module Xampl require 'fileutils' require 'tokyocabinet' require 'xamplr/persisters/caching' require 'set' # require 'ruby-prof' class TokyoCabinetPersister < AbstractCachingPersister include TokyoCabinet def note_errors(msg="TokyoCabinet Error:: %s\n") result = yield rmsg = nil unless result then rmsg = sprintf(msg, @tc_db.errmsg(@tc_db.ecode)) STDERR.printf(rmsg) STDERR.puts "---------" caller(0).each do |trace| STDERR.puts(trace) end STDERR.puts "---------" end return rmsg end $lexical_indexes ={ class pid time-stamp xampl_from xampl_to }) unless defined?($lexical_indexes) $numeric_indexes = unless defined?($numeric_indexes) def TokyoCabinetPersister.add_lexical_indexs(indexes) $lexical_indexes.merge(indexes) end def TokyoCabinetPersister.add_numeric_indexs(indexes) $numeric_indexes.merge(indexes) end def initialize(name=nil, format=nil, root=File.join(".", "repo")) super(root, name, format) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@root_dir) unless File.exist?(@root_dir) @filename = "#{@root_dir}/repo.tct" open_tc_db() # note_errors("TC[[#{ @filename }]]:: optimisation error: %s\n") do # @tc_db.optimize(-1, -1, -1, TDB::TDEFLATE) # end # note_errors("TC[[#{ @filename }]]:: close error: %s\n") do # @tc_db.close # end end def open_tc_db return if @tc_db # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} open tc db: #{ @filename }" #puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} callers..." #caller(0).each { | trace | puts " #{trace}"} @tc_db = note_errors("TC[[#{ @filename }]]:: tuning error: %s\n") do @tc_db.tune(-1, -1, -1, TDB::TDEFLATE) end note_errors("TC[[#{ @filename }]]:: open [#{ @filename }] error: %s\n") do, TDB::OWRITER | TDB::OCREAT | TDB::OLCKNB ) #TDB::OTSYNC slows it down by almost 50 times end # Don't care if there are errors (in fact, if the index exists a failure is the expected thing) $lexical_indexes.each do | index_name | r = @tc_db.setindex(index_name, TDB::ITLEXICAL | TDB::ITKEEP) end $numeric_indexes.each do | index_name | @tc_db.setindex(index_name, TDB::ITDECIMAL | TDB::ITKEEP) end end def optimise(opts) return unless @tc_db if opts[:indexes_only] then # Don't care if there are errors (in fact, if the index exists a failure is the expected thing) $lexical_indexes.each do | index_name | @tc_db.setindex(index_name, 9998) end $numeric_indexes.each do | index_name | @tc_db.setindex(index_name, 9998) end else note_errors("TC[[#{ @filename }]]:: optimisation error: %s\n") do @tc_db.optimize(-1, -1, -1, 0xff) end end end def close if @tc_db then self.sync note_errors("TC[[#{ @filename }]]:: close error: %s\n") do @tc_db.close end @tc_db = nil # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} close tc db: #{ @filename }" end end def TokyoCabinetPersister.kind :tokyo_cabinet end def kind TokyoCabinetPersister.kind end def query(hint=false) open_tc_db query = yield query result_keys = nil the_hint = nil if hint then result_keys, the_hint = else result_keys = end results = result_keys.collect { | key | @tc_db[ key ] } class_cache = {} results.each do | result | next unless result class_name = result['class'] result_class = class_cache[class_name] unless result_class then class_name.split("::").each do | chunk | if result_class then result_class = result_class.const_get( chunk ) else result_class = Kernel.const_get( chunk ) end end class_cache[class_name] = result_class end result['xampl'] = self.lookup(result_class, result['pid']) end if hint then return results, the_hint else return results end end def find_xampl(hint=false) open_tc_db query = yield query class_cache = {} result_keys = nil the_hint = nil if hint then result_keys, the_hint = else result_keys = end results = result_keys.collect do | key | result = @tc_db[ key ] next unless result class_name = result['class'] result_class = class_cache[class_name] unless result_class then class_name.split("::").each do | chunk | if result_class then result_class = result_class.const_get( chunk ) else result_class = Kernel.const_get( chunk ) end end class_cache[class_name] = result_class end self.lookup(result_class, result['pid']) end if hint then return results, the_hint else return results end end def find_pids(hint=false) open_tc_db query = yield query result_keys = nil the_hint = nil if hint then result_keys, the_hint = else result_keys = end if hint then return result_keys, the_hint else return result_keys end end def find_meta(hint=false) open_tc_db query = yield query result_keys = nil the_hint = nil if hint then result_keys, the_hint = else result_keys = end results = result_keys.collect { | key | @tc_db[ key ] } if hint then return results, the_hint else return results end end def find_mentions_of(xampl) open_tc_db place = File.join("::"), xampl.get_the_index) query = query.add_condition('xampl_to', :equals, place) result_keys = class_cache = {} results = result_keys.collect do | key | result = @tc_db[ key ] next unless result mentioner = result['xampl_from'] class_name = result['class'] result_class = class_cache[class_name] unless result_class then class_name.split("::").each do | chunk | if result_class then result_class = result_class.const_get( chunk ) else result_class = Kernel.const_get( chunk ) end end class_cache[class_name] = result_class end self.lookup(result_class, result['pid']) end return results end def do_sync_write # RubyProf.start # # do_sync_write_work # # result = RubyProf.stop # printer = # printer.print(STDOUT, 0) # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} stop this profiler" # end # # def do_sync_write_work open_tc_db @time_stamp = # puts "DO SYNC WRITE: #{ @changed.size } to be written (#{ @filename })" # note_errors("TC:: open error: %s\n") do #, TDB::OWRITER | TDB::OCREAT | TDB::OLCKNB ) #TDB::OTSYNC slows it down by almost 50 times # end begin note_errors("TC[[#{ @filename }]]:: tranbegin error: %s\n") do @tc_db.tranbegin end @changed.each do |xampl, ignore| write(xampl) end rescue => e msg = "no TC.abort attempted" msg = note_errors("TC[[#{ @filename }]]:: trancommit error: %s\n") do @tc_db.tranabort end raise "TokyoCabinetPersister Error:: #{ msg }/#{ e }" else note_errors("TC[[#{ @filename }]]:: trancommit error: %s\n") do @tc_db.trancommit end ensure # note_errors("TC[[#{ @filename }]]:: close error: %s\n") do # @tc_db.close() # end end # puts " num records: #{ @tc_db.rnum() }" end def write(xampl) raise unless xampl.get_the_index place = File.join("::"), xampl.get_the_index) mentions = data = represent(xampl, mentions) query = query.add_condition('xampl_from', :equals, place) note_errors("TC[[#{ @filename }]]:: failed to remove from mentions, error: %s\n") do query.searchout end mentions.each do | mention | mention_place = File.join("::"), mention.get_the_index) #TODO -- will repeadedly changing a persisted xampl object fragment the TC db? pk = @tc_db.genuid mention_hash = { 'xampl_from' => place, 'class' =>, 'pid' => xampl.get_the_index, 'xampl_to' => mention_place } note_errors("TC[[#{ @filename }]]:: write error: %s\n") do @tc_db.put(pk, mention_hash) end end xampl_hash = { 'class' =>, 'pid' => xampl.get_the_index, 'time-stamp' => @time_stamp, 'xampl' => data } hash = xampl.describe_yourself if hash then xampl_hash = hash.merge(xampl_hash) end note_errors("TC[[#{ @filename }]]:: write error: %s\n") do @tc_db.put(place, xampl_hash) end @write_count = @write_count + 1 xampl.changes_accepted return true end $TC_COUNT = 0 $FS_COUNT = 0 $NF_COUNT = 0 def read_representation(klass, pid) #TODO -- is this being called too often, e.g. by new_xxx??? # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} READ #{ klass }/#{ pid }" # caller(0).each { | trace | puts " #{trace}"} open_tc_db place = File.join("::"), pid) representation = nil meta = @tc_db[place] representation = meta['xampl'] if meta # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} TC: #{ klass }/#{ pid }" if representation $TC_COUNT += 1 if representation # puts "read: #{ place }, size: #{ representation.size }" # puts representation[0..100] unless representation then # try the filesystem if it is not in the TC repository place = File.join(@root_dir,"::"), pid) representation = if File.exist?