Feature: edit seminar application As an admin, I want to edit a seminar application, so that I can take action to approve/deny/wailist it. Background: Given there exists a menu element "Seminars" linking to "/admin/seminars" for menu "Admin Navigation: Secondary" Given I login as a new "course admin" Scenario: a seminar application status is updated, triggering an email to the applicant Given there exists a seminar application for seminar "first seminar" and user "one@scitent.com" named "aaa" Given user "one@scitent.com" has school "Madison School" Given seminar "first seminar" has application form "my application" Given there exists a "required" "text field" field "my text" in "my application" Given there exists a "dropdown list" field "my dropdown list" in "my application" with options "first,second,third" Given field "my text" in seminar application form "my application" for user "one@scitent.com" is set to "blah" Given field "my dropdown list" in seminar application form "my application" for user "one@scitent.com" is set to "second" When I follow "Seminars" And I follow "All Applications" And I should see "aaa, aaa" And I should see "Displaying 1 seminar application" Given a clear email queue When I follow "Edit" Then I should see "Editing Seminar Application" And I should see "first seminar" And I should see "aaa" And I should see "one@scitent.com" And I should see "Madison School" And "second" should be selected for "my dropdown list" And the "my text" field should contain "blah" And "seminar_application[status]" should not contain option "Enrolled" When I select "Approved" from "seminar_application[status]" And I fill in "my text" with "" And I check "Waive fee" And I press "Submit" Then I should see "can't be blank" And "Approved" should be selected for "seminar_application[status]" And I fill in "my text" with "some text" And I press "Submit" Then I should see "Seminar application was successfully updated." Then "one@scitent.com" should receive an email When "one@scitent.com" opens the email with subject "Seminar Application Approved" When they click the first link in the email Then I should be on the learner dashboard