :type ('tabs') use pills or tabs
# @option args [Hash] :panel_args html args used for the panel div
# @option args [Hash] :pane_args html args used for the pane div
# @return [HTML] bootstrap tabs element with content only for the active
# tab; other tabs get loaded via ajax when selected
def lazy_loading_tabs tabs, active_name, active_content, args={}
tab_buttons = ''
tab_panes = ''
tabs.each do |tab_name, url|
active_tab = (active_name == tab_name)
id = "#{card.cardname.safe_key}-#{tab_name.to_name.safe_key}"
tab_buttons += tab_button(
"##{id}", tab_name, active_tab,
'data-url' => url.html_safe,
class: (active_tab ? nil : 'load')
tab_content = active_tab ? active_content : ''
tab_panes += tab_pane(id, tab_content, active_tab, args[:pane_args])
tab_type = args.delete(:type) || 'tabs'
tab_panel tab_buttons, tab_panes, tab_type, args[:panel_args]
def tab_panel tab_buttons, tab_panes, tab_type='tabs', args=nil
args ||= {}
add_class args, 'tabbable'
args.reverse_merge! role: 'tabpanel'
wrap_with :div, args do
content_tag(:ul, tab_buttons.html_safe,
class: "nav nav-#{tab_type}",
role: 'tablist'),
content_tag(:div, tab_panes.html_safe, class: 'tab-content')
def tab_button target, text, active=false, link_attr={}
link = link_to(
link_attr.merge('role' => 'tab', 'data-toggle' => 'tab'))
li_args = { role: :presentation }
li_args[:class] = 'active' if active
content_tag :li, link, li_args
def tab_pane id, content, active=false, args=nil
args ||= {}
args.reverse_merge! role: :tabpanel,
id: id
add_class args, 'tab-pane'
add_class args, 'active' if active
content_tag :div, content.html_safe, args