(place) $FS_COUNT += 1 if representation # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} FS: #{ klass }/#{ pid } (FS: #{ $FS_COUNT}, TC: #{ $TC_COUNT }, NF: #{ $NF_COUNT }" if representation end # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__} ??: #{ klass }/#{ pid }" unless representation $NF_COUNT += 1 return representation end end # # Derrived from rufus-tyrant, but simplified significantly, and using the # TokyoCabinet named constants rather than numbers # class TableQuery include TokyoCabinet OPERATORS = { # strings... :streq => TDBQRY::QCSTREQ, # string equality :eq => TDBQRY::QCSTREQ, :eql => TDBQRY::QCSTREQ, :equals => TDBQRY::QCSTREQ, :strinc => TDBQRY::QCSTRINC, # string include :inc => TDBQRY::QCSTRINC, # string include :includes => TDBQRY::QCSTRINC, # string include :strbw => TDBQRY::QCSTRBW, # string begins with :bw => TDBQRY::QCSTRBW, :starts_with => TDBQRY::QCSTRBW, :strew => TDBQRY::QCSTREW, # string ends with :ew => TDBQRY::QCSTREW, :ends_with => TDBQRY::QCSTREW, :strand => TDBQRY::QCSTRAND, # string which include all the tokens in the given exp :and => TDBQRY::QCSTRAND, :stror => TDBQRY::QCSTROR, # string which include at least one of the tokens :or => TDBQRY::QCSTROR, :stroreq => TDBQRY::QCSTROREQ, # string which is equal to at least one token :strorrx => TDBQRY::QCSTRRX, # string which matches the given regex :regex => TDBQRY::QCSTRRX, :matches => TDBQRY::QCSTRRX, # numbers... :numeq => TDBQRY::QCNUMEQ, # equal :numequals => TDBQRY::QCNUMEQ, :numgt => TDBQRY::QCNUMGT, # greater than :gt => TDBQRY::QCNUMGT, :numge => TDBQRY::QCNUMGE, # greater or equal :ge => TDBQRY::QCNUMGE, :gte => TDBQRY::QCNUMGE, :numlt => TDBQRY::QCNUMLT, # greater or equal :lt => TDBQRY::QCNUMLT, :numle => TDBQRY::QCNUMLE, # greater or equal :le => TDBQRY::QCNUMLE, :lte => TDBQRY::QCNUMLE, :numbt => TDBQRY::QCNUMBT, # a number between two tokens in the given exp :bt => TDBQRY::QCNUMBT, :between => TDBQRY::QCNUMBT, :numoreq => TDBQRY::QCNUMOREQ # number which is equal to at least one token } TDBQCNEGATE = TDBQRY::QCNEGATE TDBQCNOIDX = TDBQRY::QCNOIDX DIRECTIONS = { :strasc => TDBQRY::QOSTRASC, :strdesc => TDBQRY::QOSTRDESC, :asc => TDBQRY::QOSTRASC, :desc => TDBQRY::QOSTRDESC, :numasc => TDBQRY::QONUMASC, :numdesc => TDBQRY::QONUMDESC } # # Creates a query for a given Rufus::Tokyo::Table # # Queries are usually created via the #query (#prepare_query #do_query) # of the Table instance. # # Methods of interest here are : # # * #add (or #add_condition) # * #order_by # * #limit # # also # # * #pk_only # * #no_pk # def initialize (table) @query = TDBQRY::new(table) @opts = {} end # # Performs the search # def search(hint=false) r = if hint then return r, @query.hint else return r end end # # Performs the search and removes whatever's found # def searchout r = @query.searchout end # limits the search def setlimit(max=nil, skip=nil) @query.setlimit(max, skip) end # # Adds a condition # # table.query { |q| # q.add 'name', :equals, 'Oppenheimer' # q.add 'age', :numgt, 35 # } # # Understood 'operators' : # # :streq # string equality # :eq # :eql # :equals # # :strinc # string include # :inc # string include # :includes # string include # # :strbw # string begins with # :bw # :starts_with # :strew # string ends with # :ew # :ends_with # # :strand # string which include all the tokens in the given exp # :and # # :stror # string which include at least one of the tokens # :or # # :stroreq # string which is equal to at least one token # # :strorrx # string which matches the given regex # :regex # :matches # # # numbers... # # :numeq # equal # :numequals # :numgt # greater than # :gt # :numge # greater or equal # :ge # :gte # :numlt # greater or equal # :lt # :numle # greater or equal # :le # :lte # :numbt # a number between two tokens in the given exp # :bt # :between # # :numoreq # number which is equal to at least one token # def add (colname, operator, val, affirmative=true, no_index=false) op = operator.is_a?(Fixnum) ? operator : OPERATORS[operator] op = op | TDBQRY::QCNEGATE unless affirmative op = op | TDBQRY::QCNOIDX if no_index @query.addcond(colname, op, val) end alias :add_condition :add # # Sets the max number of records to return for this query. # # (If you're using TC >= 1.4.10 the optional 'offset' (skip) parameter # is accepted) # def limit (i, offset=-1) @query.setlimit(i, offset) end # # Sets the sort order for the result of the query # # The 'direction' may be : # # :strasc # string ascending # :strdesc # :asc # string ascending # :desc # :numasc # number ascending # :numdesc # def order_by (colname, direction=:strasc) @query.setorder(colname, DIRECTIONS[direction]) end end Xampl.register_persister_kind(TokyoCabinetPersister) end